AUTUMN PT 4: with these falling leaves, i remember and fall

seasons and weather
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Something shifted in their dorm right after that interaction, rather than using the sticky notes, the two of them started talking - like full on conversation, talking. Gone were the 5 to 10 words exchange of words, and Jimin was grateful as she never suffered the awkward silences from then on. But there's one thing that bothers her, it's the fact that Jimin feels like Minjeong's doing the work most of the time - always the one to start the conversation, no matter how small it was.

It happened during one breakfast, when Jimin and Minjeong have different classes but both will start around 10 in the morning, making them have enough time to prepare. Jimin was about to just grab some quick breakfast, which of course is just cereal and milk but Minjeong stopped her.

"Hey, I can cook us some breakfast," the younger girl suggested, eyeing Jimin who was about to put some cereal in a bowl, "you've been eating that for the whole month."

Jimin blinks, checking the cereal she was holding. "Really? You don't have to cook, this is fine - "

"I'll just cook for two, it's just bacon and eggs, Jimin." Minjeong smiles reassuringly, walking over to the fridge to get what she needs, "you can prepare the coffee?" she smiled once more before turning to the stove and proceeded to cook.

Jimin stood there for a moment, watching Minjeong's back as the latter was cooking, for the first time, the silence was something she felt comfortable with. The one that reminds her of their younger years. Jimin did prepare the coffee, and as if on instinct, she grabbed the oatmilk for Minjeong. It just took the latter roughly 15-20 minutes to prepare the breakfast, all with their toasted bread.

This is the first time for Jimin to use the dining table to actually dine, with someone - with Minjeong. She usually just uses it whenever she has all nighters and she'd rather stay out of her bedroom as she tends to fall asleep. And as she looks up from her own plate, Jimin involuntary smiles, watching Minjeong right across the table. Just then, she felt her phone vibrating inside her pocket, fishing it out as she was welcomed by Giselle's message.

let's have lunch w ning - Gigi

A new message came in.

with minjeong too, talk to her - Gigi

Jimin rolls her eyes, sending a quick reply. She clears , grabbing Minjeong's attention - who immediately looks up to her, as if she's always aware whenever Jimin would like to talk. Always those same eyes looking at her with a certain glint.

"Gi wanted us to have lunch with you and Ning" Jimin said and continued, "you're free that time?"

"Well, do you?"

"What?" Jimin tilts her head, confused.

"Do you want to have lunch with us?" Minjeong hums, drinking the last bit of her coffee.

"Yeah." Jimin didn't need much time to think about an answer - she's pretty sure that she wants to. "Of course."

"Then I'm free," Minjeong answers, standing up and putting the dishes in the sink, "wash the dishes, please? Be a good dormie." she teases.

"You volunteered to cook!" Jimin pouts, standing up and she could only chuckle as she heard Minjeong's laugh.

And Jimin thinks, this feels like autumn from 16 years ago.

Lunches became a group thing from then on, there would be instances that Ryujin and Yeji would join them whenever their schedules align, and it would be a loud lunch. Jimin could only laugh at how silly their conversations would go - with Ryujin always teasing Yeji.

"Oh hey, this looks like a cat," pointing to one random shape of snack she got, and putting it right in front of Yeji, as if comparing the two. "A very annoyed cat, well I'm going to eat it."

And as usual, Ryujin would groan out of pain because Yeji pinched her side. "What was that for? I was just eating - "

"One more time, and you won't only get a pinch from me."

As if it wasn't enough, "A kiss then?"

Then the table moved as Ryujin nudged it with her knee, and a loud groan again from the latter. "Did you just kick me?!"

"Want more?" Yeji raised a brow, smiling innocently at the girl.

And everyone laughed at the defeated look and sulking face of Ryujin. Jimin shakes her head in amusement, and was about to take a sip from her juice only to realize that there's none left. She mentally pouted and was about to grab another one, when she noticed a juice on her left side - someone sliding it to her until it bumped her hand.

"Here you go, I'm fine with my water." Minjeong offered and did not wait for a reply when she suddenly turned her attention to Ningning who was asking her something.

Jimin didn't know she's smiling until someone kicked her lightly under the table, looking up to see Giselle already curiously looking at her and then to the juice that Minjeong gave her. The latter mouthed a 'what was that' to Jimin, but she just shrugged and continued drinking peacefully. And if Jimin bought a chocolate bar before they left for their classes, putting it inside Minjeong's bag quietly with a sticky note, she didn't bother to answer Giselle's questions about it.

