Chapter 20 (Surprise~ Surprise~)

Her Silence is Deafening

“Sh*t.” Jessica murmured.


“He doesn’t know you’re here?” Yuri asked through a deep breath. Jessica looked away from the door and towards Yuri but before she could answer her father began to scream again.


“Sooyeon!?” Sangwoo yeled before barging through the door into the room. The older Jung man looked incredibly angry, his face was almost red with fury and his hands were in tight fists.


“I told you! You are not to see this girl again! Take your hands off my daughter!” Sangwoo almost screamed at Yuri. Jiwan stood from his chair and moved between Sangwoo and Yuri.


“You need to leave Mr. Jung.” Jiwan said calmly.


“Just because your daughter is a dirty dyke doesn’t mean I’m going to let her corrupt my daughter.” Before Sangwoo could even finish his sentence properly Jiwan’s hand went to Sangwoo's suit and pushed him against the door.


“You listen to me, I am a Lieutenant Colonel in the Pennsylvania National Guard, I would be very careful of what you say about my family.” Jiwan’s words were low but very powerful, it was terrifying to just observe the older Kwon but it seemed even though Sangwoo was scared he didn’t waver from his position.


“Is that a threat Mr. Kwon?” Sangwoo said as he looked at Jiwan’s pulsing muscles.


“No Mr. Jung. A threat would be that I have been taught to know how to kill a man and to make it look like an accident.” Jiwan let go of Sangwoo’s suit and stood a few steps back giving Sangwoo some space to rethink his objectives. However Sangwoo just stood there and straightened his suit out, he had a small thought that if he wasn’t so angry with the Kwon family that he and Jiwan might’ve actually gotten on a different life but it seemed here they would never get along.


“I can see I’m not welcome here. Come Sooyeon, we’re going home.” Sangwoo went to open the door before looking over at Jessica who hadn't moved since he had entered the room.


“I’m not going.” The blonde spoke bravely as she stood from her chair not letting Yuri’s hand go.


“I said we’re going now!” Sangwoo almost screamed again. Yuri jumped at the sudden noise, she was wondering where Yonghwa was. Surely he was around since he was supposed to be keeping an eye on her.


“No! I’m staying here with Yuri.” Jessica held tightly onto Yuri’s hand, she was terrified but stood her ground.

“You are choosing this over your own family?” Jiwan felt his own fist ball up but they were greeted with Chae’s, holding them tightly she stood by her husband in support.


“She is my family.” Jessica looked down at Yuri who smiled softly, even in such a horrifying moment, Yuri found herself being pulled to the blonde, now it was Jessica’s time to protect her.


“Fine. Don’t come crying back to me when you realize it was nothing. You’re not welcome home anymore. Goodbye Sooyeon.” Before anyone else could speak Sangwoo left the room and slammed the door behind him.


“Jess-” Yuri began but Jessica sat down on the bed next to the brunette and held her cheeks softly.


“It was going to happen Yul. I’ll figure out where to go once you’re better.” Brushing her fingers against Yuri’s bandages Jessica softly kissed the brunette’s forehead.


“You will stay with us Jessica.” Chae said confidently as she said back to Yuri. Both girls looked over at Chae who had a smile dancing across her cheeks. She was not going to deny Yuri the happiness she deserved, not after all this. A small knock came at the door before Tiffany, Seohyun and Sunny barged in.


“We saw your dad leaving.” Seohyun puffed. All three girls looked like they had just ran a marathon. Tiff was even hunched over briefly to catch her breath before she stood up straight again.


“Yeah and he looked rather pissed off.” Tiff said through a deep breath, Sunny went to speak when Yonghwa entered the room, also in a huff.


“What happened? I heard Sangwoo was here?” He was still in his uniform. Yuri thought momentarily if the young officer had even slept in the last few days.


“I’m sure even China heard he was here, but he’s gone now. Where were you?” Chae asked, slightly frustrated at Yonghwa’s absence.


