Why Are You Hesitating?

Was I Dreaming?
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When Byul decided to not end things with Yongsun, she was sure of her own words. She was sure she’s going to make it work and she will not let go of Yongsun because Yongsun told her she herself is the source of Yongsun’s happiness at the moment. So Byul use that to hold on to this relationship.

It’s not like Byul was ready to leave Yongsun that time.

She’s not ready, but she will try to as long as Yongsun is happy. She knows she will be the one who got hurt from all this but she’s in too deep.

She fell hard and she only keep on falling deeper.

She used to know that the deeper she’s falling, the harder the impact will be. But Yongsun makes her feel like she can do anything. She makes her feel like getting hurt will be worth it if it’s for Yongsun.

It starting to get real.

It is starting to get a little unhealthy, her feelings.

Byul was never a jealous type, but she feels like there’s someone lighting up that jealousy fire in her when she sees her girlfriend having fun, laughing, leaning over, one of the student council members. The girl was from Yongsun’s class, they’re classmate and Byul shouldn’t take it seriously.

She tried though she failed.

“Can I come over today?”

“No.” Byul replied shortly.

Yongsun was quick to notice the change of mood. Byul would never give her such a dry answer and when she does, something must up.

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

“We both know that’s a lie.”

Byul lets out an annoyed sigh which only annoy Yongsun as well. “Look, you came over three days ago. Do you want your parents to get suspicious?” Byul raises her voice a little and immediately regret it as soon as she sees Yongsun’s face.

It’s starting to get on Yongsun’s nerves, the way Byul is acting. She was offended with the way Byul raising her voice at her. Yongsun knew there’s something that pissed Byul off at some point but her attitude only makes Yongsun even more pissed.

She thought Byul could have said it better.

“She doesn’t have to make it sound as if she’s sick of me coming over her place.” Yongsun muttered. “Must she really take it all out on me?”

“I’m sorry,” She heard Byul's voice said. Yongsun was ready to take a step and leave the scene if it wasn't because Byul holding her by the arm.

“You should just be honest if you’re getting sick of me visiting your place.” Yongsun managed to muttered out, still feeling pissed with Byul and even refuse to turn around to face the younger girl.

Then she heard a sigh.

If Yongsun were to listen to that particular sigh carefully, she would know that it was a defeated sigh. Meaning Byul admitted that no matter what, Byul will always submit to Yongsun as if she’s dedicating her whole life for the older girl.

“It wasn’t like that at all.”

And with that, Byul intertwined her hand with Yongsun’s as she leads them to her place wordlessly.

It is no more a surprise that the first thing registering their mind as they entered Byul’s place was to take each other’s clothes off and feel the exposed bare skin caressing on another in an intimately affectionate way.

Byul doesn’t know when did she find out about this but whenever she or Yongsun had a bad mood, they will not settle it with pure talk but instead it will be solved way faster after engaging in a ual . Byul noticed Yongsun can easily tell her many things after and sometimes she even thought, was the only way she can get Yongsun to actually talk to her.

To say the least, the same nearly goes for her as well.

It could be their teenager’s hormones acting up. After all, for a high school student like Byul and Yongsun, experiencing something so ‘intimate’ was something they can’t miss. Especially, they’re doing it with their loved ones.


Yes, love indeed.

Byul was sure they’re in love. They’re madly in love. Byul remembered it so well how sometimes, after yet another ual activity they shared, Byul will cook something for them to eat together and it became a habit for Yongsun to tail her around the kitchen. Sometimes side-hugging the younger girl. Other times latching herself onto Byul’s back—almost as if Yongsun couldn’t stand being too far away from Byul for too long. Byul didn’t protest, she likes it whenever Yongsun acts like a clingy girlfriend with her.

Then one moment, Yongsun told her she wants to stay like this forever if she can. She said she can get used to have Byul around for her. She said she can picture herself living under the same roof with Byul—in other words, being married to Byul.

It took Byul by surprise, of course.

They’re high school students for goodness sake. They’re like, what, seventeen? Eighteen? Byul wasn’t even legal yet! And here, Yongsun casually throw things such as seeing her future with the taller girl. It’s not like such thought never crossed Byul’s mind—believe me, it crosses her mind all the time—but it wasn’t something she can discuss with Yongsun. After all, what can they even do about it?

But Byul loves Yongsun too much to crush the shorter girl’s little family dream with Byul, so she plays along with her. Feeding her with the thoughts Yongsun wanted to hear from her. It earns her a sweet smile, a small appreciation kiss on her cheek and a whole different kiss on her nape.

Months passed by and next thing Byul know, she’s an eleventh grader.

Krystal and Amber-sunbae—including the rest of students from her batch—have graduated and are busy entering their new chapter in life as college students. Last but not least, Yongsun was in her senior year. She’s in her last year of High School and soon enough, she will leave too. She’s still the president for a few months more before the next election is being held.

Honestly, things between her and Yongsun have been good all this time. They can manage their time well-enough, Yongsun as clingy as the first time they decided to do this more discreetly, and Byul learned to be more understanding with their relationship. To say the least, they’re still standing tall and proud though still in secret.

Krystal have told Yongsun that it will be harder in her senior year. She wasn’t only talking about the school’s academics, but she’s also talking about her relationship with Byul. Without Krystal going to the same school again, Yongsun can no longer sell her name to visit her girlfriend’s place.

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
224 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!