Sleep together!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story



Dae Young and Myeong Joo spent the day as usual, doing their work, meeting at a restaurant, eating dinner, drinking soju and then he took her home. 


Reaching her home, Myeong Joo didn't let Dae Young go, as she was doing that quite frequently. She hugged him in her living room and started moving like dancing slowly. Definitely she's a bit tipsy because of the soju. Then suddenly she asked something shocking.


"Dae Young, have you seen the couple on our way home?"


He replied,"You mean the couple who were kissing very passionately like they'd have made love if it was not a public park?"


"Yes. That made me think of something. That bothered me a lot when you were avoiding me."


Now he looked down at her, but she was still hiding her face in his chest. He cupped her face with both his hands," What's bothering you? Tell me."


She looked at his eyes directly," It's about your ex-girlfriend." He simply asked, "What about her?" 


She didn't respond at once and tried to search for something in his eyes. But other than the simple question, she hadn't found anything. 


"Did you ever sleep with her?", she blurted out.


He was looking at her shocked.


"Don't worry," Myeong Joo said. "You don't even need to say anything. That face you are making right now speaks much louder than any words ever could."


She removed herself from his hands. Before she could storm away, as he knew she would, Dae Young wrapped his arms around her and pulled toward him in one fluid motion.


Her heart feels a lot heavy knowing that. She thought it may have happened but she wasn't sure. She was kicking herself in her head. Why did she asked that? But in his embrace she felt warm and loved, as always. She wasn't sure if she wanted to yell at him or kiss him, but that was often her response to him. She wants to kick him, slap him, cry on him, kiss him, hug him, make love to him all at once. She doesn't know how all of that is even possible!


Dae Young turned her in his arms, "Look at me, Myeong Joo? Why did that question bother you when I was avoiding you?"


She feels frustrated,"I know men are all alike. They all want that. And the rumor about us......I know you also want that. But when we were really dating, I didn't do anything of that sort. Maybe you were bored of me. Maybe you wanted that but I didn't give you that. And of course, your ex-girlfriend was giving you that. Maybe that's why you were avoiding me. At first I thought that. Then I realized my dad was making you do that."


Dae Young huffed in disbelief,"You really thought that? Are you serious?"


"Yes. But please don't repeat that," Myeong Joo begged, turning completely red. 


"I won't," he swore. He realized how humiliating that thought would be for Myeong Joo. 


"Now listen to me very carefully. Ever since I had admitted to myself that I had feelings for you over the summer, I had had strange impulses to do things I knew you would certainly slap me for. You were really irritated about the rumors already. I didn't trust myself with you, I tried to suppress the impulse to grab you by the waist and kiss you senseless whenever you were near me, like when I'm sitting next to you, accidently brushing our hands while taking spoons or walking side by side with you; my heart raced, my palms got sweaty, I could feel myself blushing at your slip of tongue about us having " 


" Me too", she replied in a very small voice. He smiled, "I wasn't sure about you. That's why I couldn't do anything of that sort. And we fake dated for almost a year. Why do you even think I might have had with my ex-girlfriend?"


She didn't reply, instead she nuzzled his chest more. He could feel Myeong Joo was bright red and radiating heat. 


He continued, "When was the first time I had with you?"


"A month ago", she almost whispered. He smiles again,"Yeah that's right. But I asked after what?"


"After you proposed to me",she didn't understand why he kept asking her those questions. Suddenly a realization hit her hard. She snapped open her eyes and looked at his smirking face, "When I accepted your proposal and I was officially your fiance!"


He smiles widely,"And you know I was never someone's fiance before. So.... "


A relief washed all over her. That means he never slept with his ex-girlfriend. Cause he is an honorable, responsible, respectful man. He would not do anything without proper commitment. That's why he pushed her away and kept avoiding her. Even in Uruk, he only hugged her before he got her father's approval. One night, she gave him the chance to get a reward from her, but he ran away saying he had roll call. She cursed him a lot that night. He only wanted to kiss her when her father visited Uruk and gave him permission to date her. Though that kiss didn't happen because of Yoo Si Jin. She cursed him too that day. It's clear as daylight, he wouldn't do something that big without any commitment. She even tried to get some actions in that department before his proposal, but all he did was run away even then. 


She finally looked at him and smiled that radiant smile of hers that made his insides melt. 


