. panicked lines .

Opposites attract [new version]
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Mark was pacing in his room, hands on his waist. Jinyoung collapsing on him wasn’t the best thing to encounter after a rough day. Youngjae didn’t respond to his texts. Jisoo was stuck in a chemistry lab but promised to come later.

A knock on his door made his heart pound faster. He rotated the doorknob, revealing the blonde-haired supervisor.


“Mark, Can I come in? Jisoo called.”


“Oh, He passed out and isn’t responding.” He bit his lips, tracking her movements. She was checking his wrist’s vitals and breathing calmly, unlike his panic.


“Hello! Shouldn’t we call an ambulance? Let’s take him to the hospital. I’m talking to you, hello?” The girl was ignoring him, focused on checking Jinyoung like she was a top-notch doctor.


“He is okay, probably from fatigue. The doctor will come to run some tests and make sure he is okay.”


“Dr. Rose figured that after checking his vitals? I will take him to the hospital.” Mark didn’t mean to mock her, it just slipped out.


Rose responded to his mockery with an assuring smile. “Future doctor.” She corrected. “And the current supervisor who is responsible. You need to calm down. He will be fine.”

Mark found himself taking a deep breath to calm down. He ended up sitting next to her. His tapping feet grabbed the girl’s attention. “He will be okay. Weren’t you fighting over nothing until yesterday?” She .


“He is an , but I won’t be happy to leave him in this state,” Mark responded, his hands clenching on his knees to stop his legs. “Oh. Such an angel.” She chuckled. “I never asked. What’s your major?”


“Computer engineering, a sophomore.” He answered, glancing at the door to see any sign of the doctor.


A delicate finger snapped to catch his attention. Her unique double eyelids above her eyes touched up her innocence while her playful smile and light giggles were distracting her anxiousness.


“You are really worried, huh? You didn’t even ask me back?”


“Huh?” Mark’s stutter made her giggle. “I’m a third-year medical student.”


“Sorry for being late. Is there anything serious?” The doctor appeared, saving Mark from his awkwardness.


“Fatigue. Can you check on him to make sure?” Rose politely asked the doctor, helping him out.


“Sorry for calling instead of the ambulance. He made a fuss last time.”


“He collapsed like that before?” Mark asked in confusion. “I’m not sure if this is frequent, but it occurred in his first semester,” Rose explained with a sigh, sadness clear in her eyes.


“He needs a good rest. I put on a cannula so you can inject fluids or medication to stabilize his condition if he gets worse.” The doctor informed Rose, who nodded in understanding.


“Thank you,”


After the doctor left the duo, Mark found himself confused, half-relieved, and half-worried. Rose tried to distract him with little chats from time and time until Jisoo arrived, breathing heavily like she was sprinting to the room.

“What happened? Is he okay?” She asked the moment her eyes fell on Jinyoung. Mark swallowed the fear of the possibility that this worried look might have been something more than a shock because of the incident.

“He is sleeping, nothing to worry about.” he answered, glancing at the familiar, black-leathered jacket she was holding tightly. “Why do you have his jacket?” His sudden stern voice shocked the two girls.

“He forgot it in the lab with his phone,” she hesitantly answered.

“We don’t care that much, Jisoo.”


“I was clear, and we had a deal to stay away from him.” He didn’t need an explanation for the action. It was clear how the action showed Jisoo’s kindness to the wrong person. He didn’t react to her pout, crossing his arms.

“It’s not the time for this, Jisoo. Let’s have some coffee.” Rose broke the tension, taking Jisoo out of the room.

Hours later, with no sign of waking up, the screen of Jinyoung’s phone illuminated, vibrating non-stop inside the cursed jacket’s pocket. Mark took out

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 35: They really should talk it out with each other especially Jinyoung. He should stop putting up with his badboy acts. Also wonder what actually happened when she encountered him at the club. And why is Kihyun and her flirting like that? LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 34: Oho... Jinyoung and Jaebum had to go and have a friction like that? Although, I can understand both perspective, I'm still hoping they resolve it soon. I mean don't they just have each other to rely on? Also, poor Jisoo! Wonder what he went and did this time... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 25: More mystery! Was he really hallucinating? And was he really on the rooftop edge? And Jisoo couldn't bring him out of it? So many questions... Can't wait to see how they all get unraveled in the further chapters. So will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 23: Oh, those two were actually good and caring about each other. And yet, aren't together. Wonder what had happened between them for them to not be together anymore. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 21: Jisoo suffering from the hangover and refusing to acknowledge whatever happened when she was drunk was kinda funny but also understandable. I mean I'd be embarrassed and would want to hide too. LoL... and I'm not exactly sure what happened with Jinyoung at the end, but I assume it's mostly my brain processing stuff or failure to do so or maybe the things would become clearer in the further chapters. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 20: Jinyoung was definitely jealous there (at the beginning of the chapter), wasn't he? LoL... But it's a good thing he came across Mark. Otherwise he wouldn't have come to know about Jisoo's terrible ex and so wouldn't have gotten to her, right? Also, did he inform Mark about finding her or is Mark still going around searching for her? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 19: Jinyoung and Jisoo doing programming. I'm just curious. Are you a programmer or have interest in programming? Asking for research purpose. LoL XD jokes aside, I'm curious about what Jackson asked Jisoo. They broke up, didn't they? Isn't that why she was reacting like that? And what's up with Jinyoung though? Is that jealousy I'm sending? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 17: The Girls' hangouts was fun indeed! For some odd reason, I couldn't imagine Bambam as a tall guy. Not sure why though. LoL... Anyway, how things go better between those two. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 15: For a moment I didn't understand why Jaebum was like that until Jinyoung asked him about the number of pills he took. So both of them have a psychological issue that they are keeping as a secret and safeguarding each other from their other friends? Wonder what traumatic events caused them to be so... Also, Jisoo is really sweet despite her own insecurities and Jinyoung being cold to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
PS the starting part of this chapter/or nearly the whole chapter has been reposted (like a loop) multiple times. Just thought would let you know!
2026 streak #10
Chapter 14: This was another fun chapter! Well, except for the Jaebum and Jennie part. Wonder what happened between them. The rest all were cute, especially Rose shutting down Mark's anger like that. She did that on purpose to save those two, didn't she? Or was it unintentional? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^