Chapter 9

Cover Up

It was the first time that Tiffany could observe Taeyeon without anyone being suspicious of her doing so. She was standing at the corner of the room while Doctor Choi was busy explaining something to Taeyeon, who was about 3 metres away from her. Both of them were standing at the end of the patient's bed as Tiffany noticed how Taeyeon kept glancing towards the patient with a concern look.

'Kim Yeri.'

That name appeared in her mind as Tiffany also stole some glances to the petite girl, who was lying on the bed, most probably in a deep sleep. It was a contrast situation from the time Tiffany rushed into the room, a few hours ago.


She was just about to look through some of her patient's files at the counter when she heard heavy footsteps making its way towards her. Turning her head towards the direction, she was surprised to see a nurse running with a panic-stricken expression.

"Doctor Hwang, we need your help right now."

Without asking any further questions, Tiffany nodded her head as she could sense that it was an emergency situation. She quickly followed the nurse who brought her to one of the VIP rooms. She managed to take a quick look at the name on the door and was once again surprised to find out the patient's name.

"Kim Yeri?" She mumbled to herself before her thoughts were interrupted by the nurse's voice who was calling out to her.

She immediately changed her attention towards the bed and realised what was going on. The girl on the bed seemed to be going through a very troubled nightmare as she tossed around on the bed, without showing any signs of waking up. Another nurse was trying her best to hold onto the patient so that she would not hurt herself in any way.

Tiffany made her way towards the bed quickly and scanned through the patient's file before she walked to the side of the bed. She noticed that the girl was already drenched with cold sweat by then. Tiffany gave some instructions to the nurse who had came with her earlier and the nurse dashed out of the room to do what was instructed.

"Who's the doctor-in-charge of this patient?" Tiffany asked the other nurse, even though she already knew the answer.

"Doctor Choi. But she's on leave." The nurse replied as Tiffany nodded her head before asking if Doctor Choi had been informed of the situation. "Yes. I've already sent her a message and also to the patient's guardian, Ms Kim."

When Tiffany heard that name, her heart skipped a bit but she had no time to think any further when the nurse came back with the medication that she had requested. Taking the syringe and preparing the medication, Tiffany instructed both nurses to hold on tight to the patient so that she could give her a shot. The injection was meant to calm the patient down and within 10mins, the girl finally stopped moving as her breathing stabilised.

"Can you pass me some towels? I want to wipe away her sweat." Tiffany requested as one of the nurses went to the attached bathroom to grab some towels.

"Doctor Hwang, let me do it." The nurse who had been holding on to the patient, said as she held out her hand for the towel.

"It's okay. Why don't you take a rest? I can see that you were drained from holding onto her." Tiffany gave a warm smile as the nurse just nod her head. "Does the patient always experience this?"

The nurses shook their heads as one of them explained that it was not actually a regular thing but it would happened randomly, catching them offguard.

"That is why her guardian, Ms Kim, requested for the hospital to install a CCTV in the room so that we could monitor her from time to time. Poor girl." One of the nurse commented as Tiffany stopped her gaze towards the one lying on the bed.

(End of flashbacks)

Tiffany felt a slight nudge on her shoulder as she turned to her side to face a grinning Yoona. The young girl bowed her head and greeted her as Tiffany responded. She noticed a man standing a distance away from Yoona and asked about him by arching her left brow upwards.

Yoona got the sign and grinned even further, before leaning in to whisper to Tiffany.

"Taeyeon-unnie's boyfriend."

Yoona was trying her best to maintain her poker face as she noticed the change in Tiffany's expression. It was like a mixture of surprised and disappointment as Tiffany just nodded her head slowly.

"Jonghyun, can you help me to call Ahjumma and ask her to wake Irene up? Also, call Jinki and ask him to cover your duty to watch over Irene because I need you to be on standby to look after Yeri. Yoona will send me to the office later."

