and i’ve never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my periphery [end] | REQ

seasons and weather
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Minjeong's life has never been eventful, the confessions became usual for her. She appreciated it of course, it was indeed flattering. But she was never fond of it, especially when people would make up things and rumors. Or even when they would go out of line. Which is why she never had any other friends other than her bandmates, and Ningning.


It was difficult for sure, but she didn't care. She became used to it. Her life only consists of studying, playing music, and sleeping. That was mostly it, nothing too eventful. Her rejections were already a script for her.


She was satisfied with that small group of friends, she never wanted to have more. Perhaps her cold and stoic face helped her through because it seemed like everyone was intimidated by her whenever she's off stage. She didn't complain though, she likes her space anyway.


So when she heard about a party, a new year's party that was being held by a senior at their beach house, she hesitated to join. Heck, she didn't even think about joining. Not until Ningning dragged her out of her apartment.


"Ning, I just want to sleep!"


"No, you've slept enough." Ningning said, grabbing Minjeong by the hood of her jacket, literally dragging her out.


"There's no such thing as enough sleep!"


"Min, we only have 24 hours per day but you can sleep for 30 hours straight."


And that was how she found herself inside an unfamiliar beach house, with people that she couldn't even care about.


One of the reasons why she didn’t want to go was because it was basically the day after new year, making it January 2nd - the day after her birthday. And of course, everyone knows her birthday which is why when she and Ningning got inside, Minjeong could already hear the cheering and the random greetings for her. She could only smile at them, not really fond of the attention as she just wanted to get away.


Ningning dragged her until she found her bandmates, the other three girls nodding their heads to greet her. Chaewon approached her and thankfully, the girl was not drunk yet.


“And you came!” Chaewon exclaimed, hugging Minjeong. “Nice job, Ning!” giving ang appreciative tap on the girl’s shoulder.


Minjeong rolled her eyes, situating herself between the group so that no one could approach her. “So, you guys were in on it?”


Yunjin just cackled, grabbing a drink and giving it to Minjeong. “Come on, loosen up. It’s your birthday yesterday!”


“Happy birthday Minjeongie~” Sakura slurred, ruffling Minjeong’s hair in the process.


“I don’t really get the connection of my birthday and with me going here.” Minjeong grumpily said, taking a quick sip from her drink, a grimace appeared on her face as she looked at the drink. “Is this spiked?”


Ningning just laughed, “Of course, what did you expect with a college party?”


“Some people are enjoying it though,” Yunjin said, nodding her head in a certain direction. Minjeong followed and was met by a grinning girl - the smile on her face was too huge as she drank from her cup. Minjeong raised an eyebrow, looking at the girl for a moment - she could see that she’s probably with her friend, and the said friend seems to be taking care of the long-haired girl.


“She’s going to get drunk with the way she’s drinking.” Minjeong commented, weirded out with the girl as she saw she brought a jacket and sweater. It’s not even that cold.


“Oh, don’t be a party pooper.” Chaewon answered, standing in front of Minjeong, blocking the girl’s view of the girl. “Come on, take this shot!”


Minjeong groaned, she knows that they won’t stop if she doesn't do it. Giving in to their wants, she quickly took the shot - obviously, grimacing at the bitter taste of the alcohol. It’s not like she’s a lightweight, she could pretty much handle her alcohol but she just absolutely hates the taste of it.


“I’ll get going,” Minjeong said, putting down the shot glass. She looked for Ningning and she could see the girl already in the kitchen, talking to the girls that she was looking at earlier. “I’ll just walk around, no need to look for me.” she said, and the other three nodded.


“We’ll just be right here!” Yunjin said and Minjeong nodded her head, walking away.


Minjeong walked around, and she could tell that the party was almost reaching its full blast. People were starting to get a little crazy as time went by, and the music was getting louder. She tried her best to move away from all the pushing that was happening, she could even see people spilling their drinks as they jumped.


She had enough of the ruckus, she looked around and she saw Ningning was enjoying herself in the kitchen. The girl wasn’t doing anything weird but Minjeong could clearly see she’s having fun conversing with a girl, not wanting to disturb her friend. She glanced outside and she could see the beach. It’s like all of the people are inside the house to party and not a single person could be seen outside.


As Minjeong was about to walk outside, she felt a hand on her wrist making her turn. “Jaemin-sunbae.” she called.


Minjeong mentally groaned, of course the guy would be here. This was organized by a senior after all.


“Minjeong-ah, there you are,” Jaemin smiled, and if it were any other girls, Minjeong’s pretty sure that they’ll swoon. But unfortunately for him, Minjeong wasn’t like those girls. “Belated happy birthday.”


