Who's gonna drive you home? (HyunSung)


Now playing: Jackson Wang - Drive You Home

Hyunjin and Jisung had a fight, it was the last resort to finally let go of each other's lives. For the past months, they've been fighting over small things, they've been arguing over and over, they have gone to beds with some unresolved issues, then one night they've finally decided to end things between them. The three-year relationship ended, it was long gone.

After a week, Jisung thought that breaking up with Hyunjin was the solution and that both of them will be back to their normal daily lives, only that they don't have each other anymore. Jisung was wrong, he got in the worst situation, work was still stressing him. He had a hard time finding cheap room to be called as his new home, since Hyunjin and him broke up so that led him to get out of the older's flat with his stuff. It wasn't easy for him, sometimes he cried to sleep in the basement floor of his co-worker's house. Felix, his friend, was nice enough to let him stay and he insisted to stay down in the basement because what else he can do? He didn't want to cause too much trouble to Felix, he has nothing to share in terms of financial matters, he's broke, barely living to himself.

He has no regular job, just part times, because goddamnit, there's no vacancy in every establishment that he submitted an application letter to. And unfortunately, two out of his three part time jobs dropped him off and what's left was his part time job in the bar as waiter.

One night he cried, and he didn't know what caused it. Was it because of the stress? Of how he thought himself as unlucky and useless? Or- of regret and of missing the only person that loved him. But of course he's stubborn, the last one was impossible.


"Oh..Lix? What's wrong?" He quickly wiped off his cheeks from the petty tears falling on them.

"I should be the one asking you that. You're crying, don't lie to me. What's wrong?"

Jisung didn't even last any more second from looking at his friend's eyes, he burst into tears again and Felix was quick to hug him.

"Every- everything i-is wrong, Lixie." Jisung hiccupped, wrapping his arms around the other's body. God, it's been so long that he got hugged by someone. He missed this feeling. He missed him.

"It's okay...cry it all out, it's okay, you're okay." Felix rubbed his palms on to the small of Jisung's back. He desperately wanted to help his friend but he didn't know how. Maybe, for now, a hug will be enough.

"I'm sorry, Lixie, y-you didn't deserve to s-see me like t-this.."

"Nonsense! You're my friend, I don't want to see you like this, Jisung, if only I could lessen your burden, I will!" Jisung knew the younger since he got in part timing in the bar. Felix was a regular waiter there, sometimes he did DJ-ing there too.

"You helped me already, Lixie. Thank you for that."

"Please, sleep beside me tonight. I'll love having someone to cuddle with while sleeping. I can't just sleep comfortably in my bed when I knew you're down here."

Their conversation from the last days echoed in his head, when he insisted to just stay in the basement, Felix told him that hiding away won't heal anything and that it was bad for his health, but it was the best thing to do for now. He wanted to hide away from the world.

When Felix didn't get an answer, he pulled away from the other's body and looked him in the eyes, he will beg his way to Jisung if that's the only way of pulling him out of this space and made him sleep beside him.

"Please, Jisung."

Jisung sniffed as he looked down to his lap, "fine.."

It brightens Felix's face but Jisung didn't see it, "really?"

"Yes." Jisung realized, he will do it if this is the only thing that will make Felix excited at the moment. It's not like he can say no to this sunshine. Felix squeals in happiness, "yes! Well, come on! Up we go!"

Turned out that Felix baked some sweets and they devoured them before going to bed, and first time in this week that he sleeps soundly and comfortably. He also found out how he smiles back again at all the silly things Felix did just to make him laugh.

Hyunjin on the other hand was not doing any better than Jisung. He felt devastated and unmotivated to work. His boss, Minho, was always scolding him now adays, he messed up one of their dance classes and Minho had a headache because of him.

"Get your together, Hwang, or else I'll fire you, I swear." When Minho got angry, he meant it. 

For the past days of the week, he didn't do any good and he thought Minho had enough of him when he asked his presence in his office.

"You're one of my best dancers, Hyunjin, and you know that. I can't let you go but I can't also tolerate your performance these days, I cant lose students just because you haven't move on or whatever happened to you and Jisung."

"Are you kicking me out?"

"I-" Minho was about to slam his face on his table, he gritted his teeth while looking at the form in front of him, "you're not listening to me! I just said I can't just- whatever! Take a week off, get yourself together, please."

Hyunjin blinked his eyes after hearing it, but maybe it was the best option for now, he can't work properly anyway.


And Hyunjin realized, he never really actually gone out of his flat to just stroll in the streets like this. Lately, it was a difficult time, everything turns south, led to letting his stress talked and took it all out to Jisung when he knew the younger's difficult situation too. God, he never felt so stupid before. He missed Jisung so much, and he knew he has no right to, it was his fault that's he's out of his life now.

