Chapter 22 (Reassurance/Physical Therapy)

Her Silence is Deafening

Enjoy my lovely readers~


“So what exactly happened with Kris?” Tiff blurted out after about thirty seconds of an awkward silence. Jessica and Taeyeon had left to catch up and mostly about gossip while Yuri was left with Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny who probably had an over-abundance of questions.


“Tiff, now probably isn’t the time.” Seohyun motioned towards the red-head.


“No it’s okay.” Yuri smiled at Tiff’s interest and she knew the topic would come up eventually anyway.


“Why didn’t you tell us?” Tiff continued.


“I was trying to forget about it I guess.” Yuri had never really told anyone since it all had happened and she wanted to keep the memory where it belonged, in the past. It was hard enough telling Jessica but to tell others was a considerable challenge. Jessica kind of forced it out of her, it just fell out accidently but with the other girls it just never came up and Yuri assumed she would never be ready, so instead she repressed and attempted to forget.


When did it happen?” Sunny murmured.


“About a year ago.” The memory was still vivid in the back of Yuri’s mind and it was then that she realized, she might not be able to forget but she could at least move on.


“Is that why you didn’” Seohyun had been trying to figure out for too long why Yuri was silent for the first couple of months at school and she was beginning to think that this might have been the reason.


“Yes, I never knew what to say to anyone after what happened and after a while I just didn’t speak.” Yuri watched her friends drink their coffee, they all seemed slightly on edge and she couldn’t understand why, she assumed it was because of all the caffeine they were consuming.


“Did you know who Jessica was when you met her?” Tiffany seemed to ask the question that both Seohyun and Sunny were thinking because they immediately shot their heads to Yuri, waiting for her to answer.


“Not at all, she was just another girl until I had to do an assignment with her.”


“Oh yeah that was the biology one! She wouldn’t stop whining you know? For so long she was like, ‘ugh I have to work with some mute loser!’” Tiffany rambled and instantly covered when she finished speaking. Seohyun and Sunny slapped Tiffany’s arms in unison but it seemed it was too late.


“It’s okay, I was acutely aware of how Jessica felt about working with me.” Yuri attempted to relax her friends. It was obvious at first Jessica wasn’t keen on working with her. She expressed that just fine on her own.


“If it’s any consolation, after a while she stopped whining, in fact she spoke rather highly of you. That’s when I started to suspect something was going on.” Tiffany said proudly as she looked over at Seohyun and stuck her tongue out playfully.


“Oh leave it. She was with Donghae at the time. It was a valid hypothesis to think she was just friends with Yuri.” Seohyun raised her arms in defeat and rolled her eyes in unison. Yuri and Sunny exchanged looks as Seohyun and Tiffany continued their banting and began chuckling together.


“She was never really with Donghae! They just made out a lot in public. Sorry.” Tiffany quickly directed to Yuri before turning back to Seohyun. “You know Jessi was different the minute she bumped into Yuri. There’s so much chemistry between them that you couldn’t pull it apart with any force of the universe.”


Seohyun puckered her lips as if thinking about what Tiffany had said, it was true even with Seohyun’s logically thinking the way Yuri and Jessica acted when they were together was different.


“She was the first person I spoke to.” Yuri said as she broke Seohyun and Tiffany from their bickering. The three girls looked at Yuri with astonishment, though it made sense for Yuri to open up to Jessica first it was mildly surprising.


“Not even your parents?” Seohyun asked as she slowly sipped at her coffee, trying to savour every last drop she had. Yuri shook her head.


“Wow.” Sunny chuckled and smiled at Yuri.


“Well what was the first thing you said to her then?” Tiffany asked curiously.


Yuri looked over towards the red-head and smiled.



“Look I’m at my parents for the week. Just give me a ring if you need somewhere to crash alright? You know I’m always here for you whenever.” Taeyeon offered Jessica a final time before she pulled her car up at the hospital drop off point.


“Thanks Taengoo,” Jessica smiled with gratitude, “but I want to stay close to Yuri for the time being.” She pushed herself over to her best friend to give her a long tight hug.  Usually the older blonde would have made a snide remark about her beloved friend ditching her for someone else but the way she spoke of Yuri was enlightening and she didn’t want to, for the first time ever, make Jessica feel bad for choosing someone else over her.


