Chapter 16

Fated To Love You
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It must have been in the middle of the night when Suzy heard the door open, her eyelids fluttered for a second as she tried to pull herself out of sleep and see who had entered.  Ji Eun carefully closed the door behind her and walked towards Rosé who was lying curled up  in the armchair beside Suzy. Ji Eun pulled the blanket that had fallen on her legs higher up until the woman's shoulders were covered then she approached the bed and held Suzy's right hand.

'' Are you in pain ? '' She asked her and Suzy denied it with her head. '' She was so worried about you. I may have doubted her feelings before but after what happened, i can see that she truly cares about you. But you lied to me, Suzy! ''

'' What do you mean ? '' Suzy asked back, her eyebrows immediately knitting together in confusion.

'' You and Rosé planned this whole dating thing. I heard what you said. You were on speaker.'' Ji Eun spoke '' You were pretending to date her but still you let her in. What's your relationship now ? Are you dating for real or was it all a farce ? ''

'' We have officially started dating. '' Suzy replied and Ji Eun nodded at her words.

''  I've never thought that day would ever come. You finally fell in love.'' Ji Eun looked down.

So much was left unspoken between them. Ji Eun wanted to tell Suzy how scared she has been, she wanted to tell that she was still scared, that she felt lost.

'' Ji Eun. '' Suzy said '' I feel like we need to talk and clear things up.''

Ji Eun shook her head. '' All you need to do is rest and do the breathing exercises that i showed you, okay ? ''

'' Ji Eun.''

'' You are allowed to fall in love and date other people. You don't have to take permission from me.'' Ji Eun held her hand '' I'm relieved you are fine. '' Tears welled up in her eyes '' I almost lost your for the third time.''

Her words made Suzy's chest throb with pain, a pain that seemed greater and more intense that her broken bones, pain that was mixed with shame for having been so insensitive to someone who hadn't shown her anything other than care and support. Ji Eun was her first girlfriend from high school. She was the only person she has ever dated but their relationship ended badly after two years of dating when Ji Eun's family found out and transferred her to another school. That was the first time Ji Eun lost Suzy. Then they reunited again in medical school and decided to remain friends. But two years ago, Ji Eun lost Suzy for the second time after the accident involving her brother and mother. Their relationship had never been the same after that. Suzy had her walls up and she never opened up to anyone. Feeling Suzy being so distant. So private when Ji Eun knew about basically every single thing in her life... It was hard. But Ji Eun was willing to wait.

Suzy curled her fingers into the front of Ji Eun's lab coat. She pulled just a little, just enough to bring Ji Eun closer. They couldn't hug or put any pressure on Suzy's ribs, but she was sitting up enough that Ji Eun could brace one hand on either side of Suzy's shoulders and lean in.

'' You'll never lose me Ji Eun.''

'' So it took you getting hit by a car for you to finally open up.'' Ji Eun couldn't help but chuckle '' I'm starting to think something was seriously wrong with your brain before the accident.''

Suzy laughed a little but soon regretted it when she hissed in pain '' Don't make me laugh! Stop being noisy, you're going to wake Chaeyoung up.''

Little did they know, Rosé had been awake for a while now. The interaction caught her eye and she watched as Ji Eun squeezed Suzy's arm one last time before walking out of the room.

It was well passed 3 am the next time Suzy woke. She opened her eyes, grimacing slightly as the pain flooded in. Rosé was still curled up in the chair. She carefully swung her legs over the bed.

'' Chaeyoung ? '' She whispered, carefully setting her hand on Rosé's shoulder. She couldn't stand up and walk yet.

'' Chaeyoung, are you awake ? '' Suzy asked. Waiting.

'' Are you okay ? '' Rosé whispered, her voice rough from sleep. She was oddly adorable, sleepy eyes made her look younger.

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lovesickstranger #1
Chapter 18: Author-nim, when will you update? TT
lovesickstranger #2
Chapter 19: Yayyyy new story!! I'm very glad you are not letting go of this ship because I can't let go either LOL
lovesickstranger #3
Chapter 18: Come on, Rosé! Life gave you and Suzy another chance! Being a bit jealous could be cute, but not now that they are finally together. Discovering that Suzy and Jieun had dated may have been a shock, but she should be past that already. At this point it doesn't even matter if Jieun still has feelings for Suzy, what's important -and Rosé should know it- is that Suzy truly loves her. And jealousy can ruin a relationship. Can't they be cute and lovey dovey together once and for all? To be honest, if the only way for this story to be longer is for them to continuously mess up and then make up, I would rather have this story finish sooner nicely and start a new one with the same pair.
Rose_124 #4
Chapter 18: Loving this
blackpinkforever #5
Chapter 18: love to see them have heart to heart sweet moments
blackpinkforever #6
Chapter 18: EEEEE i cant wait till they go on more dates heheh
blackpinkforever #7
Chapter 18: gosh rosie and suzy are so sweet together ishxidhdidbxjd
blackpinkforever #8
Chapter 18: is ji eun lying…
blackpinkforever #9
Chapter 18: jealouse rosie is cute lol
lovesickstranger #10
Chapter 17: Who was surprised to know that Suzy and Ji Eun are exes? I AM surprised to know! LOL I'm not so sure about Jieun moving on from that, but for everyone's sake I hope she did. I loved all the fluff in this chapter. Rosé and Suzy have been through A LOT. I hope we can see them having lots of cute moments like these.

PS: Jealous Rosé could be cute, but the timing needs to be right. Suzy barely made it and she's recovering, she can't even walk nor move without feeling pain! I wish Rosé would be more considerate of her and her feelings (as Jieun is!) and put Suzy's wellbeing first. Chaeyoung-ah, don't be egotistic!