Something struck in his mind, he looked at his wrist watch, it says 7:30PM, 10 minutes before Jisung will clock out in the cafeteria, he didn't think this since the day they broke up but who drove him home? God, how could he be so stupid.

He ran into the location where he parked his car and droved himself to the familiar road to Jisung's part time in this one cafeteria in the next block. He waited for five minutes outside the cafeteria until someone came out from the door but it was not Jisung who came out of that door.

"Innie!" It was Jisung's other co-part timer in this cafeteria but today is Tuesday, it's Jisung's schedule.

"Oh, Hyunjin-hyung. Jisung didn't tell you?"

"Uh- we're not together anymore, but I came here for him."

"Oh. Sorry to hear you that, hyung. No wonder Jisung was a mess last week, he didn't do well and the owner was just so tired and kicked Jisung out, said to never let him back again. I'm sorry, hyung."

Hyunjin was surprised for that news, "it's not your fault, Innie. Thank you for the information, do you need a ride home?"

"It's okay, hyung. My boyfriend will be here any minute now." Boyfriend, he missed having one.

"Okay then, say hi to Seungmin for me."

Hyunjin drove back with an empty thoughts, and he didn't know why he's here in front of the city's library. Jisung spent his entire day of Mondays and Fridays here, it's his other part time job. When he asked the one's sitting in the counter, the woman told him that Jisung only filled in the pregnant employee and now that she's back, Jisung's contract was also done. Hyunjin sighed at the information, where is Jisung now? How is he doing? He came home almost quarter to 10 to his flat and he didn't sleep that night. His thoughts kept on running back to the memories they have shared together with Jisung, the happy moments as well as the difficult times that they have been through together, until that night when they ended things.

The next day, he knew every Wednesday and Thursday night, Jisung is in his part time in the bar, and he's hoping that he would see him there.

"Jisung, you alright? You looked pale." It's Woojin, one of the regular waiters there, noticed Jisung was slacking off again, but he's more worried to the younger now. He didn't know the younger that well, all he knew was that the Jisung he saw now was so much different from the bright Jisung who worked here. And he's worried if the younger is pushing his self too much to work even if he's sick.

"No, no, hyung, I'm okay."

"You don't look okay though, are you sick and you still work?"

"I'm not sick, hyung, I promise- well, earlier I was just fine."

"Well, how about you sit down for a while first? Drink some water, I'll handle these for you." Woojin said as he took the tray with some glasses of beers in it with him.

"Thanks, hyung."

"No problem, kiddo. Now, go and relax for a while."

Jisung found himself back into the staff's room after gulping down a glass of water and he did feel good after slumping himself on the lone loveseat there.


And finally Jisung's shift was over, he didn't want to bother Felix's boyfriend to drive him to Felix's home since they have somewhere else to be. He just reassured his friend that he's fine with walking to get home. After a few coaxing, Felix agreed and let him go alone after a long and tight hug. But the calmness he felt was only for a moment when he was suddenly disturbed by a loud honk. Now that honk sounds really familiar but Jisung didn't mind it since that is very likely impossible to happen.


He thought that he must have been that stressed if he's not only hearing Hyunjin's car's honk sound but also the man himself calling him. He knew he missed the guy but he didn't think that it will become this deep.

"Han Jisung, will you stop walking for a moment please?"

A car stopped beside him as he too halted his steps, this couldn't be, Hyunjin was really here. He's not hallucinating. But why was his ex here?

"Why are you here?" He did not care even if he sounds broken.

"I'll drive you home."

Yeah, home, it has a nice ring into his ears but the place isn't called like that when Hyunjin is not part of it anymore. 

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Come on, you can't even open your eyes properly."

"Why do you care?"

"Please, Jisung, get in the car. Please."

Jisung sighed, it's true that this day made him worn out, he's tired and he just wanted to sleep through the night. The universe has its own strong force that pulls Jisung into Hyunjin's car like he used to be, sitting beside him in the passenger seat...but he didn't wallow into the memories that much because sleep consumed him the moment his made contact to the leather seat.

"Where did you st-" Hyunjin cuts himself off after seeing the younger was already asleep in his seat, his head was lulling into the headrest, mouth hungs slightly open and his back was croakly slump into the backrest.