She never realized how quiet and lonely it was in her dorm until she had Minjeong as her dorm mate. Going back to her dorm before only consists of silence and darkness, not a single sin of life as Jimin never actually uses the kitchen often, save for the quick meals before. But right now, as she entered her - well, their dorm, she was surprised to hear the faint sounds of classical music being played.

The light in the kitchen , and Jimin could see that there's some kind of soup being cooked - assuming that it was a soup given the use of a pot. Then right there on the kitchen counter, sat on top was Minjeong - reading and annotating a new book. Glancing from the stove from time to time to check what she was cooking.

It seems like Minjeong didn't notice her arrival, "Hey, what are you cooking?" Jimin asked, surprising the younger girl.

"Oh, hey you're back," Minjeong hops down the kitchen counter, "Just kimchi stew, you said that you've been craving some, right?"

Jimin did mention that during one of their lunches, but it was just in passing - when everyone was having their own conversation and Jimin just randomly said 'oh, I suddenly want some kimchi stew', and it's more like she said it to herself - but she never thought Minjeong heard it, or that she was listening. So right now, Jimin doesn't know how to react, but there's this feeling inside her that just warms up her whole body.

"Right, you didn't have to though," Jimin smiles, putting down her belongings on the couch, "but it does smell good." she comments.

"Of course, I know how to cook." Minjeong rolls her eyes playfully.

"Are you saying that I don't?" Jimin challenges.

Minjeong just whistles playfully, "Well, there's a reason that you're the one who always washes the dishes."

"Oh please, I can buy any food anyway." Jimin weakly retorts back.

Minjeong scoffs, turning off the stove. "Well, talk about privilege," and she proceeds to grab some bowl for the two of them, "let's eat?"

"If you keep doing this, I'm going to get fat soon, Minjeong."

"You always look good anyways." Minjeong comments back, shrugging her shoulders.

Jimin doesn't comment on that, there's always just a way for Minjeong to shut her up - and it comes in a random comment that Jimin is always caught off guard. The two of them then went on eating the kimchi stew that the younger girl cooked, which of course Jimin complimented as always. Somehow, with Winter's habit of cooking - which she never knew until now, it made their friendship much better, much easier to navigate

It gave them time to actually warm up with each other, and maybe, help their inner thoughts to be quiet and just go with the flow. All thanks to Minjeong.

"I don't see you doing some paper," Jimin suddenly points out, as she took a glance at the book that Minjeong was reading earlier, "are you even stressed out in school?"

Minjeong chuckles, "Yeah but it's mostly group work and reporting, and of course, readings." she said, gesturing to the book. "But I do my individual work in the library whenever I have the chance, so that I can just relax whenever I go back here." she smiles.

So, if Jimin found herself in the library the next day, it was definitely not because of Minjeong. It's just simply because the latter gave her an idea to do the same - thinking that maybe, Jimin would be much more productive. When Giselle knew about this, the girl was definitely surprised. It's not everyday that Jimin would willingly go to the library all by her own, Giselle is usually the one to initiate it.

"You, in the library?" Giselle asked, frowning and confused as she got her bag as soon as their class was dismissed.

Jimin hums in response, "Yeah, just gonna do some paperwork. I can't seem to focus on the dorm."

The two of them walked out of their class, and Giselle was still looking at Jimin weirdly, making the latter return the look with a frown. "What?"

"Nothing," Giselle shakes her head, "but I did hear from Ning that Minjeongis usually in the library at this time." she continued in a tone.

"Stop with whatever's inside your head, Gi."

Giselle just scoffed, turning right as she has other things to do, but not without looking at Jimin again, "I don't know about you, but you and Minjeong," she waves her hand, "There's something sus about you two."

Jimin wanted to retort but she wasn't given a chance because Giselle quickly turned around, walking away to her other business. Jimin to be honest, doesn't know what she can say about Giselle's comment - because there's nothing sus about her and Minjeong, right? Well, save for the fact that the others don't have any idea that they were best friends.

And it's a subject that Jimin doesn't know how to tackle - or to explain to them. Heck, Jimin's not even sure how she could handle it, because it is something that's been bothering her as well. But she knows, she's not ready yet - and she wonders, was Minjeong ready for that talk?

And what kind of talk is that actually?

