. under the same sky again .

Opposites attract [new version]
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It felt unfair how his unsettled feelings were dramatic to bug him over some words when, logically, his words made sense. Why her appointments had a priority over him when parties to him were equally important to her anniversary? 


Jinyoung regretted missing his loud parties just to make sure she wasn’t overworking herself. Instead of thinking twice about the pain behind her glare or how she stormed out of the library, trembling instead of jumping for joy or proudly showing off her boyfriend, he shouldn't have cared for a stranger and treated her as the girls before her, the foolish strangers he wasn't indebted to whenever they agreed to do his work. 


The fact that the mysterious boyfriend never debuted on any occasion during the past months conflicted with Jisoo’s persona and the more he thought of how many hours he spent with Jisoo and never the called boyfriend called or even texted her or at least threatened him to back off his girl were all riddles that lead to two either there was no boyfriend, or Jisoo was really cheating on the pal, slapping Jinyoung the plot twist of the history.


Jinyoung laughed in disbelief at his nonsense conclusions, twisting the doorknob of his room. His eyes squinted, not expecting to see the fluorescent light invading his sacred darkroom. 


“I thought you were a thief,” Mark teased, resting his back against the pillow after checking his identity.


 "Are you finally here to experience the beauty of a nap or some decent sleep?"


“The beauty of the party,” Jinyoung corrected, avoiding the trap behind the tricky wish. Jaebum had already warned him about the constant questions from the roommates concerning his insufficient rest and brief stays in the shared space. He saw no reason to explain his night-time behavior to a complete stranger.


“I doubt Jisoo let you at this hour to party. Did you run away?” 


“She is the one who did that in the middle of our study for her third anniversary. But don’t worry, I will certainly bail multiple times soon.” Jinyoung said in a mocking, angry tone as he opened the closet with force.

“What did you say?”


“I’m not repeating my words, Markiepooh.” He sassed bitterly, ignoring the way Mark jumped off the bed, standing next to him.


“How did you---, Taehyung called?” 


Jinyoung glanced at him with a quirked eyebrow. “The boyfriend? No, the fencer did.” He said, shuffling his hung clothes.


“Stupid, Jackson.” Mark cursed while scrolling down his phone before he pressed a certain number. 


“He is.” Jinyoung picked up a black turtleneck and grey wide jeans before he passed by his pacing roommate to the bathroom. He didn’t have time to deal with Mark’s panicked mood over everything and nothing. He should focus on how thrilling the party would be instead. 


He tucked the fitted turtleneck in his jeans, securing his waist with a black leather belt. A knock on the door made him sigh as he slicked his hair back, turning his head to the opened door. 


“Can you share with me the bars near the campus and here?” Mark asked his phone still calling the unresponsive recipient.


“Since when?” He mocked, checking his reflection in the mirror one last time. 


“I need to find Jisoo before she does something stupid. We are in a big new city that we know nothing about!” Mark muttered under his breath, hand on his waist as he paced back and forth. Jinyoung tilted his head in confusion, turning his

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 35: They really should talk it out with each other especially Jinyoung. He should stop putting up with his badboy acts. Also wonder what actually happened when she encountered him at the club. And why is Kihyun and her flirting like that? LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 34: Oho... Jinyoung and Jaebum had to go and have a friction like that? Although, I can understand both perspective, I'm still hoping they resolve it soon. I mean don't they just have each other to rely on? Also, poor Jisoo! Wonder what he went and did this time... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 25: More mystery! Was he really hallucinating? And was he really on the rooftop edge? And Jisoo couldn't bring him out of it? So many questions... Can't wait to see how they all get unraveled in the further chapters. So will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 23: Oh, those two were actually good and caring about each other. And yet, aren't together. Wonder what had happened between them for them to not be together anymore. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 21: Jisoo suffering from the hangover and refusing to acknowledge whatever happened when she was drunk was kinda funny but also understandable. I mean I'd be embarrassed and would want to hide too. LoL... and I'm not exactly sure what happened with Jinyoung at the end, but I assume it's mostly my brain processing stuff or failure to do so or maybe the things would become clearer in the further chapters. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 20: Jinyoung was definitely jealous there (at the beginning of the chapter), wasn't he? LoL... But it's a good thing he came across Mark. Otherwise he wouldn't have come to know about Jisoo's terrible ex and so wouldn't have gotten to her, right? Also, did he inform Mark about finding her or is Mark still going around searching for her? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 19: Jinyoung and Jisoo doing programming. I'm just curious. Are you a programmer or have interest in programming? Asking for research purpose. LoL XD jokes aside, I'm curious about what Jackson asked Jisoo. They broke up, didn't they? Isn't that why she was reacting like that? And what's up with Jinyoung though? Is that jealousy I'm sending? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 17: The Girls' hangouts was fun indeed! For some odd reason, I couldn't imagine Bambam as a tall guy. Not sure why though. LoL... Anyway, how things go better between those two. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 15: For a moment I didn't understand why Jaebum was like that until Jinyoung asked him about the number of pills he took. So both of them have a psychological issue that they are keeping as a secret and safeguarding each other from their other friends? Wonder what traumatic events caused them to be so... Also, Jisoo is really sweet despite her own insecurities and Jinyoung being cold to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
PS the starting part of this chapter/or nearly the whole chapter has been reposted (like a loop) multiple times. Just thought would let you know!
2026 streak #10
Chapter 14: This was another fun chapter! Well, except for the Jaebum and Jennie part. Wonder what happened between them. The rest all were cute, especially Rose shutting down Mark's anger like that. She did that on purpose to save those two, didn't she? Or was it unintentional? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^