under pearly moon, where poets choose their verse [end]

seasons and weather
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under pearly moon, where poets choose their verse pt. 2


Suddenly, all Minjeong could see was Jimin. Not like wherever she goes, she could see the girl but Minjeong frequently sees Jimin now. It's kind of weird when suddenly, she would see the girl on the most random times. The first time that it happened was when Minjeong was on her way to the library to return some books.


She was busy rummaging through her bag when she felt a collision, her shoulder bumping to another person. Minjeong quickly stopped what she was doing, seeing how some books were scattered around the floor. Minjeong quickly closed her bag, kneeling to grab the books.


", sorry," Minjeong apologized profusely, "I wasn't looking, sorry." Looking up only to see Jimin, the girl sporting a low ponytail again, and she could hear the chuckle coming from her.


"It's fine Minjeong," Jimin said reassuringly, and got some of the books as well. "No harm done."


Minjeong was surprised to see Jimin, holding the girl's book and staring at her for a few seconds. She shouldn't even be surprised in the first place since they both go to the same university, but perhaps Minjeong just didn't expect to see the girl right after she realized that Jimin is her muse for sometime now.


Then she could hear snapping of fingers, making her clear . Stop staring. Minjeong thinks to herself.


"Right," Minjeong clears , standing up, followed by Jimin. "Here you go." She said, passing the books to Jimin, their fingers brushing in the process.


Minjeong smiled at Jimin, "From the library?" She decided to have some small talk, given that the girl was standing there.


"Yeah," Jimin said with a huge smile, and somehow, Minjeong likes to think that it was because she started a conversation. "Just a small research I got to do." She explained and showed the books that she was holding.


And Minjeong noticed that it was all about different countries and their cultures, making her raise an eyebrow. "What's the research about?"


"Just comparing different cultures and how it changed overtime," Jimin shrugs, and looks at Minjeong. The latter was suddenly conscious of how she looked. "And I assume you're headed to the library?"


Minjeong nodded, pointing at her bag. "Yeah, need to return some books."


"Want me to go with you?" Jimin asked, fixing the books she was holding. Minjeong was surprised with the suggestion, shaking her head to decline.


"No, it's fine. It seems like you have somewhere to go."


"Nonsense," Jimin said, shaking her head, seemingly like she already made up her mind. Walking right beside Minjeong, "Think about it as an apology for bumping into me." She teased.


Minjeong unknowingly pouted, "I didn't mean to."


Hearing a soft giggle, she looked at Jimin. The latter is already looking at her, "If I'm not holding these books, I would really like to pinch your cheeks right now."


Minjeong didn't expect the remark, making her blush profusely. She suddenly touched her cheeks, "No, pinching them is a privilege for friends only."


Then she heard a small quiet 'oh', and suddenly Minjeong wanted to apologize, thinking that she offended the girl. Only to see Jimin looking at her with a soft and expectant gaze.


"Well, that just means I need to be your friend."


And it's the way Jimin said it, not even asking Minjeong if she could be her friend. But directly stating it, as if it's the most normal thing to say. Like Jimin was talking about the weather - simple and normal.


Before Minjeong could answer, they're already right in front of the library. Jimin smiled, "We'll have practice by the end of the week."


Minjeong blinks, remembering Taeyong's reminder. She nodded her head, "Yeah, Taeyong-oppa told me. Why?"


"Nothing," Jimin shook her head and beamed at Minjeong. "I'll see you there?"


And before Minjeong could comprehend Jimin's question, the latter was already walking away. Managing to squeeze Minjeong's shoulder before waving at her.


Minjeong stared at the empty space in front of her, Jimin's touch lingering and burning through her shirt. She could only breathe out slowly, as her thoughts were cut short when she could hear students chattering from behind.


Remembering why she was there in the first place, Minjeong decided to enter the library, glancing at the direction where Jimin walked. She could still see the latter's figure, watching how Jimin removed her hair tie, revealing her beautiful long hair.


Right after that, it seems like Minjeong keeps on bumping into Jimin. Not the literal bump, but she would always see the girl at the corner of her eyes. There would be times that they'll pass by each other in the hallway, and Jimin would not fail to smile at her.


There was a time when Jimin left the group she was with only to approach Minjeong, making the latter shy. It would just be a simple talk, Jimin would even talk about her schedule and sometimes her day if the short time warrants them to do so.


And naturally, Minjeong got used to Jimin - her presence not making her nervous anymore. She knows she's starting to warm up, the awkward silences slowly disappearing. Jimin just knows what to do, she knows what to say, and Minjeong just wants to listen to her.


And it would always make Minjeong wonder, if this was how Icarus felt when he became too close with the sun. As Jimin resembles the sun with that smile of hers, too bright and warm - like a blanket of a child.





Soon enough, Minjeong found herself peeking in a room where the practice of the dance team will be held. She could see the huge mirror right in front, some members were already there - she could see some were stretching, others were just talking with each other. Scanning her room, she saw Giselle and Ningning at the corner talking to other members.


Hesitating if she should enter, given that the two were busy talking, Minjeong suddenly wants to walk away and just go straight home, not until she feels a hand nudging her side.


“Hey,” Taeyong greeted her and tugged Minjeong inside, “just enter.”


Minjeong couldn’t even protest, and the moment she entered the room it went quiet. Maybe because Taeyong entered it with her, given that the guy was the leader. She nods her head at Taeyong, and she could see Giselle and Ningning happily waving at her.


“Hey,” Minjeong greeted with a smile, passing two bottles of energy drink to her friends. “For your practice.”


Giselle just ruffled her hair while Ningning hugged her, “You’re the best.”


“I know.”


Raising an eyebrow, Giselle saw that Minjeong was still holding another energy drink. She looked at the girl, already busy talking to Ningning. “Minjeongie, whose that for?” she asked, nodding her head at the other drink.


