Chapter 7

Fated To Love You
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Suzy was finally able to take a break and grab a coffee after a long morning. She took a stroll down the hallway where she found Nana looking over something at the nurses' station with a cup of coffee in her hand.

'' Hey, i have been looking for you!'' Nana said to her friend.

'' I was called in for an emergency. I didn't get much sleep last night.'' Suzy walked over to the nurses' station where Nana was leaning up against the counter with her arms crossed and her coffee in her hand.

'' Did Miss CEO keep you awake all night ? '' Nana teased.

'' Funny.'' Suzy deadpaned before downing the rest of her coffee and throwing the cup in the side trash can.

'' You don't seem in a good mood. What's your schedule like today ? '' Nana asked her friend.

Suzy reached her hand over to the back of her neck and stretched it out '' I'm actually off shift.''

'' Lucky! I want to be off shift.''

'' I would gladly switch places with you.'' Suzy sighed.

Nana furrowed her eyebrows '' What's wrong ? ''

'' My mother is in town and wants to have lunch with me.''

'' Your mother is in town! Here.'' Nana said as she held out her coffee for Suzy to take '' Take it... Take it all.''

Nana watched Suzy swallow the hot substance quickly as Ji Eun came walking over to talk to the two doctors. It didn't take a genius to see that there is a lot going on in Suzy's head.

'' What's going on with you ? Everyone keeps asking me ' Why Dr Bae seems upset today ? ' '' Ji Eun asked her friend.

'' Her mother is here.'' Nana said.

Suzy didn't want to talk about her mother. Her family. Her friends knew everything but she didn't feel ready to share. Every time the slightest hint of it would arise, she would simply try to change the topic or stay silent. Then a horrible guilt would invade her.

She knew Nana and Ji Eun were trying to help. Suzy knew their love was just as strong as their worry and their questioning was meant to get some sort  of intel as to what was really going on below the surface of her composed facade.

She often wondered if she was becoming her mother.

Ji Eun turned to look at her. Her gaze soft as she took all of Suzy in. The waves of her hair, the tiredness on her eyes that she desperately tried to cover behind expensive mascara. There was something so perfectly alluring about how heartbroken she looked.

Ji Eun crossed her arms '' You don't have to go. Don't let her get into your head.''

Suzy held up the cup of coffee '' Thank you for the coffee.''

Nana and Ji Eun didn't push. They knew they had to give Suzy space, the opportunity to deal with her feelings in whatever way she chose to. Even if Ji Eun thought it was being absolutely ridiculous by isolating herself from the people she loved and wanted to support her.

At least now Suzy was talking to them. Two years ago, she had shut them out completely. They hadn't take it personally. But it still hurt. Suzy was their closest friend. It ached. Feeling her so distant. So private when they knew about basically every single thing in her life. It was hard. But Suzy had to have it much harder which was why they were willing to wait.

Later on that afternoon Suzy was sitting at a table in the restaurant waiting for her mother to show up. She slowly made her way through the hallways on her way out hoping for an emergency to come up... but no such luck.

She sat there gazing at the menu when her attention was finally brought to her mother dressed in a navy blue dress walking in through the dining room.

'' Suzy.''

'' Mother.''

Her mother took a seat '' I hope we have calm heads today.''

'' Not likely, but let's sit down anyways.'' Suzy replied.

'' I'm surprised you could fit me in with your busy schedule '' Her mother started to look at the menu '' I have been trying to meet with you for months but you're always busy as if you're the only doctor who's working at the hospital.''

'' Our last meeting at the rehab center did not go exactly well. I figured i would give you some space.'' Suzy said to the woman.

'' Treating an alcohol addiction is not easy. '' The woman said '' Why are you getting soft ? Since when do you get upset with my words ? You used to be tougher than this.''

A waitress came walking over to their table to take their orders.

'' What can i get you two started with ? ''

'' Espresso please.'' Suzy said with a smile.

'' I will have white wine.''

Suzy's jaw tightened '' I can't believe this. You are still drinking after going to rehab ? '' She snapped in a hushed tone '' Why are you here, mother ? ''

'' I want money.'' Her mother started '' That's the least you could for me after your father left me.''

Suzy shook her head firmly '' You want money so you can buy more drinks ? ''

'' My daughter is refusing to lend me money. '' Mrs Bae said with a sad smile '' You are your father's daughter. He corrupted you. If you brother was here, he would have taken my side.''

Suzy tried to keep her emotions under control '' I'm certainly not talking about my brother with you right now.''

'' You are not the daughter i raised.'' Her mother finally snapped.

'' Please.'' Suzy muttered under her breath '' I just don't subject myself to your temper tantrums anymore.''

'' Your brother was much better than you. '' She said coldly '' You should have been the one in the car accident.''

'' Okay. I'm done.'' Suzy pushed back from the table.

'' What do you mean you are done ? '' She asked back.

'' I wanted to see what kind of mental state you were in after rehab and now i know '' Suzy said to her mother ''You haven't changed at all. I don't want you anywhere near me.''

'' You want to turn your back on the little family you have left ?''

'' You are only here because you want money. '' She looked at her mother coldly '' You don't care about me. You just told me that my brother deserved to live instead of me. ''

Her mother shook her head and rolled her eyes '' Stop being dramatic. You know know what i meant.''

'' No i don't.'' Suzy stood up '' I'm not going to give you money to ruin your life. When you are sober, come back and i'll give you what you want. But until then, don't contact me  again.''

No matter how much she tossed and t

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lovesickstranger #1
Chapter 18: Author-nim, when will you update? TT
lovesickstranger #2
Chapter 19: Yayyyy new story!! I'm very glad you are not letting go of this ship because I can't let go either LOL
lovesickstranger #3
Chapter 18: Come on, Rosé! Life gave you and Suzy another chance! Being a bit jealous could be cute, but not now that they are finally together. Discovering that Suzy and Jieun had dated may have been a shock, but she should be past that already. At this point it doesn't even matter if Jieun still has feelings for Suzy, what's important -and Rosé should know it- is that Suzy truly loves her. And jealousy can ruin a relationship. Can't they be cute and lovey dovey together once and for all? To be honest, if the only way for this story to be longer is for them to continuously mess up and then make up, I would rather have this story finish sooner nicely and start a new one with the same pair.
Rose_124 #4
Chapter 18: Loving this
blackpinkforever #5
Chapter 18: love to see them have heart to heart sweet moments
blackpinkforever #6
Chapter 18: EEEEE i cant wait till they go on more dates heheh
blackpinkforever #7
Chapter 18: gosh rosie and suzy are so sweet together ishxidhdidbxjd
blackpinkforever #8
Chapter 18: is ji eun lying…
blackpinkforever #9
Chapter 18: jealouse rosie is cute lol
lovesickstranger #10
Chapter 17: Who was surprised to know that Suzy and Ji Eun are exes? I AM surprised to know! LOL I'm not so sure about Jieun moving on from that, but for everyone's sake I hope she did. I loved all the fluff in this chapter. Rosé and Suzy have been through A LOT. I hope we can see them having lots of cute moments like these.

PS: Jealous Rosé could be cute, but the timing needs to be right. Suzy barely made it and she's recovering, she can't even walk nor move without feeling pain! I wish Rosé would be more considerate of her and her feelings (as Jieun is!) and put Suzy's wellbeing first. Chaeyoung-ah, don't be egotistic!