Mess 06

What A Life
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"Good morning, Jongin!"

I push past my best friend to enter his luxurious penthouse apartment. Man, I have missed this place. I used to spend nights at Jongin's place, especially on Friday, where we would have dinner and movie marathon at his cozy apartment and then I will just sleep over. Jongin would complain that I am a er because he couldn't bring any guys back, not when girls stuff (my stuff) lie everywhere in his apartment and that would only give the other guys the wrong idea. But that didn't stop me from treating Jongin's place like my own.

"Ah! Mr Bunny!" I run and jump onto Jongin's couch, taking the bolster into my arms, "You still have my bunny bolster!" It's so sweet for Jongin to keep my things even though I haven't been here for three years. Jongin gave this bolster to me on my 17th birthday because he knows I am a er for soft toys and this bolster has been my favourite gift since then. If it wasn't for my overweight luggage and bags, I would have brought it to US with me. Thankfully, it's still safe and sound at Jongin's apartment.

"What morning? It's only 6am, the sun isn't even up yet! What the hell are you doing at my place, disrupting my beauty sleep?" Jongin walks towards the couch to occupy the seat next to me, eyes barely opened, brows furrowed, and clearly annoyed with me for invading his place without informing him in advance.

"I bought breakfast for you," I tried to bribe him but to no avail. Jongin is not impressed. I know he would rather get back to sleep than to entertain an invited guest.

"My dear lady, for the love of god, we have work at 9am later," Jongin spits with sarcasm, arms folded as he sat up to eyed me suspicious, "You wouldn't have come to my place early in the morning for nothing. Spill it, babe, I know you want something from me."

"No, I just want to have breakfast with you today."

"My , honey. Spill it."

Jongin demanded in his usual sassy tone.

Trying to mask my anxiety with my laughter but I was obviously doing a bad job. Jongin has seen through me immediately. Well, this man has known me for almost my entire life, why do I even bother try to lie right?

"Okay, do you know anything about Sehun's past lovers? Do you have any clue about his love life?"

"Why?" He side glances me, a teasing grin formed on his face, "The fiancee is jealous?"

"No I am not! I just want to know if Sehun and Joohyun dated in the past. I overheard their conversation at the lockers room yesterday and I suspect that they might have a past."

I ain't some FBI but after the revelation, I tried watching Sehun and Joohyun closely to see if I can spot anything but these two cunning asses are so good in concealing and they keep things straightly business when they are in front of everyone. From the way they interacted with each other yesterday, it was as if that conversation at the lockers room didn't take place and I was so close to applause for their flawless acting. 

"Sorry babe, I know nothing about them but I did sense that Joohyun might have feelings for Sehun. She just seems to prefer Sehun to Baekhyun hyung and me, not in a friendly way, but in man and woman romantic way, you get what I mean?" Jongin was fully awake as we got into gossip mode, "I may have known Sehun for years, but that guy doesn't share much about his personal life. That's his personality. Joohyun... We are not close enough for me to probe her such things. There just seems to be a barrier. And Joohyun only allows Sehun in her world. Baekhyun hyung and I can talk to anyone but Joohyun is a tough nut to crack."

My shoulders slump in disappointment, knowing that I have asked the wrong person because Jongin doesn't satisfy my curiosity, "What... And I thought you know everything... Seems like you don't know that much gossip afterall," Sarcasm evident in my tone, causing the man's jaw to drop.

"Excuse me, you rude , you invade my property and you have the audacity to talk to me like that? How rude!" Jongin then snatches the bag of breakfast from my hand, boiling mad, "Go home then! Okay no," He wraps his fingers around my wrist to stop me, even though I didn't even think of leaving, "Spill the tea first. What did you hear about Sehun and Joohyun?"

"I don't know either. I was lost because they were being very vague. Joohyun insisted that they used to date but Sehun denied and he told her not to cross the boundary. Oh and you know, she insulted me in the midst of their discussion. That rude old hag! She called me a little girl!"

At the thought of that, I could feel my anger point rising again. It's fine if people complimented me for my youthful look but calling me a little girl is a big no-no. Just because Joohyun and I are seven years apart, it doesn't mean she can insult me like that. Plus, seven years is not a huge gap!

"We shall see who has the last laugh when I get married to Sehun and I am the one who gets to own his !"

Jongin turns into a coughing fit and immediately, he put the hot tea on his glass table. His face became red, not sure what's the cause - the hot drink burning his tongue or my bold choice of words. Definitely the former because Jongin talks about and all the time, it shouldn't be surprising for him to hear me say such things.

"Gosh, I almost lost my tongue because of you. I thought you said you are going to cancel your engagement. Now you changed your mind? You want his ?" After the pain and shock subsided, Jongin continues to sip on his tea, "Thought you only wanted Baekhyun's ?" A smirk forms on his face again. He just wouldn't stop teasing me, would he? 

"I thought you have a poor taste in men when you dated your first boyfriend and the subsequent flings because I don't think they were hot but your taste improves, Baekhyun is a wise choice. He is hot and he is witty. Gosh, if I were a girl, I would have dropped my skirt for him too."

I click my tongue at Jongin's insult. Sure, my first boyfriend isn't the most good looking but he was very nice to me. He was also caring; he would buy me whatever I want and bring me to eat all the good food. But that was also when I realised those traits are not enough to convince me to spend the rest of my life with him. There was just something amiss. He and I are two very different people, we also have different goals for the future and without being on the same page, I know our relationship will not last so I asked for a break up. Afterwards, I only had a couple of flings but they are not important for me to mention, and then, I met Baekhyun. Of all the men that I have associated myself with, Baekhyun is the closest to my ideal type and maybe, we would have developed into something more if we have met at right time. 

"How many times have you and Baekhyun hyung ed in the past?"

"I don't know."

"You promised to tell me!"

Jongin screamed like a spoilt child who didn't get to buy his favourite toy.

"I lost count! It happened too many times. We had almost everywhere - the club, my hostel, my school library, his car, you name it, Jongin."

"Holy . I didn't know you were that ually active. I am surprised

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1111 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2076 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1111 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!