Mess 34

What A Life
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A week away from home feels like a decade. It is so strange that being away from my hometown for years has nothing in comparison to the emptiness and longing I felt when I was away from Sehun for a week. And returning back home, or to be specific, back to Sehun, makes me feel complete. Vivi wags its tail and jumps onto me excitedly when he sees me; I bet he misses me as much as I miss him. I walk into our room, with Vivi snuggling in my arms, and I smile I see my things and clothes left at their original spots, un-touched. One week may not be a very long time but I am glad that Sehun didn't get rid of my stuff. 

"I believe you would want this back?"

Sehun dangles my set of keys in front of me while I open my palm and extends my arm, asking for the keys back, "Well, if you do anything stupid, I am returning the keys to you and not coming back ever again," I threatened but I was just kidding. There is nowhere I would rather be than to be by Sehun's side. Everything feels right with him, he is my home, "I am going to take a bath."


Sehun is nowhere to be seen when I finished taking a bath. I ask Vivi if he knew where his appa went but all he did is to tilt his head sideway, with his tongue sticking out, looking as clueless as me, Puzzled by his sudden disappearance, I walk around the huge house to search for him and when I spot a familiar back view sitting alone beside the pool, with a glass of red wine on the wooden table, I head towards that direction. Instead of taking the vacant chair next to him, I sit on his lap on purpose and nest in his arms, hugging him automatically.

"A penny of thoughts?" I steal his red wine, "And why am I not invited for a drink?"

Sehun chuckles and takes the glass back from me to finish the last drop of wine, "Will I get to drink if I invite you, Ms Alcoholic? You will probably finish everything before I do."

I smack Sehun's chest and lower my head to hide my flushing cheeks. Resting my head on his chest, I get to listen to his heart beating rhythmically and calmly next to my ear. What more can I ask for than a peaceful and serene night like this? Just Sehun and me lounging, arms around each other, hearts beating as one, as we admire the beautiful full moon, akin to an egg yolk, and the millions of brightly-dotted stars on the black canvas of night. Looking back, it's just so crazy how things turn out for the two of us. Sehun and I were like cats and dogs who never meet eye to eye on anything. He hated me so much and I even told him that he doesn't deserve to be loved by anyone because he is just a selfish prick. HAH! Guess who is the clown that is madly in love with him now?

"Sehun, when did you start to have feelings for me?" I lift my head, looking like a curious kid more than ever.

"I don't know..."

Frowning, I send Sehun a look of disapproval at his disappointing answer, "What the... How boring!"

"But I just knew something started to change when you suggested to raise Vivi with me," His answer managed to catch my interest this time, "You know, raising a pet is a lifelong commitment. When you said I am Vivi's appa and you are Vivi's eomma and we are a family, strange feelings started to stir inside of me. It felt like we have a shared responsibility for our son and no one can just come and replace either of us as Vivi's parents. And when you tried so hard to get into the dog's shelter just to apologise to me and tell me that you would like to give us another shot, I guess, maybe, you are not that bad afterall."

Grinning, I can feel my heart racing from Sehun's words even though it was nothing much. 

"Have you ever wondered why our parents are so persistent with the arranged marriage? It's so funny how they believe that two strangers, who are of polar opposites, would actually make a great pair," I shake my head as I recall the events from the past. I used to think our parents were mad for putting us in that ridiculous arranged marriage and I hated the whole arrangement so much, "But I guess," I look into Sehun's orbs, flashing a wide smile to him, "They are not wrong."

"Maybe they are right, we do balance each other out. You can't be with someone who is as crazy as you, you guys might just burn the whole house down unknowingly."

I snort at Sehun's remark but I do agree with him secretly. My mother knew from the start that I need someone more mature, sane, and composed to keep me grounded, that was probably why she picked Sehun for me. I mean, aside the fact that Sehun is her best friend's son. 

"Or maybe they are just worried about my future so they decided to pair me with a rich and old yet handsome man like you. In case I can't support myself, I can still rely on you and not starve to death," My sarcastic remark got Sehun cracking up and it makes me feel accomplished to be able to tickle his funny bone, "Glad I made you laugh," I caressed his brows and glabella, like I am trying to erase his frown lines, "Worry less and laugh more, Sehun. I know what you are worried about but you have me now. We will get through everything together."

Even though most of the victims are willing to drop the lawsuit, the authority has not cleared the investigation and given Al Dente the green light to resume its business. Even if they do, we all know that it is not going to be easy to earn the trust of people back, not after this big hoo-ha. I slide my hand into Sehun's hand and hold him tightly, "Trust me, and I have 100% faith in you and Al Dente. Worst comes to worst, we can always open a new restaurant together... Just know that no matter what happens, I am here with you."

Sehun captures my lip suddenly but I am not complaining by the sudden attack. Arms locked around his neck, I pull him down and closer to me, until there is no gap between our bodies and I can feel his warm chest against me, causing the warmth and heat to spread throughout my system. The kiss is sloppy with the strong scent of red wine being exchanged as our breaths mingle. In that moment, the kiss feels like some sort of magic spell that makes us forget about the rest of the world, along with our worries and problems. In that moment, nothing else matters except our connected lips and the sparks of love exploding between us. We pull back and smile, with our foreheads resting against each other, and our eyes never tear away from each other for a single second, as if afraid that either of us will disappear if we ever let go.

I peck on his lips again, "I love you so much." The past few months have been super crazy and eventful, and it still doesn't feel real to me that I am here in the arms of the man I love and we are going to live happily ever after together. 

"I know," Sehun laughs, "I love you too, so much that if you ever

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1104 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2072 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1104 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!