(Everyday) You're in My Heart


TaeYeon and Tiffany, in the monthly prompt from Tumblr.



If there are certain things that you'd like to read, feel free to drop in suggestions. I promise I'm not as insane as I used to be 😉



first kiss | mission fic | fake dating | "whenever i look at you..." | snow | historical au


valentine’s day | pollen/fear gas/truth serum | established relationship | “if i kiss you, will you shut up?” | different | mermaid au


fresh starts | road trip | getting back together/mutual pining | “make me” | acceptance | fairytale au (mermaid au)


pranks | canon divergence | (seemingly) unrequited love | “no, i’m not dating your brother” | peace | university au


flower language | sick fic | pet/child acquisition | “who are you” | sunshine | fantasy/medieval/dark knights of steel au



wedding/proposal | saving the world | (accidental) love confession | “you aren’t what i expected” | downpour | soulmate au


vacation together | power swap | enemies to lovers | “batman won’t like this” | stars | coffee shop au


au of your choice | time travel | meet cute/blind date | “you’re the only one i could turn to for help” | storm | vampire/werewolf/dc vs vampires au


high school/college sweethearts | hurt/comfort | meeting the family | “i wrote this for you” | flood | shifter au


couples costume | test messaging | identity shenanigans | “you can’t bench me!” | lightning | sports team au


life changes | de-aging | secret relationship (reveal) | “be careful what you wish for” | growth | music/band au


holidays together | crack treated seriously | moving in together | “that’s my favorite thing about you” | forgiveness | tattoo parlor/flower shop au



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Fawkes12 #1
Chapter 3: This is a really interesting concept. I hope you give it a continuation. It's really cool, and you're writing is great!!
Fawkes12 #2
Chapter 2: It's so fluffy I'm going to die!! Amazing chapter
Fawkes12 #3
Chapter 1: Cute ;___; Amazing writing, as always
1127 streak #4
Chapter 2: Lol so many "days" hahaha
Chapter 3: Whoa, I am intrigued on how it's gonna be! Looking forward to the continuation of this story >.<
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl
didn't expect this kind of story uwaaaa love it!
Chapter 3: That's Tiffany's main concern! 😁
I wonder how she endured talking to Taeyeon like that... 🤭
I hope they both get what they want and conquer the sea together. 😁
Chapter 1: Tiffany has successfully passed her new years resolution. This chapter was super cute and adorable. Taeyeon is smitten for Tiffany.

Spending New Year together is so meaningful!
Chapter 2: Fluffy Monday! I googled this 14th day of every month, it's fascinating! 😁
This bubbly Taeyeon seems so adorable!
I think they match perfectly.
The ending was funny too! That's in 6 months Ppany! Why So cruel? 🤣