
All In

"JOOHYUN, will you please stop pacing around?" Karina said in an exasperated tone. "I promise you did the right thing."  

Joohyun groaned, still doubting herself. She kept walking back and forth between the fridge and sink. Ever since meeting Seungwan for lunch a few days ago, doubts had been bugging her non-stop.

Even though Seungwan tried to convice her that he wasn't a bad guy, which Joohyun believed from spending time with him in Busan.


But her concern where she didn't know what Seungwan wanted with Seung Ah made her anxious.


Her terrible childhood, with her parents always fighting over her, kept replaying. "What if he wants to take Seung Ah?" Joohyun asked quietly so her daughter, who was putting on her sandals in the other room, couldn't hear. 


Karina pushed off the kitchen counter and raised an eyebrow. "Seungwan is her dad. Doesn't he have the right to see her sometimes? He'll never get her full custody since you're such an amazing mom, but any good father would want occasional visits with his kid."  

Joohyun's stomach turned. She pressed her hand against her belly firmly. "Do you think it's too late to move us to another country?" she half-joked.


Karina grabbed Joohyun's arms as she walked by again, stopping her to look in her eyes. "You would never do that and you know it. The fact that you told Seungwan about Seung Ah when you didn't have to, shows what a decent, honorable person you are."


"What if telling him was a mistake?" Joohyun asked, hoping that wasn't true.  

"I don't think it was, and deep down you don't believe that either," Karina said, squeezing her arms reassuringly.


"Give Seungwan a chance to get to know his daughter without always thinking the worst or messing it up on purpose. Unless he really freaks you out, let him have this chance."  

Joohyun took a calming breath - actually two for good measure. "Okay, you're right."


Karina smiled. "Of course I am." 

"I'm weady for the park, Mommy!" Seung Ah announced as she entered the kitchen.


Seung Ah looked at Karina and frowned. “Why can’t Ningning go too?” 

“Because she’s home with her dad today,” Karina explained, since it was Sunday which was her husband’s day off.  


Joohyun ran her fingers through Seung Ah’s soft fine hair, which she left down that day. Her daughter had insisted on a green striped-socks that didn’t match her purple dress.

But Joohyun tried to raise an independent child, so she picked her battles wisely. Mismatched clothes were not the end of the world for a three year old.


“I’m taking you to the park to meet one of my friends,” Joohyun said, wanting to prepare Seung Ah before they got there. 


“Oh,” Seung Ah's eyes brightened. “Is she my age?” 


Joohyun held back a laugh. “No, my friend is a boy and he’s my age.”


Seung Ah wrinkled her cute little nose, disappointed. “That doesn’t sound fun. Who will play with me on the jungle gym?”


Oh the concerns of a toddler, Joohyun thought in amusement. “We’ll figure it out when we get there okay?”


“Okay, let’s go!” Seung Ah ran back into the living room.  

Joohyun grabbed Seung Ah’s My Little Pony backpack she had filled with a snack, juice box, wipes and extra sunscreen.


Karina followed them to the door and outside, then went her own way as Joohyun and Seung Ah headed to the park. Seung Ah insisted on wearing the backpack, making her feel like a “big girl.”


As they neared the small private park surrounded by a gate for community members only, Joohyun saw a black sedan parked on the street. She knew it was Seungwan’s since she saw him get in it after their lunch.


Seungwan wasn’t in the driver’s seat, and after looking around Joohyun found him under a shady tree. And wow, he looked good.


Seungwan wore a plain white t-shirt and jeans, but his body still looked great. His arms were big and strong, shoulders wide. Even through his shirt you could tell everything about Seungwan was fit and trim.

While Seungwan seemed calm on the outside, the closer Joohyun and Seung Ah got, the more she could see his nerves below the surface. 

Seungwan's dark hair, the same color as Seung Ah's, was tousled like he'd run his hands through it many times waiting. His hands were in his jeans pockets and he'd shift his weight from foot to foot every few seconds. But the deep breaths expanding his chest showed he was struggling to stay composed meeting his child.  

"This way sweetie," Joohyun said when Seung Ah started for the gate. "My friend is over there."


Seung Ah followed close, suddenly shy like she got around strangers, especially men. As they neared, Seungwan lifted a hand in greeting, but didn't come to them. He waited instead, which Joohyun appreciated so, not to scare the little girl.


When they finally reached him, Seung Ah was clinging to Joohyun's leg staring way up at Seungwan with huge unsure eyes. Seungwan swallowed hard as he looked from Seung Ah to Joohyun, smiling but with awe on his face that said, Holy , that's my daughter.  

"Hi," Seungwan said, his voice a little rough with emotion.