Ningning and Minjeong paused, the former looking at where her partner was pointing at. “Why did you buy three drinks?”


And before Minjeong could reply, someone approached them - it was Jimin.


“Hey Minjeong,” the girl greeted and smiled, she then looked at the other two girls. “Hey Giselle, Ningning!”


The three girls greeted the girl back, but Ningning didn’t stop pestering Minjeong about the extra drink she was holding. Making Jimin curious, looking at Giselle questioningly.


“Oh, she’s asking about the extra drink that Minjeong has.” Giselle said and pointed at the drink, “It’s not like she’ll give it to Taeyong because we all know that the guy prefers yogurt drink.”


The taller girl just nodded her head, and watched the interaction of Ningning and Minjeong - somehow making her smile. “Are they always like that?”


“Like they will kill each other anytime soon?”


Jimin laughs, because right after Giselle uttered those words, she could see Ningning playfully strangling Minjeong’s neck while the latter pinched the girl back. “Right, like that.”


“Yeah,” Giselle nods her head with a smile, “but they both know that they couldn't live without each other.”


Giselle could see the two doing their own thing, and looking at Jimin - it seems like the latter was amused as well. But it didn’t escape Giselle’s eyes, how Jimin looked and smile at Minjeong when she approached them, and how the girl’s smile simply widened at Minjeong when the girl pouted.


Just then, they could hear Taeyong’s loud voice, and everyone started to get into place. This is the part where Minjeong suddenly feels left out, though that was a fact since she’s not part of the team. She was just there to support her friends, looking around - she didn't know where she could sit. Just then, someone approached her.


“Minjeong, hey.”


It was Jimin, the taller girl gently tugging her elbow, “You can sit at that corner, it’s far from the speakers.”


Minjeong smiles gratefully at the girl, looking at Giselle and Ningning. “Hey, I’ll just be there.” she said and pointed at the corner.


“Okay, can you please bring our things too?” Giselle asked and Minjeong nodded. She then looked to see two huge bags in front of her, and right before she could do anything, someone else picked it up.


“I’ll carry these,” Jimin said with a smile and nodded her head, “Go ahead.”


Minjeong blinked and bowed, “Thanks.” Her grip on the drink was tightening, and as soon as she sat at the corner, with Jimin putting the bags down - she looked up to see Jimin smiling at her.


“Are you good over here?” Jimin asked, worried that the girl was uncomfortable. “I just thought that you wouldn’t want to have much distraction, and this just seems the perfect corner.”


Minjeong smiles, and without thought she brings the cold drink up, putting it against Jimin’s cheek. Successfully making the taller girl quiet.


“Just perfect,” Minjeong reassured the girl softly, and offered the drink to Jimin. “This is for you.”


Jimin was surprised, by the cold drink and as well as Minjeong’s actions. The girl has been reserved around Jimin for the past few days. From time to time, she could see Minjeong joking around with Ningning and Giselle around the university, sometimes she sees the girl with Taeyong as well. So at that moment, she was at a loss of words.


Blinking at Minjeong, and the latter only chuckled. “I don’t have forever, you know?” she joked.


That was when Jimin got over her surprise, and warmth started to spread around Minjeong with the smile that Jimin gave.


“Right, so this was for me?” Jimin asked and Minjeong simply nodded.


“I guess, I’m befriending you just right?”


Minjeong laughs as she shakes her head, softly pushing the girl away. “You have a practice to attend to.”


“I’ll pinch those cheeks soon Minjeong,” Jimin said in a sing-song voice, “thank you for this.”


“No worries,” Minjeong smiled and sat down, “have fun?” she said, not sure what to say.


“With this drink? I’m sure I’ll be having a lot of fun.” Jimin joked and immediately put it inside her bag, which was just right beside Minjeong. “You have fun writing there, I guess?”


Minjeong just laughs, Jimin really likes to talk. Glancing at the front, she could already see Taeyong started giving some instructions. She then looked at Jimin, “Go now, they’re about to start.”


Jimin did a playful salute before jogging to the front, and Minjeong just watched until she couldn’t see the girl. Her position was right at the front, perhaps since she’s already a member and would need to guide the new ones. She then looked around only to see Ningning’s eyes looking at her through the mirror.


The girl has an eyebrow raised, and Minjeong just tilted her head to the side - as if asking the girl why she was looking at her. Ningning just shakes her head, but Minjeong could see the smile forming on her lips.


Just then, Minjeong could hear the loud music - though it was just nothing fast, the beat making her bop her head as she watched the people following whatever steps Taeyong was doing. She could clearly see Giselle and Ningning following quite well, making her smile. She then looked at Jimin, with the people moving, she could see glimpses of the taller girl.


Minjeong just watched her for a few moments, seeing how Jimin was serious yet she smiled from time to time. Guiding the ones behind her carefully, Minjeong could clearly see how much the girl enjoyed what she was doing. Seeing that Jimin was looking around, Minjeong diverted her gaze - opting to just do some of her pending schoolworks.


With one last glance, she saw Giselle and Ningning smiling at her which she returned happily, giving them a thumbs up. Her eyes averted to Jimin’s place, only to see the latter already looking at her through the mirror - smiling as soon as their eyes connected. And Minjeong wasn’t sure if the beat she was hearing was from the music, or from her heart.





Minjeong blankly stared at the couple in front of her, watching as Giselle continued with whatever gesture she was doing that was making Ningning squeal. She grimaced at the sight, and she looked at the person beside her chuckling. Right, she was walking with Jimin - the four of them are walking together to the bus stop.


Taeyong suggested it to them, it should’ve only been Minjeong, Ningning, and Jimin since Giselle actually lives on the opposite side. But the girl reasoned out that she wants to spend time with Minjeong - emphasis on Minjeong. And there she was, obviously just using her for her own benefit.


“Are you annoyed by them?” Jimin asked, clearly amused.


