
All In

One month later...



As Joohyun headed to her Graphic Design office as usuaI, she was feeling slightly light-headed. Honestly, Joohyun had been a bit down lately.


It started three week after her trip to Busan with an overall weakness and headaches.  The sensation of being permanently weak persisted.

Joohyun hadn't had breakfast, so she decided to stop by the bakery truck as usual. But as she approached it, the smell overpowered her senses. Nausea hit her like a train.

Joohyun knew she should eat something, but at the moment, it felt like she couldn't keep anything down. This had to be a stomach bug.

She greeted the owner but walked quickly past the cart. Out of the corner her eyes, she glimpsed his disappointment. Joohyun had explain everything next time—as long as she didn’t feel like throwing up.

Usually, once she started work, Joohyun managed to energize herself and focus on her tasks and forget all about the fact that she was feeling unwell. But today, it was impossible.

The longer she stayed on her feet, the more light-headed she felt. The smell of medicine was even worse than the food. Joohyun retched twice, but nothing came out.

“You should go to a doctor,” one of her colleague said just before lunch.

Joohyun had nearly fainted at her cubicle and chose to use her lunchtime to get to the pharmacy. There was a general practitioner near her neighbourhood, but she wasn’t open today.

She hoped the pharmacy would have something that could help her. Joohyun knew she had to eat, and that probably accounted for the fact that she was light-headed, but the nausea persisted.

The pharmacy was just two blocks away from, so she could grab lunch afterward and still have plenty of time to get back to work. The drug store was on the ground floor of an old building.

"Hello? How may I help you?" a woman said from behind the counter. She seemed to be only a few years older than Joohyun.

"Hey, I've been feeling a bit sick lately. It started last week. I keep thinking I'm going to get the flu or a stomach bug, but I don't. I just feel bad all the time."

"What are your symptoms?"

"I'm light-headed a lot," Joohyun said, walking up to the counter. "I also have nausea from time to time. It seems worse when I'm around strong smells. I'm not even sure if you can give me something."

"It does sound like you might be coming down with a stomach bug. I can give you something for that." She turned around, looking at the rack of medicine behind her.


Then she turned again, looking at Joohyun. "There is, of course, also the possibility of pregnancy."

Joohyun stared at her. "No, that's not a possibility."

"If you’re sure, then we can cross that off."

 Joohyun's heart thundered in her chest. I was sure, right? I hadn't had unprotected . Bogum and I haven't been together for months, and with Seungwan, we did used condoms — lots of it.


"When was the last time you had your period?" she asked Joohyun, practically voicing her thoughts.

Joohyun grabbed the phone from her bag with trembling fingers and opened the calendar. She marked the first day of every period as “pink day.”

"Six weeks ago." The voice sounded strangled, like it didn't even belong to her.

"I've got a few things here for you," the pharmacist said. Putting two sets of pills on the counter, she explained to Joohyun what each did. Joohyun was only half listening, her pulse so fast that she was sure she had faint.

"Do you also want me to put a pregnancy test in your bag, just in case?" she asked.

Joohyun stared at her numbly for a few seconds before nodding. Joohyun just knew it couldn't be. She wanted kids dearly, but only after she found her soul mate, got married, and preferably owned a house. It couldn’t be.


But the panic gripping her body told her another story. There was always a possibility of birth control failing. Oh God. Her heart felt like it might beat out of her chest.


Joohyun left the pharmacy the second she paid. Once Joohyun was outside, the fresh air calmed her down. Joohyun stood against the wall of the building, closing her eyes. Taking in deep breaths, inhaling slowly and exhaling even slower. 

Opening her eyes, Joohyun rejoiced at the fact that she wasn’t light-headed anymore. Joohyun felt brave enough to head directly to the bakery cart again.

“Joohyun, it’s good to see you," the owner greeted her. "You seemed upset this morning.”

“I wasn’t feeling well. I was nauseous, and the smell of food made it worse. But now I’m great. Can I have something that could count as lunch?”

He winked at Joohyun. “I’ve been experimenting today. Made some mini quiches. I’ve had some requests for lunch food, and I make a mean quiche. Today I have two types: with cheese or spinach.”

“I’ll take one with spinach, please.”

He put it on a paper plate, carefully handing it over the counter. Joohyun realized just how starved she was when she bit into it.