Taeyeon's voice echoed throughout the silent room even though she was talking softly. When Taeyeon mentioned Yoona's name, the two ladies who were standing side by side turned to look at her. For a split second, Taeyeon and Tiffany locked their gazes before Taeyeon looked away. 

"Who's Irene?" Tiffany leaned in towards Yoona when she noticed that Taeyeon and Doctor Choi had continued their discussion.

"Her girlfriend." 

Once again, Yoona tried her best to hold in her laughter when she noticed Tiffany's eyes widened. Tiffany wanted to say something but immediately closed when she noticed Doctor Choi and Taeyeon walking towards them.

"Thank you for your quick assistance earlier." Taeyeon spoke to Tiffany with a business-like tone before turning to face Yoona. "Let's go straight to the office."

"To the office? But it's only 7.30am. And I'm hungry." Yoona responded with her aegyo voice as Tiffany looked at her in amaze since she didn't expect Yoona to behave like that in front of Taeyeon.

"Aish, this shikshin. You should stop hanging out with Sooyoung. She's a bad influence." Taeyeon replied but grimaced in pain when Doctor Choi knocked on her head with her knuckles.

"That's my sister you're talking about. Let's go and have breakfast first before you go to work."

A smile instantly appeared on Tiffany's face when she saw Taeyeon pouting cutely at Doctor Choi while rubbing her head and making pitiful expression.

"Taeyeon-unnie, Fany-unnie is amused by your cuteness." Yoona's blunt remark caused Tiffany to stop smiling as she looked at the girl who had started to giggle on her own before turning to look at Taeyeon who had a blank expression.

"She's always trying to act cute to me when she does something wrong. Anyway, you should join us for breakfast too, Tiffany." Doctor Choi suggested as Tiffany immediately shook her head.

"I'm so sorry but I don't think I could do so. I still need to check on my patients. I was suppose to do my rounds earlier before I attended to Yeri." Tiffany apologised sincerely and thought that she would be able to avoid further awkwardness with Taeyeon but she was wrong.

"It's okay. You can do so after breakfast. I will help you later with it too. So no more excuses."

Hearing Doctor Choi's final say, Tiffany followed them out of the room towards the cafetaria with a giggling Yoona beside her.


From a distance, Taeyeon just observed as Yoona and Tiffany made their way to the counter to order some breakfast for them. She noticed how Yoona and Tiffany were chatting comfortably with each other, laughing and smiling away.

A frown appeared on Taeyeon's face when she remembered how Yoona was, when the young girl just started working for her. 

"Why are you frowning?"

Soojin's voice interrupted her thoughts as the frown immediately disappeared.

"Anni. I was just thinking about some stuff." Taeyeon replied with a poker face before she stiffled a yawn and stretched her arms upwards. She only had a few hours of sleep last night before the hospital called her to inform about Yeri.

"Some stuff or someone? Let me guess. Yeri? Tiffany?" Soojin tried to guess, causing Taeyeon to be taken aback. "Anyway, have you been sleeping late again? You're starting to have dark circles around your eyes."

"Work has been piling, especially since Heechul-oppa is here. You should know how he is. Everything needs to be in order, everyone needs to be checked and every movement need to be reported. When he's around, I feel like I'm being monitored 24hrs." Taeyeon grumbled as she pouted and leaned back into the chair with her arms folded across.

"That's because he cares and is trying to protect you from any harm." Soojin replied as Taeyeon rolled her eyes, unaffected by that statement. "Anyway, you still haven't answer my question. Yeri or Tiffany?"

"None. I was thinking about Yoona. Did you see how she was interacting with that Doctor? They looked like they've known each other for so long, when it's only just a few weeks ago. Laughing and giggling at whatever they were chatting about. It took me almost half a year to get that comfortable with Yoona." 

"That was because you were the one who gave her the cold shoulders and are you sure it's about Yoona? It sounds to me that you're more jealous of Yoona for being close to Tiffany." Soojin wriggled her eyebrow at Taeyeon while grinning away.

"Let me close my eyes for a minute. I'm starting to feel sleepy."