"That's what I thought." Hyunjin mumbles to himself, his lips are stretched wide and a content smile spreads on both corners of his mouth. He missed seeing Jisung like this but it ached his heart knowing that Jisung's been like this because he's tired. He carefully straps Jisung's seatbelt on and adjusts the seat so he could like lie comfortably into it. Hyunjin lingers to stare at Jisung's sleeping form and to his peaceful face, he looks so calm when asleep. He can't help but to trace his index finger on the slope of Jisung's nose and cheeks, softly wipes away the bangs that blocked on his closed eyes.

Hyunjin sighs, after pulling his jacket off of him and covers it to Jisung's body, then he drives him home. Home as in the one that used to be Jisung's too.


When the next morning comes, Jisung woke up feeling refreshed. Without opening his eyes, he inhales air and paused for a few seconds before exhaling loudly. He could feel it in his nerves that this day is gonna be a good day. Jisung didn't know why, he just felt it. Since these recent days, he hardly slept this good and he hardly woke up this refreshed and alive and-

"Good morning. Sleep well?"

All thoughts in Jisung's brain had left the second he hears that voice, it sounded very familiar and it sounded near- he immediately opens his eyes. 

"This is not Felix's room."

"Yeah, you're in my room."

"That was supposed to be in my thoughts."

"Well, you said that out loud."

Jisung blinks because the one beside him was Hyunjin. His brain proceeds to process a memory from last night that made him 'ohh' in his thought. Right, Hyunjin came to the music bar last night and offered a ride.

They were both in the same bed, on their sides, facing to each other, what a nice sight to wake up to and it's nice to wake up this way, just like the old times, that's also when he remembered Felix.

", Felix!"

"Don't worry, I told him last night that I brought you in my apartment. Your phone was blowing off so I just answered the call."

"Thanks. I should go." Jisung sits up and eventually out of the bed, finding his phone on top of the nightstand, he pocketed it and left the room. Hyunjin follows behind him, doesn't know what to say, he wanted Jisung to stay for some minutes more or....even longer than that.

"Wait, Jisung! At least have a breakfast first? I mean- between us two you're the cook so I'd let you make a quick breakfast or I don't know order a take out?"

It's true that Jisung was the descent one when it comes to cooking meals, Hyunjin has a big kitchen but is useless in it. At least Hyunjin's offer made Jisung stop walking towards the main door.

"What do you have here?"

"I- ramyeon?"

"You've been eating instant food all these days?"

"Yeah, I-"

"Hwang Hyunjin, you have eggs and ham in here, how the hell did you buy all these stuff but not cooking it for a proper meal?" Jisung's cold tone voice resonated in the kitchen and it kind of did something in Hyunjin's heart. He missed this, he missed Jisung when he scolded him about eating proper meal.

"I'm used to buying those things with you, it's like a reflex, once in the grocery store, my feet just auto pilot to aisles I've been before when... we're used to go grocery shopping together."

Jisung shook his head, heart hammering in his chest, he automatically knows what to do, making breakfast was like a routine he had mastered over the years that they've been together. He takes two eggs and a pack of ham and hotdogs and closed the refrigerator.

"Do you have bread?"

"Yeah." Hyunjin moves to get the slice bread he just bought earlier. 

Watching Jisung did all the stuff in the kitchen made him realize how much he misses him so much and he wants him back.

"I'm sorry. For everything."

"Let's just forget about it, Hyunjin. Why did you come to see me last night?"

"I missed you. And I realized my mistakes, I was worried."

"Worried?" Like why? They broke up, no one's going to do that anymore right?

"Yeah, I'm worried of who's driving you home and-" Hyunjin cuts himself off when Jisung bursts out laughing hard, his hands are on the counter as if holding himself there not to roll onto the floor. Hyunjin missed that kind of Jisung, the one that laughs so hard and doesn't care how he sounds like.

"Really? Wow, I'm impressed! You managed to get worried of me just- sorry.." Jisung still can't stop laughing. Hyunjin just smiles at him because he missed Jisung so much, he's glad he still managed to make him laugh like this.

"I miss you, Sung."

Jisung stops laughing at once, he wipes some of the tears on the corners of his eyes due to how hard he laughs a second ago, his face is back to serious now. That was a good laugh that he let out for a while.

"I miss you too." It came out as a whisper as Jisung rapidly beat the eggs in a small bowl and still Hyunjin heard that very clearly. 

"Can we go back to where we used to together? Or we can start over? I just want you back, Jisung. Do you still want me back too?"

Hyunjin's heart beats erratically inside his chest but he musters the courage to do it before everything is going to be too late.

Jisung scoffs, "I'll decide after we eat our breakfast." He had said it sternly yet the small smile on the corner of his lips promises Hyunjin something positive, he swallows hard in hope of thinking it correctly, that Jisung would still want him. 

Then he smiles, already on his feet towards the other male, "deal." 

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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