Chapter 16 (Hunting & Torture)

Her Silence is Deafening

Yuri’s eyes fluttered open and was greeted with a bright light, causing them to close again. After some time had passed she slowly reopened her eyes and took in her surroundings. Nothing was really different. The room was empty other than he table that’d been holding the laptop earlier. Yuri’s eye was hurting from being hit by Donghae. It was really swollen and her cheek bone was throbbing that badly. She could barely see from that side. After sleeping for so long, the tanned girl felt dizzy but the pain remained and it was becoming much harder for her to concentrate.


After fully adjusting to the change in light, Yuri’s eyes focused to find Donghae entering the room. His gun was clipped to his waist and his knife was in his hand. He no longer had a hoodie or mask. Yuri found this interesting it mean he had no intentions of hiding his identity anymore.


“Good morning Kwon. Sleep well?” Donghae pulled a bottle of water from his pocket and unscrewed the lid while sitting next to Yuri on the bed. As the brunette moved to try and get away from him she realized her hands were tied above her head instead of her side and it was significantly tighter than before. It was so tight she could barely move her wrists and Donghae watched as Yuri struggled.


“I’ll be able to watch what you’re doing this way.” Slowly Donghae moved the bottle towards Yuri’s lips. It was only then that she realized how parched she was but she was unsure whether to drink or not, she didn’t trust Donghae. Moving her face away, he laughed softly.


“It’s not poisoned Kwon. there’d be no sense in killing you, yet.” Donghae smiled and motioned the brunette the bottle of water while raising an eyebrow in a questioning manner.


“What do you want from me then Hae?” Yuri’s tongue the lining of her lips. She desperately wanted water but she felt it was a trap.


“I told you. Just a few bad things about the Jung family on a live video.” Hae moved the bottle of water to Yuri’s lips and tipped the liquid down . Yuri could feel the refreshing sense run through her body as Hae helped her drink.


“But why? What did they do to piss you off to the degree of kidnapping me?” Yuri was so curious as to why Hae went to such an intense amount of work just to keep the brunette from being found.


“When I see something I want, I have it Kwon.” Donghae spoke with hunger in his voice. His thoughts elsewhere as he placed the water bottle on the table.


“So you kidnapped me because you couldn’t have Jessica? You’re seriously messed up.” Yuri’s wrists began struggling in their hold though she knew it was hopeless. It seemed Hae had a knack for tying knots.


“Well you make it sound so terrible but yes I believe Jessica wants me back when you say such awful things about her and her family.” Hae smiled and pulled the camera from the pouch on his waist.


“I find the reason quite stupid. But I will never say anything bad about them Donghae. Ever.Yuri’s lips were stinging from being dehydrated for so long and having the water slip through the cracks in them.


“You will Yuri. I’ll make sure of it.” Hae played with the knife that had remained in his hand the whole time. It was a small threat he had been constantly playing with and Yuri could feel a large lump develop in the back of as she watched him. As Yuri tried to swallow it Donghae’s smile grew and his hand that held the knife went to her cheek.


“Jessica wouldn’t go back to you.” Yuri’s words were soft with fear but were filled with courage. Donghae’s smile disappeared and his knife pressed on Yuri’s unbruised cheek. There was a searing pain as Hae slowly dragged the knife across Yuri’s cheek. It wasn’t overly painful but Yuri believed the reason for that was because she was somewhat used to such pain.


“I see Kris did a good job of building up your immunity to pain.” Donghae said as he disconnected the knife from Yuri’s skin and cleaned the blood from it.


“How do you know about Kris?” Yuri said as she felt the blood drip from her cheek.


“I have my ways. Now Kwon, can I rely on you to say those things over a video? I assure you once it’s said you can go.” It was obvious to Yuri now that Hae was lying. The brunette knew he wouldn’t be leaving this room alive. Not with Hae, so she decided to stall time. To create as much as she could in hopes that someone out there was looking for her.