"How is it?” He asked.

“It’s really good.” It was delicious. On the plus side, it wasn’t making her sick. In fact, Joohyun felt much better once she finished it.

That was all this was—I just hadn't eaten today. Of course I wasn’t feeling well.

Stop lying to yourself, a small voice said at the back of her mind as Joohyun stepped inside her office building.

But Joohyun insisted on doing just that, lying to herself until her workday was over. She didn't dare take the pregnancy test while at work. Joohyun wasn't sure she had find the courage to do it at all.

"Are you okay? You look a bit pale," the colleague asked as they done for the day.

"Oh, I don't know. It's been a weird week," Joohyun admitted.

"You do seem a bit out of it. But I guess at least the weekend is coming, so you'll be able to rest."

"Yeah, true," Joohyun said. She was not looking forward to the weekend. She had have far too much time with her thoughts.

Joohyun knew she had procrastinate about the pregnancy test, but she wasn’t going to let that happen—Joohyun was going to do it tonight and rip off the Band-Aid. But she couldn't do it on her own. Joohyun simply couldn't.

Her instinct was to call her mom and ask her how she felt when she was pregnant with Joohyun before any test told her, but Joohyun knew better than that. Joohyun doubted her mom would even remembered nor answered her call.

Instead, Joohyun texted her best friend from university, Karina, who was a mother of 1 year old daughter, Ningning. Karina was the only one she'd ever told about her impulsive one-night in Busan.

Joohyun: Can we catch up this evening?

Karina: I thought you'd never ask.

Joohyun: Okay, talk to you in ten minutes.

Joohyun didn't want to call her in the middle of the sidewalk, and she still needed a moment to pluck up the courage to tell her what was going on. She walked home with her bag over the shoulder, clutching the paper bag with the medicine and the test to her chest.

Joohyun's thought flew to Seungwan. Hell, if it was true she was pregnant, how in the world she had to search for Seungwan.


When Joohyun arrived home, she placed the bag with the medicine on her kitchen table and called Karina. 

"Want to open some wine?" Karina asked, as was their usual routine after a long day.


Joohyun took a deep breath. "I need your support for something."


"What's wrong?" Karina questioned with immediate concern.


"I'm going to take a pregnancy test," Joohyun revealed nervously.


Karina was silent briefly. "From that guy Seungwan?" she asked, remembering their discussion of Joohyun's brief fling. 

"Yeah. I've been feeling sick, so I should check. Probably just a bug," Joohyun replied hopefully.


"Okay, let's get it over with," Karina responded supportively.


"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll call you after with the result," Joohyun told her friend. 


"You don't need to hang up," Karina insisted.


"I'm not peeing on a stick while you listen!" Joohyun said firmly. 


"Good thing I don't mind gross stuff then, in case I need to babysit," Karina tried to joke.


Joohyun's body tensed at the word "babysit." This was feeling all too real. "Let's wait until after to say that. I'll call you later," she said shakily before hanging up the phone.


In the bathroom, Joohyun's hands shook as she opened the test kit and followed the instructions.


When there was nothing left to do but wait, she paced nervously around the small room. Her thoughts raced with imagined scenarios of the future, hoping and praying for a negative result.


When the two lines appeared on the test, Joohyun froze. "Oh my God, oh my God," she thought. 

Her phone buzzed right then. Karina always knew when something was wrong. "What does it say?" Karina asked as soon as Joohyun answered.


"It's positive," Joohyun replied shakily. She gripped the sink tightly, staring at her reflection.


"I don't believe this!" Karina screamed. "Neither do I," Joohyun whispered.


"You should see an OB-GYN, tests can be wrong," Karina said supportively. 


"I'll look for one," Joohyun replied. 


Karina offered to make an appointment at her regular OB-GYN, but Joohyun told her their office was closed. 

"I'll call Monday," Joohyun said. Karina offered to accompany her, but Joohyun told her not to worry and that she'd keep her updated.


Joohyun left the bathroom, feeling unsteady. She sat on the couch, hand on her stomach, knowing in her heart the test was accurate.


"Will you tell Seungwan?" Karina asked gently. 

"If it's true, yes, but I want the doctor to confirm it first," Joohyun replied as her thoughts raced and she paused.

"Why?" Karina asked worriedly hearing the silent.