“Hi,” Joohyun replied softly before gently touching Seung Ah’s head, still hugging her leg tightly. “Sweetheart, this is my friend,” Joohyun said encouragingly, knowing it took time for her daughter to warm up to new people. “Can you say hello?” 

“No,” Seung Ah shook her head stubbornly, frowning. “I don’t wanna.”


Joohyun sent Seungwan an apologetic look. But before she could say more, he crouched down to Seung Ah’s level so she didn’t have to look up. She remained shy but her grip on Joohyun’s leg loosened as she eyed Seungwan curiously.  "Hello there..what's your name?"


She peered at him silently for a moment. Then a small voice said, "S-Seung Ah."


"It's very nice to meet you, Seung Ah. My name is Seungwan."


Her eyes widened, "Seung...wan?"


Seungwan nodded. "That's right, our names sound a bit alike isn't it?"


Seung Ah tilted her head thoughtfully, "Seung...Ah. Seung...Wan." A tiny smile started to emerge. "They do sound alike."


"I was thinking the same thing," Seungwan said smiling. He glanced at Joohyun who also smiled and nodded encouragingly.


Feeling bolder now, Seung Ah let go of Joohyun’s leg, "Your like mine."


"You're absolutely right. Seems like our names were made to go together." Seungwan then glanced at her outfit, bright and colourful. “You look very pretty today, Seung Ah."


“And you know what? Purple are my favorite too. And those green socks are quite the fashion.”


Joohyun had to hold back a laugh at how sincere Seungwan sounded. His comment worked like magic though. Seung Ah’s eyes lit up, and she touch her dress. 


“I picked it all by myself!” she said proudly. Seungwan looked rightly impressed.


"You did a great job picking it out," Seungwan said with a gentle smile still in place.

Slowly, Seungwan reached for her tiny hand in his much bigger one. Joohyun's heart tightened at the contrast between his long, strong fingers and Seung Ah's small ones. 

Surprisingly, Seung Ah didn't pull away. They stared at each other, seeming to communicate silently. The moment felt still for Joohyun, watching their quiet introduction.


Things could have gone badly, with their daughter yanking back her hand, deciding she didn't like Seungwan. That would have been awkward.

But Seungwan was patient, putting Seung Ah at ease. He didn't force or push her to accept him, letting Seung Ah make her own choice to feel comfortable around him.


Their little girl had good instincts. Slowly, gradually, she gave him a shy but approving smile. 

Seungwan let go of her hand gently, as if knowing he was lucky to touch her that long without her breaking contact. "So, what do you say we go in the park so you can play and show me how good of a climber you are?"


"I'm a weally good climber!" Seung Ah told him, jumping up in excitement.


“I climb all the stairs by myself without Mommy's now!” Seung Ah said proudly. 

“Wow, you’re such a big girl,” Seungwan replied, straightening back to his full height as she wasn't afraid of his size now. 

Seung Ah hooked her little thumbs in her backpack straps as they walked to the gate. “That’s what Mommy says too, that I’m a big girl.”


Joohyun smiled. “And what else does Mommy say?”


“To hold on to the wail when I go up the stairs so I don’t twip,” she said, bobbing her head with each word.  

The corner of Seungwan’s mouth twitched in a smile as he glanced at Joohyun. “You mean rail and trip?” he asked, interpreting Seung Ah’s words.


“Yes, she talks well for her age but her r’s and w’s sometimes get mixed up when she’s excited,” Joohyun explained.


“It’s adorable,” Seungwan mouthed, his eyes sparkling with delight.


Joohyun saw Seung Ah anew through his eyes—her speech was cute but familiar to Joohyun. But for Seungwan it was all new, and Joohyun found his sweet reactions incredibly endearing too.


After swiping her keycard in the reader, the large metal gate entrance unlocked.

Seungwan held it open as Joohyun and Seung Ah walked into the nicely landscaped play area. There were tables for picnics, covered spots for shade, and several large recreation zones for different age groups.


Led by Seung Ah, they headed toward the playground for toddlers, following a few steps behind. 


“This place is really nice,” Seungwan commented, taking everything in.


Joohyun agreed. “The community was a big reason I chose to live here. It’s a great neighborhood, but there’s peace of mind knowing the park all the kids use is protected, not just anyone can easily get inside.” 


“That's Yewim!” Seung Ah squealed in a high pitch, spotting the little girl from her preschool class. “Can I go play with her, Mommy? Please? I promise to stay where you can see me!”


That was always the rule, though the playground was designed openly and exposed from every angle for safety. There were no hiding places or spots where Seung Ah couldn't be seen at all times.


"Yes, go ahead," Joohyun said, waving to Yerim's mom sitting near the playground with another woman.