Minjeong just frowns, “No, it’s just disgusting.”


‘Wha - “


Minjeong could clearly hear the surprised tone on Jimin’s tone, which she clearly cuts off the girl. “No, I’m not like that. They’re just disgusting being my friends, you know what I mean?”


There was a relief on Jimin’s face, “Well, I clearly get what you mean. They’re sweet though, kind of cute.”


Minjeong hums in agreement, “Yeah, I know. But this thing is still new to me. I just found out about them last week.” she shrugs.


“Really? I learned about them during the auditions.”


Minjeong quickly looks at the girl, “What?!”


Jimin laughed at the reaction, it was obvious that the girl was offended that Jimin knew it much earlier than her. “They were too obvious during the auditions, sure enough you didn’t miss that?”


“She’s too up in her head to see the signs Jimin,” Ningning said, clearly butting in their conversation. “Don’t even bother.”


Minjeong rolls her eyes, “Don’t listen to her.”


Giselle chuckled and quickly went beside Minjeong, grabbing her arm. “Now, you two stop. The bus is already here.”


Minjeong scrunched her nose at Giselle, “Now you remember me?”


Ningning just laughed, she then looked at Jimin - the latter watching them all throughout their interaction. “So, I’ve heard from Minjeong that you guys met during one of her walks with Mochi?”


Jimin quickly looks at Ningning, nodding her head. “Yeah, it was a coincidence.”


Giselle nods her head, “And a small world since you and Taeyong are cousins.”


“Right, I was surprised at first,” Ningning agreed and took a step forward, scanning Jimin’s face, “but when I took a closer look, I could actually see a resemblance.”


Giselle laughs, seeing how Jimin moved her head away from Ningning, she softly grabs the girl away. “Now, we both know they look like AI, but you’re taking up her personal space.”


Jimin frowns at Giselle’s words, “AI?”


Ningning just waved her hand, “You know, the ones that look too perfect.”


“Unreal.” Minjeong whispered along with Ningning, only for Giselle to hear and to witness how the girl glanced at Jimin. The latter smiling bashfully at Ningning.


“Oh, I don’t actually see - “


“Stop being humble, you’re beautiful Jimin,” Ningning said as she rolled her eyes, “it’s a fact. Like how the bus will be here in 3, 2, 1.”


On cue, they saw the bus pulling over in front of them. Giselle and Ningning were the ones to first go in, followed by Minjeong and Jimin. Unfortunately, there were two seats left, and knowing that the two would be tired from their practice, Minjeong just nodded her head. “Go take those ones, take a rest.”


Ningning smiled and slightly pinched Minjeong’s cheek, “You’re the best.”


“I know.”


She then saw Jimin smiling, the girl was at her side, holding some support for balance. Minjeong simply smiles back, “You good there?”


Jimin hummed and nodded her head, “Be careful, you might lose your balance.” And just like that, the bus suddenly stopped, causing Minjeong to actually lose her balance. She doesn’t have anything to hold on to, with the sudden brake causing her to fall forward.


Closing her eyes, expecting an impact that didn’t come. Minjeong then could feel an arm around her waist, and a warm breath hitting her ear. Slowly opening her eyes, only to look straight at dark orbs - feline eyes exuding warmth and worry.


And for a split second, Minjeong felt like she saw Jimin’s soul - or perhaps the girl saw hers as well. Because Jimin has eyes as open as a window, and as honest as a child. The warmth and safety were all spoken with a single look, and Minjeong could feel her heart skipping.


“I told you to be careful,” Jimin whispered, and Minjeong could only blink. Her own body refused to move, and suddenly the arm around her burned her. “Hold on to me, okay?” Jimin asked, removing her arms from Minjeong’s waist and slipping her hand through Minjeong’s.


The shorter girl could only look surprised, but Jimin just smiled - and there it was again. How it seems so normal for Jimin to do these things, like she has known Minjeong for years. And as Minjeong just stared, her grip on Jimin’s hand somehow tightened - she could only see Jimin’s eyes.


The whole interaction was of course, seen by the couple. Giselle with an amused look while Ningning smiled, the two of them exchanged a look. “Definitely a muse.” Ningning said.


Giselle chuckled, not disagreeing at all. “Well, this would be interesting.”


And if Minjeong quickly went to her desk, frantically writing down in her notebook, no one would have known. She didn’t even think about it, she just let her body move - to do her urge to write whatever she felt.


With these words I write, as I remember your eyes

I say nothing but the truth, and never a lie

Staring at your eyes, showing me a glimpse that I never knew I wanted,

And I stand there frozen in your arms, not knowing how long it lasted

As I think of how I met you under that moonlight

Living and breathing, as I never thought I would fall from this height

A mere mortal that could only look from a distance even with all my might,

Because you, my moon, my Selene, my Venus,

Rivals all the light, and was always born to shine.





Minjeong realized that something shifted, it was nothing big - not the sudden change that people are afraid of. It was a shift that wasn’t overwhelming for her, because as time passed by, Jimin somehow managed to creep in her life. The girl managed to settle her presence, carefully, quietly, and yet surely.


The casual greetings changed into full on conversations, their usual nodding of heads across the hallway became Jimin walking Minjeong to her class, or the other way around. Soon enough, Jimin also started joining them during their lunch - it was just a random afternoon, and Minjeong was surprised to see three pairs of eyes already looking at her. But she was more surprised to see Jimin there, the latter shooting her a small smile.


“Hey, you’ll be joining us?” Minjeong greeted the other two, taking a seat right next to Jimin.


The girl nodded her head, “Yeah, Gi and Ning saw me and they just invited me. I mean, if that’s okay with you?” she asked, unsure and worried.


Minjeong just waves her hand, “No, it’s fine. Just surprised." She shrugs and looks at Giselle and Ningning. “Why are you guys so quiet?”


