

For TYK309, who wanted an INVU inspired Artaengmis AU.



In case anyone wonders why Tiffany is impersonating so many characters at once, it is to make this story less of a Greek tragedy. Here's a quick rundown of those characters:

Scamandrius: a man who was trained in archery by Artemis herself.

Orion: a great hunter. In one version of the myths, the only man Artemis ever loved. He died either by Gaia's scorpion or a result of Apollo's trickery on Artemis and was placed on the sky (by Zeus or Artemis herself) as a constellation.

Iphigenia: King Agamemnon's eldest daughter, the princess of Mycenae. He tricked her with a promise of marriage with Achilles when in fact he was luring her to be sacrificed to appease Artemis after he struck down the goddess' sacred deer.

For the sake of fitting in, Athens is Incheon, Sparta (a military city and rival of Athens) is Busan, Mycenae is Seoul, and Troy is Jeju. I also push forward the age limit for marriage for females by a few years so it won't be too creepy.



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Fawkes12 #1
Chapter 1: I absolutely love this story! I love all your stories. I hope you can write more stories in the future :) I really like Tae and Tiff's characterizations in this one. Taeyeon feels distant, which makes sense seeing as she is a god, but she becomes warmer when the topic is Tiffany, which is cute. Tiffany being devoted to the moon goddess is a nice way to make them both meet. If you continued this series, I would definitely read it
maemae08 #2
Chapter 1: Wow this is like a breathe if a fresh air
1127 streak #3
Chapter 1: I already have a hunch as to who Taeyeon was when she appeared at the woods dedicated to the moon goddess and she's so good at archery then she assured Miyoung that The moon goddess notice her... then when she said she is protecting her and her nymphs are mentioned... I confirmed it when her twin brother appeared and said one of her deers were shot... she's the moon goddess... Oh authy this one is great and it needs an epilogue/sequel for this
Chapter 1: Though I am not very familiar with Greek Mythology, I enjoyed reading this one!
Thanks for sharing! 😉
thegloomy11 #5
Chapter 1: The story is so great, I'll re read again for may bedtime story author-nim.
And I hope you can make a sequel for this.