“You must be mad Hae. I’m not stupid. I know you’re not letting me go regardless of what I say so I’m not saying anything. I’m not giving you what you want.” Yuri spoke bravely but the lump in caused her words to crack. Hae grew impatient and angry. He stood from the bed and grabbed his camera. Quickly heading into the back room Hae sat at his laptop which had been connected to some monitors controlling how and where the video was being sent. Coding it to send when he pressed the record button Hae returned to Yuri whose breathing had increased, the fear obvious in her as she watched Hae grow frustrated. Flicking the camera open Hae looked at Yuri, smiling slightly he placed his mask to over .


“Just say a few bad things Yuri and I won’t have to hurt you. Get ready to say hello.” Hae positioned the camera so it was facing him and pressed the record button.


“Hello again friends. I hope you’re all well. I know Kwon Yuri is, just a quick update that she wanted to say a few things to you before I let her rejoin your community.” Hae smoothly moved the camera to face Yuri, the brunette was becoming tired of the games he was playing so in an attempt to hide from the camera she moved her arms to cover her face.


“Oh come now Yuri, don’t be shy.” Hae placed his camera on the table so that it was now recording him grabbing Yuri’s arms and holding her face towards the camera. Pulling his knife to Yuri’s neck he moved his lips to her ear. “Repeat after me.” He whispered.


“No.” Yuri whispered back, her arms fighting against the rope that securely held her. Donghae pushed the knife harder on Yuri’s neck, the brunette could feel the blade cute ehr skinat the pressure but she merely closed her eyes and try to occupy her thoughts.


“I don’t understand you Kwon. The Jungs’ hurt you the most….” Looking towards the camera Hae smiled and had an ideal pulse through his mind. As Hae moved away from Yuri she could feel herself release the breath she had been holding.




Yonghwa and detective Choi were just on the way out to follow a lead when the video of Yuri appeared on the television screen in the main office of the department. The watched with careful eyes as the tanned girl struggled against the mysterious person. Yonghwa had spoken to Seohyun not too long ago and she explained that it was Donghae. She also said Nichkhun had managed to record the private chat and wanted to show it to the police. That was where they were heading before the next video lighted up every screen in the police department.


“You see everyone, Kwon Yuri, before she moved here lived Philadelphia. When she was in junior year she went to a party and well, from what the police record said she was ….” Yonghwa’s mouth opened in shock. He had never met Yuri but he was sure if Seohyun knew she would have told him something so important.


“.....and in the investigation she made statements but when she finally made it to court, charges were never filed. Isn’t it interesting Yuri?” Hae’s hand moved to Yuri’s waist. He knew about the scars and he wanted to show everyone else. Yuri tried to struggle against him but it was pointless.


“Looking at these scars it would seem that it was definitely an attack. So why was there never any charges filed? Or a better question would be why did the defence win Yuri?” Donghae’s hands made their way to Yuri’s cheek and held tightly. When the tanned girl didn't respond, Hae’s patience grew thin. Yuri tried to move out of his hold but it only angered him further. In fact Hae was losing the very little patience he had to start with, he honestly thought Yuri would have said what he wanted her to say and he would be back with Jessica in no time. But the tanned girl wouldn’t budge and Hae was beginning to run out of ideas.






Jessica had spent the whole evening sitting by her phone waiting for a video call to come from Hae and when her phone had finally buzzed, she had almost leaped to answer it. As Tiffany, Nichkhun, Seohyun and Sunny did the same they were greeted by Donghae. Though he was wearing a mask Jessica knew it was him. His voice was no longer disoriented as he spoke and his hair was obvious. As Hae revealed all the secrets Yuri had spent so long hiding Jessica felt tears fall from her eyes. Her friends looked between her and the phone when Hae spoke.


“She was ?” Tiffany asked almost protectively, the redhead was slightly offended that Yuri hadn’t told her but at the same time she could understand why. Jessica nodded and continued to watch the video. She knew exactly where Hae’s thoughts process was going and she knew it was going to hurt Yuri significantly.