Jimin just nudged her and slid her a tray full of food that Minjeong likes, “Here, and I think they were talking about adopting a cat or a dog?” she said, referring to the couple in front of them.


Minjeong looked at the tray and gave Jimin a grateful smile, she was really hungry at that time. They have too much to do, and Minjeong didn’t have time to grab some light breakfast because she will be late. “Thank you.”


Just then, Ningning looked at her with a frown. “Tell her that it would be much better to have a dog!”


Minjeong had open when Giselle talked as well, “Tell her that it would be too much for now, a cat would be much better since we can just leave it at home.”


Minjeong could see Ningning sulking, and was about to talk when the girl talked over her as well. “But dogs will welcome you and are a great stress reliever! Look at Minjeong,” Ningning points at her, “She doesn’t look stressed and always walks with Mochi!”


Minjeong opens and closes , then Giselle and Ningning start debating on what to get. It was amusing to watch, and Minjeong could see that Jimin was amused as well. It was funny even, who would even fight over what pet to get?


“Are they always like this?” Jimin asked, whispering near Minjeong’s ear. The latter froze for a moment before nodding her head.


“Yeah, they’ll be fine.” Minjeong said before butting in the couple’s conversation, “Get a turtle.” she deadpanned, making the two stop and Jimin laughed loudly.


“Minjeongie!” The two said simultaneously, and Minjeong just let out a chuckle.


Ningning just groaned, “You’re not helping,” she then looked at Jimin who was still trying to stop her laugh, “Jimin, what do you think? Cat or dog?”

Jimin hums and thinks about it for a second, “Well, I am a cat person.” she mumbles.


“See,” Giselle exclaims, “A cat.”


“But I did enjoy playing with Mochi.” Jimin continued.


Giselle groaned and Ningning let out a huge smile, her face smug to mock Giselle.


And soon after, Jimin started joining them. The usual trio became four, and somehow it all just became their routine. People got used to seeing them together, and Giselle and Ningning somehow looks forward to seeing Jimin as well.


Minjeong’s days started to consist of Jimin, it seems like there’s not a day when she wouldn’t see the older girl. She wasn’t complaining, since Minjeong couldn’t deny that Jimin is a good company to have. Because with Jimin, Minjeong never notices the time - it’s like it has its own flow and beauty. With Minjeong trying to capture every single moment with words, for her to go back to - to remember, to see, and to feel the emotions she felt during those moments.


So when she was woken up by her mom, saying that someone’s looking for her - at 8 in the morning on a weekend, Minjeong was too groggy to even respond. She went to bed a little bit over midnight because she had been too consumed with writing and reading, and if not for Mochi’s barking, she wouldn’t have moved from her bed.


Minjeong groaned and stretched her body, looking for her will to just stand up and walk outside to see who was waking her up at this hour. Ning, if this is you, you’re so going to be dead.


She then carried Mochi, the incessant barking and scratching stopped immediately. Minjeong didn’t even bother to look at her appearance, thinking that it was just Ningning at the door. Her hair is still messy as she puts on her glasses, trying to adjust with the light - she squints her eyes.


“Mom, is it Ning?” Minjeong asks as she walks down the stairs.


“Just look for yourself, I’m cooking!” Her mother shouts from the kitchen.


Minjeong just sighed, she then looked at Mochi, the dog seemed too excited for the morning. Chuckling, she gently pats its head before waking out of their house. As soon as she went out, she could feel the light from the sun hitting her eyes. Squinting, when suddenly Mochi jumped out of her hold only to see the dog running over someone - that someone who was obviously not Ningning.


“Jimin?” Minjeong said, not believing what she was seeing. She blinks for a few seconds, before slowly walking towards the girl. “Hey, why are you… what?” she asked confusedly.


Jimin was petting and giving Mochi a belly rub, looking up to see Minjeong’s confused face. She chuckled when she saw Minjeong’s appearance - obviously the girl went straight out of her bed. “Good morning to you too, Minjeong.” she greeted.


Minjeong suddenly blushed, remembering the state she was in. “Hey, what are you doing here?” she said, trying to change the topic and perhaps, hoping to get an answer from the taller girl.


“Oh, right. I was hoping you could join me?” Jimin smiled, shrugging her shoulders. She then continued as she pointed behind her, “I really want to go to this cafe and I was hoping you could join me?”


That’s when Minjeong noticed a car behind the taller girl, raising an eyebrow she asked. “You drive?”


Jimin smiled and nodded her head, “Yeah, but not all the time,” She then proceeded to grab Mochi from the ground, the sight making Minjeong smile because it’s too natural for Jimin to do so.


“And why the sudden plan?” Minjeong asked back, quite confused by the spontaneous invitation of the girl. It’s not like she’s against it, but questions started running inside her mind. Why does Jimin suddenly want to go out? Or doesn’t she have any other friends?


And maybe, it was how Minjeong observed Jimin for all the times they’ve spent together that she noticed the slight drop of the girl’s smile. Somehow, something twitched inside her causing her to feel guilty for asking too much.


“I mean, you don’t have to say yes,” Jimin said, her laugh a little bit too quiet for Minjeong’s comfort. The girl then focused on Mochi, and Minjeong could see that Jimin was down, “I should get going, sorry for - “


“You can wait inside,” Minjeong cuts her off, “I can’t really go out like this.” she pointed at herself.


Minjeong knew she said the right words, because the smile that Jimin gave her was unreal - the kind of smile that seems grateful, like Jimin was relieved. And just like that, the two of them went inside with Mochi in Jimin’s hands. They were welcomed by her mother, with a questioning look since of course, Jimin is a new face for her.


“Good morning Mrs. Kim,” Jimin said and bowed, “sorry for barging in so early.”


Minjeong saw how her mother just shakes her head, the same motherly smile evident on her face. “Oh, it’s fine. But you’re new,” she said and looked at Minjeong, “mind introducing her to me, Minjeongie?”