“I received a call from the precinct. Donghae was spotted at a gas station in New York not too long ago. They’ve sent a unit out to investigate but he will be long gone by then." Yonghwa’s tone was apologetic towards the Kwons. He knew Yuri was safe here but he also knew her parents weren’t happy about Donghae escaping.


“Thanks Yonghwa.” Chae stood and walked over to the exhausted Yonghwa. “I’m sorry for snapping. It’s been a long few days. Why don’t you go home and sleep?”

“It might be a good idea Yonghwa.” Seohyun said as she made her way to her boyfriend. Yonghwa nodded slightly before looking over at Jessica.


“Are you okay?” He asked her assuming that her father was here because he knew that Sangwoo wouldn’t be happy about Jessica being with the brunette.


“I’m fine. You go and get some rest.” Yonghwa nodded again before moving his arm around Seohyun.


“Come on. I’ll take you home.” Seohyun said as she pulled the tired boy towards the door. “I’ll be back later, okay?” Sunny and Tiff nodded at the pair before they disappeared out the door. The two girls looked over at Yuri and Jessica. It was the first time they had actually seen Yuri wake and without the face mask on. The brunette looked as if she was in a lot of pain and it was painful to see.


“How are you feeling?” Sunny asked as she stood at the end of the bed with Tiffany.


“Tired more than anything.” Yuri responded, her voice was cracking and she struggled to breathe properly but she knew it was just a matter of preactive with the nasal cannula.


“How about you?” Tiffany directed at Jessica as she sat down on the only free chair and patted her legs at Sunny, the petite brunette laughed and sat on the red head’s lap.


“I’m okay.” Jessica looked over at Chae and Jiwan who had remained seated, she wasn’t really comfortable talking with them in the room, and she felt she had to be delicate about everything because of the stress levels Chae and Jiwan were at.


“Well I’d better head to work, the day is still young.” Jiwan said as he stood from the chair. Chae followed and kissed Yuri’s forehead before saying goodbye to the rest of the girls.


“We will be back later sweetie. Jessica if you need anything, just call us okay? We’ll organize arrangements for tonight later.” Chae said as her and Jiwan turned to leave the room.


“Okay no problem. We will see you later.” Jessica waved goodbye before they left the room.


“What arrangements?” Tiffany asked as Sunny stood and moved to a now free chair.


“I’m staying with Yuri’s family for a bit.” Jessica said as she went to move from the bed to the other free chair. However Yuri’s hand stopped her and held her in place. The blonde smiled and made herself more comfortable on the bed next to Yuri.


“Why?” Sunny asked curiously. Jessica looked down at Yuri whose eyes were constantly opening and closing from exhaustion.

“Well you see… dad...kicked me out.” Jessica responded softly. It seemed she had forgotten to actually feel upset about being kicked out, about being abandoned by her father because of who she loved and realized how bad it made her feel.


“You can stay with me? Or Sunny? Or even Seohyun? We’ve all got space for you Jess.” Tiffany offered kindly.


“Yuri’s parents said they were happy to have me which is good.” Jessica smiled at Chae’s and Jiwan’s hospitality. Tiffany’s eyebrow rose slightly before she looked over at Sunny. “What?” Jessica asked curiously.


“Well I was just going to say don’t be too loud, you don’t want Yuri’s parents hearing." Tiffany winked at the pair.


“Tiff!” Sunny said as she rolled her eyes.


Shh. Jessica murmured as she looked down at a now sleeping Yuri. All three girls looked at the brunette, her hand was still connected with Jessica’s but since the blonde was sitting up against the headboard of the bed and Yuri was lying down it looked as if Yuri’s hand was uncomfortable.


When Jessica went to move in hopes in creating less discomfort Yuri slowly moved into her, smiling Jessica gently placed her other hand on Yuri’s bandaged head, rubbing it tenderly.


“Aw such cuties!” Tiffany squealed, happy to see Yuri and Jessica reunited and safe again.



It has been over an hour before Seohyun returned to the hospital. She knocked on the door softly and poked her head into the room. Sunny had sent a message to her that Yuri was asleep so she had to be quiet when she entered, even though the girls had been talking at a relatively normal level most of the time anyway.