As usual, Jimin keeps it inside - putting it at the back of her mind, whispering from time to time.

The library was not as packed as before, Jimin could see that there were many vacant tables that she could situate herself in but she found herself looking for a certain someone. As if on cue, Jimin looks at her left and just right there, Minjeong looks up from her book - connecting eyes with each other, Jimin musters up a smile and wave, which was returned by a confused and surprised look from the younger girl.

"Jimin, hey," Minjeong said as Jimin occupied the seat in front of the younger girl, "you're here?"

"Yeah, I thought that I'd be much more productive if I did some work here." True, but not entirely.

Jimin pulls out her own laptop, along with whatever paper she needs to do. She glances at Minjeong, the latter still looking at her - staring if she would, and Jimin could see the way Minjeong opens as if she's going to say something, only for her to close and shake her head. And Jimin has this urge that bubbles inside her, to ask Minjeong what it is because obviously, it bothered the younger girl.

Judging from the faint frown that Minjeong's sporting as she types away, not the kind of frown that she does whenever she's confused or thinking about her paper. But the kind of frown that she does whenever there's something she's thinking about, distracts her from what she needs to do. The urge inside Jimin, for once, was finally winning - and she's about to do it not until someone called Minjeong.

"Min, hey," someone said, and Jimin looked up to see a blonde girl, "can I talk to you for a second?"

Minjeong blinks, glancing at Jimin then to the girl, "Oh, yeah. Sure, what is it about?"

"Actually, it's kind of private," the girl said sheepishly, and Jimin was irked with the way the girl twirled her hair.

"Oh," Minjeong voiced out, then Jimin saw the younger girl looking at her - as if asking for permission.

"What?" Jimin asked, "you can go, I'll look out for your things." she smiles.

Minjeong nods her head, standing up and walking away from the table. Jimin watches the two walking away, seeing the way that there's a respectable distance between Minjeong and the blonde girl, and Jimin couldn't help but to roll her eyes whenever the blonde girl would invade Minjeong's personal space. As if hearing her thoughts, Jimin saw Minjeong stepping away and looking in her direction.

And when Minjeong smiles at her softly, reassuringly, Jimin couldn't help but to smile back - somehow, finding it enough and having the energy to do her work. Being left alone to her own devices, Jimin went on to do what she needs to do - stopping from time to time whenever she feels like someone's approaching her. Expecting it to be the younger girl only to be disappointed when it's just a random student. Jimin's not even sure why she's waiting or too eager for Minjeong to come back.

It's just that, there's something about the blonde girl that just irks Jimin.

Jimin doesn't know for how long she has been typing on her laptop until the familiar scent of autumn hits her, making her look up to see Minjeong walking back at her with a smile. The latter turned around for a moment to wave to the blonde girl - Jimin internally rolled her eyes.

"Hey, sorry about that." Minjeong said as she sat down, and Jimin wondered why she was apologizing. The curiosity got the best of Jimin, making her blurt out the question she's been dying to ask.

"What was that about?"

Minjeong tilts her head, looking at the direction where the blonde girl walked away, "Oh, her? That's Somi."

Jimin nods her head, so that girl's name is Somi - well that's irrelevant. "Hmm, okay. What did you two talk about?"

"Oh," and Jimin saw it, well maybe she just imagined it. But she swore that Minjeong looked a little bit shy for a moment, "it's nothing important."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, eyeing Minjeong for a moment before nodding her head. "If you say so." Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to drop the subject - it's obvious that Minjeong wouldn't tell her about it, judging from the way the latter was avoiding her eyes.

There was this something inside Jimin, it's kind of unsettling that Minjeong isn't telling her - well, it's not like she needs to. But it doesn't sit right with Jimin, and for all she knows, this is something she never wanted to feel - she doesn't know it, but she just wants to let go of it.

No one talked after that, both of them busy with their own paper. Jimin could see Minjeong glancing at her from time to time but she paid the girl no mind, despite having Somi at the back of her mind, Jimin just wanted to brush it off. But it seems like Minjeong was bothered by their silence.

"So, what are you doing?" She decided to start a conversation.

Jimin hums, "Just some paper." And that was it, she didn't elaborate and Minjeong didn't ask anything more.

"She asked me if we could hang out," Minjeong said out of nowhere after a few minutes, and it made Jimin pause in her typing. Looking at the younger girl who was now staring at her.


