Good news!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story

Next morning, Myeong Joo wakes up and sees Dae Young is looking at her face with affectionate eyes. She smiles beautifully, places a hand on his cheek, "What are you seeing?" He replies, " I'm seeing you." Myeong Joo asks, "What's new in me seeing? Don't you see me always? What's special there that you woke up early to see me?" "I haven't seen you for a very long time, then I saw you but you looked so sad. After that, you didn't look at me, you didn't smile, only cried and cried, the Myeong Joo who is an angel, I was missing her so badly. Today after a really long time, you are looking like my angel Myeong Joo. So I am seeing you. You are always so so beautiful that I can look at you for hours. You look so soft and tender while sleeping that I was wondering how this soft and tender lady becomes so fierce on me? How can you not let me come to you? How can you stay without hugging me night after night? I go crazy when you're beside me but I can't hug you or even touch you cause you're angry. How can you?"

Myeong Joo was smiling but her smile fades hearing his last words. "I'm sorry. But don't you think you always hurt me more? Do you even know how it felt to have the thought that you may die anytime? What will I do without you? And this time it was much more worst cause now I have Sunshine and another baby in my tummy to think about! What will I do if anything happens to you? Tell me? Am I wrong? Is my anger unjustified?" Tears being welled up on her big eyes, that made Seo Dae Young's heart wrench much more .

He hurriedly sits on the bed and grabs Myeong Joo and hugs her to his chest. "Don't think about those things, Myeong Joo. I'm sorry. I'm here. I will always come back to you no matter what. I know you are waiting for me. I will definitely come back to you. Don't cry, please. Think about our baby in your tummy."
But all his words made Myeong Joo burst into tears more. She cries and cries in his hold. He more tightly hugs her and let her cry. She kept talking in between her sobbing, "When I'm in your arms like this I feel I am safe. You give me the feeling of being secured. I feel peace in my mind. But you also make me feel so insecure! I feel like the time when I thought you're dead and lived with that burden for a year. That brings back all the pain again." Dae Young's eyes also filled with tears and those tears falls on Myeong Joo. She felt that and lifts her head, caresses his cheeks, "Still I'm okay with it as long as you come back alive to me. I loved you as a real soldier. I'm really proud of you. But you have to come back to me safety every time." Then she places a soft kiss on his cheek. His hands started to caress Myeong Joo's back and he holds her even tighter. Then his face gradually gets down and founds Myeong Joo's soft lips while closing his eyes. That kiss becomes deep within a second but then a click sound was heard and bang! The door opened!

Sunshine opened the door and Myeong Joo hastily gets herself free from Dae Young's hold. They both smiles at Sunshine and  reaches out their hands to her. She smiles beautifully and gets on the bed. In the morning she always comes to Myeong Joo first, other times dad is her priority. She hugs Myeong Joo and when they were cuddling up, she sees tears on her cheek, she becomes sad, while wiping with her small soft hands she says, "Mommy, were you crying again? Daddy is here. Don't cry, please." Myeong Joo tries to smile, "Okay, baby. I won't cry. But don't you think you should scold daddy?" She also smiles, "Daddy, you know mommy cried and cried everyday when she came back to me. She didn't cry in front of you, but she cried a lot every night. I hugged her while sleeping but mommy didn't stop crying. You made mommy cry like that. Now apologize and kiss mommy." He smiles and his ears picked up. He comes closer to Myeong Joo, places a soft delicate kiss on her cheek.

Cause Myeong Joo made a rule not to kiss on the lips in front of their baby. Even though it happens, it should be a light peak. Sunshine is more than 2 years now, she understands everything, so Myeong Joo made a strict rule not to kiss in front of Sunshine. Dae Young agreed with that cause they both know if they start kissing once, they can't help getting their kisses deep and intense. Ha ha ha.

So he kissed on her cheeks and Sunshine clapped and laughed. Then they get busy playing with the baby. But suddenly Myeong Joo jumps from the bed, hurriedly went to the bathroom grabbing . Sae dae young also hurriedly runs after her placing Sunshine on the bed. Myeong Joo is having morning sickness as usual. She vomits a little and then comes back, lying down on the bed. He brings water, wipes with a towel and moves hair from her face to make her comfortable. Sunshine says, "Are you sick mommy? Dad, you know mommy becomes like this every morning. When I ask her she always says she's not sick. But see, she is sick, right?" 

He smiles at her innocence. He caresses Sunshine's hair, "Mommy is not sick, baby. Mommy is going to have your baby brother or sister. That's why she is like that." Myeong Joo looked at Dae Young with wondering eyes! She was not going to tell Sunshine this right now. Cause she'll be very excited, very happy but she will also ask a ton of questions. But Dae Young have already done that. So she will let him handle all the questions. Letting her rest in her room Day Young and Sunshine went to make breakfast and he answered all her excited questions about the baby patiently.

Myeong Joo still went to work as usual, dae young is still on break because of his injury. But he insisted on reaching Myeong Joo by driving the car himself. He took Sunshine with them. Reaching the base, they went to see the commander to invite him to their house today. They planned to give commander the good news tonight while having dinner. Myeong Joo actually wanted to tell him yesterday, but the embarrassing situation didn't let that happen. Ha ha. Still Dae Young gathered courage to meet him today to invite him. They both taught Sunshine not to tell anything about that, to keep it as a secret. 