“Okay well don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Don’t stress over too much Jess. it’s not good for you.” Both still in the hug Taeyeon let go of the hug and gave a kiss on Jessica’s forehead which Jessica leaned into. Comfort is what she needed and they both knew that. She softly turned Jessica around and gave a slight push towards the car door.


Jessica followed suit and exited the car, but before closing the door she looked back at Taeyeon straight in the eyes, “I will.” She replied before smiling softly at her best friend. “Oh and Taeyeon before I forget, thank you for everything really, I had a great time. I’m glad you came for me. I’m very lucky to have you in my life really. I love you so much.”


Taeyeon flashed the blonde a wink. “I love you too B. Very much indeed. Now go see your girl before you go crazy. Just kidding” Taeyeon chuckled at Jessica’s anticipation, the blonde was so jittery being away from Yuri that she was practically shaking, not that the amount of coffee she had helped either.


“Yes ma’am!” Jessica saluted to Taeyeon.


So childish just like before. She smiled in thought. Taeyeon watched as Jessica shut the door and headed in the hospital, even the blonde’s walk had changed. What was once an over-confident sway of Jessica’s hips had changed to a modest and gentle walk. Taeyeon chuckled to herself before pulling away from the curb. 



Jessica was so keen to see Yuri again that she was almost running through the hospital. Tapping her foot impatiently she waited for the elevator doors to ping open and after what felt like an eternity she heard the shutter and shake of gears together to open the doors. When Jessica made it to Yuri’s floor she almost ran to her private room, before reaching for the handle she attempted to catch her breath to hide the fact that she had been rushing. Opening the door slowly, she half expected to find Yuri asleep but when she let herself in she found four sets of eyes on her.


“Did you run here?” Tiffany laughed and Sunny and Seohyun soon followed. Yuri smiled at Jessica, happy to see her again she tried to raise her hand as she had missed her touch.


“Something like that.” Jessica giggled as she quickly moved to Yuri’s side and took her.

“I missed you.” Yuri murmured when Jessica leant into her for a sweet kiss.


“The question is did Jessi miss you? Whenever she’s with her Taeyeon she seems to forget she has us. Isn’t that right Jessica?” Tiffany asked.


“I missed you too.” She replied, squeezing Yuri’s hand comfortingly, not forgetting to give Tiff a glare.


“What? It’s true. But you two? I can’t get over how cute you two are.” Tiffany giggled as Jessica and Yuri looked towards the red-head in unison. Yuri rolled her eyes before letting out a small yawn. Not too long after Jessica had left, a nurse had come to giver her a set of medication and it was finally beginning to take an effect, her eyes were feeling heavy and weak and the pains in her body were slowly subsiding again. She could barely feel anything at all except for Jessica’s hand on her own. For a while she could feel the stitches in her stomach holding her deep cut and stab wound together, she could feel sharp pains on her cheek, neck and wrists. The amount of pain had taken a toll on Yuri, until the point she didn’t realize or understand how much had happened to her, it was an eye opener but she remained strong for her friends who were in the room at the time.


“I think it’s time that we go.” Seohyun said as she watched Yuri’s attempt to rub her eyes of sleep. “Hey, I’m very proud of your first words by the way.”


Moments later Yuri felt her three friends give her a brief goodbye hug each before leaving the room.


“First words?” Jessica questioned when the door was fully shut, slightly curious of Seohyun’s comment.


“I told her the first thing I said to you. You know? How I like my coffee?” Jessica looked back on the memory.

I like a double-shot cappuccino with one sugar, Yuri’s first words almost made Jessica jump but it was still an exciting memory.


“I remember.” Jessica laughed softly and kissed Yuri’s knuckles.


“How was...Taeyeon?” Yuri carefully asked noticing Jessica’s smile at the mention of Taeyeon’s name. She instinctively squeezed her hand comfortingly as Jessica continued to kiss the brunette’s un-bandaged knuckles.


