It's been long time!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story

Myeong Joo's fury reached all over the military. As soon as Seo Dae Young stepped his foot out of her office, he was captured by his mates. all of them were astonished by the news. Si Jin huffed in amusement, "Yeah! We aren't in home for almost 5 months, we were only home for one morning and you managed to get her pregnant? What are you?" Serjeant Choi suggested Quietly from side, "He is called instructor of hell for a reason!" They all burst into laughter. Only Seo Dae Young couldn't laugh. He could see there are many more things coming in his way.

Once all his mates finished making fun of him, teasing him, pulling his leg; he finally gathered some courage to meet General Yoon. Once he went there he saw Myeong Joo was seating with his father. He saluted the General and he asked him to sit, he noticed Myeong Joo didn't even looked at him. He was going to sit in the sofa next to Myeong Joo, but she glared at him furiously and he took a sit next to the General. Before he could say anything, the general glared at him and asked, " How many preemptive attacks are you going to through at me?" Sae Dae Young just lowered his neck automatically hearing his father-in-law. Actually he doesn't know the answer himself. Myeong Joo always manages to do that but his father-in-law always asks him. Even though he didn't look at Myeong Joo, he knew she is very much enjoying her father scolding him. He is still no place to talk to. He knows after Myeong Joo's latest promotion as cornel, she was handled with a lot of responsibilities, she was doing her best as always. But it is surely a lot on her maintaining their new big house, 2 girls, her job, him being not around much- it's a lot to her. She definitely can blame him.

General Yoon continued, "Do you have any idea what she has gone through? She was really sick until last week. Still she managed to fulfil her duty. I'm really proud of her. I don't understand what were you thinking to have another baby all of a sudden?"

Seo Dae Young finally managed to say something," I didn't know." General said, "Is this Sergeant Seo Dae Young whom I believed to be an hosnest, earnest, reliable man and whom I agreed to be my only daughter's husband? All you can say is 'You didn't know!' How could you?"

Seo Dae Young's head now reached his chest and he is feeling truely guilty. He definitely should have been more careful about their life. Actually it is a lot for Myeong Joo to handle everything. He promised himself that he will be the one who takes more responsibilities. But then to his surprise, Myeong Joo talks, "It's okay, dad. He never failed to fulfil your expectations about me. You don't need to scold him, I will do that on behalf of both you and me. Now I would like to go home." Without saying anything farther, she got up and reached to the door and walked away. Seo Dae Young was stunned seeing Myeong Joo protesting him and was happy to think that maybe she was getting soft, but her last sentence indicates she was not.

Then General Yoon continued to watch him, apology was written all over his posture. He smiled inside, this man is really a true gentleman. He is really happy having him as his son-in-law. Usually times like this he helps him out. "Listen Seo Dae Young, this sudden pregnancy took a toll on her. You can see that yourself." He replied, "Yes, father, but I have one question, why didn't you let me know about the pregnancy? You could have give me news, and I would come ASAP to be by Myeong Joo." He smiled That's exactly why I couldn't let you know. Myeong Joo strictly forbidden me to not inform you. She knew it was a very important mission. And she knows you too well." He sighs! His father-in-law is absolutely correct about that. "Listen son, she is just very tired. I've planned a trip for you two. She needs rest from work. She needs some vacation. I'll give you two a week. Get her somewhere to relax."

He stood up and saluted, just when he reached the door, general says," She needs rest. Keep that on your mind." He stiffened and nodded. Then he heard General saying, "Congratulations for successfully completing the mission."
He smiled widely now.

The next day, Si Jin called him to go to his house. Myeong Joo dropped the girls to their place to meet their dad. Seo Dae Young immediately went to their house, met the girls. They were so happy to see him. They definitely asked why he hadn't gone to home. He paused for a moment then replied truthfully. Mommy is angry with dad for some reason, that's why. But they don't need to worry. He will calm her down and be back to their house after a week, after their vacation. The girls giggled. They asked the most important question, "Will mommy agree to go on a vacation with you?" He sighs! The girls knows them too well. Then Sunshine quietly says, "Mommy was very sick for many days. She puked every morning and felt dizzy all the time. She was so angry with you for you not being with her while she was sick. You know she was just missing you so much, that's why she was angry." Her little sister added, "Dad, I've seen mommy crying a few times. She was so week somedays that after coming home, she cried and slept." This cncerned Seo Dae Young so much. He can handle a furious Myeong Joo, but a crying Myeong Joo scratches his heart. The girls also added they took care of their mother as best as they could. He needs to be with her ASAP. He kissed them both for taking care of their mother so well. He promised them he will take care of Myeong Joo from now on. He send them to play with Si Jin and Mo Youn's child.

With a lot of help from his father-in-law, he managed to get Myeong Joo to their vacation. On the plane she didn't talk to him and just glared at him whenever he tried to talk. After reaching their villa Myeong Joo went to the master bedroom and changed in some comfortable nighty. Then they ordered some food, ate and Myeong Joo throws a pillow towards him. That means she is not at all ready to let him sleep near her. He accepted his defeat and went to another room to sleep. But he definitely checked if Myeong Joo is sleeping soundly.

