A perfect birthday = a happy Jihoon

Love wins all







At noon, as planned, Jimin comes to pick me up at the shop so we can go to the small café where we usually go every Monday and Thursday. He orders our favorite dishes, and we talk about the latest neighborhood news while sharing ideas for Jihoon's birthday party. Exceptionally, and as every year since Jihoon has been part of our lives, he took the rest of his day off to help me with the preparations. While I will go pick up Jihoon from school, he plans to set up the party room with my parents and my brother. Jimin has always had a natural talent for organizing events that make an impression, and his help is always invaluable.

— Do you think Jihoon will like the surprise ? he asks me, sipping his latte.

— Absolutely. You know how much he loves to be surprised, I reply with a smile. The treasure hunt will be perfect for him and his friends.

— I can't believe he's already eleven years old. It goes by so fast.

— Neither can I.

A small smile appears on my face. Eleven years. Jihoon is eleven years old now. He's growing up so fast... We finish our meal quietly, Jimin and I exchanging a knowing look at the mention of memories from Jihoon's previous birthdays. Every year, we have sought to make his celebrations more special and memorable, and this year is no exception.

Jimin checks his phone, then looks at me with a determined expression.

— A bouquet of colorful balloons will add to the magic, don't you think ?

— A bouquet of balloons, that's a great idea, Jimin. Jihoon will love to see the room decorated with so many colors.

— Right ?

I nod with a smile, and we continue to chat until there's nothing left on our trays. After paying the bill, we stand up to leave the café. The midday sun shines bright, and the air is soft and welcoming. On the way to the car, Jimin seems thoughtful, his eyes lost in the distance.

— You know, he confides to me, each passing year reminds me why I'm so happy here, with you and Jihoon. You really changed my life.

I gave him a grateful smile, moved by what he had just said. For us, Jimin is more than a friend; he has become an essential part of our family. We met in high school and, although we were in the same class, we were never particularly close. After high school, Jimin went abroad for his higher studies, and we lost all contact. Our paths crossed again at a time when my life was shrouded in deep darkness. When I found out I was pregnant, my world fell apart even more. Lost, I thought abortion was my only way out, but then Jimin reappeared in my life.

The accumulated stress had overwhelmed me to the point of fainting in the middle of the street. It was Jimin who came to my rescue. He carried me to the hospital in his car and stayed by my bedside until I regained consciousness. As a doctor, he insisted that I should not leave the hospital, given my great weakness and extreme fatigue. I don't remember exactly how we ended up getting close, but I remember confiding to him my despair and thoughts of abortion. When he let me listen to Jihoon's heartbeat for the first time, tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. It was then that I realized that nothing was more important than the little life growing inside me.

— We are just as lucky to have you, Jimin. You are an incredible person, and I am proud to stand by your side.

— You're really too cute, Sora, you know that ?

He looks at me smiling, and I can't help but laugh softly. During the rest of the journey, we say nothing, enjoying this sweet and pleasant silence.

When we arrive at the car, Jimin starts it and we head towards the party room where my parents and my brother must already be preparing the festivities. During the ride, we discuss the details of the treasure hunt that Jimin helped organize. Each clue leads to a location that has a special meaning for Jihoon, with personalized puzzles that tell stories of his past adventures.

— He's going to love following the trail, that's for sure. The puzzles based on his own stories will make him so proud, Jimin explains enthusiastically.

— Yes, and the final puzzle will lead him to his main gift. You've really thought of everything.

We arrive at the party room, and it's already transformed. My parents and Yoon-gi have hung garlands and lights everywhere, and the room looks like a colorful little paradise. Jimin rushes to help, unloading the additional decorations and discussing the last adjustments with my brother.

I then decide to go pick up Jihoon from school. Upon arrival, I find him laughing with his friends, who were all aware of the big party that would take place in a few hours. His face lights up when he sees me.

Eomma ! You came early today, he exclaims, running towards me.

— Yes, honey. We have a very busy afternoon ahead, I say, ruffling his hair.

— Oh yeah ? What are we going to do ?

— First, we're going to meet Grandpa at the park. He insisted on seeing you.

In truth, his grandpa and I were tasked with taking care of Jihoon for an hour or two to give the others time to finish the preparations, but he wasn't supposed to know that.

— Are we really going to meet Grandpa now ? he asks, his eyes full of mischief.

— Yes. Let's hurry. He must have been waiting for a while.

All happy, Jihoon takes my hand, and we talk passionately about his day at school. Apparently, a new student was transferred to his class, and it was Jihoon who was charged with showing him around the school.

After taking a taxi and walking for about ten minutes to the nearest park in our neighborhood, I see in the distance an elderly but fit man waving at us enthusiastically.

— There he is, look! Grandpa is over there! Jihoon exclaims, pulling on my hand, already running towards the man who is waiting for us impatiently.

The man, dressed in a plaid shirt and beige trousers, opens his arms wide as Jihoon approaches and throws himself into his arms in a burst of joy.

