Chapter 12

Cover Up

"Unnie... How was the musical? Was it good? What was it about?" Yeri asked eagerly the moment after she exchanged greetings with Tiffany who had came to visit her. Tiffany started to narrate the storyline of the musical as the young girl listened attentively. "Woah... such a romantic story. I wish I could watch a musical some day. I've never watched one before."

"I can bring you to watch it the next time round. But you need to get better. Eat your medicines and have enough rest." Tiffany replied as she patted the girl's head.

"Even if I get better, there's no one for me to return home to. It's better for me to just stay here at the hospital." Yeri confessed with a sad tone which took Tiffany by surprised. "Unnie, you knew what happened to my family, right? Almost everyone in the hospital knew about it anyway. That I'm left all alone in this world."

The words seemed to have stuck in Tiffany's throat as she tried to find comforting words to reply to Yeri but she ended up just blinking her eyes rapidly at her.

"I... I did hear... I mean.. someone told me..." Tiffany couldn't string a complete sentence as she could feel pain in her heart when she thought about Yeri's family.

"It's okay, Fany-unnie. Don't have to feel sad or pity me about it. I've already accepted the fact that my family are no longer around." Yeri gave Tiffany a very sincere smile. "I'm just really thankful that Taeyeon-unnie was the one who saved me on that day."

"Taeyeon saved you? You mean from the accident?" Tiffany asked as Yeri nodded her head. "What actually happened on that day?"

"All I remembered was that my dad was driving the car and we were all on our way back to our hotel after our dinner. It was at the junction when we were about to turn into the alley to our hotel when a car from the opposite direction rammed into us at high speed. I remembered the car spinning around before it flipped. By then my eyes were shut but I could still hear my mother's voice shouting for help before everything became quiet. I didn't dare to open my eyes because I knew that my younger sister, who was seated beside me was already dead by then. She took a direct hit from the incoming car. Both she and my dad." Yeri's eyes started to become teary but she held it all in.

"It's okay, Yeri. You don't have to continue your story. It must have been very painful for you to be reminded of it," Tiffany tried to console the young girl who gave her a small smile and replied that she was okay.

"The accident has became a part of my life now, Unnie. No matter how painful the memories are, it'll still remain in my mind. I was told that my dad and sister didn't make it at the scene itself while my mother died while on the way to the hospital."

Tiffany couldn't bear to hear anymore as she made her way to Yeri, who was seated on the bed and gave her a tight hug. She told the younger girl that she was proud of her for being so strong and being able to accept her fate.

"If I was in your position, I don't think I could go through all these. I lost my mum through an accident also. It was a drunk-driving case and until now, I hate people who drink and drive. It's a very selfish and irresponsible act and I could never forgive people who are like that."

"The selfish irresponsible kind or just the drunk-driving kind?"

Both Tiffany and Yeri turned to look at the door when they heard another voice that had just shot them a question. Yeri exclaimed in excitement when she saw who it was as Tiffany distanced herself from the bed.

Taeyeon had a smirk plastered on her face as she made her way towards Yeri and handed the girl a small paper bag. 

"Ahjumma cooked tuna kimchi fried rice today so I packed some for you." Taeyeon said as she patted Yeri's head before turning to face Tiffany. "So which one?"

"Huh?" Tiffany had a totally blank look on her face as Taeyeon chuckled.

"The kind of people you can't forgive?" Taeyeon asked as Tiffany continued to have a blank look. "Yeri-ah, is it nice? You should share it with others."

Tiffany could only blink her eyes rapidly at the sudden change of attention before she pouted a little when she saw how Taeyeon was giving Yeri her full attention. Her phone suddenly vibrated as a sign that a message just came in. Tiffany looked at it and a deep frown appeared on her face. 

"I... I need to make a move first." Tiffany said but was stopped by Yeri who offered to share the fried rice with her. "It's okay. Taeyeon brought it for you. You should finish it up."

