When it comes to you, my body is saying (SeungMinho)


Seungmin smiled after softly closing the door of their home when what greeted him was his wife's humming voice. She sounded like she's in the kitchen as usual when he came home, Minho's in the kitchen, preparing their meal. He took a quick but quiet steps towards the kitchen and what he saw almost made him on his knees. His gorgeous wife's y back was the first thing he saw but that's not the only thing that made twitch. Minho was wearing her y thin robe that's barely covering her . And because it was thin and almost a see-through fabric, Seungmin can see her undies. It's one of Minho's habit to feel comfortable around their house, Seungmin knew that all too well. And upon taking in her fragrance, it's obvious that she's just got out of the shower.

"." Seungmin thought as he continuously walked closer to the woman who's washing his hands and now drying them using the piece of cloth hanging on the wall corner of their sink.

"Hi." Seungmin can't help it but s his hands around his wife's waist under the thin fabric of her robe.

"Kim Seungmin, you know the rule. No touching before you take your shower!" Seungmin can hear the hiss in her voice yet she's leaning more against his front. And he can clearly see the pink hue tinted on the tip of her ears. He chuckled and softly kissed the spot under her right ear.

"Sorry, my love. You're just irressistable." He said as he kissed on the same spot again and softly squeezing her smooth skin on her waist.

She scoffed but it almost sounded like a sigh, a good sigh, when Seungmin touched the right spots. She turned around to face him properly and that made Seungmin grin happily, his hands were immediately circling around her body.

"Go shower!" Minho has an annoyed look onto her pretty face yet she's not doing anything to untangle Seungmin's limbs from around her.

"Yeah, yeah, where's my welcome home kiss first?"

Minho rolled her eyes yet she complied, pressing their lips together in a gentle peck. It's chaste and quick yet Seungmin can almost hear his wife's sweet voice welcoming him home. That's how whipped he was to his wife. Seungmin smiled, his right hand went upwards until he tucked Minho's hair behind her ear.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Shower, Kim Seungmin."

"Yes, yes. Hmm, how about you help me?"

"Help you? What are you ack— Kim Seungmin!" Seungmin lifted Minho to make her sit onto the countertop making her gasp.

"You smell nice." Ignoring Minho's statement and just pressed his face into the crook of her neck and immediately nosing the skin.

"That's because I already took a shower— hey! That tickles!"

"Where's Lixie?" Seungmin kept on nosing Minho's neck down to her .

"In her playroom."

"I wanna....let's do it. Can we?" He can even feel his throb inside his work pants.

"Ahh! M-Minnie! Stop!" But Seungmin kept on squeezing her when his hands travelled down to her body until it stopped under each globe of her bum. "Lixie's awake, she's gonna come out any second!"

"Not if we hurry towards the bathroom." Seungmin was about to carry her towards their desired location but a little gasp made him stop from doing so.

"Daddy! You're home!" Seungmin smiled at their daughter's excited words and momentary turned around to face his child.

"Hi, princess."

"Daddy, you're home yet you didn't come see me, you don't wav me anymore?"

"Oh no, princess, I love you so much. What made you say that?"

"You didn't come see me in my playroom when you're home." Felix said sadly, pouting at her Dad, knowing that it was her Dad's weakness.

"Awww, love, it's not like that. I was just distracted with Mommy." Seungmin carry his daughter into his arms and stood closer to where Minho was sitting, the latter has a fond smile onto her face.

"Okay, I forgive you!" Seungmin laughed at his baby's innocence and cooed at how she kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, my love. I love you so much, princess, both of you and Mommy. The only girls I adored so much." With that Felix giggled as she made a grabby hands towards her Mommy. When Minho took her, she also got a kiss onto her cheek from Felix. Then she demanded to be put down and from that she was out of their sight again.

"Why is she so cute?" Seungmin said almost unconsciously, then clicked his tongue as if he can't fully believe it yet to have such a wonderful child. "Obviously, she's like you, she got everything from you." He said once he turned back to face his wife who's already sitting comfortably on the counter.

"Yes, she's such a daddy girl."

"Yeah. Again, she's like you." Seungmin winked at her and what he got in return was a soft smack against his chest.

"Shut up."

"Now, where were we?" Seungmin says as he starts to lean against Minho's body again.

"About you doing me in the shower." Minho simply replies, wrapping her arms around her man's shoulders.

"Ah, yes. So...shall we?"

And they both laugh at their antics. Seungmin then carried his wife towards their bathroom with difficulty. It's difficult when they began faces while blindly walking. They made it upstairs safely, and at the doorstep of their bathroom, they're again interrupted by their daughter.

"Can I shower too?"

Seungmin securely put his wife down and crouched down to level his baby's face.

"Baby, can I have Mommy alone for a few minutes first?" Don't get him wrong, Seungmin loved family bonding, showering together is one of his favorite things to do with them. But right now, his lust prevailed. His was already aching and he thought he'll go crazy if he won't do something about it.

With his baby's talk though, he expected a whine response like her infamous "but why?" and things like that everytime he asked for an alone time with Minho. But instead, five-year old Felix's response made him blink in awe.

The kid gasped as she nodded her head, "is it that time when Mommy and Daddy are lovey dovey?" However she got that lovey dovey words, it didn't matter anymore as Felix left them once again, the look on the kid's face was one of understanding. It's as if she understood what they're doing and she let them alone to just do that.

"That's it? I thought she's gonna whine more." Seungmin asked in wonder, his jaw was still hanging open.

He just heard Minho's chuckle inside the bathroom. Because one thing she knew about her baby is that she's as smart as her lawyer Daddy.

"Just hurry up, come on."

"Coming!" Seungmin bolted up, immediately stepping inside the bathroom.

"No one's coming before me, Kim Seungmin."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Seungmin made a salute pose and Minho laughed lowly at him, her eyes twinkle as they became slits and her lips were stretched wide and so beautifully, it's one of Seungmin's favorite of Minho's looks. He loved it when she smiled so wide.


"Your silly."

"Mm, that's right. Mine. And you promise me something."

"Yes, ma'am. Right away." Seungmin carried his giggling wife under the shower, the time he puts her down safely, their lips were already moving against each other. Minho has one leg curling around her husband's hip and her arms were around the man's shoulders, hands massaging his scalp, as she released content hums and moans. Seungmin's hands were flat against the tiled wall as his hands were bracing his wife's body, mouth's busy against Minho's.

"I love you." Seungmin whispered, almost breathless both from seeing her wife's pretty flushed face and her swollen lips. Minho giggled, cupping Seungmin's face with her hands.

"I love you too. Welcome back home."

"Always coming back home to you."

"As you should." Minho made his eyes small as if to warn him. Seungmin chuckled, moments like this were always be treasured.







Title's from Hyolyn's Body Talk.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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