"Things happened so fast," Joohyun said awkwardly. "You know I didn't even get his full name or number. And now..."


"Now I may be carrying his child," Joohyun whispered, rubbing her hand on her stomach. 


Karina was silent for a moment. "Do you remember any details that could help find him?"


Joohyun wracked her brain. "I know he was in Busan for legal conference. Otherwise, It's not much to go on." 

"Start there. Maybe you'll get lucky," Karina encouraged. 

Joohyun wasn't optimistic but was willing to try for the baby's sake. "I'll look into it. And pray for a miracle."


"Everything will work out somehow. You've got this," Karina said reassuringly. 


On Monday morning, Joohyun walked into Dr. Tiffany's office, she felt like throwing up. She was glad the doctor could fit her in right away. 

"Good morning," Tiffany greeted. She seemed to be in her late 30s.

"Hi," Joohyun replied nervously. 


"What brings you in today? An emergency?" the doctor asked. Joohyun had called first thing that morning.


She cleared . "I think I might be pregnant. I took a test, and I wanted a check up."


Tiffany nodded and asked when it happened. Joohyun said 4-5 weeks ago. 


Tiffany explained the ultrasound may not show anything yet. But since Joohyun was there, she wanted to try.  


After undressing, Joohyun felt jittery on the exam table. Tiffany was gentle as she performed the transl ultrasound. 

Staring at the screen, Tiffany pointed. "There it is, the amniotic sac. You're definitely pregnant."


Joohyun's vision faded. She blinked rapidly but only saw black in front of my eyes as she pulled out the instrument.

"Are you okay?" Tiffany asked.

"I think I might pass out."

Joohyun felt Tiffany's hand on her ankle. "Take a deep breath."


 Joohyun took a deep breath as she instructed, and her sight slowly came back.

Tiffany expression was sympathetic. "Not what you expected, I'm guessing," she said kindly.


"Yes. Was there a heartbeat?" Joohyun asked. 

Tiffany shook her head. "It's too early, we can only see the amniotic sac at this point. But the pregnancy is definitely there."  


She removed her gloves as Joohyun got dressed. "I'm prescribing prenatal vitamins. Will you continue your care here?"


"Yes,would it be okay for you?" Joohyun asked. 

Tiffany smiled warmly. "I'd be happy to continue your care. How does coming back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound sound?"


"That would be great," Joohyun said in relief. "Thank you so much, Dr. Tiffany, for fitting me in today and agreeing to see me again."


"You're very welcome. Take care and don't hesitate to call if you have any concerns before your next appointment," Tiffany replied.


Though being 100 percent terrified, Joohyun felt a sense of happiness about the new life inside her. A tiny little thing that was hers to love.


As Joohyun left the doctor's office in a daze, her thoughts turned to Seungwan. She pulled out her phone and started searching his name online, though it was an uphill battle without a last name or many details. 

Joohyun remembered Seungwan mentioning he was in Busan for a legal conference about estate planning law.

Joohyun searched for upcoming conferences in that field and found one held about a month ago. Looking through the list of attendees, she didn't see anyone named Seungwan.


Joohyun tried searching combinations of "lawyer" and "Seungwan" along with the city of "Seoul" and "Busan", but came up empty. She sighed in frustration, knowing it was a long shot without more information to go on. Other than that Seungwan gave her the best that hits of her life.


That's when she recalled the hotel they had stayed. Joohyun called the hotel and explained her situation to the receptionist, asking if they could look up a reservation for a few weeks prior under the name Seungwan.


Unfortunately, the receptionist said they were unable to give out any visitor information due to privacy policies.


Not willing to give up, Joohyun came up with another idea. She thanked the receptionist and hung up, then pulled up the hotel's website. Scanning through, she found a quick form to request contact information for past guests. 

In the message box, Joohyun poured her heart out about how they met and ended up in this unexpected situation. She begged them to take pity and help put her in touch with Seungwan, stressing that she desperately needed to tell him some important news.


A couple hours later, Joohyun received a response. However, it wasn't the break she was hoping for. The hotel apologized but said as the reservation was paid for in by anonymous company's cash, they did not have any identifying information or method to contact the guest. 

Defeated, Joohyun put her phone down and let out a long sigh. Without being able to find out his last name or any way to track him down, her search had hit a dead end.