Before Taeyeon could say anything, Tiffany had left the ward in a hurry, causing her to let out a sigh. She was actually excited to see Tiffany when she came in and was expecting the girl to stay longer and maybe she could get to know her better. When they met up for supper 3 nights ago, she didn't manage to talk much to Tiffany since her mood had went down after finding out that Tiffany already had a boyfriend.

"Are you disappointed that Fany-unnie had left?" Yeri asked in a teasing manner as Taeyeon shook her head while maintaining a poker face. "I don't believe you."

Both girls ended up laughing at each other as they continued their conversation while finishing up the fried rice.


"Leeteuk-oppa, do you know what's going on inside?" Yoona leaned sideways and talked softly to the man beside her while still looking ahead.

Both of them were currently standing outside the VIP room of a restaurant, guarding the room with two more bodyguards. Leeteuk was the personal bodyguard for Heechul while the other two bodyguards worked for Elderly Kim.

"I don't know. But my boss did looked a little restless in the car as we made our way here." Leeteuk replied, also in whispers.

"Taeyeon-unnie was also quiet ever since she received that call from her Harabeoji. She looked so solemn and kept frowning. This meeting feels so secretive and did you notice that there was another guy in the room when we arrived earlier? Harabeoji was talking to him at the table. He's quite good-looking though." Yoona continued talking as she stole glances at the other two bodyguards who didn't seemed to be interested to know what she was doing.

"That guy? If I'm not wrong, I've seen him before. He's a young and successful businessman. What was his name again?" Leeteuk tried to remember as he frowned a little. "Oh yes. Jung Yun ho."

Yoona could only nod her head without saying anything but her mind was already in full gear, trying to access the whole situation.

Two hours ago, she was at the car workshop to send one of the cars for inspection when Taeyeon called her. Yoona knew that Taeyeon had went to visit Yeri at the hospital with Minho on duty for the morning shift. Yoona was supposed to meet Taeyeon at a later time after the car inspection was done but she was surprised when Taeyeon told her to report to the hospital straight away.

So Minho went to fetch Yoona from the workshop and brought her to the hospital. When she arrived, Taeyeon was already looking a little restless while Yeri continued talking about some celebrities news. Even though Taeyeon seemed like she was listening to Yeri, Yoona knew that her boss's mind was somewhere else. 30 mins after Yoona arrived, Taeyeon informed Yeri that she had to go and attend to some matters.

It was only after both of them left Yeri's room, that Yoona found out about the sudden meeting. Harabeoji had requested for Taeyeon and her Oppa to meet him at the designated restaurant that he had made reservations. Yoona had wanted to ask the reason for the meeting but she noticed that Taeyeon wasn't in the mood to talk any further so she just kept quiet. 

When they arrived at the restaurant, Taeyeon didn't exit from the car immediately. She told Yoona that she would only enter the restaurant premises once her Oppa had arrived and they would enter together to meet their Harabeoji.

"Don't tell me that Harabeoji is matchmaking Taeyeon-unnie with that guy?" Yoona mumbled softly to herself as her frown deepened.

Meanwhile inside the room, it was a tense atmosphere with no one making the effort to talk to each other and were just focus on eating. Even though Taeyeon was feeling very nervous and restless at the moment, she was able to mask her emotions well and maintained a poker face. While on the way to the VIP room of the restaurant, Taeyeon had asked her Oppa if he knew anything about the sudden meeting but he replied that he was unaware of it too.

But when Taeyeon saw Jung Yun Ho in the same room, sitting beside her Harabeoji, she had a gut feeling on what the topic of the meeting will be. Even though she had never meet Yun Ho directly, her Harabeoji had been singing his praises every opportunity he had when Taeyeon was around. She knew that the guy was a young and successful businessman who seemed to be close to her grandfather.


Everyone in the room stopped eating when they heard that sound from Harabeoji as they put down their spoons.