“Hey unnies,” Seohyun whispered as she enters the room with four coffees, “I assumed you guys are all tired out so I brought coffee for us.” Sunny and Tiffany sigh with relief at the sight of caffeine but Jessica isn’t much of a mood to do anything else but stare at Yuri, making sure she’s safe at every available second.


“Thanks Seobaby! We appreciate it.” Sunny whispered back.

“You don’t have to be so quiet. She’s so dosed up on painkillers she could probably sleep through an earthquake.” Tiffany said casually and Sunny rolled her eyes at the red head’s insensitivity. “What?” She asked innocently when she noticed Sunny’s gaze.


“This is serious.” Sunny mumbled back. There was a brief moment of silence in which Tiff looked over at Jessica realizing her insensitivity and gave her an apologetic smile.


“You know it hurts for her to laugh.” Jessica said minutes later, her words sab but there was no intention of guilt behind them, it was just her way of expressing the blame she felt for the state of Yuri’s pain.


“How’re you holding up Sica-unnie?” Seohyun asked as she took her jumper off and sat down on a free chair and handing the girls their coffee. Jessica looked up from Yuri’s hair towards the smart brunette who presented her with a large take away cup. Not feeling very thirsty for coffee Jessica accepted the beverage with a smile anyway. It had been the first time in a while since Jessica had been the topic of discussion and this was mainly because she wasn’t interested in talking about herself.


“I’m okay.” Jessica was lying, to tell the truth she was so far from okay. The blonde felt exhausted and even though Yuri would be okay, in that moment she wasn’t really okay. Seohyun raised her eyebrow curiously at the blonde who simply smiled softly drawing her attention back to the sleeping brunette lying next to her. Nice try unnie. We know you better than that.


“Okay, usually you’re lying is something we’re used to but not anymore. Cut the crap Jung, how are you feeling really?” Tiffany was blunt but her cheeky tone remained in the back of , she had her cute smirk on and it made Jessica chuckle slightly before she went back to a sombre look.


“I have to stay strong for Yul, you know? I hate seeing her like this, to see her in such pain. And it is because of me.” Jessica’s voice was barely a whisper because she was mad at herself for presenting such vulnerability to her friends. Usually she would bottle up thing inside and act as if nothing happened. She’s known as the cold girl from school. The blonde would always want to be the ring leader and if she shared such thoughts to her friends they would see her as. . . human. Sunny and Seohyun looked towards Jessica with mild surprise however Tiffany had almost hitting the ground in full on awe at Jessica’s courage to express herself.


“It’s not your fault Jess. It’s Donghae’s." Sunny's tone had conviction but it wasn’t truly enough to convince Jessica and rid her of her guilt. To avoid the topic she smiled and nods.


“You really feel bad for her don’t you?” Seohyun questions while she sips at her coffee.

“I wasn’t aware you had feelings Jess.” Tiffany chuckled to herself while Sunny and Seohyun snap their eyes over to the oblivious redhead in unison.


What?” Tiff asked as she shrugged her shoulders.


“Drink your coffee.” Seohyun said with a mouth full of her own beverage.


“So not the time Tiff.” Sunny said after taking a large gulp from her much needed coffee. Jessica rolled her eyes at her bickering friends when she felt a slight movement beneath her as the girls voices increased in volume. Looking down, Jessica worried if Yuri had woken but as Jessica observed the brunette’s chest rise and fall at a slow pace she noticed curiously as Yuri’s lips parted slightly.


“Sica…” The words were so faint that Sunny, Seohyun and Tiffany stopped their bickering and gave Jessica and Yuri their undivided attention. Jessica herself couldn’t help the small smile develop in the corner of as Yuri tried to move into her but since the brunette was so covered with needles and bandages an attempt to move was futile.


“Sica-yah.” The tanned girl whispered again as her head arched into Jessica’s waist, the blonde’s touch never leaving her.


