Chapter 04

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Upon arriving at the birthing center building located near the hospital, Minjeong took a deep breath before entering the room. Suddenly she felt regret for declining Jimin’s kind offer to accompany her, she knew she would’ve felt better if Jimin was here with her. The sterile scent enveloped Minjeong as she entered the room adorned with flowers and the soft cooing of a newborn. It felt like a strange blend of warmth and discomfort for Minjeong. As she entered, Changmin's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and joy.


"Minjeong!" he exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug that lasted longer than she had anticipated. It was a warm gesture from her dad, one that Minjeong hadn't experienced in a while, and had to secretly admit that she missed his warm embrace. Despite the awkwardness that lingered between them, Changmin's genuine happiness to see his daughter was evident.


"Minjeong, I'm so glad you came. Meet your new baby brother, Minkyu," Changmin beamed.


Seated on the hospital bed with the tiny baby in her arms, Yeonhee greeted Minjeong with a warm smile. "Hey there, Minjeong. Thanks for coming," she said, her eyes looked tired but filled with genuine affection.


"Congratulations, Dad, Aunt Yeonhee," Minjeong replied, an awkward smile on her face. Minjeong couldn't help but feel a bit out of place, standing in a room with her father, his new wife, and their newborn son.


Minjeong’s eyes searched the room for her mother, Taeyeon, who said to meet her there if Minjeong decided to come.


After their talk the other night, Minjeong reluctantly admitted that her mother was right. Changmin had tried her best to make things work, and Minjeong felt obliged to make an effort to make things okay too.  She decided coming to the birth center to visit her father and his newborn baby was the right, sensible thing to do.


“Um, have Mom come here?”


Changmin noticed his daughter’s unease and promptly explained, “Your mom already came a while ago but she went to grab some coffee. You know, she had a long day of surgeries.”


Minjeong nodded, wishing her mother would come back soon.


Changmin's gaze shifted between Minjeong and his newborn son, genuine pride in his eyes. “Minkyu, this is your smart and sweet noona, Minjeong. I hope you’ll grow up to be just like her."


“Do you want to hold your brother, Minjeong?” Changmin asked, his eyes reflecting joy.


Minjeong quietly flinched at the word brother. "I'll pass, Dad. I don't want to wake him, and I never held a baby before… let alone a newborn," she said, avoiding eye contact with her father. In truth, she felt an irrational pang of jealousy towards the little bundle in Yeonhee's arms.


Changmin chuckled. "Fair enough. He's also still getting used to the world. Maybe next time.” 


As he sat next to his wife’s bed, Changmin continued to share anecdotes about Minjeong's achievements and performance at the hospital, painting her as the epitome of an ideal genius daughter. Yeonhee smiled, nodding along with Changmin's tales. "You must be so proud, Changmin," she said, casting a warm glance at Minjeong.


Minjeong felt uneasiness engulfing her. She realized that she usually would be happy whenever her father bragged about her. After all, she always tried her best to study so that she could follow in her parents' footsteps and make them proud.


Neither Changmin nor Taeyeon ever told her to be a doctor like them, instead, they told her it was okay if she wanted to pursue other interests. But Minjeong insisted – thinking it would bring her and them closer together. Whenever she got good grades – perfect grades, Minjeong mentally corrected herself, her divorced parents would reward her with anything she wanted. And year after year, as Minjeong ranked at the top of her class, she always requested one thing, a family vacation trip with only three of them.


Now that she’s an adult, she realized it must have not been easy for her parents to fulfill her wishes with their busy schedules and complicated relationship, but they always granted her wishes even if the trip was only for a day. However, it changed as she grew older and they got busier with work and changed further when her father introduced Yeonhee to their lives. Minjeong felt her efforts were futile.


Changmin recognized his daughter was lost in her own thoughts; her blank expression reminded him of Taeyeon a lot. As he sat next to his wife’s hospital bed, Changmin suddenly mused aloud, "Minjeongie looks a lot like her mom, doesn't she, Yeonhee?"


She smiled and nodded, "But she's got your features too.”


