It All Gets A Little Too Much

Was I Dreaming?
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Two months have passed and Byul have learned a lot of things about Kim Yongsun. She knew the girl unlike anybody else in the whole world. Byul can list every single thing about Kim Yongsun, even things that Yongsun would never admit in her life. She knows her inside-out. It was crazy that in a matter of two months - just in two months, Byul and Yongsun were like bestfriends who have been together since they were born in this world. They were inseparable. They were attached to each other like super glue.

Everyone treat them like they're Krystal and Amber. Maybe even better.

Byul have stopped being Yongsun's assistant. The election ended two weeks ago and Yongsun won. It was inevitable because Yongsun has Byul on her side and that alone is already giving Yongsun a huge bonus point. Krystal, on the other side, was a little disappointed because she would have taken Byul as her own assistant if it wasn't for Kim Yongsun. She knew Byul isn't an average high school nerd, the girl have her own charms and she knew people will soon acknowledge it when they finally know what Byul is capable of.

Once the election is over, Krystal came up to Byul to say all those things.

Wheein and Hwasa were about to go and keep Byul company - you know how she is when she's around Krystal Jung - but Krystal said she only wants to talk to Byul alone. Byul was already as red as Taylor Swift's lipstick in her RED album cover, and it's not helping at all when Krystal was hugging Byul's arm like a clingy girlfriend. Weird how Byul's system seems like it was refusing to function when Krystal was talking to her or around her in general.

Really, no matter how much Byul falls for Kim Yongsun, Krystal was still her biggest crush. It was one thing Yongsun have acknowledge about Byul. She sometimes forgot that Byul was Krystal's biggest fan and Byul was no different, she sometimes forgot that she's sticking with Yongsun originally because of Krystal. Because of her stupid crush on Krystal, Byul ended up in this position.

Wait, no. It wasn't Krystal-sunbae's fault.

Yeah, right, Byul had a chance to say no but she said yes.

So it was her own fault.

She worked with Yongsun.

She's friends with Yongsun.

She's in love with Yongsun.

Yongsun? Well, that is still a mystery and Byul wished it would stay as a mystery. Byul have yet to find out who is the one person that makes Yongsun feel like how Byul felt for her. She knew the president was dating someone and she knew it was a boy from that other school. But Byul knows it better that Yongsun was dating them for no occasion, she definitely didn't date them because she falls in love with them.

And Byul failed to understand how the hell one can do such thing.

Moreover, someone like Kim Yongsun.

Kim Yongsun is attractive. No, that was an understatement. Yongsun is too attractive and the girl was taking advantage of it. Byul don't know how to react to it when Yongsun decided to let her know about this. She failed to see Yongsun's reason by telling her this. Yongsun has a boyfriend - correction, she has boyfriends. She has freaking boyfriends. She's not only have one, but two at the same time and Byul really don't know how the she should process it inside her head.

Byul finally realised Yongsun did it just for fun and Byul couldn't help but feel a little sorry for those boys Yongsun dated.

If Byul was a guy and she happen to have a chance to date Yongsun...she knew she'd end up like those guys.

I guess I'm glad I was born as a girl?

Pfft, what kind of reality is this? It's like Yongsun was never meant to be with Byul. Not romantically, that is.

Yongsun was texting someone while Byul was laying on Yongsun's bed. It's the weekend and Byul decided to hang out at Yongsun's house until late at night. No, she's not planning on sleeping over - the idea seemed fun and all but Byul would rather sleep on her own bed tonight.

She stole small glances at Yongsun. The latter was frowning and she looks a little annoyed.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Byul finally asked.

Yongsun looked up and her eyes met Byul's. They're slowly soften under Byul's gaze.

"You know Baekhyun-oppa, right?"

Byul mentally sighed deeply, but nodded nonetheless. "He annoyed you again?"

"He keeps asking me why I rarely text him."

"You're his girlfriend," Byul felt the huge urge to roll her eyes at Yongsun now. "Why don't you text him more often?"

"Because I don't like texting. I told you many times, Byul."

Byul narrowed her eyes. "We always text each other, you know." She's starting to doubt that reason because the fact says that Yongsun and Byul always, always texting with each other and they can spend a whole day texting with each other if they can't see one another. Yongsun made her feel glad she's her friend not her girlfriend.

"Our conversations are mostly important."

Now this made Byul chuckle. "Our conversations are pretty much similar to couples conversations. Which I think it's not really that important but I still enjoy it." She closed it with a teasing wink. Byul was expecting a hit on her arm from Yongsun, but she received none. The only thing she felt was Yongsun's weight on her shoulder. Byul moved so they both can lay down on the bed, cuddling. It's always more comfortable that way.

"And I enjoy it too, that's why it's different, Byul." Yongsun admitted it softly as she held up her phone and starts opening her inbox. There are mostly messages from Byul. It made her smile knowing Yongsun was keeping all their text conversations. "See? My inbox is full of your messages." Then she tap on one message from her boyfriend, Byul was about to ask why Yongsun show her this, but Yongsun got it ahead of her. "You can see it yourself, the way he wrote his messages are...I don't know, a little too much? Does he really need to call me 'cutie'?"

Byul laughs at Yongsun's antics and she still feel sorry for that Baekhyun boy because it seems like Yongsun is going to break up with him soon.

"What about that other guy..." Or not. Yongsun still has one more boyfriend to entertain her, she thought. "...Minhyuk, was it?"

"Mmhm, what about him?"

"I haven't heard you complaining about him."

"Oh, so you want me to complain about Minhyuk-oppa?"

"No, not that... I was just wondering if you enjoy dating him because the last time I checked, yo

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
219 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!