“Aww.” Tiff whispered at the sight and as Jessica lifted her eyes away from Yuri, she found her friends eyes watching her and the brunette, their eyes full of curiosity. The girls waited for Yuri to speak again but as the moments passed they slowly went back to drinking their coffee, however no one spoke.


“I told her that I love her.”  Jessica filled the silence as she continued to the un-bandaged part of Yuri’s head. Instantly she could feel all eyes on her, the intensity of the stare was enough to burn holes in her head. There were several minutes of silence, it wasn’t awkward, it was deafening. The girls waited for Jessica to speak but that was all she had. The only reason she would present such an intimate secret to her friends was because she wanted them to believe that she did have feelings, even if she didn't spend the last several years of school convincing them she didn’t.


“Well if you weren’t aware of her feeling before Tiff, you are now.” Seohyun chuckled and Jessica followed her humor. It was nice to be with her friends like this, even if the situation was not so idyllic, at least they were connecting. The years of Jessica’s dictatorial tyranny seem to float away. The girls had forgiven the blonde for who she was in the previous years. Her bullying and her horrid words were enough to almost permanently damage someone and perhaps that was why Donghae was the way he was but to them Jessica had grown in just the few short months of knowing Kwon Yuri.

“Well?” Sunny asked with her eyebrows raised asking Jessica a question without actually speaking.


“I said I love her too.” Yuri’s crackling voice broke the peace and it caused all four girls to jump.


“How are you feeling?” Jessica looked down at the brunette, her eyes still closed and her hand still on Jessica’s.


“I just want to go home Sica.” Yuri was oblivious to the others in the room. The brunette could only see Jessica, her eyes and heart were so focused on the blonde that she couldn’t think of anyone or anything else. Jessica felt for Yuri. The way the brunette was stuck in the hospital was heartbreaking and the thought of her being in there for more than a few days was just as heartbreaking.


“When can you go home?” Seohyun asked as she finished the last of her coffee, the smartest brunette looked a the frame of Yuri’s bed where her medical files sat in a hanger, pulling it out she looked over Yuri. “Do you mind?”


Not at all. I’m supposed ot be out within a week or so.” Yuri answered. Seohyun drew her attention to the folder in front of her, opening it she gave the papers her undivided attention and took in all the knowledge she could.


“You’ll be home soon Yul.” Jessica drew her attention back to her girlfriend who had been at the blonde’s thigh from underneath the blanket. It felt nice for both of them to feel some contact.


“Why don’t you go for a walk around?” Tiff suggested innocently, oblivious to Yuri’s condition. Seohyun’s eyes shot up from the folder in realization, she had read that the brunette was, for the moment, incapable of walking.


“Tiffany.” Seohyun said as she grabbed the red head’s attention and as she looked over Seohyun shook her head, indicating the red head to avoid the topic.


“What? I thought it would be good to-” Before Tiff could continue Seohyun almost shoved the folder in front of her showing the confused red head the full story. “Rehabilitation? For what?” Tiff felt herself begin to feel embarrassment when she couldn’t understand all the medical files. Sunny’s eyes shot up from her half finished coffee over to Tiff and Seohyun.


Yuri watched as her friends read through the files that revealed all her problems, the lack of lung capacity, the inability to walk and all her new wounds, it was all there in the files and as she continued to watch as their eyes rose up and down in a repetitive motion and the she could feel Jessica’s hand move back to her head supportively.

“I can’t walk.” Yuri finally stated as she was becoming tired of her friend’s eyes moving from the paper to her. Tiff and Sunny looked up sympathetically, they didn’t fully understand why but they were sure Seohyun would explain later. “For now anyway I will walk again.” Sun and Tiff instantly became relieved but since Seohyun understood the medical files she already had an understanding of what would be happening to Yuri over the next several weeks. There were numerous minutes of an awkward silence. Jessica felt bad for the situation Yuri was in and she could tell the brunette was struggling.


“When will they start with rehab?” Tiff’s question had a supportive tone but it doesn’t seem to help Yuri’s sense of depression, the brunette may have looked tired but now she was beginning to look low.


“It says tomorrow in here.” Seohyun comments whilst not looking up from Yuri’s folder.