She knew telling Seungwan was the right thing to do. But without any leads on him, Joohyun had no choice for now but to continue her pregnancy alone, trying to come to terms with being a single mother. And Joohyun was okay with that.


A couple months went by as Joohyun adjusted to the changes in her body. She continued her research online in spare moments, just in case anything new turned up about Seungwan. But so far, no such luck. 





Present day, Three years and Seven months Later...


“Mommy, When we going to NingNing's? I wanna give her the lollipop we bought.”


Joohyun put the last of the groceries she bought at the market away and glanced at her almost three-year-old daughter Seung Ah as she closed the fridge door. “In a little bit sweetie. I still gotta empty one more bag then we can go. I promise.”


Seung Ah let out a bored sigh, cause Joohyun said she couldn't have her lollipop until they gave Ningning's. “Okay,” she said, her little legs swinging on the kitchen chair.  

While Joohyun finished unpacking the rest, Seung Ah played with her fav toy, from My Little Pony named Pinky Pie, on the table.

The little girl pretended to talk to the toy, asking Pinky if she wanted to eat her lollipop, which was still wrapped up. Of course the pony had to make some funny slurping noises.


Joohyun tried not to giggle at the silly noises her daughter was making and the firm way Seung Ah told Pinkie not to be greedy and save some lollipop for her.

Even though Seung Ah was born early at seven months, by the time she turned two she had caught up to where other kids her age were at.

And now that her third birthday was only a week away, she was actually doing better than the doctor expected.

Seung Ah was talkative and bright, always asking questions to learn more about everything. And Joohyun couldn’t picture her life without Seung Ah's innocent.

And Karina was the one who had been there for Joohyun, supporting her feelings and helping with the baby.


Joohyun had also moved to Karina's neighbourhood during her pregnancy as the expenses living in her old condo would increase once Seung Ah was born – and in case Joohyun had any emergency.


Three months after Seung Ah's was born, her maternity leave from the design company she worked at had ended, Karina watched Seungah every day.

But that only lasted six months, because Joohyun hated leaving Seungah for eight hours. She never wanted Seungah to feel like she wasn't there for her.


So with help from her boss, Joohyun started her own design business from home. As far as Joohyun was concerned, it was the best decision, even if she had to watch her money carefully. Her daughter would always come first.


“Alright, I’m done,” Joohyun announced once all the fresh stuff was put away. All she needed to take over was the gallon of milk and loaf of bread she picked up for Karina.


“Yeayh!” Seung Ah squealed all excited like as she scooted off the chair, holding Pinkie Pie in one hand and the two lollipops in the other. “Let’s go, Mommy!”


Seung Ah raced into the living room, her long braid bouncing on her back as she came to a screeching halt in front of the screen door. She waited, shifting from foot to foot, her cute dimple sparkling and excited for Joohyun to unlock the door.


As soon as the door was open, Seung Ah bolted out to the front yard, then stopped at the sidewalk, just like Joohyun had taught her to do so she didn’t run into the street. 

They walked to the townhouse next to theirs, and by the time Joohyun had reached their front porch, Seung Ah had already stood on her tippy-toes to push the doorbell, as she called it.


The door flew open, with four-year-old Ningning on the other side, who looked just like her mother, with straight black hair, and a pair of cat eyes.


Ningning clapped her hands happily. “Seung Ah! You’re here! I’ve been waiting and waiting!” 


Karina came up behind her daughter and smiled. “You’d think they haven’t seen each other for weeks, instead of just hours,” she said in an amusing way.


“I bwought you a lollipop!” Seung Ah said, ing it toward Ningning while glancing back at Joohyun, her trouble saying the letter “r” still happening. “Can we eat them now?”


Joohyun exchanged a look with Karina, and after getting the okay from her friend, she nodded. “Yes. Just remember to it until it’s gone, and don’t bite it.”


"We know," the little girls said together, then ran off to play.

Joohyun stepped inside, pointing to the items in her arms. "And for you, the bread and milk you requested for from the store." 

Karina took the heavy jug from Joohyun's arms and went to the kitchen, where they could see the girls playing through the hall. "Thank you. And for being my best friend, you get the first piece of the sweet treat I just pulled out of the oven."


Joohyun smelled the cinnamon, sugar, and rich, buttery smell. "Mmm, it smells delicious."


Karina put away the milk and set the bread down. "Do you want coffee or tea to go with it?"   