Jimin was surprised - for the fact that Minjeong was suddenly telling her about it, or the fact that Minjeong was being asked out, sharing it with Jimin.

Of course, Minjeong will be asked out. Why was Jimin surprised by that?

"I said no," Minjeong quickly added, again surprising Jimin.


Why the did Jimin ask that? It's not her business to know Minjeong's reason - 

"I don't really have time for that," Minjeong shrugs, as if it's the sole reason, "and I don't see her like that. I don't want to lead her on."

Jimin nods her head, "Right, that's a bummer."

That piqued Minjeong's interest, tilting her head with a small smile. "Why?"

Okay, why did Jimin say that? "Oh, I don't know. She looks pretty, I guess?"

Minjeong chuckles, "You guess?"

Jimin frantically waves her hands, trying to rephrase her words, "I mean, she might be your type. Or like she's a good person, you kno - "

"Okay, Jimin. You don't have to stress it out," Minjeong laughs, closing her own laptop. "Want to get out of here?"


"I don't know, go back to our dorm and watch some netflix?"

So, despite giving a reason for not being able to focus in their dorm, Jimin found herself closing her laptop and following Minjeong. The two of them walking side by side, as if it were the good old days - Minjeong asking Jimin random questions.

"Would you accept a million if someone offered?"

"Of course." Jimin answered, giving Minjeong an incredulous look.

"In exchange for having a lemon squeezed on your eye?"

"Minjeong, the hell?"

The younger girl simply raised her hand in defense, "I mean it's just a lemon for a million? I'd do it in a heartbeat."

And Jimin can only shake her head fondly at Minjeong, these are the types of conversations that they would always have before. Those random and unhinge ones, conversations that Jimin can only have with Minjeong, and it's like when someone watches their favorite movie when they were a child - nostalgic, and warm. Because if spending time with Minjeong is a movie, Jimin thinks that she'd have that movie playing 24/7.

"What are you reading?" Jimin asked as they turned, remembering the book that she saw that Minjeong put in her bag. The cover was so elegant and mysterious that she couldn't help but ask.

Minjeong looks at Jimin with a smile, "Oh, it's Crier's War. Kind of a great book, not the usual type that I read but it's great."

"What is it about?"

Jimin watches Minjeong purse her lips, obviously thinking about how she could describe the book to Jimin without spoiling it. "Just your typical enemies to lovers trope."

"Oh, come on! Tell me more about it!"

Minjeong sticks out her tongue, "Guess you'll have to read it."

It took them around 10 minutes, arriving at their dorm, Minjeong the television and quickly went to netflix, and to Jimin's surprise, she played the previous series that Jimin was watching before - specifically, the night when she got drunk. Jimin looked at Minjeong who was already at the kitchen, grabbing some chips and water, and without hesitation, Jimin dropped her bags on the couch and walked over to Minjeong to help the latter.

"Let me get that," Jimin said, "why don't you change to a more comfortable clothes, hm?" she suggested.

"Are you sure, I can - "

"Minjeong, these are just chips and drinks," Jimin cuts her off with a chuckle, "I doubt I'd mess this up." She shooed the younger girl away, and when Minjeong closed the door of her room, Jimin prepared everything.

It only took Minjeong a few minutes before she went out of her room sporting a gray shorts and sleeveless white tee, and if Jimin stared at the girl for a few seconds, she brushed it off with a cough. Standing up and telling Minjeong that she'd change her clothes as well, and as soon as she closed her door, Jimin leaned her back against it - catching her breath from nothing. It was not unknown to her, everyone with eyes can see it - heck, perhaps even the blind could see it, that Minjeong is beautiful.

And for Jimin, Minjeong's beauty is not the type that would surprise anyone for the first time. It's the type of beauty that creeps in, slowly, gradually, without any warning. Then in a snap, they would probably find themselves staring at Minjeong.

Which obviously happened to Jimin earlier.

Shaking her head, Jimin snapped out of it, quickly wearing the first thing she could grab and walking out of her room. "Hey, do you want to buy some takeout for dinner?" she asked casually, successfully distracting herself from Minjeong as she scrolled through the delivery app on her phone.

"Sure, Chinese?"

Jimin smiles, "Sounds good, I'll just look for one."

That's probably the start of a new routine for them, one of the many routines that they would establish yet again. Minjeong was just right there, beside Jimin, the younger girl would either be reading a book, watching the series for a few minutes if something great is happening, or would be typing on her laptop. Jimin couldn't help but to feel a sudden relief whenever she would see Minjeong beside her, with every work that's piling up on Jimin - somehow, doing it with Minjeong right there, helps ease the burden and pressure.