Taeyeon's POV

Leaning my head back to the chair and closing my eyes, I could hear the giggles coming from Soojin-unnie as she grumbled on how I had just tried to avoid the topic.

'Was I that obvious?' I thought to myself as I remembered what happened in Yeri's room earlier.

I knew she was observing me from a distance. I could feel her eyes on me all the time as I tried my best to listen to everything that Soojin-unnie was explaining to me about Yeri's condition. It's a little bit distracting to know that someone was watching you but I kind of like the attention that Tiffany was showing me.

'Don't tell me she's interested in me?' I chuckled to myself before I heard Yoona's voice.

Yoona's POV

"Taeyeon-unnie, why are you giggling to yourself in your sleep?"

Her eyes immediately opened wide as she sat up straight on her seat before faking a cough while her eyes wandered around the cafe.

"I wasn't sleeping. I was just resting my eyes." She replied as I noticed her stealing a glance at Fany-unnie who was seated diagonally across her. "What's for breakfast?"

"Woah.... you're really good at changing the topic." I as I handed a plate of American Breakfast set to her. "This is a recommendation from Fany-unnie. She said it's nice even though I told her that you're not into western food."

"Once a while, you need to try something new." Taeyeon-unnie replied nonchalantly.

My jaws dropped as I pretended to have a heart attack and looked at Taeyeon-unnie in disbelief.

"Woah.... someone is trying her best to get on the good side of Fany-unnie." I grinned cheekily and was about to further when she told me to hurry up before we're late for work.

"I'm not in the mood to be reprimanded by Oppa for being late to work. The lesser I see of him, the better." Taeyeon-unnie gave an excuse.

I could only nod myself in agreement as I knew how Taeyeon-unnie would be like once she saw her brother. It's not only better for us but for everyone, around her.

No one's POV

"You shouldn't treat your Oppa like that. He's not always in Seoul so you should treasure the time when he's back home." Soojin started to nag at Taeyeon who just pouted and looked sulky. "Sooyoung has been telling me about how you are every time your Oppa is in the office. You should try to control your temper, Taeyeon. You always act like that when he's around."

Yoona could only nod her head while Tiffany listened attentively, even though she didn't really understood the whole situation. 

"Why is Sooyoung complaining about me to you? This is matters of the office. Private matters." Taeyeon grumbled before she winced when Soojin knocked her head again.

"Private? Don't try to draw the line with me, Kim Taeyeon. You're like my own sister and there's nothing wrong for Sooyoung to inform me if it concerns your health. She said that you've been feeling stress lately. You need to find a way to destress."

"Yoga is good." Tiffany suddenly blurted out and she quickly looked down at her food when she realised what she had did.

"That's right. Yoga is a good way to release stress. Thanks for the suggestion, Tiffany." Soojin replied as the young doctor slowly raised her head to look at her boss, who showed her a thumbs up.

Yoona started laughing as she pointed a finger at Taeyeon, who's expression showed that she totally hated Tiffany's suggestion. Taeyeon kept shaking her head as she continued eating her food.

"Taeyeon-unnie doesn't like to exercise at all. She's a slacker." Yoona explained to Tiffany who looked confused at the moment. "Her routine is only from home to work and back home. Very boring person."

"She doesn't go out? I thought you said she has a boyfriend. Or was it a girlfriend? Doesn't she go out on dates?" 

Tiffany's question caused Taeyeon to choke on her food and made Yoona flustered. As Soojin handed Taeyeon a glass of water to drink, Yoona quickly explained to Tiffany that she was just joking earlier.

"Jonghyun also works for Taeyeon-unnie. He's like me. A bodyguard." Yoona chuckled nervously as she stole glances at Taeyeon who was staring at her. 

"Aaahhh.. I actually expected that when I heard her giving him instructions earlier. Then what about Irene? Her girlfriend?" 

"Yah, Kwon Yoona." Taeyeon spoke in a low tone of voice as Tiffany looked at both of them.