“There you go.” Tiff said happily. As the room filled with silence again Jessica could tell Yuri was rapidly losing interest in the company surrounding her.


“Can you guys give us a second?” Jessica directs her friends the three look at each other before smiling and standing.


“I could use another coffee and there’s a cafe down the road.” Seohyun offers as they walk to the door. As Yuri heard the click on the handle being released she felt Jessica move from the bedhead to lie next to her.


“Don’t lose hope Yul. I know where your mind is.” Jessica watched Yuri’s mind process her words and she was well aware of what the brunette was thinking. “You will swim again. I promised you that.”


“And what if I don’t?” The brunette challenges, Jessica sat up and rested on her elbow while she leant softly against Yuri.


“Then we’ll just have to find something else you’re good at.” Her words were seductive and they coursed through Yuri as the blonde’s hands moved to arm, it slightly. Jessica’s mischievous behavior made Yuri chuckle and relax and she realized she had spent little time with just her girlfriend since everything that had happened with Donghae.


Leaning up towards Jessica, Yuri gently pressed their lips together and attempted to move her arms around the blonde’s neck. With several attempts failed the brunette began to feel depressed about her weakness, the feeling of not accomplishing the smallest task was becoming a burden. She wanted to touch Jessica. To feel her.

Noticing her struggle Jessica moved her hands to Yuri’s, interlocking their fingers.

“You’ll get there but don’t force yourself.” Jessica whispered as she slowly and carefully moved Yuri’s hand to the back of her neck. “There’s nothing wrong with asking for help.” Leaving a small kiss at the tip of Yuri’s nose Jessica felt the bandages on Yuri’s wrist rub against her skin. It was an odd sensation but the feel of Yuri’s hands against her was a good compensation.


“I want to touch you.” Yuri whispered into Jessica’s ear sending shivers all the way up to her spine. Though it would seem Yuri’s statement was ual both she and Jessica knew there was nothing ual about it, the pure innocence was that she needed to feel positive human contact and it was what she not only wanted but Jessica felt she needed it. The blonde’s suddenly felt pressured, the burning desire to satisfy the brunette pushed a certain urgency that caused her hands to shake. In an attempt to control herself Jessica left her hands to Yuri’s cheeks, though a good percentage of her face was covered with bandages, Jessica still found skin to touch. Through the moment Yuri felt her eyes close at the gentle, warm contact and slowly her fingers clucked to the back of Jessica’s neck. For the first time in what felt like an eternity Yuri felt Jessica’s skin properly and it was through her hands that she felt such perfection.


“You saved me.” Yuri whispered as Jessica’s hands continued to her skin, the blonde looked up from her task to the brunette’s eyes and saw the sincerity of her words.


“I know you would have done the same for me.” Jessica whispered back as she watched Yuri’s mind work.


“No, I mean…” Yuri began but Jessica’s sudden attention on her made her feel shy. Creating the courage to voice her thoughts Yuri softly kissed the blonde next to her. “...You saved me from myself. From what happened last year.” Jessica took a few moments to understand what Yuri was actually saying referring too but after consideration she smiled and brushed.


“I saved you?” Jessica forced the words from her mute lips, she had almost forgotten how to speak because of how shocking Yuri’s honesty was. The brunette nodded and Jessica could feel her becoming more understanding of the the girl beneath her.


“I love you Sicababy.” Yuri murmured as she gently pulled on the back of Jessica’s neck, the pain in her body momentarily disappearing at the contact.


“I love you too Yul.” She replied before letting Yuri draw into a chaste kiss. In the innocence of the moment neither Jessica nor Yuri heard the door open. It was not until a voice cleared their throat did it bring the two girls to jump apart. Drawing her attention towards the door Yuri found a beautiful young petite blonde standing patiently in the frame waiting for permission to enter, the brunette had no idea who the mystery woman was until Jessica’s breath got caught in .





We're back~ First day of spring break! Hehe! Doesn't feel like one since school left me work to do anyways. :( Anyways hope y'all like this update! See you tomorrow~ :)

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)