"I believe both of you knew who Jung Yun Ho is, right? So I don't think I need to do any introduction about him. I know both of you are busy with your own stuff so I'll get straight to the point and not waste any more time. I'm planning to matchmake Taeyeon with Yun Ho."

"I disagree." Taeyeon immediately made herself clear about the whole idea. 

"And why is that so? By any chance, do you already have a boyfriend?" Harabeoji asked, his tone of voice was obvious that he was unhappy about Taeyeon's rebutt.

"I don't plan to get married at all. I don't see the need to." Taeyeon answered, maintaining her poker face.

"You need to get married so that you could continue the Kim's lineage. I believe you would already know the truth about your Oppa's background." Harabeoji turned to look at Heechul who had remained in silence since they started the conversation.

"It's true that I know but it's not going to make a difference to me. He will always be my Oppa and he has your blood in him." Taeyeon emphasized the last few words which seemed to anger the Elderly Kim.

"But he's not the rightful heir to the Kim's empire. You precede him in terms of lineage. Even though you're younger than him, but your Appa is still the only child of mine as known to people around me. If people are to find out about this matter, I would have no choice but to remove Heechul from the company and also the family's will." Harabeoji began to threaten and Taeyeon was about to say something when Heechul interfered.

"Harabeoji, I understand and acknowledge who I am in this family. I have no objection if I was to be remove from the company or even the family. But with regards to Taeyeon's marriage, I would have to disagree too." Heechul talked politely before he continued. "Before Appa's death, I received specific instructions from him to take care of Taeyeon's marriage which he himself had found a suitable partner and made arrangement for it."

"Suitable partner? How is that even possible? Furthermore, your Appa is already dead. His instructions should be deem invalid." Harabeoji replied with an arrogant sneer. "Who else could be a better choice than Yun Ho?"

"It is still valid because Appa had it done in his latest will." Heechul replied in confidence. "Another thing is, my sister here is not interested in men."


"So what I guess was right. He did want to matchmake you with that guy. Daebak." Yoona started to clap her hands as if proud of herself for guessing the correct thing. "But that guy was really handsome."

"Who was it?" Sunny asked as Yoona replied even before Taeyeon could say anything. "Woah... he's really good-looking."

"Jung Yun Ho? Isn't he the number one eligible bachelor that came out in one of the surveys done by university students here in Seoul?" Hyoyeon asked as Taeyeon nodded her head. "Too bad for him since our dear Taeyeon here is not interested in men."

Sunny and Yoona chuckled at Hyoyeon's remarks before they took a sip of their drinks. The five of them were currently chilling at Sunny's pub after Taeyeon called Sooyoung to meet her there once the meeting was over. 

"How did your Harabeoji reacted when Heechul-Oppa mentioned about the final will?" Sooyoung asked as Taeyeon replied that the old man was taken aback.

"Harabeoji knew about the existence of a final will but he didn't know the content of it. He was surprised that Oppa actually knew what it was but didn't want to believe him so Oppa asked him to check with Appa's lawyer. Harabeoji just slammed his hand on the table and left the restaurant. That Yun Ho guy also followed him out, looking like a lost puppy." Taeyeon explained further.

"So what was in your Appa's final will that made your Harabeoji so angry?" Sunny asked as Taeyeon stole a glance at Sooyoung. Sunny caught that look and raised up her hand. "It's okay. You don't have to answer me."

"Sorry, Sunny. It's not that I don't want to tell you but it's currently a sensitive issue and quite secretive at the moment." Taeyeon felt guilty as Sunny replied that she understood the situation. 

No one said a word until they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Why is it so solemn here when you're suppose to be enjoying yourself with the music and drinks?" Jessica walked in with a smile and took her seat beside Hyoyeon. "You're not working today, Hyo?"

"I'll be up soon." Hyoyeon replied while looking at her watch before her eyes widened. "In 30mins. I guess I should make a move now. Tae, will you be staying until I'm done?"