Minjeong smiled, moving her hand to brush her hair back and to of course, remove the guy’s hold on her. “Yeah, thanks.”


“Oh, you had a haircut?” Jaemin asked and Minjeong rolled her eyes.




“Yeah.” she answered shortly.


“Hey, do you mind if we go upstairs?” Jaemin asked, pointing at the stairs. “I just want to tell you something.”


Minjeong was about to refuse but she was suddenly pushed towards Jaemin, the guy catching her weight and he might have thought that Minjeong was accepting his invitation, because Minjeong just felt the guy holding her by her waist and guiding her upstairs. She glanced behind her and she saw some people playing around, cursing them inside her head.


The loud music from downstairs was muffled as soon as Minjeong was inside a room, and Jaemin closed the door. Looking around, she could tell the room was probably just a guest room as it was too plain. She looked up when she heard Jaemin clearing . Now, this is why Minjeong never wanted to go with Jaemin because she knows that the guy would probably confess.


Minjeong wasn’t dense enough to notice that the guy likes her, heck he wasn’t even discreet with her. But maybe, the guy was dense since obviously, he didn’t get the signs that Minjeong isn’t interested at all.


Who wouldn’t even get it when I gave the chocolates he gave me to Yunjin?


“I’ll get straight to the point, okay?” Jaemin started and took a step forward, no hint of shyness compared to the ones that usually confess to Minjeong. “I really like you.”


Minjeong didn’t answer and simply avoided the look Jaemin was giving her.


“And I would really like for us to go out, on an actual date.” Jaemin said, “Just the two of us.”






Minjeong sighed, it seemed like the guy was deaf as well. “I’m also going straight to the point. My answer is no.”


“But, Minjeong, I thought,” Jaemin looked at her confusedly, “I thought you like me?”


Minjeong looked at the guy incredulously, because how the hell did he get to that conclusion?


“Jaemin-sunbae, you’re good and really a gentleman but I don’t like you.”


“Were you just leading me on all this time?” Jaemin scoffed, and Minjeong could see the fist forming.


“It’s not my fault that you assumed things, sunbae.” Minjeong coldly said, looking straight at Jaemin - her face showing no emotion at all, and glanced at his fist amusedly. “And I know you have anger issues, so if you’d excuse me.”


Before Minjeong could walk away, the guy grabbed her wrist harshly and that was the last straw for Minjeong. She turned to face the guy and didn’t hesitate to punch him in the face. The punch was strong enough making the guy tumble down.


“I told you the answer is no, so piss off.” Minjeong harshly said and didn’t look back as she went outside the room.


Now, Minjeong was surely regretting letting Ningning drag her to this party. She was beyond pissed, slamming the door shut as she heard Jaemin shouting, calling her name. Rolling her eyes, Minjeong stomped away, turning around the corner only to bump with a body. And it seemed like the person was running because Minjeong could feel the strong impact, making her stumble backwards - catching the girl, since she could smell a feminine scent.


She could feel the girl looking up, raising an eyebrow to see the familiar girl earlier - the one that was happily chugging down the spiked drink. Minjeong could already tell that the girl was drunk with her half open eyelids, and somehow, her mood from earlier was changed into something light. Her lips were tugged into a small smile as the girl grinned at her.


“Oh, look,” the girl drunkenly said, poking Minjeong’s right cheek. “It's a beautiful bob girl.”


Minjeong would usually ignore people that talk to her, but somehow, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl. Helping her stand up, “Really, now?”


The girl tilted her head cutely, “Hmm, why?”


“You’re drunk.” Minjeong flatly said, watching the girl frown and shaking her head.


“I’m not,” the girl said, removing Minjeong’s hand but Minjeong quickly grabbed the girl again when she saw that she almost lost her balance. “I can stand on my own.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes, “Yeah, sure.”


“I need to pee.” she announced quite loudly and Minjeong looked at her weirdly, and out of nowhere, she was being dragged by the girl. A door slammed shut on her face, Minjeong just staring right at it as she could hear a loud relieved sigh from the restroom.


She was just awkwardly standing there, looking around, contemplating if she should just go on her way. Minjeong glanced at the still closed door, and then to the stairs - biting her lips. Shaking her head, she decided to just go downstairs not until she was a guy that was about to open the restroom.


“Hey, someone’s in there!” Minjeong shouts, standing in front of the guy. The latter nodded his head and Minjeong could definitely smell the alcohol from him. Looking at the door and at her watch, it’s already been a good few minutes and the girl was still not going out of the restroom.