— Happy birthday, big guy! he exclaims, lifting Jihoon into the air. I couldn't wait a second longer to see you today.

Jihoon laughs, his eyes sparkling with happiness. As they exchange a warm hug, I approach and share a heartfelt handshake with his grandfather.

— Thank you for being here, Mr. Kim. It means so much to him... and to me, I whisper.

— I wouldn't miss these moments with you for anything in the world, my precious Sora, he replies with a sincere smile.

After a few moments, Mr. Kim takes out a small package wrapped in colorful paper from his backpack and hands it to Jihoon.

— Here is the gift Grandpa got you, Jihoon. I hope you like it.

Jihoon's eyes widen with excitement as he quickly tears open the paper to reveal a box. Inside, he finds a small digital watch

 in bright colors, perfect for a boy his age.

— Wow, Grandpa! It's so cool! Thank you! he exclaims, immediately strapping the watch to his wrist.

— I'm glad you like it. You can now count the minutes until your big party! his grandfather says, laughing.

We spend about an hour at the park, Jihoon chatting and playing happily with his Grandpa. It's only after receiving a message from Jimin saying that everything is ready that we decide to leave the park, all three of us. On the way back, Jihoon tries to guess what awaits him. His eyes shine with curiosity and excitement with each guess he makes.

— Does it have something to do with pirates ? Because I love pirates now, he says with a mischievous smile.

— Maybe, I reply, keeping the mystery. You'll see soon enough.

When we arrive at the room, the door opens and a chorus of "Happy birthday!" bursts forth. Jihoon is astounded; his eyes scan the room, taking in every colorful detail and every smiling face of his friends and family.

— Is all this for me ? he asks, his voice tinged with wonder.

— Everything is for you, big guy, I reply.

The room is vibrant, filled with laughter and music. Balloons of all colors float at the ceiling, and a large banner reads "Happy 11th Birthday, Jihoon!" above the entrance.

The party starts, and Jihoon dives into the treasure hunt with overflowing energy. He solves each puzzle with the help of his friends, laughing and running from one clue to the next. When he finally discovers the final gift, a new bike, his joy is palpable.

— This is the best birthday ever! he exclaims, hugging me tightly.

I look around, seeing the happiness on the faces of everyone present, and I feel incredibly grateful for this day and for this life we have built together around Jihoon. It's moments like this that strengthen memories and family bonds, filling our hearts with love and gratitude.

A few hours later, it's time to serve the cake. After turning off the lights, only the cake, held in Yoon-gi's hands, lit by the candles, illuminates the large room. Minah, my best friend who helped me a lot with the preparations for this birthday, is the first to sing the traditional "Happy Birthday to You." Very quickly, everyone follows suit as my brother finally places the cake in the center of the table where the children wait patiently while singing.

The cake is a work of art: a magnificent pirate landscape, complete with a ship and a treasure island, perfectly reflecting the treasure hunt theme we planned. My parents encourage Jihoon to make a wish before blowing out the candles.

After making sure all the children have their share of cake, Jimin and I slip away for a moment to enjoy some time together. We move away slightly from the hustle and bustle of the room and find refuge in the small adjoining garden, where the first stars were beginning to pierce the twilight.

The garden, with its soft lights and delicately scented flowers, offered an ideal setting for a bit of tranquility. Jimin takes a deep breath, seeming to gather his thoughts before turning to me, a tender smile on his lips.

— Sora, I think I will never tire of these moments with you and Jihoon. You are all I've ever wanted, he whispers, his voice filled with emotion.

I take his hand, feeling the warmth and sincerity of his words warming my heart. Before I can respond, he kneels in front of me, a sparkle in his eyes.

— And so, once again, Min Sora, will you marry me ? he asks, a mischievous smile lighting up his face.

I can't help but laugh, the situation seeming both absurdly beautiful and incredibly typical of Jimin. His persistence and unconditional love had always been his most endearing traits.

— Jimin, I adore you, really, but I don't think this is the right moment to propose again, I reply, laughing softly, gently squeezing his hand to reassure him.

Jimin stands up, a resigned but understanding smile on his lips. He embraces me tenderly, a gesture that seals our unspoken agreement.

— I know, I know. But I'm not giving up hope, you know? Maybe one day... he says, giving me a mischievous look.

— Maybe, I agree, leaning against him and looking up at the slowly darkening sky.

We stay there, embraced, sharing the comfortable silence and tranquility of the garden. The laughter of the children and the joyful conversations of the guests reach us like a gentle murmur, reminding us of the warmth of the life we had woven together.

Finally, we decide to rejoin the party, hand in hand, ready to continue celebrating Jihoon's birthday. Light-hearted, I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have someone as devoted and loving as Jimin by my side.

As we walk back into the room, Jihoon runs towards us, a wide smile on his face, followed closely by his excited friends. Jimin and I exchange a complicit look, both aware and grateful for the joyful and loving life we had managed to build, and for this unconventional but incredibly strong family we formed together.














vocabulary of underlined words:

Eomma = Mom



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