. movie night II .

Opposites attract [new version]
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I still see you every sunset.


Never in a million years did Jaebum expect that his fate could be more painful. He had prayed day and night to see the girl who had stolen his heart, only in his dreams or their memories at sunset.


Life getting better was temporary, and fate was a sly fox who struck him right in his heart.



He was next to Youngjae, scrolling through his phone to pick the movie to watch.



“Jennie, Hi. Oh, I’m coming.”


The name shouldn’t have affected him, but it did. He shook his head, focused on the long list he should pick from.



Youngjae chose a movie called Frozen, thinking it would suit an adult movie night for an unknown reason, but no one could reject an otter.



“Everyone says hello to Jennie Kim, Jisoo’s new roommate.”



“Hello. I’m Jennie Kim.” It was short, but significant enough to have Jaebum’s heart drop. Blood running cold the moment he looked up.


In the middle of the crowd, two pairs of eyes met. As if time stopped to make sure they hear their hearts shutter into pieces, his trembling hands dropped the phone without breaking eye contact.



“Are you okay, Hyung?” Youngjae’s whisper pulled him back to reality, and he nodded. He bent down to grab his phone, and a message popped up from his best friend.




He feigned assurance to his suspicious friend, watching him intently. It might have been a good excuse to leave or run to gain control of his mixed emotions, but his body and mind were frozen.


“Jaebum, catch your beer.”


His eyes betrayed him once again; instead of looking at Yugyeom, they diverted to her magnetic ones for a few stolen seconds.


“Pass me this, Gyeom. Jaebum doesn’t drink.” Jinyoung backed him up, throwing another worried glance at him.



“We are working.”


“You are working, I’m not.”


“Aren’t we in this project together?”


“So, let’s get drunk together or Can’t you handle alcohol, Jisoo-ya?”



Jaebum faintly heard the silly fight that somehow got replaced with the voices of the movie mixed with hushed conversations. Concentrating on the animation was a challenge as his mind raced with memories of Jennie and an overwhelming array of thoughts. Questions flooded his consciousness, making it difficult to focus.


Out of all places. Why is she here?


Did she leave her grandmother behind?


Is she okay?


She looks pale.


Did my parents recruit her to follow me?


Why? Why? Why?


Overwhelmed by painful emotions, the urge to run, scream, or paint aggressively, Jaebum was drowning in dangerous feelings from the past. To save himself, he left the room without a word.


He found himself in the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand and his medicine held by the other.


“Get your together, Lim Jaebum.” He hissed at himself, slipping a pill into his mouth before gulping the water.



“I’m glad that you stopped drinking.” He didn’t need to turn to recognize the voice behind him; it was neither far nor close, but five meters away was enough to make him impulsive, gulping the water with another pill even though he shouldn’t.



“Are you okay, JayB?”



His hands clutched tightly on the counter as he gazed at her. Seeing her delicate face contorted with worry, yet still radiating hope at just the sight of him, brought a pain to his heart. However, he didn't console her or express how much he longed for her - instead; he kept quiet. He was willing to suppress all his emotions if that would make her return to their hometown.



“Better than before. Did they send you to babysit me?”



Her eyes twitched like shattered glass or a heart. “I---Hear me---”


“Tell my parents that I’m fine and need no babysitter to watch over me.” His tone was aggressive enough to seal shut.


It was hard to keep his hatred masked when he noticed the tears running down her cheeks as he

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 35: They really should talk it out with each other especially Jinyoung. He should stop putting up with his badboy acts. Also wonder what actually happened when she encountered him at the club. And why is Kihyun and her flirting like that? LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 34: Oho... Jinyoung and Jaebum had to go and have a friction like that? Although, I can understand both perspective, I'm still hoping they resolve it soon. I mean don't they just have each other to rely on? Also, poor Jisoo! Wonder what he went and did this time... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 25: More mystery! Was he really hallucinating? And was he really on the rooftop edge? And Jisoo couldn't bring him out of it? So many questions... Can't wait to see how they all get unraveled in the further chapters. So will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 23: Oh, those two were actually good and caring about each other. And yet, aren't together. Wonder what had happened between them for them to not be together anymore. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 21: Jisoo suffering from the hangover and refusing to acknowledge whatever happened when she was drunk was kinda funny but also understandable. I mean I'd be embarrassed and would want to hide too. LoL... and I'm not exactly sure what happened with Jinyoung at the end, but I assume it's mostly my brain processing stuff or failure to do so or maybe the things would become clearer in the further chapters. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 20: Jinyoung was definitely jealous there (at the beginning of the chapter), wasn't he? LoL... But it's a good thing he came across Mark. Otherwise he wouldn't have come to know about Jisoo's terrible ex and so wouldn't have gotten to her, right? Also, did he inform Mark about finding her or is Mark still going around searching for her? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 19: Jinyoung and Jisoo doing programming. I'm just curious. Are you a programmer or have interest in programming? Asking for research purpose. LoL XD jokes aside, I'm curious about what Jackson asked Jisoo. They broke up, didn't they? Isn't that why she was reacting like that? And what's up with Jinyoung though? Is that jealousy I'm sending? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 17: The Girls' hangouts was fun indeed! For some odd reason, I couldn't imagine Bambam as a tall guy. Not sure why though. LoL... Anyway, how things go better between those two. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 15: For a moment I didn't understand why Jaebum was like that until Jinyoung asked him about the number of pills he took. So both of them have a psychological issue that they are keeping as a secret and safeguarding each other from their other friends? Wonder what traumatic events caused them to be so... Also, Jisoo is really sweet despite her own insecurities and Jinyoung being cold to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
PS the starting part of this chapter/or nearly the whole chapter has been reposted (like a loop) multiple times. Just thought would let you know!
2026 streak #10
Chapter 14: This was another fun chapter! Well, except for the Jaebum and Jennie part. Wonder what happened between them. The rest all were cute, especially Rose shutting down Mark's anger like that. She did that on purpose to save those two, didn't she? Or was it unintentional? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^