"Boss, I think we should make a move. We're running late for work. Soojin-unnie, Fany-unnie. Thank you for the food. I need to go and get the car ready so please excuse me. Boss, I see you later at the car. Bye."

Yoona quickly left the table in a rush as Soojin started to laugh while Taeyeon just shook her head.

"Soojin-unnie, I'll make a move too and will catch up with you some other day." Taeyeon stood up and was about to leave the table when she turned to face Tiffany. "Ms Hwang, on behalf of Yoona, I apologised for her mischief. Irene is my younger sister. And if you're curious about my status, I'm actually single and unattached currently."

With that, Taeyeon walked away and left Tiffany looking flabbergasted with her remarks.


"Boss, we manage to find a new clue and it could be the reason as to why he was killed." 

Inspector Kwon Yuri looked up from the file that she was reading and stared at her assistant, who was waving a piece of paper in his hand. He made his way to the table where Yuri was seated and handed the paper over.

"He borrowed money from a loanshark?" Yuri said out her thoughts as her assistant just nodded his head. "From the Kims?"

"Anni. It's from another unlicensed money lender. This money lender is well-known to use violence to get back their money from their borrower. There's a few reports of violence linked to their company but I think they might have cross the line this time round." The officer explained passionately as Yuri nodded her head but not as enthusiastic as her assistant.

Silence filled the room as Yuri continued to stare at the piece of paper that Wooyoung had handed over to her.

"You don't look happy to hear the news though. Is it because it's got nothing to do with the Kims?" Assistant Inspector Jang, asked cautiously as Yuri stared at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Go and look for Chansung. I think he's back from searching the dead's man house." Yuri gave out an order as Wooyoung immediately complied.

The moment he left her office, she slammed the piece of paper onto the table. Yuri clenched her fist and frowned. Ever since her father committed suicide because of his debt, Yuri had hold a grudge on every money lender in the country. But her focus seemed to be directed to Taeyeon ever since they met each other about two years ago. 


Yuri looked around the house as her mother prepared some drinks and snacks for her. She smiled when she saw the photos of her younger sister and her mother, hanging by the wall.

"Yoona is getting prettier by the day. Don't you think, Omma?" Yuri said with some pride in her tone of voice as her mother walked out from the kitchen with a tray of food and drinks. "Let me help you with that, Omma."

The elderly lady could only smiled and handed the tray over to Yuri before both of them made their way to the couch in the living room.

"By the way, your sister had just recently got a job. She was super excited about it. She told me that she would buy me a present with her first pay." 

Yuri was surprised but she showed a thumbs up to her mother. "She's good in her studies, anyway. So, which company is she working for?"

Before her mother could reply, they heard the sound of the main door opening and both of them diverted their attention towards Yoona, who had just walked in. Both the sisters looked at each other without saying a word before Yoona made her way to the kitchen to grab a drink. From her attire, it was obvious that Yoona had just came back from the gym. She was about to walk to her bedroom when Yuri started talking to her.

"Omma told me that you had just recently got a job. Congrats." Yuri said with her caring voice as Yoona just stood in silence. "So, which company are you working for and what's your position in that company?"

"Position?" Yoona repeated her Unnie's word before taking a deep breathe. "I'm working as a personal bodyguard to the Assistant Director of KIMs Group."

"Personal bodyguard? That's... that's not... bad, I guess." Yuri was stunned momentarily as she didn't know how to react to Yoona's reply. "Wait... Did you just say KIMs Group?"

Yoona nodded her head and Yuri was about to continue talking when someone pressed the doorbell. Their mother went to open the door and invited someone in.

"Yoona, your boss is here. Aigoo, Ms Kim. You shouldn't have troubled yourself. You're always bringing foodstuff over for us when you come to fetch Yoona for work. That girl really need to pass her driving license quickly so that she could be the one fetching you instead."

"It's okay, Auntie. We have a few drivers on standby anyway. She just need to accompany me wherever I go at the moment." A soft voice replied to their mother as Yuri heard footsteps approaching.