"Tea, but I'll help you make it while you cut the cake," Joohyun said, moving to the cabinet to grab a tea bag. "Would you like some too?"


"Yeah, you know how I take it. Thanks!"


With two steaming mugs of tea with no sugar added, Joohyun carried them to the kitchen table. She sat just as Karina served her a slice of coffee cake, then took the seat next to Joohyun. She moaned as the first bite melted in . 

"I swear, you're the reason I can't lose these last ten pounds from having the baby," Joohyun joked. "For over three years you've tempted me with the most amazing bakes and treats, and you know I can't resist."


"What are you talking about?" Karina said, waving off the weight comment. “You’re looking great... and I’ve noticed someone paying attention to how beautiful and curvy you are.” 

Joohyun frowned after sipping her coffee, unsure who Karina meant. “Should I even ask who?”


“Come on!” her friend exclaimed in frustration. “Has your goes into deep slumber not noticing how hot Minho is for you?” 

“You mean the gardener guy?” Joohyun asked in surprise.


Karina laughed and rolled her eyes. “He owns a landscaping business but insists on doing your yard himself instead of sending help. Trust me, that guy wants more than t bushes by your front steps.”


Joohyun almost choked on her cake. “How do you know?” 

Karina smirked. “The other day when he was mowing and I got the mail, he ‘casually’ asked about you. I told him you’re a single mom without a dad in the picture and really need to get laid.”


“Karina!” Joohyun stared at her friend in shock. “Okay, I didn’t tell him about you needing to get laid, even if it’s true you’re overdue,” she added, making Joohyun feel a bit better that her gardener wasn’t aware of her lack of love life.

“But seriously Joohyun, what’s the harm in going out with the guy?”  

Joohyun immediately shook her head. “I’m just not interested.”


Joohyun hadn’t been on a date since Bogum, and she didn’t count her night with her fantasy man Seungwan as a “date.”

God that seemed so long ago but Joohyun still thought about Seungwan all the time. It was hard not to when her daughter had the same beautiful dimples as her father.  

“You have to start somewhere,” Karina said more gently. “Don’t you ever want to get married? Have a husband and more kids?


Joohyun's stomach twisted painfully. That was something she tried not to think about.


She already knew from her parents that marriage isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and she never wanted to put one child through a divorce and messy custody battle, let alone more.

Joohyun finished the last bite of cake and set her fork down. “For now I’m good, I promise,” she said with a genuine smile. “I like it being just me and Seung Ah."


Thankfully, Karina dropped the subject. While Joohyun finished her tea and checked on the girls, Karina did the dishes at the sink.

Seung Ah and Ningning were busy having a tea party with dolls and plush toys, so Joohyun grabbed the city magazine on the table, focused on local politics, laws, lifestyles, and culture.

The shiny front cover spotlighted 'The Hottest Bachelor in Seoul'. Joohyun casually flipped through ads, getting ideas for designs and seeing what types worked best.   

"So, is everything planned for Seung Ah's birthday next weekend?" Karina asked as she closed the washer and dried her hands.


"Yep, about a dozen kids from Bunny Preschool and their moms," Joohyun said of the school where Seung Ah and Ningning attended for a few hours each day, for social skills and learning, so Joohyun could focus on work undisturbed.


"The cupcakes and food will be delivered that morning, along with the pink trampoline house she wants. I even found a Pinkie Pie pinata she's going to love bursting open."


"Think she'll want to hit it till it burst open with a baseball bat?" Karina asked with a laugh.


"Yeah she'll flip when she realizes there's candy in it," Joohyun said with a grin as she flipped the page, to the 'Hottest Bachelor in Seoul' article.  

"For sure," Karina said while packing up the rest of the coffee cake.


Joohyun skimmed the left sidebar about the top law firms in the city - how they started and became heavy hitters. It was interesting info, and once done with page one her eyes drifted to page two where a headline caught her eye - "One sweet case win, with one of the hottest lawyers in Seoul!"  

Underneath was a picture of a man posing outside the courthouse after a big win. Rocking a dark blue suit and tie, he leaned casual on a pillar with his ripped briefcase in hand.

Joohyun hadn't even looked at his face yet in the pic but the built of his had her gaze locked, not cause they were damn hot but cause they seemed really familiar somehow, even after like three and a half years.