"Sure. I'll send you home later too." Taeyeon replied as Hyoyeon gave her a thumbs up before finishing her drink quickly and left the room. Sunny followed her out since she was getting Jessica her drink.

"How come you're alone? I thought you said that you're bringing Fany along?" Sooyoung asked as Jessica explained that Tiffany had something urgent to settle which was why she couldn't join them.

"By the way, when are you going to confess your feelings? How long has it been, anyway?" Jessica randomly continued talking.

"Since high school." Taeyeon replied subconsciously, without focusing on the question itself, before receiving a kick from Sooyoung. "Wae?"

"High school? You knew Sunny from high school?" Jessica questioned Sooyoung with a confused look while the tall girl was chuckling nervously.

"Anni, anni... I think Taeyeon is blabbering some nonsense. She's not even listening properly to your question. Right, Tae?" Sooyoung wriggled her eyebrow at Taeyeon in a threatening manner.

"Oh yah. I was thinking about some other things. I wasn't answering your question, Sica." Taeyeon replied with a straight face as Yoona looked at her boss sceptically.

"Ouuhhh.... okay. Anyway, back to my question. So when?" Jessica shifted her attention back to Sooyoung who kept chuckling and shaking her head. "You should stop procrastinating, Soo. Sunny is a good catch. Until when are you going to continue with this lifestyle of yours? Mingling around every night in the pretext of networking. One night stand and things like that."

"One night stand? I had stopped doing that, since I came back to Seoul. I mean.. I still mingle around, making friends and connections but I don't sleep around anymore." Sooyoung said with a slight disappointment. "I guess in your eyes, I'll always be the kind that sleeps around, right?"

"I don't mean that." Jessica replied with a guilty tone. "I'm sorry for my choice of words."

Sunny's appearance heightened the awkward atmosphere but luckily, Hyoyeon appeared on stage soon after.  Everyone decided to enjoy her performance instead. 


A knock on the door caused Taeyeon to look up as she watched Sooyoung entering her office. Leaning back into her chair, she waited for her tall friend to start talking while spinning her pen in between her fingers.

"Are you sure about this?" Sooyoung asked the moment she sat down as Taeyeon looked at her without a change in her expression. "Why the sudden decision? Is it because of the message that I sent you this morning?"

"I'm confuse, Soo. Really, really confuse. Mr Im said that no one knew about the content except for him and Grand-Aunt. But from the meeting, it seems that Heechul-Oppa knew about it. Thanks to him and his blabbering mouth, Harabeoji has also found out about it. Then this morning, you messaged me that Harabeoji went down to Mr Im's office to question him about the will and to find out if there is any way for the arranged marriage to be deemed as invalid."

"It seems like Harabeoji had made up his mind to marry you with that guy. This Yun Ho seems like someone who listens well to your Harabeoji." Sooyoung frowned as she was thinking of something. "Is it so that he could control the company through Yun Ho once both of you gets married?"

"That's right but that will never happen because I'm not marrying him. The thing that keeps bothering me is that, why did Oppa mentioned about the arranged marriage to Harabeoji? I could just turned down Harabeoji's plan about the marriage so there was of no need for Oppa to expose the content of the final will at the meeting."

"Maybe your Oppa knew that Harabeoji will not stop until he gains control of the company again. Your Harabeoji is really obsessed with the company. He did mentioned that he could remove Heechul-Oppa from the company and family will, right?" Sooyoung asked as Taeyeon nodded her head. "But, why did you decide to visit your Grand-Aunt? You hope that she could help you to understand the whole situation better?"

"She's the only other person who might know the reason as to why Appa had made such arrangement for me. Appa is not the kind of person who would decide something without thinking it through." Taeyeon explained. 

"This thought just came to my mind. What if... the person that was matchmake to you... agrees to this whole arrangement? Will you marry her straight away?" Sooyoung questioned Taeyeon who looked taken aback.