For Jimin, being in Minjeong's presence feels like being bathed in autumn sunlight, having the fresh breeze hit her face without any worry. Just like years ago, where they would play, lay down, garden, have sleepovers. People say that childhood was not stored in photos but in certain smells, sounds, lights, and such. But for her, her childhood comes in the form of Kim Minjeong - her years that she cherishes the most, years that she almost forgot not until Minjeong appeared again right in front of her.

And if one netflix hangout made Jimin so exhausted that she found herself dozing off, and soon being welcomed by sleep, she let go of herself for a moment - letting her head fall softly against Minjeong's shoulder. Mumbling words that she has been keeping for weeks.

"I miss this."

From then on, Jimin's routine consists of her breaking down, stressing out her requirements, ranting about it to Giselle, but most importantly - she'd go to the library whenever she has time, hoping to see Minjeong, which she'd be successful every time. They would sit there in silence, doing each of their requirements, and sometimes, others would join them - Giselle, Ning, Yeji, and Ryujin. At first, Jimin's friends look at her weirdly whenever they learn about this new routine of hers, would about the sudden change and if she's sick - but it all stopped when they saw that Jimin was actually doing her work.

"Well, damn. Is the world ending soon?" Ryujin whistled as she took a glance at Jimin who was typing seriously.

"Ryu, shut up," Yeji calls out but she as well, took a glance. "Same thoughts but good for her."

"You know I can hear you, right?" Jimin says, her eyes still on her laptop screen.

"Oh really? Let me repeat that, is the world ending soon?" Ryujin snickers, earning a chuckle from the others, "You, being here? Damn Jimin, this is refreshing!"

Jimin just scoffs at that, pausing in her task to look at Ryujin, "It's not a big deal, I just want to finish this."

And a debate started, well not literally - but it's mostly just Ryujin teasing Jimin on the change, while Giselle and Yeji could only sigh at the two. Ning on the other hand was too busy with her own work, having her earphones and listening to whatever was playing. The thing is, the same goes for Minjeong but the moment the latter stopped typing, checking the books in front of her and subtly stood up, it's like Jimin sensed it. She stopped debating with Ryujin and turned to look at Minjeong, "Hey, where are you going?"

And the other three looked at the scene with raised eyebrows.

The younger girl was surprised by the question, pointing unsurely to a random direction, "Oh, I'll just need to get some book for reference..." she trails off, frowning as she sees Jimin standing up. "Why?"

"I'll go with you."

Jimin didn't even wait for a reply as she stood up and gestured for Minjeong to take the lead, the younger girl shot the girl a confused look before walking ahead. Leaving the other three staring at the pair's retreating figure, blinking in disbelief. Because if there's one thing that they knew about Jimin, it is the fact that the latter wouldn't let anyone without having the last laugh. But they didn't expect for Jimin to suddenly drop the subject and be focused on Minjeong the moment the latter did something.

"Did she just..." Ryujin trails off, looking at Yeji and then to Giselle.

Yeji nods her head, "She just did."

"Why, what happened?" That was Ningning, finally out of her zone, and looking at the other three curiously, "Did someone die or what?" she slightly chuckles, looking at Giselle hoping to get an answer.

The older girl simply shakes her head, "No, it's just Jimin doing something unusual." she simply explained, it's kind of difficult to elaborate it.

Ningning tilts her head and noticed Minjeong's seat vacant, "Oh, you mean her and Minjeong?"

"What?" Three different voices asked simultaneously.

Ninging looked at the three girls, weirded out by how invested they are with what she said. "Minjeong and Jimin, they've been really close lately. Didn't you notice?"

Yeji leans in, "Close like, close friends hanging out on a random day?"

And Ryujin follows suit, "Or close friends like abnormally close, kind of weird close?"

Ning leans away, glancing at Giselle for help. "I don't know what you guys are talking about but they've been hanging out a lot." A lot, with emphasis.

And when Ningning mentioned that, the two people that are the subject of their discussion suddenly appeared with two books. Talking in their own little world and it's like they have their own inside joke as Minjeong made Jimin chuckle. Giselle observes the two girls walking to their table, specifically the taller girl - who's currently helping Minjeong with the two books. Giselle would've scoffed at the sight, those two books were not even that huge. And so, when Jimin sat again beside Giselle, subtly glancing at Minjeong's direction - Giselle swore she just saw a fond smile forming on Jimin's lips.

