Chapter 07

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As Taeyeon slept soundly on the sofa, Changmin approached her with a mixture of fondness and concern. Gently, he scooped her up in his arms, careful not to wake her, and carried her to the bedroom. His movements were slow and deliberate, his warm gaze lingering on her peaceful face, a silent testament to the affection he still held for her.


Placing Taeyeon gently on the bed, Changmin couldn't help but smile at her disheveled state. "You haven't changed a bit, Taeyeon-ah. One wine glass too many and you're out," he softly chuckled, more to himself than to her, ensuring she was comfortable before he covered her with a blanket.


Minjeong watched from the doorway, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. Just a moment ago she had come to terms with the truth about her parents' marriage and subsequent divorce, understanding the circumstances that led to their decisions. Yet, witnessing the genuine care and affection they still held for each other still left her feeling conflicted once again.


As they returned to the living room, the remnants of their earlier celebration—an almost empty bottle of wine and three glasses—were still on the table. Minjeong sat in silence, her brows furrowed in contemplation as her gaze fixed on the empty glass in front of her. Changmin observed his daughter's demeanor, knowing all too well the thoughts that must be swirling in her mind. 


"Minjeongie," Changmin called his daughter's name gently, taking a seat beside her. His voice was laced with concern as he observed his daughter's troubled expression.


Minjeong hesitated for a moment before voicing her thoughts. "I  guess I never realized how hard it must have been for both of you." she began, her words measured but with a hint of frustration. "It's just... hard to see you both still care so much, yet you couldn't stay together..."


Changmin sighed softly, his gaze shifting to meet Minjeong's troubled eyes. "I know it's a lot to process, Minjeong. Your mom and I, we've been through a lot together," he explained, his tone tinged with a hint of sadness. "I wish things hadn't turned out this way. It's not what we wanted for you."


He paused, his gaze meeting Minjeong's, pleading for her understanding. "I never wanted to hurt your mother," he confessed, "But back then, it seemed like everything I did only caused her more pain. So when she asked for a divorce, I couldn't say no. I believed she deserved someone who could make her happy, give her the peace I couldn't. It was the hardest decision, but if it meant sparing her from further pain, I had to agree."


Minjeong stayed silent as she digested the explanation from her father. 


"And even though our marriage didn't work out," Changmin continued, "I believe everything that happened was for the best, for all of us."


Minjeong's lips twisted into a bitter smile. "It's easy for you to say that everything that happened was for the best," she remarked, "You have a new family, a new wife, a new baby. You've moved on." The words came out sharper than she intended, her hurt and confusion bubbling to the surface.


Changmin had hoped Minjeong would understand by now, but he knew it was a lot to ask of her. He understood his daughter's pain, her sense of loss and confusion. He couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the day when his daughter would truly understand and accept their new family dynamic. He wanted nothing more than for Minjeong to see Yeonhee and Minkyu as an extension of their family.


Changmin reached out and held Minjeong's hand as he spoke from the depths of his heart. "Minjeong, I hope one day you'll understand why I made the decisions I did. Yeonhee and Minkyu, they're a part of my life now, but nothing will ever change the fact that you're my daughter. I'll always love you more than anything in this world, Minjeong. You know I'll always be here for you."


Minjeong listened quietly, her tears fell as she took in his words. Despite the pain and confusion swirling inside her, she knew there was truth in what he said. Changmin had always been there for her, through every triumph and every setback. And deep down, she knew he would continue to be there. But it was the ache in her heart that betrayed her. 


"I know I shouldn't feel this way," Minjeong confessed between her tears. "But it's just... it's hard, Dad. Seeing you with someone else, it feels like... like I'm losing a part of you. I just wish... I wish things could go back to how they were. I know I'm being selfish, but..."


Changmin's heart ached at his daughter's words, knowing that her pain stemmed from a place of deep love and longing for a conventional family. He reached out and gently brushed away her tears, his expression filled with understanding. 


"Minjeong," Changmin began, his voice gentle yet firm. "It's okay to feel the way you do. Love can be selfish sometimes. We yearn for people's presence, their affection, their time, and sometimes, we make decisions that might not make sense to others."


Minjeong looked up at her father, she had never considered that love could be anything but selfless.


He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "When I decided to marry Yeonhee, I felt incredibly selfish too," Changmin confessed. "I knew it would be hard for you to accept, given everything we've been through."


Minjeong looked up at her father, seeing the sincerity and the conflict in his eyes. It was a vulnerability she rarely saw in him.


"But Yeonhee is someone very special to me," Changmin continued, his voice steady. "Your mom encouraged me to pursue my happiness with Yeonhee. She believed, and so do I, that you would eventually come to understand. Our love for you, our bond as a family, that doesn't change."


He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. "I want you to know, Minjeong... Yeonhee and Minkyu's presence in our lives, they don't replace you or your mom. Think of them as additions to our family. I know it will take time, but I hope you can accept them as your family too," Changmin explained gently, hoping his words would bridge the gap of understanding.


The sincerity in her father's voice, the earnest hope in his eyes, slowly seeped into Minjeong's consciousness. She had clung to the idea of her parents, of their original family unit, with such ferocity that she hadn't allowed herself to see the potential for happiness in this new, expanded definition of family. "It's not easy for me, Dad," Minjeong finally admitted, her voice quivering slightly. "But I'll try, Dad. I will try for you."



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Hi! Thank you for reading, it took me a while to continue the story but I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if the back-and-forth timeline is confusing, should I always put the time stamp?


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0 points #1
Chapter 7: nice and well written, i feel so sad for minjeong she has a lot to deal with.
19 streak #2
Chapter 7: Poor minjeong... A lot of things to think and deal about. Just focus on yourself for now
NessieW #3
Chapter 6: Well written theme of the anguish of a profound loss and the unforeseen consequences in this chapter.
19 streak #4
Chapter 5: Were they expecting another baby?
intotheneworld #5
I hope Minjeong got her closure :(
crimson_snow #6
Chapter 3: I completely understand Minjeong. Kids are arguably the ones that are hit the hardest when it comes to broken marriages. Adjusting is never easy, especially when there's a new family involved. She'll keep feeling she wasn't enough for her parents to stay together. I hope Minjeong will get to heal from the pain her parents unintentionally put her through, and I hope her parents give her more time to feel all the emotions she needs to feel before she heals.
plutoooooo #7
Seated. I like this story and your writing. Jimin is so gentle with Mindongie