Minjeong knocked, and yet there was no answer. “Hey, are you done?”


No answer.


“Hey, what are you even doing there?” She knocked again but to no avail, she was left unanswered.


A minute passed and the door was still not open, Minjeong knocked again. “Hey, I’m coming in!”


Entering the restroom, Minjeong was dumbfounded at the sight. The girl was just sitting by the sink, with her closed. Sighing, Minjeong looked around before closing the door. The girl looked peaceful with her eyes closed but Minjeong needed her to wake up. Because obviously, this was not the place for someone to sleep.


“Hey, come on. You’re in the restroom.”


“Five more minutes, Gi.” the girl grumbled.


Minjeong frowned, the girl must have thought that she’s her friend. “Come on now, hey.” she leaned closer and was surprised when the girl suddenly opened her eyes.


Minjeong couldn’t help but to stare at the black orbs - it was like pulling her in, she couldn’t move away. The smell of alcohol hitting her nostrils, and yet the mix of the girl’s perfume complements it. Minjeong gulped and she couldn’t help but to glance down, noticing a mole right under the girl’s lower lips.


“You have a sweet smile” the girl quietly said, as if a secret between them. She then smiled, her eyes crinkling in the process, and god, Minjeong swooned at the drunken smile. And that’s when she realized that she was smiling already.


She has received countless compliments about her looks, but with the girl randomly saying out loud - in this small and suffocating space, it felt too personal for Minjeong.


“Really, now?” Minjeong whispered and a cute nod came from the girl, obviously still drunk as earlier.


Without much thought, she offered her hand. “Wanna walk at the beach?”


The girl just stared at her offered hand, and Minjeong started to get conscious. Perhaps, she went too far. Heck, she doesn't even know the girl's name yet. As she was about to withdraw her hand, the girl grabbed it gently and intertwined their fingers.


Minjeong looked up and saw that the girl was smiling at her, "Jimin."




"Yu Jimin," the girl giggled and jumped off the sink, thankfully, Minjeong was quick enough to hold the girl. "My name." The taller girl said, pointing at herself.


"Oh," Minjeong nodded her head, suddenly realizing that maybe the girl was really drunk because it seems like she couldn't even stand on her own now. "Right, okay Jimin. If you could just hold on to me, so you won't fall down."


Minjeong managed to successfully go out of the restroom, with Jimin following her as the latter leaned some of her weight to Minjeong. The shorter girl sighed, walking towards the stairs, she could hear the party still going. And thankfully, no one noticed the two of them going out.


The other people were still drinking and dancing, Ningning was still in the kitchen while her bandmates were playing some card games. Looking at the girl beside her, who seems to be smiling all by herself.


Is she crazy or what?


Out of nowhere, the girl let go of Minjeong's hand and ran towards the beach. The jacket tied on her waist falling down, making Minjeong grab it. She followed the girl who was happily running and spinning around. Frowning at how the girl was spinning, she approached her.


"Hey, you should really stop spinning. You're drunk!"


Minjeong could feel the strong breeze and as if on cue, the girl fell down on her . Minjeong quickly ran towards her, worried that the girl might have hurt herself only to stop when she saw the girl laughing.


"Wow, I thought I could make a huge hole by spinning around." Jimin pouted, looking at the sand.


Minjeong blinked, shaking her head before offering her hand again to the girl. "You sure like joking around."


Jimin grinned at her, taking the offered hand. "Everything seems spinning around, maybe I am still spinning!"


Minjeong sighed, "You're definitely drunk."


"What's your name?"




"You know, a name. The one our parents give us when we're - "


Minjeong cut the girl off because it seems like she'll ramble, "Minjeong. Kim Minjeong."


Jimin gasped, "Woah, you have the same name as that student that goes to our school."


Minjeong raised an eyebrow, completely amused by Jimin. So, the girl did know of her but it seems like she's too drunk to even connect the dots. "Oh, really?"


Jimin nodded her head, and maybe it was too aggressive because she suddenly stopped, holding the side of her head. "Yeah, she's like in a band."


"Oh, I see." Minjeong chuckled.


"What are you laughing about?"


Minjeong shakes her head, "Because that's me."




"Kim Minjeong," Minjeong said with a smile, "From the band."


Jimin blinked, "Ah. You look like a maltese." She randomly pointed out.


"You're really random, aren't you?" Minjeong said in an amused tone.


Jimin hummed, and looked up at the sky. There were almost no stars around, but somehow it looked beautiful. The loud music from the house could still be heard from where they are, and the taller girl broke the silence.