“This is Yoo Jimin,” Minjeong said, “she’s actually Taeyong’s cousin.”


Mrs. Kim nodded and somehow stared at Jimin, “Ah, I see. It runs in the genes.”


Minjeong could only chuckle at the blushing that Jimin had, and she gently urged her mother to continue what she was doing. “I’ll be going out by the way, just do what you’re doing.”


And maybe, it was Minjeong’s miscalculation of the situation because she didn’t expect her mother to ask her something. “Is it a date?”


Mnejong choked on nothing, slapping her mother’s arm causing the older woman to laugh. She just ignored her and walked over to Jimin, the latter watching them curiously. Minjeong hoped she didn’t notice the blush on her cheeks, grabbing Jimin’s hand for them to go to their room.


As soon as they entered her room, Minjeong pointed at her bed. “Uh, you can wait there, or just anywhere. I’ll just fix myself up.” she said, and quickly fixed her bed somehow making it look presentable.


Mochi then hopped out from Jimin’s hold, going to his usual corner. Looking around the room, Minjeong sees Jimin roaming around and somehow, it made her nervous since this was the first time Jimin went there. Just then, Jimin walked over to her desk and Minjeong saw some books opened and her notebook from last night.


“You were writing?” Jimin asked, and Minjeong quickly walked over. Closing the book and hiding her notebook in the process.


“Yeah, you could say that,” she chuckled awkwardly, “anyway, make yourself at home. I’ll be real quick.”


Jimin just smiled and nodded her head, “Take your time, Minjeong-ah.” she said softly.


Quickly grabbing a towel and clothes, Minjeong went out and proceeded to the bathroom. Staring at her reflection, groaning and her rubbing her face. She looked at her very disheveled appearance, wondering how Jimin managed to still smile at her despite looking like that. Shaking her head, removes her glasses and hopped in the shower.


Thinking about how their day will go, and somehow feeling excited for this spontaneous trip.





“You drive?” Minjeong asked, fixing the seat belt. They’ve been on the road for a few minutes now, she already asked Jimin the cafe she wanted to go to, but the latter just gave her a smile.


Jimin hummed, turning on the speaker as her phone automatically connected. “Yeah, I don’t usually drive unless I want to.”


Minjeong frowns, confused at the girl. “But you use the bus with us? Why don’t you just drive yourself?” she wondered and continued, “I mean it’ll save you time.” she shrugged.


“Yeah, but I wouldn’t get to spend time with you,” a pause and Minjeong’s heart flipped. “And with Giselle and Ningning. Driving by myself is too lonely.”


Minjeong clears , deciding to ignore her heart. “Well then, you can just ask us to join you.” she suggested cheekily making Jimin chuckle.


“Ah, I see. You’re going to use me as your personal driver?”


“Maybe yes, maybe not?” Minjeong answered playfully, “who knows?”


A comfortable silence settled between them, Minjeong carefully listened to the songs playing as she looked at the buildings they’re passing by. Bopping her head to the beat of the music, “You have a nice playlist.”


Minjeong could see the huge smile of the other girl with her compliment, “I can send it to you later.” Jimin said and Minjeong nodded.


As they continued on with their silence, Minjeong noticed that there’s obviously something bothering Jimin - it was with the way how Jimin was anxiously tapping her fingers against the steering wheel, and how she would always glance at her phone. Minjeong noticed these little things, and the way Jimin would bite her lip - a clear indication that the taller girl is thinking about something else.


“Tell me honestly, what’s with the sudden invitation?”


Jimin glanced at her, anxiousness all replaced and masked. “I told you, I just want to go - “


“Jimin,” Minjeong said in a firm tone, something that she never used to the older girl. “Honestly. I could tell that there’s something bothering you.”


“Am I that obvious?” Jimin asked, clicking her tongue.


“No, I just noticed it I guess,” Minjeong shrugs, “you never tapped your fingers to the beat of the music, it’s obviously something that’s bothering you.”


As they slowly stop at the stop light, Jimin looks at Minjeong. An amused smile on her face was evident, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity, “You noticed that?” she asked with a small laugh.


Minjeong then turned to look at Jimin, her stare unwavering as she looked at how Jimin looked at the moment - one arm against the window as she rested her face against her fist, looking at Minjeong. The messy bun she’s wearing, along with the loose and simple shirt. Just like that, Minjeong was mesmerized again, no matter how long she spends time with the older girl - she knows that it will never fail to make her heart jump.


With a sigh, Minjeong simply smiled. “It’s hard not to notice you, Jimin-ah.” she said softly, quietly - almost like a whisper. But still, it reached Jimin’s ears given that the latter looked speechless. Unlike before, where Minjeong would always follow remarks like that with a joke, she decided to just let it be.


Her words hang in the air, along with the soft music playing. Jimin snapped out of her stare when she heard a honk from behind, putting the transmission drive, she continued on their way. Glancing at Minjeong who was just looking ahead, “Careful, I might believe your words Minjeong.” She decided to lightly joke.


But Minjeong’s words just made her speechless again.


“And who said I was lying?”


Jimin breathes out, because the smile on Minjeong’s lips just screams honesty - and the way she was looking at her, it’s like Jimin hangs the stars in the sky. It was overwhelming for Jimin, to see Minjeong this honest. They’ve been spending a lot of time together, but this is something new - for Jimin perhaps. Because she has never felt so seen not until this moment, like Minjeong could actually see her soul - and the mask that Jimin wears.


And so she settled with silence, but Jimin couldn’t deny it. Her heart grew fonder of the girl, just like how it’s always been since their first meeting.




Pulling over, Minjeong looks at her right to see a cafe. There were not many people inside, probably only about 3 to 4 people then some employees of the cafe. It’s probably because it’s a weekend, and people usually wake up late. Well, except for the ones inside.


“Come on,” Jimin smiled and walked out of the car. Removing her seat belt, Minjeong grabbed her bag and before she could open her door, it was already opened by Jimin.


