[B] The Sun Learns About The Moon

Was I Dreaming?
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A/N: Some readers were asking for Yongsun's POV and how Yongsun would think of Moonbyul. So I came up with this extra chapter. It's like a "B side" of chapter 6. I planned to just jump into Yongsun taking notes about Byul, but that would be rushing the story and I would like everyone to know a bit of Yongsun's background. So here it is... I believe this chapter ended up longer than I originally plan.

I am trying my best to not break too much 4th-wall here... I'm sorry if I did in the end.

And this chapter really turned out to be way longer to be called an "extra" chapter.

Kim Yongsun is like a new trend at the school. She goes with the name of "Solar" - it's like a stage name for her. Every student, even teachers are talking about her and her talent. She was originally famous at the school but recently rumors about her are spreading like a wild fire that some of them aren't even make sense. She was prepared with all the attention, she was afraid at first but it didn't take long for her to adjust with everything, especially when Krystal and Amber were there to help her.

Jung Soo-jung, or famously known as Krystal and along with her tomboyish friend, Amber Josephine Liu were the ones that are formerly famous at the school before Yongsun. They still are though.

They started being friends when Krystal was assigned to be Yongsun's tutor. Amber turned out to be a little attach with Krystal that at times, Amber will tag along with Krystal as the latter tutoring Yongsun. Yongsun isn't really good with her academics, she was a little left behind and she had to get the best person to help her with that and at that time, Krystal was the best she could possibly get. Her parents are a little strict when it comes to her study.

Getting along with the two of them are fairly easy. Mainly because Krystal is really strict and she's not going to hesitate to scold the younger girl, even with Yongsun's parents around but despite all that, Krystal was actually really nice. Amber was just originally a fun person to be around. She is...very handsome for a girl, but she still has a heart of a girl. She still gets embarrassed over things, especially when that something involved Krystal. Yongsun was never an observant kind of person, but seeing Amber and Krystal's interactions somehow telling her that there is something behind it.

She doesn't want to get into much detail about it, but she learnt at certain moments, she had to pretend not being in the scene for the two of them.

Maybe they're together like the rumor said...

She doesn't mind if the rumor was true.

Yongsun thought it's sweet and somehow make sense with the way Amber acts around Krystal and how Krystal reacts to Amber's antics.

Yongsun never really get into a serious relationship, she ever gone out with a few boys back in Junior High School, even she dated two boys during her first year of High School. But she never really fall for them. She just don't know what it's really like to fall in love with someone. She likes being with her former boyfriends, they're nice and gentle and they're most definitely good-looking, they're willing to do whatever Yongsun wants, yet Yongsun never go beyond "liking" them. They're willing to spend money on their dates and Yongsun never let a boy spend only pennies on dates. Sometimes she thinks it was a little ridiculous how one person would do everything for someone - for her. Yongsun know it for a fact that she don't want to waste her money on her boyfriend.

Why would she? Boys should pay for girls. Isn't that the rule?

If it's like that then...what if the situation is like Krystal and Amber? They're both girls, do they split the money or something? One time, Yongsun asked the two of her friends just out of curiosity. It wasn't a bold question like, "Who would pay on your dates?" but something more indirect like, "When you guys hang out, who will usually spend money?"

Surprisingly, Yongsun received two different answers from each of them.

Krystal said, "Mostly we use our own money, but sometimes Amber insist on paying. I'm almost used to it now that she's getting more often paying for us."

While the tomboy girl said, "I did. Mostly. I just feel the need to do that to her though. But sometimes she will threat me if I don't let her pay and you know her...you will most likely don't want to see her threat getting real."

Wow, now they really seem like they're together.

Yongsun kept it for herself, of course. After all, it was just her being overly curious over something that isn't really important.

But that's about it, the start of how Kim Yongsun are now close friends with the famous President along with the handsome bestfriend.

Now let's pull it back to square one where Yongsun found herself being the center of attention since she decided to run for student council president.

She never planned or dreamed or ever wanting the spot Krystal currently sitting on. The title: Student Council President was far too alien for Kim Yongsun. It all started because of how she turned out to be so famous at school and Amber joked: "You were so famous that if you ever run for president right now, I'm sure you'll win." but of course both Krystal and Yongsun took it as a joke.

Even Yongsun said that she never wanted the spot. "Besides, I am nowhere in Unnie's level." She added.