"I... I've never thought about that actually. But I don't think that will ever happen. Nobody agrees to an arranged marriage these days. Everyone wants to fall in love or experience love without being forced to."

"But what if you actually likes the girl? Will you pursue her then?" Sooyoung continued to ask as Taeyeon kept blinking her eyes, showing that she was thinking hard.

"Even if I like her, doesn't mean she shares the same feeling. Love has to be mutual, Soo." Taeyeon replied with a sigh before she started to frown. "By the way, why are you asking me so much questions? Do you know something that I don't? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Anni. Of course not. Why would I do that? You're my best friend." Sooyoung tried to sound firm but she ended up laughing which caused Taeyeon to just roll her eyes at her. "Seriously, Tae. You need to learn to relax. Chill. I miss those times in campus when you were well-known for being the calm and cool headed Taeyeon. The so-called ideal type of everyone. Girls turned gay for you and guys kept having crushes on you. I miss the old you."

"I'm still the same, Soo. I've never change." Taeyeon replied as she looked away, looking for something to settle her sights on until it stopped at her family portrait that was taken years ago. "I miss my parents though. And those times where I don't have to worry about these ed up company and the people involved in it."

"Maybe towards me, you've never change. But to the people around you, you've become so withdrawn. Last time in campus. you would still want to make new friends and hang out with them. Going to the cafe, the movies and sometimes the club. But now, not anymore."

"New friends? They were your girlfriends' friends." Taeyeon replied as Sooyoung laughed. "You needed me to be your plus one because the girls that you asked out on a date would usually bring their friends along so I ended up being the one who would entertain their friend while you flirt with the girl. Did you remember what Sica said at the pub? Change your lifestyle."

"I did. At least I don't sleep around anymore. You can't blame me if girls like to throw themselves at me. I'm good with my wits and humor. Which you seem to lack a lot." 

Sooyoung laughed as Taeyeon meronged at her, not able to counter Sooyoung's remarks since Taeyeon herself knew that it was true. A knock on the door shifted their attention as Seohyun walked in to inform Taeyeon that she had a guest by the name of Mr Im Kiyoung.

"Mr Im doesn't have a prior arrangement to meet you so if you don't wish to proceed, I could inform him so." Seohyun said earnestly as Taeyeon immediately stood up along with Sooyoung.

"It's okay, Seohyun. I'm free at the moment. Bring him in and prepare some snacks and drinks for our guest." Taeyeon instructed before Seohyun walked out of the room.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon looked at each other, both having a confused expression at the sudden visit of Taeyeon's Appa lawyer. Before Sooyoung could say anything, the door was knocked again as Taeyeon gave the instructions to come in.

The elderly man was warmly greeted by both the girls who then showed him to another corner of the office where there were some couches and a table for a more private discussion.

"Mr Im, I'm actually surprised at your sudden visit. I believe you've met my lawyer, Ms Choi." Taeyeon started the conversation as the man nodded his head.

"Yes, indeed. I've met her to discuss about your father's will. And that is also the reason as to why I'm here. It has come to my attention that the content of the final will has been leaked." Mr Im smiled when he saw Taeyeon stealing glances at Sooyoung. "Don't worry. I know that it was not you, which is why I'm here to offer my assistance if you need to."

"Mr Im, have you met my Grand-Aunt before?" Taeyeon asked as a smile appeared on her face when he nodded his head. "Then I need your help." 

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Update please.... Have finished reading it again :))
1128 streak #2
Chapter 17: Fany you should go and see him but don't tell him, I got a feeling that he isn't being honest with you and maybe he is hiding something from you...
1128 streak #3
Chapter 16: Lol Sooyoung's suggested name for Fany hahaha
snsdgg #4
Chapter 16: Re-read this again and I laughed at fany's contact name 😂
Update soon auth pls
Skye1234 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #7
Chapter 16: Yeaaa, welcome bckkk!!!🍂🍂
Chapter 16: uh oh, are back! welcome 🤩
please continue this good story, authorshii