It felt hard to breathe seeing him. She forced her eyes to his face, knowing deep down it was true. Her gut dropped when she saw that puppy-like face that used to be so nice, then got her all turnt.

Those beautiful set of eyes with dimple smile looked directed right at her, filling her head with all the memories from their one night together before she walked away early in the morning.


After all this time, she found him.


"Oh. My. God," Joohyun croaked out, throat really tight.


Karina strolled over to see what had Joohyun staring, gaze landing on the magazine spread of Seungwan. "Oh My God is right," Karina said kinda breathless. "What a y hot guy." 

"That's him," Joohyun rasped again, knowing she probably wasn't making sense.


Karina gave her a weird look, smirking. "What, that's the guy to end your dry spell with?" she played, then lowered her voice since the girls were next door.


"Yeah, he's definitely a smash. I'd do him too if I wasn't happy married."


Joohyun shook her head hard. "No," she said finally finding her voice. "That's Seungwan."


It took Karina a sec to catch on to who Joohyun meant, eyes popping wide when it clicked. "Seungwan as in..." Karina's look drifted to the hall to the little girl who was oblivious to the adults conversation about her Dad. "Holy moly."


Karina plopped in the chair next to her, she stunned just like Joohyun felt as they got quiet.


At the time, Joohyum was by herself cause she had zero ways to contact Seungwan and let him know he was about to be a parent. With her regular birth control pills and his condoms, no way would Joohyun believe a baby was possible.

Joohyun had felt so overwhelmed, knowing finding her one night stand was like finding a needle in a stack of paper.


While Joohyun never hid the pregnancy from Seungwan on purpose, part of her was relieved raising the kid alone - her biggest worry was Seung Ah getting hurt in a custody mess.  

Her parents' marriage stood only on her mom getting pregnant, not by love, leading to an ugly divorce and custody war over Joohyun, not because they really wanted her, but for the purpose to hurt the other.

For her mom it was money and child support. For her dad, keeping Joohyun was to avoid paying the woman he despised. And for Joohyun, it was either trying desperately to please them both or get tossed back and forth when it suited them.  

The bad memories made her stomach ache and anxiety kick in, because Joohyun could no longer say she couldn't find Seungwan. She found him, whether she liked it or not. And Seungwan deserved to know he had a kid.

This wasn't about Joohyun and her feelings. It was about Seung Ah, because Joohyun never wanted her daughter resenting her someday for learning the truth - that her mom knew how to contact Seungwan but instead kept Seung Ah's biological dad from being part of her life.


Joohyun looked back to the article, and within the first few paragraphs she knew more about Seungwan than before. All the key info she needed to finally hit him up was right in front of her.

She learned RV Law was the bussiness Son Seungwan co-owned with three partners. His role was representing property rights and real estate stuffs in Seoul, often winning big payouts. According to the writer, he was making serious name among the top lawyers.


Seungwan was also being hyped as rich, single and available. The magazine called him one of the hottest bachelor of Seoul in legal field. Judging by that flirty grin the camera caught, Seungwan didn't mind the title. He looked carefree, loving life as a bachelor.  

Something in her chest tightened sadly. The night they met, he'd claimed he didn't do one-night stands. But the fact Seungwan was a good looking guy who probably had his pick of women - no doubt more now that Seoul Magazine just made him a target for every woman trying to tame the hottest, rich bachelor.


That didn't matter to her, she convinced herself. But it was hard to swallow the lie, cause despite snucked out on him that morning in Busan, she'd wondered what if, tons of times over the years.

What if she'd stayed in bed with Seungwan instead of sneaking out quiet from the hotel room? What if she'd taken the same train home as him instead of rebooking another train to purposely avoid him? What if they dated after getting back to Seoul?

And the big one...what if she'd told Seungwan she was pregnant right when she found out? Where would they be now? Together? Separated? Battling over Seung Ah's custody? 


That last thought made her stomach twist.  


There was no way of knowing the answers, but what Seungwan didn't know was she sneaked out because Joohyun felt too much for him emotionally. Beyond the out of the world , there'd been a deep connection between them from when Seungwan sat at her table at the restaurant and coaxed her embarrassing story out, and the bond grew stronger, more intense through the night.


