Chapter 5

Cover Up

Tiffany grabbed her laptop and placed it on her lap as she made herself comfortable on her bed.

"Kim... Hee.. Chul.." She mouthed out the words as she typed the letters into the seach bar and waited for it to load. 

Her eyes widened at the list of articles that was attached to the name that she had just typed in.

"Director of KIMs Group.... One of the major licensed money-lenders.... Owns 9 minor subsidiaries... " Tiffany scrolled through the article on Kim Heechul, searching for a certain topic. "Family..."

She broke into a smile when she saw the portion which she was truly interested in.

"Kim Heechul, the oldest son of Kim Tae Jin and Lee Jinri, will be taking over the Director position in KIMs Group after the former Director has passed away. His younger siblings were expected to assist him in the family businesses too." Tiffany looked up for a moment after she had strained her eyes while reading the article. "How come they didn't mention Taeyeon's name even though her picture is here? KIMs Group? Licensed money-lenders? No wonder she has bodyguards with her. I guess her family is really rich, especially seeing the other minor businesses that they owned. Just like what I've expected of her. A spoilt brat."

Tiffany was about to exit from the page when a link suddenly popped up to reflect another article that was tagged along with the one that she was reading earlier.

"Korean businessman killed in a helicopter crash in Thailand.... Kim Tae Jin and Lee Jinri were reported to be the ones involved in the crash, along with the pilot of the helicopter, who is a local. Kim Tae Jin, the current Director of KIMs Group was in Thailand on a business trip with his wife when the unfortunate accident happened..." Tiffany looked up again and frowned as she compared the dates of the two articles that were a few months apart. "Unfortunate accident?"

Tiffany continued reading the whole article as her frown deepened. She kept talking to herself by asking questions while trying to look for other articles with regards to the helicopter crash but it seemed that there was none.

"This is strange. How come there's no other article about the crash except for this one which is from a pop-up link? If I hadn't opened it, I won't have known about the crash." Tiffany tilted her head and was in deep thoughts when the ringing sound of her phone distracted her.

A smile immediately appeared on her face when she saw the name that had appeared on her phone screen.


"Hi, my sweetheart. Have you had your dinner yet?" The manly voice was heard over the phone as Tiffany replied that she had eaten. "That's good. How's work? Is everything doing well for you?"

"Work is fine. Everyone is nice at the hospital and treated each other like a family. How about you? How is it working at your family's company?"

"A little boring. It's the same routine almost every day. Signing documents and looking through contracts that are worth millions of dollars. There's nothing exciting in that big office of mine. By the way, is there any male doctors at the hospital?"

"Male doctors? There are a few but most of them are already married." Tiffany replied.

"The ones that are not married, are there as good-looking as me? Don't fall for them, okay. I'm trying my best to be in Seoul with you. You know that I love you, right?"

Tiffany chuckled at her boyfriend's remarks which she found it cute when he expressed his jealousy.

"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious. I really miss you a lot. Don't you miss me?" He asked in a sulky tone.

"Of course, I miss you. You don't have to worry. I'm too busy at work to flirt around." Tiffany answered in a joking manner, even though she felt a little upset since her boyfriend made it sound like he didn't trust her and that she's the type of girl who fell in love easily.

They chatted for a while before Tiffany ended the conversation since she was on morning duties tomorrow. After she hung up her phone, she stared at it as Hyorin's words replayed in her mind. 

"Why didn't I just tell him that I was upset with him instead of just laughing it off?" Tiffany mumbled to herself before letting out a sigh.

She was about to close her laptop when she decided to search for something else.

"Kim.... Tae... Yeon.."


"Boss, there's someone here who wants to see you." 

Taeyeon looked up from the piles of files on her table before nodding her head towards her secretary. The tall girl turned to leave but before she could reach the door, it was forcefully opened from the other side, causing her to fall backwards when she tried to avoid it.

"Seohyun, are you okay?" Taeyeon stood up from her table and was about to walk towards her when a loud voice echoed through her office.

"Where is Kim Taeyeon?!!!!"

An angry looking elderly man made his way into the office with his eyes wandering around the room. His gaze stopped at Taeyeon before he started pointing at her as he made his way towards the girl.

"You!!! You're Kim Taeyeon, right?! You bloody loansharks!! Who gave you the rights to destroy my shop?" 

His hands had gripped the collar of her shirt and Taeyeon could feel her feet leaving the floor as the man pulled her up. From the corner of her eyes, Taeyeon could see her secretary scrambling out of the office and she already knew where the girl was headed to. 

"Yoona-unnie, someone is causing trouble in Ms Kim's office."

Seohyun ran into the resting lounge where Yoona, Kibum and Jinki were chatting away. Hearing Seohyun's words, the three of them rushed out from the room which was just beside Taeyeon's office.