"So, do you like playing?"


Minjeong looked at Jimin, certainly the girl would ramble and ask everything that she first thinks of. “Playing music?”


Jimin nodded her head, “Come on, let’s get to know each other Minjeong.”


Minjeong was stunned with the simple way that the girl said her name, if she didn’t know any better, she’d think that the girl was as sober as she could be. But judging by the random giggles and wobbly walk, she begs to differ.


“I love playing,” Minjeong said, her hand going to her pocket, fidgeting on the guitar pick that she always brings with her. “But I actually have a different taste when it comes to the music we perform.”


And that was the truth, sure she plays with a band, covering songs of other artists. But mostly, they choose the songs based on the trend, and what people want to hear. Only her bandmates and Ningning know this, and yet here she was saying it to someone that she just met. Someone who was obviously drunk.


Just then, Jimin stopped walking, making Minjeong stop as well. The girl then suddenly sat down, flopping herself comfortably on the sand. Minjeong looked at the girl strangely, and Jimin just grinned at her lazily, pulling her down gently. “Come on, sit with me.”


And Minjeong just followed the girl, it’s not like they’re going somewhere specific anyway. They were enveloped by silence, the waves of the sea could be heard along with the muffled sound of music and people shouting. 


“Come on, sing for me.” Minjeong heard Jimin say, almost incoherent with her drunken state.


“You already heard me sing.” Minjeong said, for Jimin to know her to be a part of a band, most likely the girl already heard her sing.


“You sing for the audience,” Jimin answered back, playing the sand on her feet. “You sing for me, anything that you want.”


It was the way the wind blows, with Jimin’s hair flowing with it and the girl smiling at her as she leaned her face against her knees, looking at Minjeong - waiting for her to sing. Minjeong stared for a moment, and somehow, she sang the first song she thought of. The one that she listened to with Ningning during their drive to the party.


You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal"

And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels

Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now

So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal


You can let it go

You can throw a party full of everyone you know

And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love

You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh


Minjeong felt Jimin leaning her head against her shoulder, making her pause for a second before continuing to sing. Somehow, everything just felt right at the moment despite being pissed off due to Jaemin, Minjeong met Jimin and in an instant, she felt like her anger vanished altogether.


“You really have a cloudy voice, Minjeong-ah.” Jimin mumbled, and Minjeong somehow knew that the girl was grinning.


“That’s the first time I’ve heard a compliment like that,” Minjeong chuckled, “and what’s your favorite song?”


Jimin hummed, “How deep is your love by Bee Gees, though that’s just one of my favorites.”


“I’ll learn to play that,” Minjeong smiled, promising to herself to have some time to learn how to play that song.


“I want a snack,” Jimin suddenly announced, pouting to herself. “But I’m too tired to get up here.”


“I saw you eating and drinking earlier, Jimin.” Minjeong pointed out, “Don’t tell me you’re still hungry?”


“Oh, so you’re looking at me earlier,” Jimin grinned, teasing Minjeong which earned a blush from the latter.


“Shut up, I said I just saw you.”


Jimin chuckled, removing her head from Minjeong’s shoulder. “Just kidding, but I’m not really hungry.”


“Then why do you want to eat?” Minjeong wondered.


“I said snack,” Jimin corrected, poking Minjeong’s cheek, “Also, I want to eat snacks to keep my mind from randomly thinking things.”


Minjeong raised an eyebrow at the way Jimin said it, it’s like she’s pretty aware of how random she could get and already knows how to stop herself. It’s the way the girl looked down, an embarrassed smile on her face, and Minjeong suddenly wants to actually get to know the girl.


“Shoot me.”


Jimin looked at Minjeong, confused. “What?” closing her eyes, “Wow, I suddenly see two of you.” she randomly giggled.


Minjeong chuckled, “Come on, tell me all the random things you could think of.”


“Don’t say that, you’ll obviously get tired of me.” Jimin chuckled, not looking at Minjeong. “Also, Giselle’s the only person that tolerates my ramblings.”


“I doubt that.” Minjeong said, and when she saw the questioning look for Jimin, she smiled. “I doubt that I’ll get tired of your ramblings. So, shoot.”


Jimin stared at Minjeong for a moment, and the latter returned the stare. Not breaking the contact, Jimin smiled. That was how Minjeong spent the rest of the night, with Jimin talking about anything - how she likes to eat, that probably the best thing that their university created was the cheesecake at their cafeteria.


“I’d fight anyone that would slander their cheesecake.” Jimin huffed loudly, earning a loud laugh from Minjeong.