Fot the next two days their routine being the same. They ate, slept separately, and time flows by. He then realized how much tired Myeong Joo was. He also felt this was a much needed break for him also, After sleeping for two full days, in the third day Myeong Joo went to his room and picked up the pillow that she throwed at him earlier and again throws that to him saying he was enjoying being alone too much. She can't tolarate that anymore and left the room. Seo Dae Young clearly understands this means Myeong Joo gave him the permission to get back to sleep together. He became very happy but didn't let the happiness show on his face.

That night after dinner, she falls asleep peacefully and he was watching her closely after almost 3 and a half month. That feels like a decade to him. He saw her face is glowing but still was a hint that past few days were hard on her. Her dark circles under her eyes started to fade away but there was a trace left still. She was a little bit skinny from the time he last saw her three months ago and a little bit pale. He took a note of everything in his mind. He needs to bring her back on her most healthy state ASAP. And of course her little baby bump. He feels a strong urge to touch the belly, but restrained himself from doing so. He didn't dare to touch her, yet. She will come to him whenever she's ready.

But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, he felt Myeong Joo shifted in her sleep and her arm touches his body, She tugged at his arm and hugged him in her sleep. Seo Dae Young gently embraced her, closed his eyes, enjoying her being so close to him. He also fell asleep soon.

The next morning, Myeong Joo woke up first and saw him embracing her, she thought of making herself free from his embrace, but couldn't. It's been long time.

She nuzzled her head more in his warm chest, enjoying his embrace after so long. Feeling her stirring in his arms, he woke up too. Feeling him waking up, Myeong Joo started to make herself free from his embrace. But he didn't let her go. He kept hugging her while looking at her with a wide smile. She tried to avart her eyes but his wide smile made her to look at him again. His smile became a grin now. She glared at him and said," I hate you."

"Liar," he breathed softly and pressed his lips to her forehead.

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I've a lot on my mind. So I can't write. But I've thought about some intriguing interesting plots for my Goowon. A lot of angst will come in your way. Be ready for that.


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14 streak #1
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #2
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS
14 streak #3
My new favorite story
Jaesongjoong #4
Finally someone cared about this couple
I will read it
HDnguyen #5
Chapter 64: We are here looking forward to reading more GooWon stories and wishing you all the best. Hope you will be healthy and fight hard against difficulties so you don't fall. Everyone in this life has their own difficulties and needs to find a way to overcome them. Live healthy and happy for yourself and your family
Two years ago, I first published a story about the only love story I've seen in my whole life that made perfect sense to me. I've never been moved by a love story like this. But the yearning to know what happened to them after DOTS ended made me feel incomplete. Thus, I've searched all over the internet to read more fanfictions about them. Still, I was not completely satisfied. Even though some of the fanfictions were excellent. But they were not fulfilling my craving for them. Then I wrote a fanfiction for the first time almost a year later, after I've finished watching DOTS and published it here. Here, because most of the DOTS fanfictions were here. Later, I've thought about posting these stories on other platforms as well. But life comes through. To my readers, you don't know how many times my life has turned upside down in these two years. I've thought about ending the story a lot of times. But your comments inspire me the most. And when my life becomes really hard, I try to find something to rely on. I come back to my stories. Writing about them makes me feel how beautiful love is! You won't believe I've never loved anyone in my 28 years of life. I've sacrificed my life for a greater cause. But all I've ever gotten is immense mental pain, trauma, and depression. But if I loved, I would love exactly like them. Because I'm exactly like Myeong Joo. And Dae Young is the most honorable man I'd love to fall in love with. Readers, you waited for me, and I've promised you to write 100 stories about them. I will write 100 stories. But I can't promise about the timing. Forgive me for keeping you waiting for so long. But I've said earlier, and I'm saying now, if I could, I would never make you wait so long. Some days, I feel like my life has been finished. Other days, I'm struggling to deal with my depression and life. But some days I feel good, and I come to write a story about them. I know some of you prayed for me. I'm really grateful to you. I've got good results in my exams. You got me when you said, "Don't be hard on myself." I really appreciate you. But I've always been so hard on myself. Still, I'm struggling with this. In 2023, I've also started to think of suicide. But I've overcome that. It took me a lot of time to finally get rid of that thought. I hope you all are doing well. 2023 has been devastating for me. I hope 2024 will bring something great for all of us. And one request: please reach out with the story to those who love the Goowon Couple as much as we do.
HDnguyen #7
Chapter 62: So sweet, Au. They love each other little by little. They truly sympathize and understand each other on the path to finding true happiness. SEO Dae Young is truly a gentleman
HDnguyen #8
Chapter 61: Please continue writing Au we are waiting for the next episodes ♥️
tong99826 #9
Chapter 60: Thank you for the new chapters! It was such a feast!

I'm so glad that the love of Dae Young and Myung Joo is still as passionate as ever and at the same time I'm also thrilled about what's waiting for them in the future now that their little baby is about to be born.

We are already half way through the golden week of new chapters, please take care of your health be back with amazing stories.