"You got your answer? Or do I have to tell you directly? But I don't believe you are that thick. You're a smart woman, you shouldn't even think that. I don't want any silly thoughts to bother you. I'm here for that." 


Her fist hit his chest hard,"You scared me. Do you know how I felt a minute ago? It felt like you're not completely mine. It felt like......Why did you do that, you idiot? "


He was holding his hands to him so as to save himself from her hit and he realized he shouldn't have replied to it that way. He put down his hands, "You can hit me if you want."


She was glaring at him now,"Do you think I need your permission for that?"


His head hung and softly said," No, definitely not." Seeing him like that, her rage calmed down. He always lets her express her anger fully. Then he does his thing. She is still falling in love with him more and more every day. She thought she knew how much she loved him. But the more she lives with this stoic man, the more she falls in love with him even now. 


She looked at him with love dripping out of her eyes. Holding his hand, intertwining his fingers, she tugged him, "Come, tonight I'll reward you for your waiting. You're the most amazing, honorable man I've seen in my whole life."


He very happily followed her to her bedroom. He has always been honest, been responsible, waited for her father's approval, waited for the right time, stuck to his beliefs and suffered a lot. In return, the universe rewarded him wholeheartedly! 


He got Myeong Joo!



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I've a lot on my mind. So I can't write. But I've thought about some intriguing interesting plots for my Goowon. A lot of angst will come in your way. Be ready for that.


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14 streak #1
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #2
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS
14 streak #3
My new favorite story
Jaesongjoong #4
Finally someone cared about this couple
I will read it
HDnguyen #5
Chapter 64: We are here looking forward to reading more GooWon stories and wishing you all the best. Hope you will be healthy and fight hard against difficulties so you don't fall. Everyone in this life has their own difficulties and needs to find a way to overcome them. Live healthy and happy for yourself and your family
Two years ago, I first published a story about the only love story I've seen in my whole life that made perfect sense to me. I've never been moved by a love story like this. But the yearning to know what happened to them after DOTS ended made me feel incomplete. Thus, I've searched all over the internet to read more fanfictions about them. Still, I was not completely satisfied. Even though some of the fanfictions were excellent. But they were not fulfilling my craving for them. Then I wrote a fanfiction for the first time almost a year later, after I've finished watching DOTS and published it here. Here, because most of the DOTS fanfictions were here. Later, I've thought about posting these stories on other platforms as well. But life comes through. To my readers, you don't know how many times my life has turned upside down in these two years. I've thought about ending the story a lot of times. But your comments inspire me the most. And when my life becomes really hard, I try to find something to rely on. I come back to my stories. Writing about them makes me feel how beautiful love is! You won't believe I've never loved anyone in my 28 years of life. I've sacrificed my life for a greater cause. But all I've ever gotten is immense mental pain, trauma, and depression. But if I loved, I would love exactly like them. Because I'm exactly like Myeong Joo. And Dae Young is the most honorable man I'd love to fall in love with. Readers, you waited for me, and I've promised you to write 100 stories about them. I will write 100 stories. But I can't promise about the timing. Forgive me for keeping you waiting for so long. But I've said earlier, and I'm saying now, if I could, I would never make you wait so long. Some days, I feel like my life has been finished. Other days, I'm struggling to deal with my depression and life. But some days I feel good, and I come to write a story about them. I know some of you prayed for me. I'm really grateful to you. I've got good results in my exams. You got me when you said, "Don't be hard on myself." I really appreciate you. But I've always been so hard on myself. Still, I'm struggling with this. In 2023, I've also started to think of suicide. But I've overcome that. It took me a lot of time to finally get rid of that thought. I hope you all are doing well. 2023 has been devastating for me. I hope 2024 will bring something great for all of us. And one request: please reach out with the story to those who love the Goowon Couple as much as we do.
HDnguyen #7
Chapter 62: So sweet, Au. They love each other little by little. They truly sympathize and understand each other on the path to finding true happiness. SEO Dae Young is truly a gentleman
HDnguyen #8
Chapter 61: Please continue writing Au we are waiting for the next episodes ♥️
tong99826 #9
Chapter 60: Thank you for the new chapters! It was such a feast!

I'm so glad that the love of Dae Young and Myung Joo is still as passionate as ever and at the same time I'm also thrilled about what's waiting for them in the future now that their little baby is about to be born.

We are already half way through the golden week of new chapters, please take care of your health be back with amazing stories.