Definitely more than close, Giselle thought before doing her own work. But not without looking at Minjeong's direction, only to be welcomed by the younger girl having an indecipherable stare at Jimin. A soft and longing stare, and Giselle feels like there's more to it - with the way Minjeong releases a breath before focusing again on her book.


Jimin never noticed it, well she was aware that a new routine was added in her usual day but she didn't notice that it changed her, especially not the fact that Giselle and the others would notice. The weird looks of her friends started out of nowhere, the kind of stares that just brought so many questions, amusement, and as if they were studying Jimin - and it always happens whenever Minjeong is involved.

There was this instance with Giselle, the latter was in Jimin's dorm as the both of them decided to do their requirements together. As usual, Jimin was stressed out - having this kind of major is seriously not for the faint hearted and yet here she was, staring blankly at the blank piece of paper. Giselle on the other hand was simply doing a paper, saying that she'd rather rest her mind for now.

The sound of keys jingling caught Jimin's attention, making her look up to see Minjeong. Surprised to see the younger girl, Jimin sits up straight and connects eyes with the latter. "Hey, don't you have classes?" She asked, noticing the paper bag that Minjeong was holding.

The younger girl hums in response, "Yeah, just dropping this off." she said, raising the bag.

Jimin tilts her head in confusion, "What's that?"

That's when Jimin sees Minjeong smiling sheepishly and bashfully at her, "Well, I just thought it'll help you relieve your stress?" she said unsurely.


Minjeong sighs walking closer to the two, but her attention is only on Jimin. "You did say that you wanted to try it," she mumbles as she pulls out what seems to be a canvas, "those paint by numbers kind of thing? I just thought we could do it when we have free time."

Jimin blinks, clearly surprised by this and then, slowly a small smile formed on her lips, making her look down at the floor. Shaking her head in disbelief, "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, can we do this later?" she suggested with an expectant look.

Minjeong nods her head with a huge smile, "Right, I'll leave you guys for now. Ah, I also have some extra snacks in the cabinet, you two can have it. Okay? Goodluck!" she said and walked away, leaving the paper sitting on the couch as she walked out of the dorm.

Jimin follows Minjeong's figure until she heard the door clicking, the same smile still on her face not until she heard a clearing of throat. She looks at Giselle, the latter already raising an eyebrow at her. "That was sweet." she deadpanned.

"What's sweet?" Jimin coughs, avoiding Giselle's eyes as she tries to focus on her still blank plate.

"Minjeong," Giselle paused, eyeing Jimin before continuing, "and you."

Jimin pursed her lips, looking at Giselle while making a face - she absolutely couldn't be still with the way Giselle's saying it, as if implying something. "What do you mean, it's completely normal for her to do that."

"And you've rejected invitations for parties and blind dates or whatever," Giselle pointed out.

"I've been busy."

"You've been spending time with Minjeong." Giselle rebuts calmly, "and if you're saying that's normal for her, then I'd say that this is not normal for you." she continued as she gestured at Jimin.

Jimin sighs, putting her pen down and turning towards the other girl, "Just tell me what you're implying."

A laugh was heard from Giselle, shaking her head with a smile and looking at Jimin as if she's serious. "Seriously, you don't know?"

"I won't be asking - "

"I just think you two go way back, Ji." Giselle shrugs.

"Right, we were from the same high school." Jimin answered flatly, but of course, this was Giselle she's talking to.

"No, I mean way back." Giselle repeats again with a pointed look, "and I'm not sure what happened between the two of you, but there's something there."

Jimin clenches her jaw, biting the inside of her cheeks as she thinks of Giselle's words. She doesn't know why but hearing it from Giselle just makes it hard for her, "There's nothing there, Gi."

"But you do go way back?"

Jimin knows that there's no point of denying it anymore, looking at Giselle with a slight nod. She just feels bare at the moment, it's not like she's trying to hide the fact that she and Minjeong really knew each other before. She just doesn't know how she would explain it to them, for the reason why everything changed between her and Minjeong. It's like opening a wound that you've thought already healed and yet, there's just too much happening inside. Things that Jimin still needs to address - for the things she has done, and for the things she didn't do.