A frown had already appeared on Yuri's face the moment her mother mentioned the arrival of her sister's boss. During her time training as a police cadet, she had heard a lot about the KIMs group and their family background. Obviously, the things she heard was not something good especially when she found out that they were one of the biggest licensed money-lending company. Yuri had her eyes fixed towards the main entrance as she expected someone with an arrogant character to appear in front of her but what she saw surprised her. 

The petite girl seemed surprised to see Yuri in the house but she bowed her head when the elderly lady introduced Yuri to her. By then, Yoona had already went to her room to have a change of clothes.

The elderly lady invited her daughter's boss to have a seat but she refused politley and replied that she preferred to stand instead.

"I've been sitting too much in the car, Auntie. I should stand once in a while." 

"So you're the Assistant Director of KIMs Group? The big money-lending company, who goes around cheating people into believing that you all are helping them. When in fact, you are the ones who will drive people to their own graves." Yuri said every single word with gritted teeth before her mother tucked at her hand, signalling her to stop behaving in such manner.

"Yuri-ah, don't be disrespectful. Ms Kim here is not like that. So stop talking nonsense." 

"Nonsense? Omma, did you forget what happen to Appa? It's people like them that..."

"What are you blabbering about?!!!" Yoona's voice echoed through the living room as she appeared, looking really mad at the moment.

"Yah! Did you just shout at your Unnie?" Yuri rebutted as both of them stared at each other for the next 5 mins.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your bonding time but Yoona, we really need to make a move now. I don't want to be late for the function." 

Yuri turned towards her sister's boss and stared at her but it didn't seem to intimidate her at all. Yuri was the one who was irked by the calmness that was portrayed in the petite girl's expression. Yoona shoved her sister aside before saying goodbye to her mother and walked out of the door. Her boss bowed her head towards the elderly lady and excused herself before following Yoona's footsteps.

(End of flashbacks) 

"Kim Taeyeon." Yuri mumbled that name with anger. "Because of you, my sister is now against me. It was the first time that she had shouted at me over a stranger." 

Yuri was about to continue mumbling in anger to herself when her phone rang. It was an unknown number and she hesitated before answering it.

"Yeoboseyo?" Yuri answered in a firm tone.

"Inspector Kwon? It's Doctor Hwang. Tiffany."

A smile immediately appeared across her face when she heard the voice and knowing that it was Tiffany who called.

"Oh, Tiffany. I was wondering who called since I didn't actually have your number in my phone." Yuri replied in a more friendlier manner. "Anyway, you could just call me Yuri."

"Did I call at a bad time? You sounded a little piss off when you answered the call earlier." Tiffany sounded a little guilty as Yuri shook her head at the question.

"Anni, anni. I'm fine. So, what's with the sudden call? Do you need any help?"

"It's not really a help, but more like a favour. I got two tickets to a musical this weekend, which my friend unfortunately couldn't accompany me to, at the last minute. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me instead. I'm so sorry to be bothering you with this but I don't actually have a lot of friends here in Seoul." Tiffany giggled a little after her explanation.

"Sure. Why not? I could set aside time to go with you. Why don't you text me the details and we could plan further?" Yuri suggested.

"Oh my god. Really? Thanks a lot, Inspe... I mean Yuri. I'll text you the details then. Thanks once again."

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Update please.... Have finished reading it again :))
1127 streak #2
Chapter 17: Fany you should go and see him but don't tell him, I got a feeling that he isn't being honest with you and maybe he is hiding something from you...
1127 streak #3
Chapter 16: Lol Sooyoung's suggested name for Fany hahaha
snsdgg #4
Chapter 16: Re-read this again and I laughed at fany's contact name 😂
Update soon auth pls
Skye1234 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #7
Chapter 16: Yeaaa, welcome bckkk!!!🍂🍂
Chapter 16: uh oh, are back! welcome 🤩
please continue this good story, authorshii