“It’s that good, huh?”


Jimin grinned, “The best.”


And she continued, to her favorite snacks which are chocolates - and gummies being the least favorite. She would always fall asleep after lunch so it’s better to eat chocolates - a perfect time, as per Jimin. Minjeong just listened, asking from time to time - her favorite brand of chocolate, to her favorite drink.


Jimin answered happily, and Minjeong couldn’t help but to smile at the way the girl excitedly told her everything. Wondering to herself how the hell did she not meet Jimin earlier? The girl was too out there for Minjeong to miss her - and yet here she was, amazed by the girl’s existence.


And in the night they spent together, talking about everything under the moon, Minjeong could tell the different smiles that she saw from Jimin. The first one would be her smile that she was simply enjoying the moment, unaware of everything. The second would be the drunken smile, all sloppy and yet contagious. Third would be the shy smile, how it would tug the corner of Jimin’s lips, and slowly revealing her teeth. 


Lastly, and probably her favorite is her smile that could just capture every joy in the world. The way Jimin’s eyes would always twinkle first as if it was the first thing smiling, before her lips would tug upwards.


“Did you know that I never know how to ride a bike?” Jimin said, quietly. “It’s embarrassing but yeah.”


Minjeong chuckled, “What if I teach you?”


Jimin pouted, shaking her head. “I might hurt myself, I’m really clumsy. You know?”


“I’ll catch you then,” Minjeong said, raising her pinky finger. “I promise.”


And Minjeong doesn’t know how she looked at that time, but maybe looks trustworthy enough because Jimin grinned at her, hooking their pinkies together. “That’s a promise.”




Jimin squints her eyes at Minjeong, “I take my pinky promises seriously, just so you know.”


“So do I.” Minjeong challenged, making Jimin laugh.


“So, what about you? Anything you want to share?”


Minjeong hummed, thinking of something. “I had my birthday yesterday.”


And as expected, Jimin reacted. “Oh, belated happy birthday Minjeongie~”


Yeah, she’s still drunk. Minjeong thought as she felt her cheeks being mushed by Jimin. “Alright, thank you.” she said, her voice garbled due to what Jimin was doing.


“What do you like to do?” Jimin suddenly asked, “Come on, anything.” she excitedly clapped.


Minjeong looked at the girl, not wanting to disappoint her. But she couldn’t think of anything, and she just said the first thing on her mind. “Sparklers?”


Jimin tilted her head, “What?”


Okay, why did I even say that?


“I mean, I just slept all through the New Year’s celebration,” Minjeong smiled unsurely, though that was basically true. She was too exhausted that day since her family decided to go out all day and do some other activities.


And the way Jimin gasped as if it was a great offense made Minjeong laugh.


“Wait, I think I have some here.” Jimin mumbled, surprising Minjeong.


Because who would even bring those out of nowhere?


And indeed, Jimin did have some sparklers in her sweater. It amazed Minjeong how really random the girl could get, without any care in the world.


“See, I also have a lighter here!” Jimin said, showing it to Minjeong. “Come on, let’s light this up!”


“Wait, Jimin - “


Jimin sat up straight, giving a stick to Minjeong. “Oh, they’re playing Taylor Swift.” she smiled, and sure enough, Minjeong could hear the faint music of Taylor Swift coming from the party.


Minjeong then heard the sound of clicking, it was Jimin trying to make the lighter work. She smiled at how focused the girl was, Minjeong then just decided to go with it. Grabbing a sparkler from the sand, and soon enough when Jimin managed to work the lighter, she lit up the two sparklers that Minjeong was holding.


Smiling at the girl and grabbing one stick from Minjeong, she swayed to the faint music. Minjeong then watched the girl, the light from the sparklers illuminating everything from Jimin. She couldn’t help but to stare, watching at how Jimin simply enjoyed the most mundane thing they were doing, and maybe one of her favorite songs would be from Taylor Swift since she’s happily swaying to the song.


It made Minjeong chuckle, because the song matched where they were. Sitting by the beach, and doing the most random thing at night with the party going.


And damn cliches, because when Jimin looked at her - smiling wide at Minjeong, she knew she’s down. It was like the first time she performed with the band, all the adrenaline getting the best of her - the shouts of the people ringing in her eyes. Flooding every sense she has, and all she could focus on was the guitar she was holding, and her favorite guitar pick.


Right now, that adrenaline came in the form of a drunken girl, smiling happily at Minjeong as the sparklers lit up. All she could see was Jimin, and everything blurred out.