“Taeyeon was great. She always knows how to preoccupy my mind of its worries.” Jessica’s eyes were on Yuri’s hands but the brunette could sense they weren’t with her, she sensed that the blonde’s mind was miles away and in a world of her own.


“Sica?” Yuri questioned in an effort to catch Jessica’s attention.


“Yeah?” She shook her head and focused back on the half asleep Yuri.


“...Am I on of the….worries?” Yuri’s voice trembled and gave away her vulnerabilities.

“I’m worried about you but no, you yourself are not a worry.” Jessica could tell how distant she was being and she could tell Yuri was aware of it.


“What’s wrong Sica?” Yuri weakly squeezed Jessica’s hand before yawning again but it only made the blonde feel guilty, for she felt she was the weak one when she had to be the strongest one. She felt she needed to hold everything together so Yuri would grow back her strength and health but it was hard. It was hard because she had never once had to worry about being strong for anyone else but herself.


“I guess I’m scared Yul.” She paused, waiting for Yuri to respond but the brunette merely looked at her and waited for her to gather her thoughts properly and continue. “I have to be strong...for you and it’s hard. You’ve always been the strong one, you’re the one that keeps me together. Now it’s my turn. What if I fail Yul? I can’t lose you. I don’t know how I’d function. I don’t know how I’d live without you Yuri.”


“Yes you can. You have Seo, Tiff and Sunny. Most importantly you have Taeyeon with you.”


“Don’t talk like that. Like you’re leaving Yuri.” Jessica could feel her eyes welling with tears as she spoke but she kept everything together until she finished talking, she had to let Yuri know what she was feeling.


“I have never felt this way about someone and it scares me. I’m so in love with you that it hurts being away from you and now every second I am gone I’m worried something will happen and I’ll never see you again. I can’t live without you Yuri. I just can’t.” Jessica’s head dropped to Yuri’s hand as she let her tears flow free. Talking to Taeyeon had proved how much adoration Jessica truly felt for Yuri and it bubbled up the deepest feelings she had for her. Yuri felt her own tears begin to emerge as she watched Jessica crack underneath the unbearable pressure she had unwillingly placed upon her girlfriend. Yuri reached slowly under Jessica’s chin, lifting it up to face her.


“I love you too much for that to happen Sica.” Yuri began. “I’m so sorry about everything I’ve put you through. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. After the videos, after what Donghae put you through after everything. I can’t believe I am so lucky to have such a strong, beautiful girlfriend who has stuck by me through all this sh*t.” Yuri ignored the pain she felt as she held Jessica’s chin up, she was content on letting the blonde know how much she appreciated everything she had done for her.



It was almost ten in the evening before Jessica, Chae and Jiwan made their way into the Kwons household and the house looked like it hadn’t been touched in days. All the lights were extinguished and all the windows were closed, the home almost had a creepy atmosphere as Jessica walked in last behind Yuri’s parents.


Before the blonde could over think the darkness Chae flicked a light on and headed into the kitchen. Following, Jessica watched as Chae and Jiwan slowly rubbed their eyes with exhaustion, she really felt for them, she couldn’t fathom how much stress they could be feeling at this point. Jessica had been starting to think she should just sleep with Taeyeon overall her bed is very comfortable to her liking.


“Jessica dear, are you hungry? I can make you some dinner.” Chae offered as she began unpacking a small bag of groceries she had picked up after work before returning to the hospital.


“No thanks Chae. I’m really tired, would you mind if I just went straight to bed?” Jessica felt exhausted, her body ached and her eyes were falling in on themselves and knowing she had to go to school the next day was making her feel more fatigued. Jessica could not afford to miss anymore school and the doctors assured her that Yuri would be commencing rehabilitation for walking tomorrow, so the timing seemed appropriate as Yuuri was occupied.


“Of course, you can sleep in Yuri’s room if you’d like.” Jessica felt at first Chae might have been offended for denying food but it seemed she was also too tired to be bothered. Jessica nodded before leaving the kitchen to let Chae and Jiwan be alone.