“Thanks,” she smiled and waited for Jimin to walk beside her. Entering the cafe, Minjeong was welcomed by the relaxing aroma of coffee, mixed with cinnamon. She could hear their coffee machine doing its work, as she looked around to see that the cafe has a second floor. The interior was painted in earthy tones, making it pleasing to the eyes.


“You can go upstairs,” Jimin ushered her, holding her hand in the process as they walked up to the second floor. Minjeong saw that there were other customers there and when Jimin turned her around, she was welcomed by an overlooking view. There was an alfresco part in the cafe, overlooking the view of the town.


“Beautiful, right?” Jimin said quietly near her ear, guiding Minjeong to one of the tables. “This is the reason why I wanted to go here.”


Minjeong was still amazed by the view, only nodding her head with Jimin’s words. “Wow.”


“That’s one way to put it,” Jimin smiled, her gaze softening with how Minjeong looked at the moment. The latter was like a child seeing something, or learning a new thing in her life. “I’ll order for us.”


That snapped Minjeong out of thoughts, “What? No, I’ll pay -”


“No,” Jimin said and shook her head, “I invited you here. I’ll pay.” Not letting Minjeong talk again, she walked away to order for them. Minjeong could only watch Jimin, shaking her head with an amused chuckle.


“You don’t even know what I would order,” she said to herself.


Looking at the view again, Minjeong didn’t hesitate to fish out her phone to capture it. Taking numerous pictures of the view, only to stop when she received a message notification from Ningning.


I saw Jimin earlier in front of your house :))))))))


That was an hour ago and you just texted me now?


Unlike you, I have all the time to sleep again :)))))))))))



Minjeong rolled her eyes, she could already hear the teasing tone of Ningning and she’s pretty sure that the girl already told this to Giselle.


Then sleep again -.-


Cos u have a date? :)))))))))))



Minjeong takes a sharp inhale, keeping her phone but not before she could see Ningning’s new message.




Minjeong just rolled her eyes, taking a seat and she could see Jimin already approaching their table with a tray. She suddenly has an urge to take a photo of the girl as she approaches Minjeong, but Minjeong mentally shakes it away. Smiling at Jimin and grabbing the drinks from the tray to help the taller girl.


“Thanks,” Jimin smiled, putting the tray down. “I ordered pasta and sandwich, and of course some desserts for your sweet tooth.”


Minjeong beamed at the girl, “Well, what should I get?”


“You can choose,” Jimin gestured her hand to the food in front of them, “I’ll get whatever you wouldn’t choose.”


Frowning, Minjeong suggested another one. “What if we just share?”


“Just perfect.” Jimin smiled, putting the pasta in front of Minjeong. She then grabbed the utensils, cutting the sandwich in half. “Let’s dig in.”


And soon enough, they started eating. Satisfying their hunger for the hour drive they had, which was just worth it because of the view they have. Minjeong then looks at Jimin, the latter nodding happily as she takes a bite from her sandwich. And perhaps, it was all worth it for Minjeong because she’s also with the perfect company.


Taking a bite from her pasta, she heard a quiet chuckle in front of her only to see Jimin pointing her phone camera at Minjeong.


“Hey! I wasn’t ready,” Minjeong pouted, which earned another chuckle from Jimin. Showing her a greatly captured photo of Minjeong looking like a real child as she takes a huge bite of her food.


“You look cute though,” Jimin smiles, noticing something on Minjeong’s lips. “And a little bit messy, I guess.” she teased.


“What, no I’m not!” Minjeong pouted, grabbing a napkin to somehow wipe whatever Jimin saw but she obviously missed when Jimin just laughed again. This caused Minjeong to pout even more.


“You look like a baby,” Jimin said, grabbing a napkin and leaning a little bit forward. Minjeong could see how some of Jimin’s hair fell to her face, observing Jimin’s smile and the mole on her lower lip. Suddenly, Minjeong couldn’t breathe properly, the sight of this Jimin - all in her casual and beautiful glory, it just overwhelms Minjeong.


“Seriously, I would really want to pinch your cheeks.”


And without thought, Minjeong grabbed Jimin’s hand, taking away the napkin that she used to wipe the sauce from Minjeong’s lips. Guiding it to her own cheeks, the action caused Jimin to pause and look straight at Minjeong.


“Pinch it then.” Minjeong said, and it was supposed to be funny, really. But Minjeong felt like it’s a declaration of something, something that she is yet to know. But when Jimin smiled at her, it was one of happiness growing. Like how the sun rises slowly in the morning, or how flowers bloom. Their distance helped Minjeong to see how Jimin’s eyes literally lit up, her body relaxed and Minjeong could only think of one thing.




Softly pinching Minjeong’s cheeks, Jimin giggles quietly. “So, it really took me to treat you to something before we can be officially friends?” she joked lightly.


And Minjeong was grateful for it, because she doesn’t know what she would do if Jimin didn’t joke. The atmosphere from earlier lightning up, “We’ve been friends since I brought you that drink.”


Jimin faked a gasp, “You were using me?!”


“You bet I am.” Minjeong deadpanned, as she took some pasta, putting the fork in front of Jimin. “Eat up.” she said.


Jimin smiles, “Oh is this one of your privi - “


“Shut up,” Minjeong said, shoving the pasta inside Jimin’s mouth. The two of them laugh together with their actions.


Spending time with Jimin really makes Minjeong forget how fast it could be, it was just filled with laughter. Jimin is always talking about everything she thinks about, even the most random things - she would share it with Minjeong. She then remembers Taeyong’s words, and somehow, Minjeong could see where the guy was coming from.


Because watching and hearing Jimin talk about everything, with that huge smile on her face, and the occasional hand gestures - she knows she wouldn’t exchange it anything for the world.