Bursting into the office, they saw an elderly man in a kneeling position groaning in pain. His left arm was twisted to the back and held tightly by Taeyeon, who was standing behind him. When Taeyeon noticed the presence of her bodyguards, she pushed the man forward while letting go off his arm. Kibum and Jinki immediately grabbed him by the sides and pulled him up.

"What happened, Unnie?" Yoona asked as she looked at the man, before turning to face Taeyeon. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Seohyun, are you okay? You took a fall just now." Taeyeon's attention immediately went to her secretary who nodded her head nervously. Taeyeon let out a sigh before turning to look at the elderly man. "Kibum and Jinki, bring him to the clinic to check if he's got any injury. Mr Ji, I apologised if I had hurt you in any way today but like what I've said to you just now, I will look into the matter and get back to you. Rest assured that it is not our style to threaten or damage our customer's properties. I'm not a hooligan or a loanshark. I'm a businesswoman."

The elderly man looked up to face Taeyeon before looking away without saying anything. He was brought out of the office by Taeyeon's two bodyguards as the door closed behind them.

"I'm sorry, Ms Kim. If not for my negligence, this incident won't happen. By the way, are you okay, Ms Kim? I saw the man grabbed you by your collar and pulled you off the floor." Seohyun looked at her boss worriedly as Taeyeon just smiled.

"I'm fine, Seohyun. I managed to kick him in his balls and twisted his arms backwards."

"Who is he anyway, and why is he acting in such a manner?" Yoona asked as she felt a little angry at the man after hearing from Seohyun about what he did to Taeyeon.

"He's one of our customers. He had borrowed money from us a few months back and is actually on the instalment list. He claimed that a group of men had came to his shop last night, asking for payment and went on a rampage when he told them that he had no money to pay. He had explained to them that he was paying the loan in instalments but the men continued destroying the things inside his shop." Taeyeon explained as she went back to take a seat at her table.

"Last night? Who are those men?" Yoona asked as a frown appeared on her face.

"I'm not sure about that, which is why I need you to get Jonghyun and Minho to investigate on this matter. Seohyun, please assist them in providing with Mr Ji's details." 

The two ladies nodded their heads and left the office, leaving Taeyeon in deep thoughts.

This was already the third time that such harassment was done towards their customers, all in the pretext of collecting money. These people seemed to know that their targets had loaned a sum of money and were not able to settle them on time. The ones who came to ask for payment, didn't outrightly claimed that they were working for Taeyeon but Taeyeon's customers had assumed that the company was the one who had sent them over. 

The problem was that Taeyeon had never practiced using such tactics on any of their customers before. She had adopted her father's style of lending money which was more flexible and civilised. Borrowers, who are finding it difficult to pay their loan on time, would be placed on the instalment list with the flexibility of paying at their own convenience.

"Who are this people and under whose orders are they acting on?" Taeyeon mumbled to herself as she strummed her fingers on the table before leaning back into her chair with a sigh.

A knock on the door interrupted Taeyeon's train of thoughts as Yoona's head appeared behind it. Gesturing for her to come in, Yoona made her way towards the table. 

"Jonghyun and Minho will be looking into the matter." Yoona said as Taeyeon nodded her head. "Seohyun asked me to remind you about your appointment at the Martial Arts School after lunch."

"Did you check on Seohyun? Is she really okay?" Taeyeon kept checking on her secretary since she was feeling worried about her.

"She said that she's fine. Even though it's the first time that someone had barged into the room, it was not the first time that she had witnessed such scenarios. She was just a little shaken due to the fall earlier." Yoona explained further before the ringing sound of the phone interrupted their conversation.

"Hello, Kim Taeyeon speaking."

Yoona just stood at her position as she waited for Taeyeon to finish the phone call. Looking at the way Taeyeon was talking over the phone, she had guessed that the caller was someone that Taeyeon was close with.

"Alright, Soo. I'll see you later then." Taeyeon ended the call and looked up. "Yoona, help me to inform Seohyun that I'll be having lunch outside and will proceed to the school from there. I won't be coming back to the office after that."

"Noted, Unnie. I'll prepare the car after informing Seohyun." Yoona bowed her head before making her way out of the office while Taeyeon continued to look through the documents on her table.


"Welcome, Ms Kim. We've been informed of your arrival."

The elderly man shook Taeyeon's hand as he led her into the school hall. Even from outside, the sound of students practicing their martial arts could already be heard, loud and clear. Taeyeon walked in front while the elderly man and Yoona walked behind her, chatting softly and asking about each other's well-being.

Taeyeon stopped at a corner of the hall and observed the students there. Her eyes were very focused as she scanned every student there.

"How's everything, Yoona? Is everyone doing well?" The man asked his former student, who had a big smile on her face.