They seemed fascinated by the man Joohyun was with, likely because she'd never been seen with one before - especially not a hot, gorgeous, attractive one.   


Seung Ah dropped her backpack and ran to the play structure shaped like a large house with slides, safely low to the ground.

Joohyun picked up the bag and sat on a nearby bench close enough to watch Seung Ah, but far enough away not to hover.


Seungwan slid onto the seat next to her, not too close but near enough Joohyun felt his body heat and scent overwhelm her senses.  


Seungwan watched Seung Ah quietly before speaking. "I know I'm biased but Joohyun, Seung Ah is such a beautiful, bright and happy little girl."


Joohyun heard the yearning in his voice, maybe thinking of missed years that could never be regained. "You're great with her. Do you have any nieces or nephews?"


Seungwan shook his head, grinning briefly. "No, not yet. But my sister Yejin is pregnant, due in a month. She's having a boy. It's just the two of us and she's the first to have a baby." His grin turned sheepish, realizing his mistake.


"Well, she was until a few days ago," Seungwan said with a sheepish smile. "I kind of beat her to the big moment by almost three years."  

"Yeah, how did telling your family go about Seung Ah?" Joohyun asked, watching as Seung Ah chased Yerim up the steps to the three-foot kiddie slide, their daughter's sweet laughter ringing out.


"Well, I can safely say everyone was shocked," Seungwan chuckled. "But I explained how we met and showed them Seung Ah's photo. Hearts melted—she looks just like my sister at that age. My parents can't wait to meet her and you too."  

Joohyun tried not to panic over sharing Seung Ah with not just Seungwan but his whole family now. It had just been the two of them for so long—a selfish part feared that process and what it meant.


Long weekends away? Custody where they bonded without her? Joohyun worries seemed endless.


Seungwan stretched his arm along the back of the bench but didn't touch her. A part of Joohyun, who hadn't been with a man since that night, wished his fingers would brush her neck or slide into her hair...


"Joohyun..." Seungwan waited for their eyes to meet.

"I know Seung Ah probably has a great relationship with one set of grandparents already. I don't want to take that away, but my parents also want to be grandparents to her too."


Seungwan's assumption was like a knife in Joohyun's chest. Her parents had never even seen Seung Ah. "Mine have never met her." It hurt to admit.  

A confused frown creased Seungwan's brow. "What?" He couldn't imagine it.


Joohyun exhaled. "I'm an only child. I haven't been close with either parent since high school when I moved to Seoul for university. They're divorced," her voice tight.


"I'm sorry," Seungwan said sympathetically.  


Joohyun shrugged like it didn't matter, though deep scars remained. "They split when I was four, not amicably. As soon as I turned 18 and they weren't legally responsible, they went their separate ways as far from each other and me as possible. I didn't hear from them much."


"Where are they located now?" Seungwan asked.


Joohyun nearly moaned when his fingers finally brushed the back of her neck under her hair, his touch warm and tender, just like that night in Busan.

Even this light contact sped Joohyun's heartbeat, made her feel less alone. But it also softened and ached her body in places, and god, she wanted to curl into Seungwan like a kitten. 

She focused on his question. "My mom lives in Japan with someone she met years ago. My dad, I'm not sure where he is since he moves around. I told them both about Seung Ah when I found out, but neither made an effort to see her."


"God," Seungwan said low but harshly. "That's pretty lousy."


Joohyun laughed without humor. "After my childhood, it's no surprise. My parents are selfish people." 


When she glanced at Seungwan, his brow furrowed as if thinking on her mention of less-than-perfect childhood and wanting to ask more.


"I don't expect anything from them, so I'm never let down," Joohyun said, hoping to divert his questioning gaze.  

Luckily, Seung Ah's bubbly voice caught Seungwan's attention as she told Yerim to ride down with her. Seung Ah's glee sliding down brought a smile to Seungwan's lips.


"So you've raised Seung Ah completely alone, with no help?" Seungwan asked, gaze still on his daughter.


"For the most part, yes," Joohyun replied, knowing he meant family. "My friend and neighbour, Karina and her husband are always there if I need them."


Seungwan tilted towards her, expression serious. "It wouldn't have been that way if I'd known. You'd always have had someone there for you and Seung Ah."  

Joohyun believed Seungwan would've been present had he known...and would be from now on. "I'm sorry you missed her first three years," she offered sincerely.  

"Me too." Seungwan's big warm hand slowly moved from her neck, thumb caressing her jaw intimately. Their gazes held, his filled with heat, desire and more questions she wasn't sure she wanted answered.


Joohyun started to speak, "About that night in Busan..." but was cut off...


"Mommy, can you push me on the swings?" Seung Ah asked, interrupting the moment between Joohyun and Seungwan. "I want to go as high as the sky!" 