But because of that additional opinion, Krystal finally spoke up and said that saying something like that is pure nonsense.

Then the other opinions followed.

From everyone.

"Maybe you should really try it."

"If it's you, maybe I can trust this spot."

"Yongsun-ssi, are you going to run for the next president?"

"Solar could be the perfect candidate! She's famous enough to get many votes!"

"Sunbae, please be the next president! We will give you our full support!"

Even her parents.

"I heard about the next election. You should try and show them what you're capable of doing."

And so on until it came down to how things are right now.

Standing in front of the students in the school's auditorium. Some students were shouting for her name, many pair of eyes were looking at her way in a lot of admiration, but she caught one pair of eyes that were looking at her way with a lot of curiosity. She don't know this person, all she know about this student was that she was the girl she bumped when she's running towards the auditorium. It was embarrassing but she was glad that the girl didn't make a big fuzz over it.

Little did she know, her name is Moon Byul Yi.

Well, I saw her nametag.

And she's a huge fan of Krystal.

"Krystal-sunbae, you can do it!"

Yeap, a big fan indeed.

It was happening so fast and she never knew when did she started to take things so seriously about this election. Maybe it's her parents, maybe it's Krystal and Amber, maybe it's everyone's huge expectations from her. She wasn't really sure, but she sure found herself in her competitive mode once the election started. Krystal purposely intimidate Yongsun in all sorts of way when she's at school, at first Yongsun thought the older girl actually have grudge towards her but soon she found out from Amber that Krystal just want the competition be fair. Krystal also sent her a text at night saying that Yongsun needs to focus on winning.

"Show me that you can surpass me, Solar-ssi."

Krystal loves competition and she don't want to be disappointed just because Yongsun is her friend.

Krystal wants Yongsun to take it the hard way with everything she has.

So they ended up being enemies at school. Only at school.

She started learning stuff about how to run for student council president. When she normally would go to the bookstore and buy all her favourite manhwa, she kept that urge and she ended up buying books about various "how-to" in order to become a trustworthy candidate. She was preparing herself to meet her soon-to-be assistant.

Krystal said she'll be needing one. Amber said one needs to be smart enough.

So they sorted out a few straight-A students to be Yongsun's assistant.

The three of them thought that it would be easy, but turns out that most of the smartasses at this school aren't interested to be involved with the student council. Moreover dealing with these popular kids. They said studying are hectic enough, keeping their grades is a more than enough challenge for them so they don't need any more competition at school.

One of the students actually said a different excuse and that is because she's a fan of Krystal.

She said she don't want to compete against Krystal; if it's not too much to ask, she said she'd be more than willing to be Krystal's assistant instead.

Of course, the girl ended up being out of the list. Then Krystal remembered one smart student that could possibly be the one for Yongsun.

Krystal said this girl will probably say yes despite her being Krystal's big fan, so she asked Amber to find this girl's class and how is she holding up at school, grades and all. It surprises both Krystal and Amber herself that this girl actually nailed first place in her class and she's famous among the teachers. Teachers love her because she's the most talkative during class and even though she's a little out of place at times, she still manage to help a few students and befriended some students in her class.

The president had no second thought in wanting this girl to be Yongsun's assistant- secretly, she even want to have this kid to be Krystal's personal assistant instead.

Yongsun doesn't know a thing about this. Krystal only said they found one perfect girl for Yongsun, she even bother to mention this girl's criteria and this girl is famous among the teachers. Yongsun admit that the girl sounded cool and being partners with such person must help her a lot as a candidate. So she asked Krystal when she's going to see this girl, Krystal said she can see her the next day and asked to meet at student council room after school.

She came late because it was her turn to clean up the class before going home.

She knew first impression is important and she look like a mess after cleaning up the classroom, but Yongsun brush away that first-impression thing.

"Ouch- that hurt!" She could faintly heard Amber's voice. The girl must annoy the president again. "Yongsun~~ She hit my foreheaaaaaad~"

She slides the door open and soon welcomed by the sight of the president nearby the president's desk, "Oh, you're here." She said.

Then Amber who is sitting on that chair. "Yeah, sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything-"

...and a black-haired girl sitting on one of the chairs.

"Eh? Moon Byul Yi?"

Coincidence? She think not.

"You know her, Yongsun?"

"Whoa, this looking more like

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
224 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!