"The guys sent their regards to you, Seonsaengnim. All of us are doing well. The Kims treats us very well." Yoona answered honestly as the man nodded his head.

"I heard that Ms Kim is looking for a bodyguard for her younger sister. The youngest child of the Kim, right? But will just one be enough?" 

"Unnie is looking for a personal bodyguard for Irene, just like me. So I'll be taking care of Taeyeon-unnie while the new girl will look after Irene. Jinki, Jonghyun, Minho, Taemin and Kibum will take turns to be the additional bodyguards for the two sisters. That is what Taeyeon-unnie had in mind." Yoona explained in detail.

Their conversation was interrupted when Taeyeon walked up to them and requested to look through some of the students profile documents.

"This way to my office, Ms Kim."

The 3 of them entered the office as Taeyeon informed the elderly man about which students that had captured her interest earlier.

An hour later, Taeyeon and Yoona left the school compound and made their way towards the car to return to Taeyeon's house. Taeyeon seemed to be in deep thoughts while Yoona concentrated on her driving. When the car stopped at the red light, Yoona decided to break the silence.

"Unnie, is Irene still not talking to you?" Yoona asked in an unsure tone of voice as Taeyeon nodded her head. "How long has it been since that incident? A month?"

"I guess she's really angry with me this time round. She had already warned me about getting involved in a fight after the previous time." Taeyeon let out a heavy sigh.

"The previous time? You mean the fight that happened in the carpark, four months ago?" Yoona asked as Taeyeon nodded her head again. "But it was not even started by you."


"Oi! Oi! Oi! Are you deaf or what?! Yah!!!!"

From far, Taeyeon and Yoona could already heard the shouting across the carpark as they stopped chatting and looked around. They saw Taemin walking out from the exit door of the shopping mall, with 3 guys following him from behind.

It was obvious that something had happened from the way they were taunting him.

Taemin stopped walking and for a few minutes, turned around to talk to the guys. Taeyeon and Yoona saw him being pushed by the shoulder by one of the guy as they started to point fingers at him.

Without a word, Taeyeon started to make her way towards Taemin as Yoona followed suit.

"You think just by saying sorry, everything can be solved is it? Now my friend's shoulder is bruised because of you. So how are you going to settle his injury?" One of the guy in black asked.

"Bruised? Injury? Oh come on. It's not that bad." Taemin replied nonchalantly.

The 3 guys started to surround Taemin, taunting him as he tried to break away from the circle.

"What's going on here?" 

The four of them stopped moving and turned towards the voice that belonged to Taeyeon. Seeing that the 3 guys had diverted their attention away from him, Taemin took the opportunity to escape to Taeyeon's side. 

"There's nothing wrong, Boss. Just a misunderstanding." Taemin answered as he quickly explained what had actually happened.

Taemin was supposed to pick up Yoona and Taeyeon from the shopping mall. He had waited for them at the carpark but when they arrived at the car, he had a sudden urge to go to the toilet. So he asked them to wait for him while he made a quick visit to the Gents. While rushing to the Gents, he had accidentally bumped his shoulders with someone.

"But I've already apologised to him after the clash before continuing my way to the toilet. When I made my way back to the carpark, it seems that they were actually waiting for me for a confrontation." Taemin ended his explanation before pointing to the guy in blue that he had bumped earlier.

"Did you just called her 'boss'? This small girl is your boss? Are you sure she's not a high school kid?" The guy in a red shirt commented teasingly while the other two guys started laughing.

"My man has already apologised for his actions earlier, so I believe that everything is settled, right?" Taeyeon asked nicely but was met with laughters again by the 3 guys.

"Settled? Do you think a sorry is enough to settle everything? And what's with 'my man' thingy? You sound as if you're the leader of a gang. Go back and look for your mummy, little girl and don't interfere in men's issue." The guy in blue laughed at his own words but choked on his own saliva when Yoona grabbed him by his neck.

"Do not disrespect my boss." She said as she glared at the man in front of her.

The other two guys started to panic and became defensive as a fight broke out among them. Obviously, Taeyeon and her bodyguards were the better fighters since they were all black belt holders but they still suffered a few bruises and cuts.

30 mins later, the 3 guys were sprawled on the floor and groaning in pain as Taeyeon used her thumb to wipe away the blood from the corner of her lips.

"Yoona, Taemin. Let's go."

(End of flashback) 

"I still remembered the scolding that me and Taemin received from you because of that incident. After that, the 3 of us received another round of scolding from Irene when we got back home. Damn scary." Yoona blurted out her words as Taeyeon chuckled.

"Scary huh? Who are you referring to actually? Me or Irene?" 

It was Yoona's turn to chuckle as she mouthed the word 'Irene', causing Taeyeon to break into laughter.


"Doctor Hwang?"

Tiffany turned around when she heard someone calling out to her. It took her a few seconds to try to remember the familiar looking figure in front of her until she noticed the shiny badge that was hanging around the waistline.