And maybe Giselle saw this, her dilemma and inner turmoil with the topic. "Alright, I need to finish this ing paper first." she said, giving Jimin a way out - and Jimin's grateful for it.

She hums in response, "I also need to start this plate, we still have so much to do."

A few minutes passed and Jimin heard Giselle paused in her typing.

"Ji, for what it's worth, you look happy."

And with that, Jimin glances at Giselle but the latter was not looking at her, just casually continuing with her typing. Jimin let out a small smile, then her eyes went to the lone paper bag on the couch, staring at it for a few seconds before letting out a breath. Because as much as Jimin wanted to brush Giselle's words off, she couldn't deny it.

She does feel happy.

The second instance was with Ryujin and Yeji, those two are always together so it's weird for Jimin to not see them as a pair. She bumped into them when she was doing a grocery run, seeing them in the pasta aisle, with Ryujin calling her. "Jimin?" she calls out unsurely, and Jimin saw the two looking at her.

"Hey, you two having pasta night?" She smiles waving at them, approaching them with her cart.

"Yes but woah, you're here?" It was Yeji, looking at the other girl up and down, as if not believing that she's real.

Jimin chuckles, "Yeah, it's a grocery store. What about it?" She looks at the two weirdly as well, not entirely sure why they're surprised to see her there.

"Jimin, I don't know if you've been hitting something good for the past weeks but you don't do grocery shopping." Ryujin points out, checking the items inside Jimin's cart, "And these are definitely things that you'd buy."

Because right there, inside Jimin's cart were full of raw meat, vegetables - basically, raw food that would be too time-consuming to prepare. And Jimin knows in herself that these are indeed not the food she'd buy, "These are for Minjeong, shut up. You're saying that as if I eat so much junk." she rolls her eyes, pushing the cart playfully against Ryujin.

"Ji, you've been living off from instant ramen, fried egg, coffee, alcohol in your dorm," Yeji laughs, "and you've never done this. And no, buying in the convenience store does not count."

Before Jimin could retort back, someone called her from behind, "Jimin, here. I grabbed some cereal, you're too lazy to prepare something in the morning and I thought this might help when I can't cook." It was Minjeong, simply walking towards Jimin reading the back of the cereal box - completely unaware of the amused smiles and stares coming from the other two girls.

"Ah, I see," Ryujin says out loud, grabbing Minjeong's attention, "Hey Minjeong!"

Minjeong smiles at Ryujin, they've grown close for all the times they've spent together whenever they are in the library. "Oh hey, you're doing grocery shopping too?" she smiles innocently at the two, completely unaware of the teasing glances that they're subtly throwing at Jimin.

"So, you're cooking for the both of you?" Jimin took a deep breath when Yeji asked the question, throwing a glare at the latter which was completely ignored.

And Minjeong, for the love of god, smiles and nodded, "Yeah, I doubt Jimin could cook anyway, well unless it's an egg but we can't live off eggs everyday." she said as she threw in a teasing jab at Jimin.

"Hey, I cook eggs differently." She weakly retorted.

"No offense but poached, boiled, scrambled, and fried are all good but they're still eggs." Minjeong chuckles.

Ryujin clears and puts an arm around Minjeong's shoulder, surprising the girl. "So, you and Jimin got awfully close, hm?"

Minjeong blinks and nodded, "Yeah, is there some - "

"No, it's just that, this girl here," Ryujin explains, pointing a finger at Jimin as if the girl wasn't right beside them, "never really do grocery shopping. She'd rather die than do it so we're just surprised that you've managed to force her to do this."

Minjeong raised an eyebrow at the two, then glanced at Jimin - and god, Jimin knows that look, she knows that Minjeong was about to say something she shouldn't.

"Really? But Jimin's been really persistent going here because she wants me to cook something."

"What?!" Yeji and Ryujin asked and that's Jimin's cue to pull Minjeong away from the two.

"Alright, we're really tight with time right now, so we'll need to hurry up. Great seeing you two, see you tomorrow!" Jimin says loudly, pushing the cart away along with Minjeong who was looking at the three girls confusedly.

"Did I say something wrong?" Minjeong asked, looking at Jimin worriedly. The older girl tripped on nothing again when she saw how the younger girl was looking at her.

"No, gosh. I just remembered that I have a deadline to do it," she answered, and it's not totally a lie. Jimin did have something to do but it's not that urgent, she just couldn't stand it because she knew that Ryujin and Yeji would .

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