Soon enough, they were already finished with their food. But Jimin had other plans, because as they entered her vehicle, she suddenly asked Minjeong something. “Wanna go to the lake?”


And of course, Minjeong nodded. It’s not like she has anything to do anyways, for most part, she would just probably stay inside her room, or call Ningning and Giselle to come over. “Sure, I don’t have anything to do anyway.” she shrugged.


Arriving at the park, Jimin carefully parked the vehicle and opened the door for Minjeong again. The two of them walked around the park, watching some dogs and pet-owners playing, making Minjeong sigh as she suddenly missed her own pet. “I wish Mochi’s here.”


“Well, let’s bring him next time?” Jimin suggested with a smile.


“Next time?”


Jimin hums and starts walking again, a hop in her step as she looks up at the sky. “Yeah, next time.” she simply said, ignoring the questioning tone of Minjeong. The latter shook her head in amusement.


“I think you would do anything I wish for, Jimin.” Minjeong teased slightly, bumping their shoulders playfully.


Jimin chuckled and shrugs, “Maybe yes, maybe no.” smirking as she just returned Minjeong’s words from earlier.


The two of them then walked towards the path to the lake, as expected, no one was there since it’s just bushes. Jimin guided and helped Minjeong to walk through the path, holding the girl’s hands softly. Soon enough, they were right in front of the lake. The place is still quiet and peaceful during that night, and Minjeong closes her eyes to feel its peacefulness.


“I’ve been here a number of times but it never fails to amaze me.” Jimin shares, walking around and sitting under a shade. Minjeong raised an eyebrow at her words, following the taller girl.


“Number of times?” she asked.


Jimin nodded, “I’ve been here since I was a kid, it was just an accident though.” she shared and continued, looking at the flowers near them. “I somehow ran around the park and got lost, only to be here.”


Minjeong nods her head, absorbing the new information. “So, this has been here before?”


“I guess? I mean I just stumbled upon this place during one of our visits to Taeyong,” Jimin shrugs and picks some flowers, “I actually planted these.”


Minjeong smiles and excitedly looks at Jimin, “Really?!”


JImin grinned proudly, “Yeah, so you can go get flowers there if you want.” she jokingly said, making Minjeong chuckle. And then, silence settled in between them. It was comfortable, with Minjeong asking Jimin some questions about her childhood, and Jimin doing the same to Minjeong.


“About earlier,” Jimin started out of nowhere, glancing at Minjeong. The latter already notices the anxiousness of Jimin again, and she already has an idea that this was about their earlier car ride. Minjeong hummed for Jimin to continue.


“Have you ever felt scared?” Jimin asked, her eyes on the grass as she played with some loose thread on her pants. “Afraid of just anything. Like, afraid of a change or the lack of change?”


Minjeong tilts her head, “Everyone is scared of change Jimin, but it’s much scarier for everything to stay the same.”


“What do you mean?” Jimin looks at her, confused with her words.


“It’s just, because if nothing changes then are you really growing as a person? Or are you really living your life?” Minjeong said in a form of questions, hoping that Jimin would understand her point. “Because maybe, you’re just settling with whatever you have because it works for you. Your happy middle, your comfort zone.”


Jimin slowly nods her head, and Minjeong could see that she understood her.


“I get what you mean,” Jimin smiles and looks at Minjeong, “I’ve started receiving offers from dance companies.” she confessed.


Minjeong beams at that, “That’s great news, right?”


“Yeah, it’s really great and flattering to be honest,” Jimin said and Minjeong could hear a ‘but’ coming. “But I really want to go to this certain company, it’s been my dream.”


Minjeong nods her head, watching the clouds move and focusing on the sound of water. “And what’s scaring you?”


“I,” Jimin breathes out, putting a few strands of hair behind her eyes as she bites her lower lip. “I might get rejected.”


And Minjeong understood it now, the anxiety that Jimin showed earlier, the hesitation of her words. She understood and saw that Jimin was scared because she was insecure, afraid to be rejected, to be criticized - to not enter her dream company. Perhaps this is one of the times that Jimin wants to let go of those insecurities, and Minjeong lets her.


“Say, what’s your dream?” Minjeong softly asked, moving closer to Jimin, enough for their shoulders to touch.


Jimin looks at her weirdly, “I told you, I really want to enter this compa - “


Minjeong shakes her head softly, “What’s your dream, Jimin?” she asked again, emphasizing her words. “Your dream, not the company. That’s just a stepping stone. Tell me about your dream.”


Jimin blinks, pondering her thoughts as she answers. “To dance, to freely express myself through dancing. To just, simply show people that this is what makes me happy.” she answered quietly.


Minjeong smiled, “And would that change if you didn’t enter that company?”



“And would that change if you get rejected?”


Jimin paused for a moment, “I’m scared to - “


“Would it change?” Minjeong repeats the question, and smiles when she sees Jimin shaking her head.


“Well then, that’s the answer.” Minjeong said and continued, “You go and audition for that company, go follow your dreams. It’s not like it would change if you got rejected, you can be sad but I think your dream wouldn’t change just because of a single rejection.”


Jimin listens and watches Minjeong, the latter’s eyes speaking thousands of words, and somehow showing JImin an assurance of some sort. And she couldn’t help but to believe Minjeong, her tone dripping out honesty. Unfiltered. Secured.


“How are you so sure?” Jimin asks, confused on where Minjeong got all of those words out.


“Have you seen yourself when you dance?” Minjeong asked and chuckled, “I told you Jimin, it’s hard not to notice you.”


And before Jimin could answer, Minjeong looked at her - her gaze so soft, like she had seen her own salvation in the form of Jimin. Minjeong’s gaze whispers protection, like how a mother hugs her newborn child - it’s a gaze that is full of words that only Minjeong could know.


“You don’t just shine when you dance Jimin,” Minjeong said slowly, softly - like it’s a secret to the world. Her own secret to keep, and yet she was sharing it with Jimin. “You’re the light itself, so don’t think about what others would say. Just do your thing and be a light to your dreams, okay?”


