
The Wraith And The Chocolate
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Taeyeon and Seulgi were adamant about taking Winter with them, and the group couldn't bear to part with her either. After a night of heated debates, during which Winter slept soundly, they ultimately decided to accompany Taeyeon and Seulgi.


Initially hesitant and still wary of the two women, the group couldn't bring themselves to separate Winter from her family any longer. They were willing to take the risk to ensure Winter's happiness. Seulgi reassured them, emphasizing the safety of their base and expressing gratitude for the group's care of their little sister.


However, as they journeyed towards Taeyeon and Seulgi's base, Yuna voiced her apprehension and fear in a rather dramatic manner.


"You know, this is how serial killers lure their victims into the woods, and then bam!" Yuna clapped loudly, startling Karina and Giselle. "Chop chop!"


"Cut it out, Yuna. You've watched too many movies." Yeji scolded, giving Yuna a pinch that made her wince.


Taeyeon chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "I understand your concern, but you outnumber us."


Yuna continued her melodramatic act. "For all we know, your army of, uh, serial killers could be lurking nearby, ready to ambush us and turn us into dinner!" She sought refuge behind Ningning when Yeji jokingly brandished a branch.


Taeyeon and Seulgi's base consists of their grandparents' old house nestled in a remote mountain setting. While the journey to reach it is demanding, it ensures their safety. The isolation of their home acts as a natural defense—raiders are unlikely to venture there, and the absence of neighbors for kilometers around makes it highly improbable for wraiths to lurk nearby. Essentially, the mountain and house are family-owned territory, named after Winter, making it effectively the wraith's domain.


"How much longer until we reach our destination? We've been hiking for what feels like ages." Yuna complained as she approached Jeno. "Come on, Jeno, carry me. I'm exhausted."


"Stop exaggerating. It's only been about fifteen minutes!" Yeji scolded, preventing Yuna from climbing onto Jeno's back. They had left the cart at the mountain's base, so Winter was hiking with them, albeit sulking because they hadn't let her ride.


"Enough." Giselle interjected, her words enough to quell Yeji and Yuna. Taeyeon chuckled at the scene, finding it endearing and reassuring that her sister was in good hands during their separation.


"We're roughly thirty minutes away from our house." Seulgi informed the group as they continued their trek. While it would be a quick drive, their current circumstances didn't allow for it. Their car had been confiscated by soldiers and destroyed along with the facility.


Though Yuna grumbled, she refrained from further complaints under Giselle's warning gaze. They were grateful for the chance of survival and a safer place to stay. As they climbed, Taeyeon mentioned their home's amenities—a small garden, abundant edible plants in the surrounding forest, and a nearby waterfall providing fresh water and fish.


The prospect of clean water lifted the group's spirits, despite the chilling temperature. However, Karina couldn't shake the memory of bathing Winter and shuddered at the recollection. When she voiced her concern, Taeyeon laughed heartily, reminiscing about the comical ordeal of bathing Winter with Karina and Yuna.


"Minjeong only allows Joohyun and me to bathe and change her clothes. She's extremely shy." Taeyeon explained, gently patting Winter's head.


"So you call her Winter, huh? You noticed her necklace." Seulgi remarked. "It's her nickname given by their mother." She added, smiling warmly at Taeyeon and Winter, who were her cousins. Seulgi felt grateful seeing Winter safe and reunited with her sister.


"Who's Joohyun?" Karina inquired.


"Ah, she's our friend. We have other people in the house too. There's Wonbin, Yeri, and Xiaojun. They're like you—people we met and formed a group with." Taeyeon explained, recounting their story.


After some brief conversation, they fell silent, conserving energy for the hike ahead. Karina allowed Winter to cling to Taeyeon, granting them their long-awaited reunion. Occasionally, Winter would return to Karina's arms, seemingly unsure of whom to cling to.


The group's spirits lifted as they approached Taeyeon and Seulgi's house. As they neared, they spotted a few people in the front yard. One girl, Yeri, noticed them first and dashed over in excitement, eager to see Taeyeon, Seulgi, and especially Winter again.


"Minjeonggie! You're back!" Yeri exclaimed, rushing towards Winter for a hug. However, Winter skillfully deflected Yeri's embrace, causing the group to gasp in surprise and Taeyeon and Seulgi to laugh.


"Ouch, that hurt." Yeri, lying on the ground, winced as Seulgi helped her to her feet.


"I told you to stop doing that." Seulgi chuckled.


"Was that karate or something?" Yeji asked incredulously, astonished by Winter's unexpected display of skill. They were accustomed to seeing Winter simply leap and strike, so witnessing her expertise was a surprise.


"Oh, that. Minjeong's a black belt in taekwondo." Taeyeon remarked casually yet proudly.


"No way." Yeji muttered nervously, prompting laughter from the group as they remembered Winter's disdain for Yeji.




Joohyun eyed the newly arrived group with suspicion, as if they were back at square one. However, much like Taeyeon and Seulgi, she didn't seem surprised by Jeno's condition, leaving the group puzzled once again. They understood that encountering wraiths wasn't surprising to this family. Yet, they found it curious that Joohyun showed no surprise or curiosity about Jeno. After all, Jeno was a different type of wraith, the only one they had seen with white eyes instead of the usual black ones.


"Who are they, and why did you bring them here?" Joohyun asked, shielding Winter protectively behind her, the same Winter who had earlier sought her out for a hug.


"Calm down, Hyun. They were the ones who took care of Minjeong." Seulgi explained, trying to placate Joohyun, who seemed ready to take action if Karina's group posed a threat.


"I could just shoot them if they try to hurt Minjeong." Seulgi added nonchalantly, causing Karina's group to back off, startled by the sudden mention of a gun she had concealed at her waistband.


"Easy there." Mark interjected, eyeing the weapon cautiously.


"Just kidding." Seulgi chuckled, tucking the gun away once more.


"It didn't sound like a joke." Karina responded nervously. Just then, Winter broke free from Joohyun's grasp and hugged Karina.


"" Winter called Karina's name again, eliciting a smile from Karina, who enjoyed hearing Winter's soft voice, especially when saying her name.

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I'm slowly losing confident writing, but your comments helps and encourages me to keep going. So, thanks a lot! ♡


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224 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 28: Oh, winter 😭😭
0 points #2
Chapter 28: NAURRRR
Arikin 0 points #3
Chapter 28: i think it's bc her emotion and her memory ...
but please don't be ghost for too long ...
oofiee 1079 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 28: nooo.... the sad wraith probably....
addicted03 0 points #5
Chapter 28: Omg nooooo!! What happened to our BB Winter 😭😭 thank you for continuing to update this, pls don’t lose confidence, your writing and original storylines are so good! We’re greedy for more really 🥹
SSERAITZ 0 points #6
0 points #7
Chapter 28: why do i feel like bc winter can’t handle being overwhelmed, she withdrawn from feeling her emotions so she went back to being a wraith??
xandra_01 0 points #8
Chapter 28: OMG NOO
AliciaBelen 0 points #9
11 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 28: NOOOOOO 😭