Without missing a beat, Seungwan lowered his hand and turned to Seung Ah. "How about I push you so your mom can relax and enjoy the day?"


Seung Ah gave him a doubting look. Undeterred, Seungwan leaned toward her, flexing his large bicep bulging under his shirt sleeve.  


"See this big muscle?" he asked. Seung Ah nodded, eyes wide staring at his impressive forearm making even Joohyun want to swoon. "It means I'm super strong and can push you higher than your Mommy."


"Okay," Seung Ah agreed.  

Joohyun rolled her eyes. A handsome guy flexing was all it took to convince Seung Ah. 


Her daughter ran off as Seungwan stood, a pleased grin on his too-handsome face.


"Oh my god," Joohyun said, full of amusement.


"You're shameless using your body to sway a girl," she teased.  

Seungwan laughed, low and intimate. "It worked on her mom, didn't it?" With a sinful wink, he followed Seung Ah in a cocky strut.


Suddenly feverish, Joohyun shifted on the bench, cutting off thoughts before spontaneously combusting in public. 


Joohyun watched Seungwan effortlessly lift Seung Ah—with those big muscled arms—into the secure seat, pushing strongly but controlled so she didn't go too high. Seung Ah giggled as the swing soared up, little legs kicking as she reached for the sky.  

After ten minutes, Seung Ah announced thirst. Seungwan stopped the swing to let her down.


She suddenly stopped and tugged on her socks. "Hot feet."


He noticed her green striped socks had slid down a bit. "Are your little toes feeling squished in there? Do you want to take them off for a bit?"


She nodded eagerly, so Seungwan helped peel the socks off her feet. Seung Ah wiggled her bare toes happily. "Much better!"


Without thinking too much about it, he scooped her up into his arms. Seung Ah laid her head on his shoulder with a content sigh. Carrying her felt like the most natural thing in the world to Seungwan.


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He carried her to Joohyun, as Seungwan still charming Seung Ah.  

"So what do you think, did my muscles work?"


Seung Ah nodded excitedly as Seungwan put her down. Lost in enthusiasm, she looked up at him and slipped her tiny hand in his, already trusting. "You're stronger than Mommy. I almost touched the clouds!"


Joohyun saw how Seungwan smiled at her, clearly fighting back emotion at his daughter holding his hand without thought. "Next time we'll try harder."  

"Okay!" Seung Ah beamed at him, clearly won over already by her daddy, which Joohyun understood.


When they reached the bench, Joohyun already had Seung Ah's juice box ready. She gulped it down as Seungwan sat beside her, their thighs touched lightly.


The scene seemed... normal. This would likely be their new routine, Joohyun realized - meeting up, bonding with Seung Ah together, and eventually Seungwan taking her alone for hours, then days, then weekends...


"Want some of my juice?" Seung Ah offered Seungwan the box she drank from, almost batting her lashes as she leaned on his leg.  

Seungwan gently touched her hair. "I'm good, but thank you."


Seung Ah took another sip then lifted her hand, trying to show three fingers. "Did you know I'll be this many on my buthday?"  

The corner of Seungwan's mouth quirked seeing her struggle to hold three fingers. "Yes, your mom said your birthday's coming up."


"It is! With cupcakes and presents!" She hopped excitedly. "Are you coming to my party?"


Seungwan hesitated before saying, "That's up to your mom." 


Seungwan didn't look at Joohyun, truly leaving the choice to her without pressure. But he'd missed two birthdays; Joohyun wouldn't keep him from the third.


"Yes, of course he's invited," Joohyun said, feeling their dynamic shift further to include Seungwan in special events.



While Seung Ah bounced around like a jittery bunny, Seungwan finally looked at Joohyun. His eyes warm and grateful as he mouthed "Thank you."

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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 12: Aaaaa good
Bltrx82 #2
Chapter 15: I need more story like this. Author-nim, thank you so much for this best story.
Bltrx82 #3
Chapter 14: give me another story like this author-nim 🥺
Chapter 10: It must be very difficult for Joohyun, because she is still not brave enough to take risks with Seungwan
Chapter 7: joohyun jealous is my favorite hahaha
Chapter 5: this is very sweet
Chapter 3: I just found this story and it's really interesting, I will read it until the end. Luckily, it's already finished (hopefully).
I always enjoy time traveling story and esp when it's about my two favorite people. Anyway, I or She POV are both lovely so it doesn't really matter for me
Chapter 14: omygod this story is so good!! it's been a while since the last time I read a wr family au and i love it so much! thank you for writing this i'm so glad they had a happy ending huhu
Chapter 12: Perfect ending! 🥰