As Jessica made it into Yuri’s room she realized that she had no change of clothes or nothing to sleep in but as she flopped her body onto the cook sheets she didn’t seem to care and before she knew it her eyes were falling and she slipped into a deep slumber.




“Okay Yuri?” Yuri snapped her head up from her wrists and looked over at the woman who had been talking non stop for ten minutes about the process of her rehabilitation. Nodding she looked back down at her wrists, they were exceptionally sore that morning and it wasn’t exactly a great start to the day.


“Alright well as I said the first thing we’ll do is move you down to the physio room.” The woman was young, maybe in her late twenties and the only thing she could manage to look at was her blonde hair, it reminded her of Jessica.


The ten minutes that followed consisted of Nana the physiotherapist and Doctor Lee Jae Wook getting Yuri into her wheelchair and it was embarrassing because she couldn’t help at all. The only movement her lower body would do was the slight shift of her toes, which was apparently a good start by Nana’s standards.


“So Yuri,” Nana began as she wheeled the already tired brunette down the hallway towards the Physiotherapy Room. “My job will be to help you understand and begin your basic movements, when you leave the hospital you will still be struggling but that’s something we will work on together.”


None of what Nana was saying was particularly comforting Yuri but she didn’t interrupt.


I think Dr. Wook believes you’ll respond more positively in a home environment.” It sounded like Nana was asking Yuri a question but she didn’t know how to respond and really how could she.


“I guess I don’t need to be in the hospital for too long.” Yuri replied as Nana opened the door to Physio room. It was a small room that was empty besides a few exercise machines in the corner. She was already beginning to feel stressed but in an attempt to calm herself down Yuri wrapped her baggy jumper tighter around herself.


“First things first,” Nana pulled Yuri to a stop and moved in front of her, taking the brunette’s socks off before removing her own footwear. “Something simple.”

For almost half an hour Yuri and Nana focused on moving her toes. It was tedious but Yuri didn’t complain, it was either wiggling her toes or lying in bed doing nothing. Nana sat in front of Yuri watching her every move and she had to admit, it seemed the tall blonde knew what she was doing.


“If I helped you, do you think you would be able to move from the chair?” Yuri’s eyes shot up at Nana in mild shock. “Try not to think too much about it. I will be supporting your weight.” Yuri swallowed but forced a nod.


Nana’s arm wrapped underneath her arm and gently pulled Yuri up. The weight on her leg was too much within seconds, she could feel her knees wobble and almost buckle under pressure but Nana held her tight. Moving slowly she moved Yuri over to a black foam lookin box and sat her down.


“Good start.”

“You did all the work.”
Yuri replied as Nana helped her lean against the wall. There were a few moments of silence as Nana rolled Yuri’s slacks up her legs.


“You’re very brave.” Nana broke the silence as her hands moved over Yuri’s cold legs, massaging them.


“What makes you say that?”


“You’re the first person to actually try and stand in the first session. Usually people refuse to.”

“You’re the physio, I trust your judgement.” Nana smiled before continuing her treatment with Yuri and almost another hour had passed before Yuri spoke again. Though the brunette hadn’t stood properly she felt she had improved and with the help of Nana she could move her ankles slightly.


“I need to stop.” Yuri winced slightly as she moved her ankle a final time. Nana nodded and helped her back into the wheelchair. As Nana pushed Yuri back down the hallway they ran into Dr. Wook who assisted in getting the brunette back into her bed.


“How did your first session go?” He asked as Nana lifted Yuri’s leg into the bed.


“She did well, another couple of months of physiotherapy and she’ll be well and truly back on her feet."


“Months?” Yuri looked away from Dr. Wook and towards Nana. “That long?”

“You’ll be home within a week Yuri but therapy will continue on a constant basis after hospital.” Yuri didn’t understand why she was so surprised, she could barely move her lower part of her body, and it was just the thought of constantly working to get her body to work again that troubled. It was going to be a long few months.


Silent readers come out come out wherever you are I want to hear you too! :) 

I've been reading the comments. What do you all think of Taeyeon? Good right? Hehe. Upcoming chapters will get more interesting I assure you. And with Yuri don't worry really, she'll be fine......;) 


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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)