This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen

I searched aurora borealis green

I've never seen someone lit from within

Blurring out my periphery


“I wonder if you’ll remember this,” Minjeong said as the sparklers came to an end, “you still look drunk, you know?”


It wasn’t a lie though, they might have had a really good time but Minjeong could see Jimin was still drunk. It wasn’t just as obvious since they were sitting, but she could hear it through Jimin’s words that would slur from time to time. She also noticed how the girl would squint her eyes from time to time, and how she would rub the side of her head.


And the thought of the girl not remembering the time they’ve spent didn’t sit well with Minjeong.


“Well, then I promise to you that I’ll take you out once I remember it!” Jimin proudly said, making Minjeong look at her, an amused smile on her face.




Jimin smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “I had a good time, but there’s a chance that I would not actually remember. So, here I am promising you that I’ll take you out.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes, “If you remember.” she said, “A huge if.”


Jimin frowned, she then quickly grabbed a used sparkler. Using its paper, and magically pulling out a red marker from her sweater. “I don’t have my sticky notes but this will do.”


“You’re what?”


“Sticky notes,” Jimin repeated casually, “I take my promises seriously, so here is a proof that I will do it.”


And Minjeong just watched the girl, she could see Jimin writing something on the piece of paper. Curiously, she leaned closer to Jimin, only to chuckle at what Jimin wrote.


I, Yu Jimin, will take Kim Minjeong out when I'm sober enough to remember this night. It will be canceled when Kim Minjeong mentions it to Yu Jimin.


“See,” Jimin said, showing the paper. “Proof.”


“So, I can’t mention it to you?”


Jimin nodded, grinning lazily to the girl. “Yes, or it will be canceled!”


“But,” Minjeong frowned, “how would you - “


“Trust me, Minjeongie,” Jimin smiled, “I’ll remember it. I promise.”


Then Jimin rambled again, and it was really funny how the girl could go on to promising something then rambling a completely different thing. And when she saw Jimin yawning, she looked at her watch to see that it’s way past midnight. The party was still going but not as much as before, with only chill songs being heard.


“Hey, your friend might be looking for you,” Minjeong said, standing up. “It’s already midnight.”


Jimin yawned, looking at the offered hand. “Okay,” she simply answered, letting herself be pulled up by Minjeong. “Thanks for your time and ears.”


Minjeong quickly supported the girl as she saw her wobbling, holding her by her waist. She could see Jimin looked at her with a smile, a grateful one and yet embarrassed. “Sorry, I tend to ramble random things.”


Minjeong shakes her head, chucking. Moving her hand to Jimin’s shoulder as she answered, “I’ll remember it no matter how random it could get.”


And when they walked to Jimin’s car, well according to the girl it was her friend’s car. Minjeong hesitated to leave the girl behind, but Jimin insisted for Minjeong to go. “I’ll be fine, Giselle’s probably on her way here now.” she said, yawning and rubbing her head.


“You sure,” Minjeong asked, “And don’t forget your promise.” she added.


“I won’t,” Jimin smiled. Minjeong nodded, giving the jacket back that she has been holding the whole time to Jimin.


Minjeong was about to walk away, leaving Jimin to herself since the girl looked too exhausted to even talk when she did something impulsive. Walking back, she saw Jimin looking at her curiously. Minjeong grabbed something from her pocket - it was her favorite guitar pick.


“What’s this?” Jimin asked, inspecting the item. She might be too drunk to even process that it was a guitar pick.


“That’s my guitar pick,” Minjeong said, “My favorite.”


“Oh, you’re giving this to me?” Jimin suddenly became excited, and it made Minjeong chuckle softly.


“A piece to remember me, since I can’t mention it to you.”


Jimin grinned, nodding her head. The girl then grabbed her marker, writing something on the pick. Minjeong laughed when she saw their initials. “Now, it’s ours.” Jimin grinned proudly.


“Talk to me when you’re sober enough.” Minjeong said, hesitating for a moment before placing a soft kiss on the girl’s mole, and if she would’ve moved an inch it would’ve been on the girl’s lips. 


“Don’t forget your promise, okay?” she said with a smile, walking backwards.


Yeah, it was probably the boldest thing that Minjeong did in her entire life other than pushing herself to form a band and perform to other people. But the grin and cute nod that she received was worth it.


“Will do.”


Now, Minjeong didn’t expect for things to turn out like this in a single night - she wonders what would’ve happened if she just really slept. Chuckling to herself, as she glanced back to where Jimin was. The latter was still there, holding on to her head and Minjeong was about to go back when she saw someone approaching the girl.


