SeokSoo 🀍

Adore U


He was covered tightly and refused to leave the bed that morning. DK was a bit worried since Joshua doesn't usually act like this, he whined and squirmed saying something within the lines of

"No, I don't want to" and "I just want to sleep"


And so DK let him be


He pushed back the hair away from his face and pecked his cheeks before he left their bed. It was still early in the morning and Joshua was unusually super sensitive and Dokyeom decided not to bother him for now.

He woke up, cleaned up and was about to go to the kitchen and make them some breakfast when he noticed the way Joshua was all curled up under the blankets.


He sighed feeling worried and walked over to him, gently caressed his cheeks

"Baby what's wrong huh?" He whispered softly "This is unusual are you sick?" And it hit him unexpectedly hard, he got no reply watching Joshua simply breathing in his sleep "Are you though?"


He hurried to press his palm against Joshua's forehead and frowned a bit "You're a bit warm ... Shua baby look at me let me see you" he said calmly trying to wake him up and check if he was awake but Joshua seemed to be too tired. He whined and squirmed under his touch trying to pull the blankets over his head and go back to sleep


Dokyeom only frowned "Are you in pain? Where does it hurt? Talk to me Shua"


Joshua sighed feeling all sleepy and tired, he really didn't feel like opening his eyes or move anywhere. He felt Dokyeom lovingly his cheeks and he knew just how patient he was with him, waiting for an answer. Finally, he opened his eyes to find Dokyeom waiting for him exactly like he thought he would be, his eyes full of worry and simply wondering what was wrong


"Hi baby" Dokyeom greeted, sitting on his knees by Joshua's bed side on the floor "Can you wake up for me? Just for a bit?"


Joshua nodded, his eyes were burning and the pounding in his head wouldn't stop "I'm cold" he muttered reaching once again for the blanket. He saw DK frown get deeper as he helped to cover him up tightly

"Anything else? Please tell me"


"My head hurts" Joshua said closing his eyes again, he felt as his boyfriend brush his hair away and placed a warm peck over his forehead

"It's probably the flu ... I'll make us breakfast, you need to eat and take some medication, we will take it from there okay?"


Joshua nodded and appreciated just how patient DK was with him. He was kneeling on the floor to check on him up close, feeling his fever and covering him up tightly. He leaned over once more to peck his cheeks before he run to the kitchen while Joshua went back to sleep, he was feeling drained for some reason and simply didn't want to leave the bed.


Dokyeom decided to let Joshua rest for now until he was done making breakfast. Joshua barely ate, he couldn't swallow anything beyond the very few bites DK made him eat

"Just one more bite baby please you need to take your medicine"


"... one more bite and I'll throw up" Joshu's face twisted suddenly and he leaned over with his hand over his mouth. DK gasped and thought Joshua threw up right there and then but he only gagged seeing the tray of food in front of him

"W-what?" DK frowned and took it away immediately "I'm sorry love, are you okay?"


Joshua took a deep breath "I just can't right now, everything makes my stomach twist"


DK run a hand over his back gently rubbing it "I'm sorry" Joshua apologized for something that it wasn't even his fault and it made DK's heart clench "I just ... I just, I want to lay down" he closed his eyes and let DK lay him down gently. Joshua wasn't so sure what was happening but he knew that this feeling was unusual, did he catch some bug? He wasn't sure and just wanted to be left alone for a bit.


DK was quiet after that, he didn't want to bother Joshua anymore, simply laying by his side and watching him sleeping his sickness off. He run his palm over Joshua's forehead a few times feeling the warmth radiating from him and he sighed. He probably should just let him rest but he knew that he would need help.

So when Joshua woke up a couple of hours later, it was to their doctor's friendly face and DK's worried eyes.

The doctor did a quick checkup and ended up giving Joshua a flu shot

"He'll be fine, it's just the flu" ... "His fever will break soon just let him rest, make sure he gets a lot of fluids and eats healthy"


DK nodded and gave him a respectful bow before he left the he run back to Joshua. The boy was still lying down in the same position he left him in. He blinked and reached his hand asking for DK to hold him as soon as he walked in.

DK smiled and took it immediately laying right next to him on the bed.


"I'm sorry" Joshua said weakly "I'm just..." Joshua sighed not really finding the right words to say


"It's okay baby, don't be sorry, you're sick and uncomfortable and I understand"


Looking right into DK's face, Joshua felt reassured and safe. It will pass it's just a bad flu, he tightened his grip around DK's hand and a second later found himself in his lover's arms, so warm and comfortable.

"Rest for now okay?" And Joshua nodded still nuzzling into his embrace.

He felt DK gently patting his back and brining him closer to him. He placed loving kisses all over his forehead and cheeks and it only made Joshua smile but he was soon drifting back to sleep.


When he woke up later that afternoon, it was almost dark outside but he felt much better and well rested. He couldn't find DK next to him but by the smell of it, he was in the kitchen. He smiled to himself, what did he do to deserve a man like him?

He slowly sat up and felt strong enough to leave the bed and join DK in the kitchen


"Hi" Dokyeom greeted him the second he saw him and sprinted his way "How are you feeling? Why didn't you call me, you shouldn't leave the bed on your own"


Joshua chuckled "I'm fine" his eyes trailed off to the kitchen "And hungry"

He heard DK muffle a laugh, then reached to cup his cheeks. He was so worried about him and there he was acting all cute wanting food.

Closing the distance between them came a lovely kiss "I made some and I ordered some but they are all your favorites"

Pulling away from the kiss, Joshua was blushing madly but didn't want to let go "Yeah? I'm really starving you know"

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Chapter 10: I love this story so much😭❀️
Chapter 3: According to hoshi's live-streaming a few days ago, I start thinking that this story might be real... Hope all these guys be healthy forever.❀️
Chapter 1: Okay, Cheol is such an amazing boyfriend and Jeonghan deserves him! I love your writing so much