“Why did you lose Yuri?” Hae’s hand tightened around her cheek in a crushing pain until she finally opened to speak.


“They had a good lawyer I guess.” Yuri’s words were cracked and broken. The pain was becoming evidently more obvious as each video progressed and it made Jessica feel so helpless.


“And who was the lawyer?” Hae’s hands left Yuri’s face to let her speak. It seems she was finally giving in.


“His name was Woo Jung.” Yuri paused before she spoke. She wanted to remain strong but it was proving to be difficult.


“But his real name was?” Hae pushed the answers out of Yuri and as the brunette contemplated what to say next. The pain in her bones was becoming sore and the cut on her cheek was searing. Jessica looked at the cut and almost felt the pain herself.


“Sangwoo Jung.” Even from the camera Jessica could see the tears beginning to fall, Jessica herself felt more tears in her eyes.


“What?” Seohyun asked as she looked away from her phone and towards Jessica. In fact all set of eyes were on her as she whipped away her tears. “Did you know?” Seohyun continued.


“She told me not too long ago.”


“Who her? Do you know?” Tiffany and Nichkhun had been too interested in the video to even bother looking at his laptop. The group had migrated downstairs to wait for Yonghwa to arrive so they could show them the video Nichkhun had recorded. When Jessica went to speak they were all interrupted by Hae’s voice.


“Isn’t it interesting that she became friends with his daughter? But wait, that’s not the only twist!” Jessica’s eyes widen in shock, surely Hae wasn’t going to do this to Yuri. As Jessica watched Yuri react. The brunette again began moving in her hold. She wasn’t going to do this. This has nothing to do with Jessica.


“Perhaps the biggest twist in is who actually Kwon Yuri. Why don’t you tell them?” Hae looked over at Yuri who continued to struggle in her incarceration. The brunette shook her head and tried to free herself but within seconds Hae had grabbed Yuri’s neck with one hand and the knife in his other quickly moved to . When Jessica looked closely looked at the blade. It was covered with blood. Donghae must have been pressing hard on Yuri’s neck but not too hard enough to seriously injure her.


“What was his name Yuri?” Hae’s words were so fierce that it sent shivers down Jessica’s spine. She was scared for Yuri and she could tell her friends were so concentrated on the video that the completely forgot Jessica knew. When Yuri didn’t answer Hae’s knife moved from to her waist. It danced across her scars underneath the fabric of her shirt and before she could respond he quickly tore the fabric to reveal each and every scar.


“Who?” Hae’s voice was almost a scream but it didn't scare Yuri enough to answer. Jessica prayed that she would, the blonde was hoping Yuri would just do what Hae said and then she would be back with her safe and sound Yuri refused to answer and Hae had lost all sense of patience. He dragged the blade across Yuri’s skin. The brunette couldn’t help but yelp in pain. It was nothing like the glass Kris had used, the blade was so sharp and was making a significantly larger and deeper cut.


“Who?” Hae repeated as the blade left Yuri’s skin to give her a chance to reply. The brunette looked down at her waist where the new wound sat. It was bleeding excessively and was extremely painful.”


“Kris Woo Jung.” Tears fell from Yuri’s eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was from the pain or because of Jessica. She knew the blonde would be watching and the brunette was sure that she was going to hate her for revealing the secret.


“Oh my god.” Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny said in unison. Looking over at Jessica, Tiff could tell instantly how much harder this was. The struggle was surreal and the only thing she thought was appropriate was to give Jessica a deep hug.


“Now after all that, with Kris and then his father humiliating you at the trail, surely you can say they’re bad people.” Hae continued to play with the blade. He continued to move across Yuri’s skin lightly so that it was not leaving a mark but making the brunette aware that it was there.


