Stood Up (HyunSung)


Jisung played the empty glass on the table. He sighed, it was the 10th times he was ordering a water for waiting his date to show up.

It was not new to him, his dates were ditching him before, he was rumoring himself today. Maybe, something new will happen tonight. He sighed for the nth time. The people around him were all couples and happily eating and talking with each other. That should be them too, if he came tonight. He sighed again.

He looked at his right side at the other table, there was this guy in a tuxedo, maybe he's waiting for his date too. He quickly looked down at the glass he's playing with when the guy at the other table turned to look at him. 

Other couples around them were exiting the restaurant at each passing time and yet his date has nowhere to be found. He was ditched again and he never learned.

He decided to go to the restroom to fix himself and then exited the restaurant too. It was a bit late but he didn't want to go home yet. He thought of going to plaza. It was a bit cold but he thought he could handle it.


Hyunjin received a message from his boyfriend, he was already in the restaurant waiting for him. He was nervous because tonight he will ask him to be his forever. But the text message turned out that his boyfriend was breaking up with him. He could feel his arms shaking, a tear was falling from his eye. 

He drank his wine and tried himself to relax. He absentmindedly looked around his surrounding. It was full of happy couples, then it landed to a guy alone too on a table from his left. He looked sad, maybe his date was ditching him. Just like mine, he thought. He did not know but it made him smile watching that guy playing the empty glass while pouting. He finds him cute, having cheeks like that he looked like a squirrel. How could someone stood him up? He wanted to leave the restaurant and drown himself of the liquor. But part of him wanted to stay a little bit. He looked at that squirrel guy again and turned out he looked at him too but immediately looked down as their eyes met. Cute.

He sighed as he stood up from his seat. He wanted a fresh air so he planned of going to the plaza. He wore his helmet and drove himself to the plaza.

After parking his motorcycle, he was about to sit on the bench when he saw someone familiar, with a squirrelly cheeks, standing on the edge of the pathway. That pathway leads to a cliff where suicides were prone. He didn't think anymore as he realized that thought and ran towards that guy.

"Hey!! Wait!! Please don't do it!" As he came nearer to the guy, he realized he was that cute squirrel guy from the restaurant.

Jisung flinched as he heard someone screaming and looked around when there's someone ran towards him. Should he run? He was nervous.

"Please listen to me, don't do it." The stranger pants hard as he bent himself to catch his breath. Jisung recognized him, the handsome guy in that restaurant. Why is he here too?

"Uhm..I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do not jump on that cliff please. I'm sure he's not worth it, it's painful but you don't have to do it. I promise I've been there."

Jisung laughed hard. Oh so this guy thought he is going to jump on the cliff. And--

"Did you just indirectly assume that I am gay?"

He can see how guilty and uncomfortable the guy is. Yes, he is handsome but he is funny too. He is interesting.

"Don't worry, you're right I am gay. You're right, he wasn't worth it but I am not going to jump there. I was just breathing fresh air but still thank you." Jisung said sincerely.

He can see that the guy was relaxing now. He was blushing hard too.

"Oh. I was just--"

"It's fine. Thank you."

Hyunjin cleared his throat, "I wanna... thank you too."

"Uh, what for?"

"If it's not because of you maybe I am already drank tonight and have to deal an annoying hang over tomorrow." Hyunjin said smiling.

And it was Jisung's turned to blush hard.

"You look like a squirrel. Cute." Smooth. He congratulated himself for not stuterring.

"Hey! Should I be offended?"

Hyunjin laughed and Jisung found him pretty, even his laugh is beautiful.

"Probably not. You honestly looked like one and it's cute. You're cute." Hyunjin mumbles.

"Yeah right. My friends kinda thought that too--" he was alarmed by what he just said and went to continue, "I mean, they thought that I looked like a squirrel too, not that I am cute."

Hyunjin chuckled, "but you are though. You're very cute."

There was a comfortable silence between them. They looked like a fool staring at each other, Jisung was blushing while Hyunjin smirking at him. 

"I'm Hyunjin, by the way. Hwang Hyunjin."

"Han Jisung."

After 6 months, there were celebrating their 5th month of being together. They're cuddling on the couch watching a movie which was being ignored by the way because they were busy talking and kissing.

"Do you still remember our first date? You thought I'll ditch you. When I came in that restaurant I swear I wanted to run immediately towards you and engulf you in my embrace. You looked like you're about to cry." Hyunjin teased while kissing his boyfriend's neck. Jisung clicked his tongue, yeah who could forget that?

"Can't blame me for being ditched all the time!" Jisung whined but he was okay now because there was one time that he wasn't being ditched. He could still remember how fast his heart was beating at that time because he was so in love with Hyunjin more at that time. The only guy that showed to their date places, the only guy he was so in love with.

Hyunjin kissed Jisung's cheek before answering, "I'm thankful with those who ditched you though."

"What? Hwang---" he was cut by a peck on the lips which made him blush again. Hyunjin is the only guy that madehim a blushy mess too.

"Because, you being stood up everytime led you to me."

"You're extra chessy today, Hwang."

"That's because I love you, Han."

Jisung groaned, not because he was annoyed but because he was so in love with his extra chessy boyfriend.

"I love you too. So much, Hyunjin. Thank you for saving me that night though I was not going to jump on that cliff." Jisung teased.

It was Hyunjin's turn to groan, "you're such a mood breaker, babe. I thought you saying you love me too will end up us kissing but you brought that up again!"

Jisung laughed, it was that one embarrassing moment of Hwang Hyunjin that he wanted to forget but Jisung has another plan.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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