Ah, that’s probably Giselle. Minjeong thought, remembering how the girl kept mentioning someone called Giselle. Raising an eyebrow as she recognized the girl to be the one that Ningning was talking to.


Shrugging her shoulders, Minjeong walked inside the house and looked for her friends. The house was basically a mess and she's grateful that she has never thought of organizing a party in her life. Looking over, she sighed when she saw her bandmates and Ningning, sitting by the balcony as each one of them were fighting their sleep.


"Hey, are you guys done?" She asked, approaching them and taking a seat beside Ningning.


"Oh, you're still here. I thought you already went home." Ningning sleepily said.


"And would let you guys go home alone?" Minjeong rhetorically asked, "In this state?"


Yunjin yawned, not drunk but obviously exhausted. "Where were you anyway?"


"I just went out for a walk."


"The whole party?" Chaewon asked back, her voice muffled as she was leaning against her arms.


Minjeong rolled her eyes, "Stop with the questions, let's go home."


Right, and that's how Minjeong found herself driving the other four girls to her apartment. She knows that she would have a headache the morning after, but as a good friend that she is, she wouldn't let them go home alone. And I'm too lazy to drive all of them to their respective apartments.





"She owes you what?!" Sakura exclaimed, and immediately groaned as she felt her head throb. The other three girls just looked at Minjeong dumbfounded by what the girl just shared.


Yunjin passed a glass of water to Sakura, the latter mumbling a thank you. She then focused her attention on Minjeong, trying to process what she just said. "Wait, let's go back to the start."


Minjeong groaned, "I've been at it for a number of times already, what do you want to hear?"


"Are you even hearing yourself?" Ningning asked, "She was drunk, how the hell do you expect her to remember?"


Minjeong pursed her lips, well she was aware of how stupid it sounds but then again, it's not like people won't ever remember after their drunken night escapades. "She promised." She simply shrugged her shoulders.


"Minjeong, are you serious?" Chaewon looked at her, the girl doesn't even know what to believe in right now. She could feel her head throbbing in pain, and then here's Minjeong adding to the things that's making the pain worse. "You're holding on to that drunken promise?"


It was harsh but Minjeong's already used to the girl's bluntness. "She wrote a note, okay?"


Sakura lets out a breathy laugh, "That's not enough, sorry Minjeongie. But that sounds too stupid."


"Are you guys going to judge me the whole morning or would you like to go out?" Minjeong deadpanned, and everyone sat straight. It's getting pretty hard to hold their laughter when Minjeong sounds too serious about something absurd.


"Damn, you are serious." Ningning commented, "Yu Jimin, huh?"


Minjeong nodded, "I didn't know of her until that night."


Chaewon looked at Minjeong, then rummaged her brain to think about a Yu Jimin. "Ah, I think I've heard of her. She's kind of, I don't know. Chaotic?"


Minjeong chuckled, biting her lips to stop laughing when she heard Chaewon's description. Because it was somehow on point with the way Jimin acted that night. And she didn't realize that she was smiling to herself, making everyone in the room stare at her in disbelief.


"Wow." Yunjin said, looking at Minjeong then to her friends. "Did she just daydream?"


"Shut up." Minjeong quickly said.


"Well, damn hell. Now I know why you're holding on to that stupid promise." Ningning said, pointing at Minjeong.


The short haired girl frowned at her words, "It's not stupid." She mumbled.


"You're crushing on her." Ningning pointed out. "Damn Minjeong, you're going to break a lot of hearts with this."


"I don't care," Minjeong shrugged, thinking about Ningning's words. "I think a crush is a stretch. Maybe I'm just curious."


Sakura laughed, covering to stop herself. She quickly waved her hand when Minjeong looked at her. "No, god sorry." She said, trying to control her laughter.


The Japanese continued, "You woke us up to ask about Yu Jimin, and having a crush is a stretch?"


"To add to that, you're holding on to the promise that she made with you." Chaewon pointed out.


Yunjin scoffed, "Do you still want me to add another one?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.


"I'd add one," Ningning said, "I didn't see your favorite guitar pick Minjeong. Did you give it to her?"


And Minjeong simply looked away, and everyone screamed.


So when everyone was done and managed to compose themselves, Minjeong just kept quiet. She then looked at Ningning, "What?"


"She was drunk, we're not trying to hold you down or what." Ningning said with a small smile.


A sigh came from Yunjin, "We're just saying, manage your expectations."


Sure enough, her friends were right. She should've really managed her expectations because during the first day, she somehow bumped - well not literally, with Jimin. Her attention was caught when she heard someone whining about a cheesecake, only to see Jimin - completely sober.


