Mess 19

What A Life
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The moment I wake up, my nostrils got attacked by a pungent smell. Sniffing everything around me, including the pillow and blanket, I still can't figure the source of the awful stench. Until, I pull my shirt upwards to smell myself, I realise I am the stinky one. Holy crap, did I really sleep without bathing last night? So damn gross! And what is even more horrifying is that I slept on Sehun's bed, who is a clean freak, without taking a shower! I feel so extremely bad! I should have just slept in the living room last night. Why did I even bother Sehun? Speaking of Sehun, where is he though? It's only 7am, he can't possibly be at work already.

Getting off the bed, I hear a rattling sound coming from a distance. When Vivi appears in front of me, I bend down to give my baby a hug, "Hey Vivi, do you miss mama?" However, Vivi seems to be rejecting my hug as he turns away swiftly before he even comes into my embrace. They are not wrong when they say dogs have a good sense of smell. I try to coax my baby to come to me again but Vivi ignores me completely. Vivi is just as mean as his father. Tch. But then again, if I were a dog, I would have run away from me too. I should really get a bath.

As I make my way to the closet, I catch something from my peripheral view. It isn't any random object, it is something of a human size occupying the small couch. Oh Sehun is sleeping on the couch, with a tiny blanket draped over his body and his legs, that are a little too long for the couch, hanging over the armrest and dangling in mid-air. Did he let me sleep on his bed and take the couch instead? Sehun could have just dumped me on the couch and have the comfort of his bed to himself, but instead, he sacrificed himself and let me have his bed. My heart swells knowing that Sehun is actually gentleman and he is lowkey a considerate guy, no matter how much he tries to deny it. I am starting to see this unpredictable man differently and I can't wait to see more sides of him. One day I am going to strip all his layers, like peeling an onion, and see him bare and raw. Don't think dirty guys, I am referring to his soul and heart!

I walk to the bed and get the duvet for the deeply asleep man, because the blanket is obviously too small for his long body. Cautiously and gently, in fear of waking Sehun up, I cover his body with the duvet, hoping that it will keep him warm. I squat next to him and observe his face upclose. This man is indeed flawless and so damn good looking, even with a tiny scar on his right cheek. Mouth slightly agape, I can faint snores coming from him. Glad that he is still sleeping soundly. Heh.

Okay, I am starting to look like a creep from staring at him while he is asleep. I give Sehun one final look before heading to the bathroom to freshen up and take my long-overdue shower.


"Morning, aunty!" I greet Mrs Oh, who seems shocked to see me busy making breakfast in the kitchen because Mrs Oh usually wakes up the earliest in the household and she is always the one preparing breakfast for everyone, "Hope you don't mind that I take charge of the breakfast today!" 

"Of course not, darling. But you should get more sleep," Mrs Oh walks towards me and stands next to me to see what I am making, "A heart-shaped sunny side up?" Mrs Oh asks in delight, "Is this for Sehun?"

I nod and the smile on Mrs Oh's face becomes brighter, as her eyes light up. Mrs Oh seems really happy to know that there is a progress in our relationship. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. If Sehun and I end up well, Mrs Oh will be the first to pop the champagne because she wants us to get married badly. I know she is just restraining herself from arranging our lives just to make things work between us (for example, she made us live together without asking for our opinions) because Sehun and I have told her very clearly that we are starting off as friends and we will see where this leads us to in the future.

"Wow, Park Areum is making breakfast for us? What's the occasion? You are usually the last to wake up."

The moment Jongin comes down with Sehun, he starts teasing me and I am so close to throwing the pan at his head, "Just shut up and eat, Jongin." 

After everyone settles down at the dining table, I serve them the English breakfast that I made and I place the beverages in the middle for everyone to help themselves with. Taking the seat next to Sehun, I turn to look at his reaction from the breakfast that I made specially for him. On Sehun's plate, there is a heart-shaped sunny side up, two sausages, and two toasts , each with a smiley face drawn, using chocolate sauce, on top. It may seem like nothing, but it's handmade with my love. 

"What do you want to drink?" I lean forward to ask Sehun, batting my lashes at him.

Sehun retreats away from me and knowing that Sehun is foreign to body contact with females, I bet he feels a little awkward to have my face only a few inches away from him. Heh. So cute.

"Coffee..." He answers, seemingly a little apprehensive with my behaviour, and I gladly pour the black coffee in his cup for him.

"Do you need any sugar?" I ask in a voice that is a little high-pitched than usual. 

"No thank you."

"Yah, what's up with you two?" Jongin switches his gaze between Sehun and me like a pendulum, before he eyes me with a suspicious look, "Why are you so nice to Sehun today? Why does he have special treatment? You even made a heart-shaped egg for him?" Disbelief strikes across Jongin's face, "Spill the tea, you two!"

"Stop being dramatic, Jongin. I just wanna thank him for last night."

I hear a gasp from both Mrs Oh and Jongin, who twirl their heads to us at the same time with eagerness all over their faces upon hearing my words. Mrs Oh and Jongin really make the best gossip duo ever because they are always so keen in our affair. 

"Sehun gave me a present last night."

I try not to make a huge deal out of a hand cream in case I look like a clown but how can I control my excitement knowing that the ice prince gave me a gift because he cares about me? It's Oh Sehun we are talking about here.

"What present?" Jongin interrogates further, the food no longer appeals to him because our story sparks more interest in him, "His ?"

Sehun and I rarely meet eye to eye and I never realise that we actually have chemistry until we spit out our drinks at the same time. What nonsense did Jongin just say? My face turns pale in horror as Jongin's words ring in my head continuously. What the ! What ?? I reach for the napkin just when Sehun does so and our hands come into contact with each other, earning another cheeky grins from the gossip duo. We take a quick look at each other and when we pull the napkin at the same time, the poor tissue split into half. Blushing like a tomato, I quickly clear the mess I made, while Sehun chugs the water to relieve his coughing fit. We are both flustered by this situation.

"Don't be shy! I am very open-minded," Mrs Oh claims as she places her palm on her chest, "I know you guys are just friends," Mrs Oh makes two quotation marks with her fingers, "But friends can have too! It's okay! I am more than happy to hear that. It would be even better if you get Areum pregnant, Sehun."

"Mum!" Sehun bellows, face turning redder than before, but Mrs Oh isn't affected by Sehun's anger, instead, she makes a funny face and giggles with Jongin like two pranksters up to no good. 

"You guys misunderstood us, we didn't have . The present that Sehun gave me is a bottle of hand cream!"

The excitement in Mrs Oh and Jongin clearly dies down after I clarified and explained myself but no matter what I say, I know Jongin will always have his way to make everything dirty.

"Well, handcream and have similar texture, don't they?"

"Kim Jongin!" I yell at my best friend but he is busy making a high-five with Mrs Oh, both snickering between themselves. Can he not ualise my hand cream? Now I can't look at the bottle of hand cream the same way! And I know I am going to recall Jongin's words everytime I pour the white substance on my hand. I am not expecting to start my day with Jongin's ual remarks. Kim Jongin, you piece of , thanks for spoiling my morning!


Another night working with Baekhyun but somehow, I feel like the ual tension between us is alleviated. I can tell that Baekhyun is maintaining a distance from me but the distance is a comfortable one, not an intentional and awkward one. From time to time, he will still flash his killer smile to me, knowing that my legs turn jelly whenever he does that, but at least, he doesn't tease me as much or get too touchy with me, unlike

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1111 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2076 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1111 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!