Jimin didn’t know she was holding her breath, and as she quietly exhales, staring at Minjeong. “Will you cheer for me?”


And it’s with a brushing of their fingers, and how Minjeong gave her a warm smile that Jimin already knew the answer. “Even if I get blinded by your light, I’ll be cheering for you.”


As simple as a snap of fingers, all the worries inside Jimin that had been eating her up suddenly vanished. Just with those simple words, Jimin suddenly felt reassured and renewed. A sense of hope filled her, and it was in the form of warm and soft eyes. “Now, be careful. I might actually take up that offer.”


Minjeong chuckles, shaking her head, “Exclusively for you.”


And with that, Minjeong went home with new words waiting to be written.


To see a goddess like you unexpectedly, to spend time in this beautiful place

I wonder and wander, as your mind seems to be in a huge maze

Only to discover that your lights are dimming, darkness and demons consuming you from the inside

And it is an honor to spend and see you in this light, sitting beside you at the lakeside

And I whisper promises not with my words but with my eyes,

As I stare at you under this blue sky, believe me when I say that I would never lie

As I would forever be in awe no matter how bright and dim you shine,

Because stars no matter how near or far, will always make anyone watch

Just like a goddess like you, who has always been divine





Taking a seat beside Giselle, Minjeong greets the latter with a smile. Somehow, she feels energized that day - thankful that she got a proper sleep from the night before. Feeling someone’s eyes on her, she looked to her right and Giselle was giving her a smirk. Minjeong rolls her eyes, knowing already where this would go.


“Ning told you?” Minjeong asked with a blank face, earning a laugh from Giselle.


“Nope,” Giselle said, popping the ‘p’ sound. It made Minjeong confused until Giselle continued. “I saw it too, I slept at Ning’s house that day.”


Minjeong gasped, feeling betrayed. “Having a sleepover without me?!” she said, pointing her index finger accusingly at Giselle.


The latter shrugs and acts like she’s going to bite Minjeong’s finger, making her slap Giselle’s arm. “I doubt you’re sad about that, given that you had a date.” Giselle teased.


Minjeong decided to keep mum, opting for silence which earned another chuckle from Giselle. It’s not like Giselle’s lying, because Minjeong did enjoy her time with Jimin that day. She didn’t even realize how much they’ve spent time together not until she went back home, only to realize that it will almost be time for dinner.


“So, how was it?”


Minjeong took a quick glance at the curious look of Giselle, “It’s not a date if that’s what you’re thinking.”


‘It’s not?” the other girl asked back, in a mocking tone making Minjeong pinch her side.


“It’s not, stop assuming things.” Minjeong clarified.


“Okay,” Giselle said, raising her hands up. “So, how was the ‘not date’ hangout?”


Minjeong groaned, she knew that the girl wouldn’t stop pestering her. Giselle has always been adamant for Minjeong to ‘go out’ there. But the thing is, Minjeong doesn’t want to look for someone, thinking that it’s too hard to balance life. Or, if she’s being honest, no one has really caught her attention.


“We went to a cafe,” Minjeong decided to share, “it’s actually really good, the view there was immaculate if you ask me. You go there with Ning, you guys would like it.” she suggested.


“Ah really? I’ll keep that in mind,” Giselle smiled and looked at Minjeong, deciding to ask what has been bothering her - more like her curious side being bothered. “Do you like Jimin?”


Minjeong whipped her head, staring at Giselle with a shocked face. The question caught her off guard, she could see Giselle just looking at her - pure curiosity. “Stop with the nonsense, Gi.” Minjeong mumbled.


“I beg to differ,” Giselle simply answered and with a smile, “I have eyes, Min. You look happy when you’re with her.” she points out softly.


“That doesn’t mean that I like her.”


Giselle hums, nodding her head. The two of them saw their professor entering the class, making everyone bring out a notebook - it’s always like this in their class. They would always write pieces for anything, to be passed until the end of the class. Glancing at Minjeong, Giselle could see that the girl was simply tapping her pen on her notebook.


“But you look at her like she’s your whole life, Min,” Giselle said quietly and looked at Minjeong’s notebook, scribbled words of moon, sky, stars, and goddess could be seen. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s your muse.” she said, nodding her head at Minjeong’s notebook.


And she didn’t miss how Minjeong took a sharp inhale of breath as soon as she said those words. The latter looked at her but did not say anything. Leaning back to her own chair, Giselle started to think of her piece of that day - with their professor’s voice in the background discussing their lesson. She’s about to write something on her notebook when she saw a folded piece of paper, Minjeong was only looking ahead.


Giselle frowns, getting the paper and opening it. Only to blink and stare at the words written on it, looking at Minjeong in disbelief.


And what if she is?



And it’s with the small smile that Minjeong had that time, shy yet truthful. The way she looked at Giselle with pure innocence, and yet so sure of her words. Giselle didn’t know that Minjeong was already aware that Jimin was her muse, and for her to know it from Minjeong - to have the confirmation, she couldn’t help but to feel elated for her friend.


“So, you like her?” Giselle mouths at Minjeong, earning a shrug from the latter.

With a whisper, Minjeong answered her. “Maybe yes, maybe no.”


And Giselle knows that it’s the former. Because Minjeong may not say it out loud yet, but Giselle’s pretty sure that the girl has been writing it down.





As soon as the class ended, Giselle and Minjeong grabbed their things. The two of them talked about the project they would need to pass by the end of the term. Walking out of the room, the two of them were surprised to see Jimin - leaning against the wall, smiling at them.


“Oh, Jimin-ah,” Giselle greets the girl, “are you waiting for someone?”


Jimin nods, looking at Minjeong. “Yeah,” she answered and walked to Minjeong. “I have some time, can I walk you to your class?” she asked.


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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