Chapter 11

Fated To Love You
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'' So... '' Ji Eun cleared , throwing the leftovers into the garbage disposal before leaving the plate on the sink for Suzy to soap up '' Are we going to talk about it ? ''

'' Talk about what ? ''

Ji Eun looked at her, annoyed.

'' You know what.''

Dinner at Nana's house has been a regular occurrence ever since the three of them started working at the same hospital. Every Thursday. Dinners were simple, fun, and a nice way to relieve stress. They would sit at the table, talk about work and make fun of residents who believed they were too good to be taught, they would give each other advice on patients that they weren't sure how to treat and most importantly they would all make each other company.

And Suzy appreciated it, she liked to keep it light and breezy. Deviating from all those well known territories, meant venturing into things that Suzy didn't want to talk about. Things she didn't feel ready to share, that she truly believed she would never be ready to share. Every time the slightest hint of it would arise, she would simply ignore it, pretend like she hadn't heard it, like there was something more important to discuss.

And then a horrible guilt would invade her. She knew Nana and Ji Eun were concerned about her.

'' My mother came by the hospital today. She told me she'll go back to rehab. I don't know if i should believe her since it's not the first time she breaks her promise but i want to give her the benefit of doubt.''

Ji Eun hated Suzy's mother. The woman didn't even care about her daughter. All she wanted was to get money from her. Ji Eun sighed. She knew that Suzy was sharing this information with her to divert her attention.

A low blow.

'' I'm glad to hear that. ''

Suzy hummed. Passing a plate for Ji Eun to dry.

'' You had a stalker who almost killed you ! When are we going to talk about that ? ''

'' Stop overreacting.''

'' Suzy...'' She sighed, leaving the now dry plate on the counter '' Who was this man ? ''

'' My apartment's doorman. He is mentally unstable. I filled a restraining order against him but it was dropped because of lack of proof.''

'' And you never thought of telling us ? ''

Suzy let out an exasperated groan '' I didn't think things would go this far.''

Ji Eun rolled her eyes, taking another plate from Suzy's hands to dry it up. They usually never took this long doing the dishes. She knew one more minute and Nana would inevitably walk in, effectively ending their conversation when there was still so much Ji Eun wanted to ask.

'' You never think, Suzy. That's the problem. First, letting a stalker roam around freely, knowing very well he knows your home address and workplace, then putting yourself between him and your girlfriend and risking your life. Let's not also forget how you keep lending money to your mother although you know very well that she won't go back to rehab as she claims. She's manipulating you and you're letting her! '' Ji Eun huffed '' Given your nature i don't understand how you're so calm about all of this.''

That got Suzy to stop in her tracks. She knew about the stalker but did nothing to stop him other than the restraining order. She also knew her mother would not go back to rehab and she would come back again to throw some hurtful words at her and manipulate her to give her money.  She knew the consequences of the kiss she shared with Rosé. She was certain the CEO was going to push her away. After all she cared more about Go Eun than she ever cared about her and her feelings. But she was blinded by jealousy. Suzy didn't get jealous. She didn't do relationships not after what happened between her parents. She didn't believe in love and in finding the person she wanted to live her life with. But the minute Rosé talked about her ex girlfriend, she felt the unfamiliar feeling of raging jealousy. The feeling confused her and its mere presence shook her more than she cared to admit. She knew she lost all her rationality and logic when she attempted to kiss Rosé.  She also knew the consequences of her rushed actions when the CEO was still confused about her feelings.

She was aware her actions the past few months could get her hurt which exactly what happened. She questioned if maybe that was one of her unhealthy ways of coping. Agreeing to fake date someone who could cause her harm.

'' I appreciate your concern Ji Eun.'' She finished rinsing the bowl before passing it over to  Ji Eun. She shook the remnants of water off her hands. Ji Eun turned to look at her. Calmer now. Her friend was far from okay but she couldn't do anything if Suzy kept her walls up.

Suzy was glad Nana popped into the kitchen.

'' You guys are up for another round of poker ? ''

Suzy turned to look at Nana with a smile '' Yes.''

Nana smiled back.

Ji Eun crossed her arms over her chest.

Suzy didn't turn back at either of them when she stepped away to walk over the living room.

Suzy made her way to the coffee cart by the hospital's entrance. She joined the back of the line, waiting for her turn. She was about to pull up her phone to pass the time when a coffee cup was extended to her by someone outside of the line.

By none other than Park Rosé.

Suzy's eyes drifted from the cup to

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lovesickstranger #1
Chapter 18: Author-nim, when will you update? TT
lovesickstranger #2
Chapter 19: Yayyyy new story!! I'm very glad you are not letting go of this ship because I can't let go either LOL
lovesickstranger #3
Chapter 18: Come on, Rosé! Life gave you and Suzy another chance! Being a bit jealous could be cute, but not now that they are finally together. Discovering that Suzy and Jieun had dated may have been a shock, but she should be past that already. At this point it doesn't even matter if Jieun still has feelings for Suzy, what's important -and Rosé should know it- is that Suzy truly loves her. And jealousy can ruin a relationship. Can't they be cute and lovey dovey together once and for all? To be honest, if the only way for this story to be longer is for them to continuously mess up and then make up, I would rather have this story finish sooner nicely and start a new one with the same pair.
Rose_124 #4
Chapter 18: Loving this
blackpinkforever #5
Chapter 18: love to see them have heart to heart sweet moments
blackpinkforever #6
Chapter 18: EEEEE i cant wait till they go on more dates heheh
blackpinkforever #7
Chapter 18: gosh rosie and suzy are so sweet together ishxidhdidbxjd
blackpinkforever #8
Chapter 18: is ji eun lying…
blackpinkforever #9
Chapter 18: jealouse rosie is cute lol
lovesickstranger #10
Chapter 17: Who was surprised to know that Suzy and Ji Eun are exes? I AM surprised to know! LOL I'm not so sure about Jieun moving on from that, but for everyone's sake I hope she did. I loved all the fluff in this chapter. Rosé and Suzy have been through A LOT. I hope we can see them having lots of cute moments like these.

PS: Jealous Rosé could be cute, but the timing needs to be right. Suzy barely made it and she's recovering, she can't even walk nor move without feeling pain! I wish Rosé would be more considerate of her and her feelings (as Jieun is!) and put Suzy's wellbeing first. Chaeyoung-ah, don't be egotistic!