Changmin agreed with a thoughtful expression. "Minjeong used to look more like me when she was a baby, maybe until she was a toddler? But as she grew up, she started to resemble Taeyeon more and more. It's fascinating to see how genetics work,” he smiled at Minjeong then lovingly gazed into his newborn baby, “I wonder who Minkyu will take after."


As Minjeong observed the intimate scene before her, the delight in her father's eyes clashed with the doubts in her mind. She tried to recall if she had ever seen her father this genuinely happy, he was practically beaming with pride and joy with the addition of baby Minkyu. The smile never left his lips even for a second. An unsettling wave of insecurity washed over her. She couldn't help but wonder if Changmin had ever looked at her with the same pride and happiness when she was born.


The mental arithmetic of her birth lingered in her thoughts. Minjeong was aware that her parents must've gotten married because they were expecting her. A rush of emotion swirled within her as she wondered whether her parents were genuinely happy about her birth or merely fulfilling an obligation to bring her into the world.


The thoughts overwhelmed her.


"Dad, I think I need a coffee too. I'll be right back," Minjeong said, forcing a smile before excusing herself to leave the room.

Alone in the hallway, she leaned against the wall, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing to wander in the birth center’s hallway. The sound of a baby's cries from nearby rooms echoed, intensifying the swirl of emotions within her.


Minjeong paused as she heard familiar voices conversing in a hushed tone. As she came closer, Minjeong discovered an unexpected scene of her paternal grandmother consoling Taeyeon in front of the baby ward. Curiosity piqued, Minjeong hesitated but couldn't help overhearing fragments of their conversation.


"It's still hard for me, even after all these years," Taeyeon confessed, her voice shaky with emotion. Minjeong’s heart skipped a beat upon clearly realizing the tears welled in her mother’s eyes. Minjeong saw her paternal grandma consoling her ex-daughter-in-law with a comforting hug, "I know, my dear, it is not easy. But you're doing well, and you have Minjeong."


Minjeong paused, wondering whether she should greet them now or not.


“Mom… Grandma,” Minjeong cautiously approached them, worry was evident in her tone. Taeyeon quickly wiped away the tears behind her prescription glasses and put on a brave smile upon seeing her daughter.


"Oh, Minjeong! My granddaughter Minjeong! How have you been, my dear?" greeted her grandmother with a warm smile, clearly delighted to see her favorite granddaughter.


Minjeong, momentarily taken aback by the contrast between the emotional moment she had just witnessed and the cheerful greetings, managed a smile. "I'm good, Grandma. Just busy with school and everything."


“Your dad told me you’re doing so well at the hospital! As expected from my brilliant Minjeongie,” her grandma exclaimed as she turned her gaze to Taeyeon, “You must be proud, my dear.”


Taeyeon smiled, but Minjeong couldn’t help but notice the subtle melancholy lingering in her mother’s eyes. As they continued to engage in small talk, Minjeong sensed that there were unspoken layers beneath the surface, waiting to be unraveled. The conflicting emotions left Minjeong feeling adrift between two worlds—the apparent joy of her father's new family and the silent sorrow that seemed to shadow her mother.





The drive back to their apartment was enveloped in silence. Minjeong took

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Hi! Thank you for reading, it took me a while to continue the story but I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if the back-and-forth timeline is confusing, should I always put the time stamp?


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0 points #1
Chapter 7: nice and well written, i feel so sad for minjeong she has a lot to deal with.
19 streak #2
Chapter 7: Poor minjeong... A lot of things to think and deal about. Just focus on yourself for now
NessieW #3
Chapter 6: Well written theme of the anguish of a profound loss and the unforeseen consequences in this chapter.
19 streak #4
Chapter 5: Were they expecting another baby?
intotheneworld #5
I hope Minjeong got her closure :(
crimson_snow #6
Chapter 3: I completely understand Minjeong. Kids are arguably the ones that are hit the hardest when it comes to broken marriages. Adjusting is never easy, especially when there's a new family involved. She'll keep feeling she wasn't enough for her parents to stay together. I hope Minjeong will get to heal from the pain her parents unintentionally put her through, and I hope her parents give her more time to feel all the emotions she needs to feel before she heals.
plutoooooo #7
Seated. I like this story and your writing. Jimin is so gentle with Mindongie