Minjeong didn't hesitate to just approach the girl, giving the last cheesecake she got. She just grabbed it to understand the girl's sentiments with the said cheesecake, but it seems like despite being drunk during the party, she was true to her words with how passionate she was.


And the girl looked at her in surprise, not a single sign of recognition that Minjeong expected. So, when she walked away, taking a seat with her friends, who obviously saw the interaction.


"So, did she remember?" Yunjin asked.


"No, not really." Minjeong mumbled, glancing at Jimin's direction. The girl was busy talking animatedly to her friend. So much for the promise.


And when they connected eyes during that lunch, she stared at the girl. Minjeong hoped to see the recognition, just a little spark but the girl just smiled at her. It was the smile that girl gave her when she was grateful, but not a slight recognition could be seen.


It disappointed Minjeong, averting her eyes. She was really hoping for Jimin to actually remember what happened, because how the hell can the girl be all carefree while Minjeong couldn't even last a day without thinking about her. That was just really unfair for Minjeong’s part.


Somehow, it seemed like fate was playing with Minjeong because one of their classes was combined with a different course - and it somehow was with Jimin’s. She didn’t notice the girl until Ningning nudged her, because Minjeong was just trying to ignore the obvious whispers about her. She looked up only to see Ningning already approaching a familiar girl, Minjeong raised an eyebrow and stuttered in her steps when she saw Jimin.


Oh, okay? Minjeong thought and Ningning did all the talking, and when they were about to introduce themselves, Jimin quickly cut Ningning off. “Minjeong..”


And Minjeong bit the inside of her cheeks, expecting something more but was only disappointed with Jimin’s next words. “Yeah, the other students have been talking about you.”


Minjeong tried her best to focus on the lesson, but she just couldn’t when Jimin was just right in front of her. The urge to just talk to the girl and actually tell her about what happened was eating her inside - and yet there was that promise that she made with Jimin, and all she could do was just sit there and stare. 


Now, that was a really stupid promise.


“Hey, you should try not to stare at her, you know?” Ningning whispered and Minjeong just rolled her eyes, and suddenly, Jimin turned around to look at her. Suddenly, she felt conscious if the girl noticed that she was already staring at her but she brushed it off. Looking down at her notebook to see a sticky note with a doodle.

So, she really does carry sticky notes with her? Minjeong thought, a smile forming at the cute thought. Looking up at Jimin, the girl was just smiling at her and Minjeong just wanted to squeeze the girl’s cheeks.


“A thank you for the cheesecake earlier. I’ll make it up to you.”


Minjeong raised an eyebrow, “Really, now?”


“Of course, I’ll let you even group with us, if you’d like.”


“Well, that would be great,” Minjeong replied, looking at the doodle. “You really have a cute doodle here.”


Before Jimin could answer she was pulled by Giselle and Minjeong could see the professor already looking around. She chuckled, shaking her head as she held the sticky note. Just then, she noticed that Jimin forgot her whole sticky notes at her table, and without thinking she did a quick doodle before tapping the girl to get her attention.


Minjeong smiled when Jimin looked at her, “We don’t want you forgetting your cute notes.” she said.


As their class ended, unfortunately they didn't have the same class as the other two girls. But Ningning said something to Minjeong that made the girl think.


“Why don’t you just spend time with her?” Ningning suggested, which was of course, should be the obvious thing to do but it seems like her friend was too hung up on the promise. “Get to know her when she’s actually sober.” she said, emphasizing the last two words.


“Well, will she like me?”


Ningning scoffed, “So, you do like her?”


Minjeong just rolled her eyes, “Just answer it, Ning.”


“I don’t know, Min.” Ningning honestly said, it’s not like she would actually know Jimin’s type. “But for her to say that she’ll take you out on a date, then that must be something right.”


“You said it was stupid and she’s drunk.”


Ningning just shrugged her shoulders, “And you’re here being hung up on it, so shut it.”


Minjeong knew that Ningning had a point, which was why when she coincidentally saw Jimin entering the room where she was practicing, she didn’t hesitate to greet the girl as she entered. But Minjeong didn’t notice that the girl was holding a coffee, and suddenly she felt guilty for causing the burn of the girl.


Looking at Jimin when she heard the girl joking even though she got burned. Minjeong couldn’t help herself but to say something. “You still joke when you’re hurt.”


And god, there would be times that Minjeong would think that Jimin actually remembers what happened because the girl would say things that she said during the party. “You really look like a dog.”


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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