“No.” Yuri said through a deep breath. She was very aware of Hae’s intentions and she knew what he would do next and she began preparing herself for it. Yuri knew it was wrong to give Hae what he wanted and she was sure someone was out there looking for her. Hae’s rage flowed through him and he couldn’t move the blade to Yuri’s arms and quickly dragged the item across her skin. Yuri felt a scream fall from her lips. She was feeling weak and tired and it was becoming impossible to hold back. Blood began seeping down her arms and onto her ripped shirt. Jessica looked at Yuri and felt her heart breaking. The blood that covered her was unbearable to witness and it was already becoming obvious that Yuri was beginning to feel dizzy.


“Sica..I’m sorry.” Yuri looked over at the camera and her eyes began to close in exhaustion. Hae’s hand moved to her cheek to keep her awake. It seemed he was not finished but Yuri’s eyes closed as she fell unconscious and Hae himself looked over to the camera. Jessica saw Hae sigh in frustration before he reached for the camera and Jessica’s screen went black. The blonde felt her hopes begin to fall. She knew Yuri was in a lot of pain and was growing weaker by the minute. Falling deeper into Tiffany’s hug Jessica burst into tears.


“It’s okay. We’re going to find her.” Tiff murmured while Jessica’s hair. Though looking at the other’s they all seemed to have unconvincing looks on their faces. About half an hour later Yonghwa and Detective Choi arrived but Jessica remained on the lounge, almost lifeless as Nichkhun showed them the video between them and Donghae.


“So what business does Lee Donghae have with Kwon Yuri?” Detective Choi said when the video had ended. Yonghwa looked over at Seohyun who had been making coffee for everyone.


“Well, um, Donghae and Jessica….” Seohyun looked between Jessica and Yonghwa but couldn’t find the right words to continue.


“We had some form of relationship but when I told him I wasn’t interested he got angry and jealous. At a party he drugged me and attacked me and a few months before that he almost me. Yuri saved me and I guess he’s just never really liked her ever since then.” Jessica’s friend's eyes widened at the sudden revelation.


“He tried to you?” Sunny murmured, forgetting that the police were there.


“Yes but Yuri pulled him off me. It was when we were doing the biology assignment a few months ago.” Jessica’s hands wrapped around the cup of coffee Seohyun had made her and she sipped. The hot liquid fell down causing the blonde’s cold body to warm.

“Why didn’t you report this Jessica?” Detective Choi seemed unimpressed by the fact that Jessica wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with any judgement.


“Because Donghae used to be a sweet guy, and I didn’t want to ruin his life. I felt like it was my fault anyway.” Tiffany’s hand went to Jessica’s shoulder supportively. Jessica moved into Tiff’s hold and rested her head on the redhead’s shoulder.


“Okay well we’ve got everything we need right now. We’ll let you know if we find anything but we will be in contact with Yuri’s parents first.” Detective Choi closed her little notebook and headed towards the front door. Yonghwa quickly kissed Seohyun and followed. There were several awkward moments of silence. Jessica hated not knowing where Yuri was. It was becoming difficult to think straight the only thing the blonde could think of was Yuri. The sound of her cries echoed in the back of her head.

“I hate this waiting. I just want her back.” Jessica whipped the last tear that fell from her eyes before falling asleep in Tiffany’s arms.




It was the early hours of the morning when Jessica’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She looked over at her friends who were fast asleep and wondered who could possibly be messaging her. The only sound that was in the room was NIchkhun’s laptop running a program to find a code to Donghae’s signal.


Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she was met with a message from an unknown number.


The waiting must be hard. Be at the lookout outside town in half an hour or I’ll hurt Yuri further. Come alone.


That was the only information provided and Jessica knew it was Donghae but there was no way for her to know she could trust him. Deciding she couldn't sit around and wait anymore Jessica moved from the lounge and grabbed her car keys. The blonde knew she wasn't acting smart but the only thing she could think of was Yuri.

She had to save Yuri.

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)