Special: Minghao [M] 2

Adore U

Mute Minghao

High school mood

*Violence *Bully *Ra*pe

Junhao 🤍 on the side


When he woke up, it was to Jeonghan's continuous shaking. There was no point for calling his name so loud but Jeonghan did anyways.

He glanced up to see Seungcheol and Mingyu beating the hell out of the drunken three men who took advantage of their vulnerable friend.


It was just like the day they first met, the cold weather, the bullies and the fear.

My gosh the fear in Minghao's eyes when he finally woke up. He jolted up and wanted nothing but to escape only for Jeonghan to bring him closer tightly in a hug, rubbing his back and rocking him gently to the sides.


The older only wished he could tell him that he was okay, that they got to him before things got really bad, and before those sick people could hurt him in ways no one could imagine. He wished that his "Minghao you're okay" and "Don't worry baby I got you" ... "It's okay, it's okay just breathe you're safe" would somehow reach Minghao's ears but they didn't.


Jeonghan had to pin him down and wrap his arms around him tightly making sure he wasn't hurting himself and soon, Wonwoo joined in too. He tried to get Minghao's attention, asking him to look at him, look at them around him, Jeonghan trying to calm him down and Scoups and Mingyu still fighting the men in the dimmed lights of the cold streets.


Minghao's breaths hitched so bad and it seemed as if he forgot how to breathe.

Jeonghan engulfed him in a warm embrace and run a his hands all up and down the younger's back but Minghao was traumatized and scared, no one could blame him for feeling that way and soon, blocked out again.


An ambulance was called a few minutes later, Jeonghan was desperately holding an unconscious Minghao in his arms hugging him tightly and wasn't even trying to wake him up again. Wonwoo was near by when Mingyu and Seungcheol finally came back both had a few bruises on their faces and Mingyu's lips were bleeding a little.


They fell on their knees helping their friend and each other to stay calm down and once the ambulance pulled up they tried their best to explain it to the paramedics and took Minghao straight to the hospital.


Wonwoo was standing by Mingyu's side helping him with the bad bruise he had on his lips. Even though the doctor already cleaned it and applied ointments, it was bleeding still. Jeonghan couldn't move an inch from where he was sitting by Minghao's bed.


The doctor said that he had different bruises all over his body but luckily nothing was broken. There were obvious signs of ual harassment but again luckily nothing so serious. His clothes were torn and body scratched, their attempts to violate him were obvious and they had Seungcheol and Mingyu to witness it too, not to mention the few security cameras that were around.

They had every right to call the police and report it and they did on behalf of Minghao's parents who didn't even pick up the phone when they called them.


It was almost dawn and Jeonghan barely moved an inch from where he was sitting near Minghao, simply waiting for him to wake up.

By then, almost everyone was there and Jun was on full blown out panic mode.


When Minghao finally woke up, it was somewhere past 9am. His head was pounding and going in circles, the thumbing of his own heart made him want to throw up not to mention the pain and the bruises. Fortunately, he was under painkillers so he was calmer than expected.


He opened his eyes a bit more just to see Jeonghan by his side. The older immediately held his hand, got into Minghao's frame of vision and signed "Hi" and "How are you feeling?"

It was however hard to reply so he just blinked. Yes, he was okay for now but soon the flashbacks of the night before hit him hard and he started crying.


And even though he couldn't hear them, he surely did feel them. Their warmth around him, their gentle touches and the many things they told him.

He wasn't alone

They won't leave him

And those sick bastards got what they deserved.


They told him that Jun's mother came in first thing in the morning after realizing that Jun wasn't home and followed him to the hospital. She yelled and yelled and gave everyone a hard time for not taking proper care of him.

Minghao wiped his own tears, his own parents didn't even care to be here. He wished someone could just take him away from that house, cold and empty, being mistreated all the time, alone all the time, he wished he could be with Jun all the time.


But why Jun?


The older was holding him close while his head comfortably fell over his chest. Jun wrapped a hand around him gently making sure he was resting well staring at him softly and Jun cursed himself for not seeing that message earlier, for not being there when Minghao needed him.


Jun's mother walked into the hospital room, saw the way her son was holding Minghao. The boy dozing off in his arms and she smiled, she knew her son too well, and she knew that he had deep feelings for Minghao and she cared for the younger so much as well. She was determined not to let this pass so easily. Jun and the others learned sign language for him and his own parents weren't even here? That's just ridiculous. She will fight for him and take him home with her and Jun, she was a great lawyer after all.


When he woke up again, Minghao felt much better, warm and cozy in Jun's arms. At first, he didn't think much of it but of course he noticed, he noticed the way Jun always cared for him, spend more time with him, made sure he was always safe. He noticed how the others always gave them space and how they end up joining them later than agreed just so they could get some alone time.

Yes he noticed but didn't want to believe it because why would Jun be interested in a Mute, bullied and forgotten boy like him? Why would Jun, who is tall, handsome and perfect in every way, would have a crush on Minghao? That's what he thought when he hid his feelings and pushed them aside as simply unacceptable.


He didn't move but Jun glanced down at him with a smile

"Feeling better?" He signed to him and Minghao simply nodded

"Do you need anything?" And Minghao shook his head tightly holding into Jun's shirt

"Mom says that you will be staying with us until your parents come"


Minghao seemed to be disappointed and sad about that but he nodded anyway.


"What's wrong?" Jun frowned


Minghao sighed, he tried to slowly sign "I don't think they are coming"


"Of course they will Hao"


"I'm nothing but a disabled liability to hem"


"Don't say that" ... "Hao? Come on"


"It's true"

Tears started to trail over his cheeks "I'm always alone, they don't care if I'm there or not or if I needed anything or not, if I ate or not or if I was sick or —-"


"Stop Hao please" Jun held Minghao's hands into his stopping him for signing anything else and quickly wiped away his tears "You got us, We care about you okay? You're staying with me until we figure it out alright?"


Minghao sighed, feeling suddenly exhausted.

He nodded

Yeah, he can stay with Jun, that's all he ever wanted anyways. Everything felt blurry and uncertain but he had everyone else by his side, and for that he was always grateful.

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Chapter 10: I love this story so much😭❤️
Chapter 3: According to hoshi's live-streaming a few days ago, I start thinking that this story might be real... Hope all these guys be healthy forever.❤️
Chapter 1: Okay, Cheol is such an amazing boyfriend and Jeonghan deserves him! I love your writing so much