Commander is very happy seeing the happy family in the morning. Sunshine jumps on him and he takes her on his lap. She is really happy seeing her grandpa and started chatting with him happily. Myeong Joo and Dae Young is looking at the scene smiling. When Sunshine becomes a bit calm, they got a chance to talk. While inviting the commander, Myeong you feels uneasy again and hurriedly went to the bathroom and Dae Young as usual goes after her. Commander becomes worried, "What happened to Myeong Joo? Is she became sick handling all the work herself?" But Sunshine happily speaks out, completely forgetting what's she's been told earlier that she should keep it a secret! "Mommy is going to have my little brother or sister. That's why she is like that. Don't worry, grandpa. Daddy told me this morning!"

The commander was stunned! Sunshine has become exactly like his daughter. Always full of surprises! Always makes him worry. He feels pity for Sae dae young thinking, "An exciting future is ahead of you. It's not going to be easy to raise a daughter like Sunshine who is exactly like Myeong Joo! He have to handle both of them. Ha ha. The only hope is Sunshine is very fond of her father." While thinking all those thoughts and hearing Sunshine's exciting talk about her baby brother or sister, they came back, dae young made her sit on the sofa and gently wipes her face with his hanky. Commander goes to Myeong Joo, before they could say anything, he congratulated them and said he is very very happy hearing the good news. They both were shocked. How did the commander know? They wanted to surprise him. At the same time they realised only Sunshine can do that! But seeing commander this happy, they also becomes happy. Then they invited him to have dinner with them tonight, he accepts the invention and as soon as they met their fellow soldiers, Sunshine happily told all of them about her baby brother or sister who is in her mommy's tummy right now. Soon the whole army knew about that and Myeong Joo's day was mostly spent receiving heart warming congratulations from everyone!

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I've a lot on my mind. So I can't write. But I've thought about some intriguing interesting plots for my Goowon. A lot of angst will come in your way. Be ready for that.


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14 streak #1
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #2
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS
14 streak #3
My new favorite story
Jaesongjoong #4
Finally someone cared about this couple
I will read it
HDnguyen #5
Chapter 64: We are here looking forward to reading more GooWon stories and wishing you all the best. Hope you will be healthy and fight hard against difficulties so you don't fall. Everyone in this life has their own difficulties and needs to find a way to overcome them. Live healthy and happy for yourself and your family
Two years ago, I first published a story about the only love story I've seen in my whole life that made perfect sense to me. I've never been moved by a love story like this. But the yearning to know what happened to them after DOTS ended made me feel incomplete. Thus, I've searched all over the internet to read more fanfictions about them. Still, I was not completely satisfied. Even though some of the fanfictions were excellent. But they were not fulfilling my craving for them. Then I wrote a fanfiction for the first time almost a year later, after I've finished watching DOTS and published it here. Here, because most of the DOTS fanfictions were here. Later, I've thought about posting these stories on other platforms as well. But life comes through. To my readers, you don't know how many times my life has turned upside down in these two years. I've thought about ending the story a lot of times. But your comments inspire me the most. And when my life becomes really hard, I try to find something to rely on. I come back to my stories. Writing about them makes me feel how beautiful love is! You won't believe I've never loved anyone in my 28 years of life. I've sacrificed my life for a greater cause. But all I've ever gotten is immense mental pain, trauma, and depression. But if I loved, I would love exactly like them. Because I'm exactly like Myeong Joo. And Dae Young is the most honorable man I'd love to fall in love with. Readers, you waited for me, and I've promised you to write 100 stories about them. I will write 100 stories. But I can't promise about the timing. Forgive me for keeping you waiting for so long. But I've said earlier, and I'm saying now, if I could, I would never make you wait so long. Some days, I feel like my life has been finished. Other days, I'm struggling to deal with my depression and life. But some days I feel good, and I come to write a story about them. I know some of you prayed for me. I'm really grateful to you. I've got good results in my exams. You got me when you said, "Don't be hard on myself." I really appreciate you. But I've always been so hard on myself. Still, I'm struggling with this. In 2023, I've also started to think of suicide. But I've overcome that. It took me a lot of time to finally get rid of that thought. I hope you all are doing well. 2023 has been devastating for me. I hope 2024 will bring something great for all of us. And one request: please reach out with the story to those who love the Goowon Couple as much as we do.
HDnguyen #7
Chapter 62: So sweet, Au. They love each other little by little. They truly sympathize and understand each other on the path to finding true happiness. SEO Dae Young is truly a gentleman
HDnguyen #8
Chapter 61: Please continue writing Au we are waiting for the next episodes ♥️
tong99826 #9
Chapter 60: Thank you for the new chapters! It was such a feast!

I'm so glad that the love of Dae Young and Myung Joo is still as passionate as ever and at the same time I'm also thrilled about what's waiting for them in the future now that their little baby is about to be born.

We are already half way through the golden week of new chapters, please take care of your health be back with amazing stories.