"Inspector Kwon, right?"

The lady immediately smiled and bowed her head a little before she held out her hand for a handshake. "You can just call me Yuri."

"You can call me Tiffany too since I'm not on duty today." A smile appeared on Tiffany's face. "Are you here for breakfast too?"

"Yup. Getting something to fill the stomach before reporting to the office. Will be another long day today." Yuri commented as they walked towards the payment counter after grabbing the breads of their choice. 

"A new case came in?" Tiffany asked as Yuri nodded her head before both of them stopped talking for a while to make their payment. "I hope everything goes smoothly for you today so that you can have more rest. I'm starting to notice the dark circles around your eyes."

"Oh no.. Are you going to start nagging at me, Doctor? I can assure you that I'm fit though." Yuri chuckled at her own words as Tiffany continued smiling. "It would have been easier if everyone is being cooperative with the police but they're afraid of those hooligans more than they are afraid of the law. Sometimes, I really don't understand the mindset of these people. They know they will get in trouble when they borrow money from all those money-lenders but they still insist on doing so. When something bad happened, then they will start to panic and look for the police for help. But by then, it might have been too late for us to even help them."

"Money-lenders?" That term triggered Tiffany's interest as she was reminded of something. "You mean those illegal loansharks?"

By now, both of them were already out of the bakery shop and were standing outside of the shop as they continued chatting.

"Legal or illegal, licensed or unlicensed... All of them are the same. Hooligans in general. Being nice at first when people come to them for help to borrow money but when they can't afford to pay their loan on time, they will start to harass you and start charging interest for late payments. It's a vicious cycle and they will not stop terrorising you until you pay them back. Family are broken, kids go through suffering and people even commit suicide due to the stress from all those harassments." There was a tinge of anger in Yuri's voice when she gave her opinion which didn't go unnoticed from Tiffany.

"A personal experience?" Tiffany tried to guess and the surprised look on Yuri's face proved to her that she was right. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interfere in your personal life though."

"It's okay. I was just a little taken aback by your question." Yuri chuckled nervously, trying to hide her true feelings. "I guess I need to make a move now. Nice to meet you, Tiffany."

Yuri was about to walk away as Tiffany contemplated about asking the question that had been on her mind for some time now.

"Yuri, wait. Are you in a rush to get back to work?" Tiffany bit her lips as Yuri looked at her in a confused state. "There's something that I need to ask from you but if you're not willing to answer me, I'm fine with it."

"What do you want to ask about?"

"Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany quickly said out the name as Yuri's eyes widened a bit before she looked at Tiffany suspiciously.

"Why do you want to know about her? Did something happen or did you witness something at the hospital?" Yuri started to become very interested at the topic as she closed the gap between her and Tiffany. 

"Nothing happened. It's just that ever since you came to ask me about her at the hospital that time, I kept wondering about who she was. She seemed to be close to the Director of the Hospital, Doctor Choi. Obviously, I didn't dare to ask her about who Kim Taeyeon is, just in case I lose my job because of my curiosity." Tiffany answered honestly while Yuri nodded her head.

"Both of them are close because Doctor Choi's sister works for Kim Taeyeon. I think her sister and Kim Taeyeon are close friends." Yuri gave additional information to Tiffany, who was not aware of it.

"Doctor Choi's sister? You mean Sooyoung-ssi?"

"So you've met her sister?" Yuri asked as Tiffany explained about what happened the other day where she had met Sooyoung briefly. "Sooyoung works as Taeyeon's lawyer and finance advisor. So everytime Taeyeon gets into trouble, she'll be the one who will be helping her out."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" Tiffany continued asking as she became more interested to know more about Taeyeon.

"All sorts of trouble. It's not only Taeyeon herself who gets into trouble, but also those people who are working under her. They're just a bunch of bullies." Yuri commented and was about to say something when her phone rang. Excusing herself, she quickly answered her call before turning away. "I'm sorry, Tiffany. I need to get back to the office. It was nice talking to you though. Maybe we can hang out together one day for a cup of coffee."

Yuri smiled as Tiffany nodded her head before she waved goodbye to the inspector who rushed towards her car by the side of the road.

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Update please.... Have finished reading it again :))
1128 streak #2
Chapter 17: Fany you should go and see him but don't tell him, I got a feeling that he isn't being honest with you and maybe he is hiding something from you...
1128 streak #3
Chapter 16: Lol Sooyoung's suggested name for Fany hahaha
snsdgg #4
Chapter 16: Re-read this again and I laughed at fany's contact name 😂
Update soon auth pls
Skye1234 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #7
Chapter 16: Yeaaa, welcome bckkk!!!🍂🍂
Chapter 16: uh oh, are back! welcome 🤩
please continue this good story, authorshii