Every slow, sensual kiss, every touch raised the intimacy between them. Seungwan had been so selfless, her pleasure his only focus - and oh, had he pleased her till her body had nothing left to give and her heart started wonderin about possibilities with a man like Seungwan.


Those feelings had freaked Joohyun out enough to make her bolt. At the time, she wasn't in the right place to dive into another relationship so quick. Not after what went down with Bogum and all the other guys before him.

She didn't trust her judgement with men anymore, and still didn't, which is why single and focused on Seung Ah was all that mattered.  


And now Joohyun was staring at Seungwan, one of Seoul's hottest bachelors. And all the info she needed to hit him up was just a few quick Google searches away.


Karina's soft touch on Joohyun's arm brought her back around. When Joohyun looked at her friend's face, she saw the concern and care directed her way.  

"What you gonna do?" Karina asked, no judgement.


Fate finally stepped in, and now there was only one choice left for Joohyun, regardless of the worries and fears she was already battling.  

"I'm gonna call him and let him know he's got a daughter."





Pissed, Seungwan burst into Hyunbin's office without knocking - so it was his own fault finding his bussiness partner/brother-in-law making out with his sister Yejin, who was also Seungwan's sister.


Eight months pregnant, Son Yejin was sitting on Hyunbin's lap, his hand under the hem of her tight maternity dress while her fingers were tangled in his hair as they locked lips. Hell, they didn't even stop at the interruption. No shock there. The two were insatiable. 

"God!" Seungwan said irritated as he stalked up to Hyunbin's desk, his pissed off mood skyrocketing. "Don't you two ever quit?"


Very reluctantly, Hyunbin ended the kiss with his wife and shot Seungwan a smirk over Yejin's shoulder. "Yeah, sometimes. To sleep or eat. Occasionally to work. Though if you don't noticed, it's after hours now so it's not like we're fooling around on company time."


Like that mattered since Hyunbin co-owned the law firm with him and two other friends. "Yeah well you might wanna give my sis a break. She's about to give birth to my nephew, so should you really be doing all that...stuff?" 

"Oh my God, Seungwan," Yejin said with a laugh as she glanced his way, making no move to get up off Hyunbin's lap. " is totally fine while pregnant, right up until I give birth."


"And being pregnant has made her ," Hyunbin just had to add. "So I'm doing my part to keep her mood, which makes me the awesome husband."  

Seungwan grimaced at the too much info. "Ugh. TMI. You two are gonna make my ears bleed. We talked about this before," he said, more at his brother-in-law.

"I don't wanna hear that topic about my sis, you ." It was just wrong, and Seungwan hated scrubbing those too close images from his brain about his sibling.


Hyunbin frowned at him and gently rubbed Yejin's huge baby bump. "Hey, watch it in front of my kid."


Seungwan rolled his eyes, forced to watch while his sis and Hyunbin shared a more loving look before he pressed a kiss on her covered belly.


Jeez. Seungwan never would've thought a player like Hyunbin could settle down and get so domestic. And with Seungwan's sister, no less, when once the two had been hardcore frenenemies.


But it was hard to deny they were ridiculously cheerful and Hyunbin was a devoted, one-hundred percent committed husband - which was a good thing too, cause Seungwan had no desire to end up in jail for murdering his brother-in-law.


"Whoa, what's all the commotion in here?" their friend Mark Lee asked, strolling into the office. "Besides Hyunbin and Yejin getting frisky again, I mean," Seungwan added with an eye roll.  

Hyunbin just shrugged. "Hey, the door was shut. Seungwan shoulda knocked before barging in, so he's lucky he didn't see more than he did."


Mark nodded. "Fair enough. And it's not fair that you get to see your wife whenever since she works down the hall, while I gotta go all day without mine unless we plan lunch."


"Then why you still here, man?" Hyunbin asked Mark. "Even Jennie goes home to Chaeyoung the second work hours end. Now that they're have a baby on the way, they all about family."


Seungwan was surrounded by married bliss everyday, and soon there'd be three new babies in the mix. Then he'd have to listen to all of them brag about their kids.


All his friends tied the knot and settled down in the last year, and were about to be fathers. While Seungwan was still flying solo. He never thought he'd be the last man standing when he is all about a serious relationship... but he's still waiting for the one — that particular one to cross his path again...


Sometimes Seungwan couldn't help but feel like he let the one girl he really wanted slip away. Or rather, she snuck out of his hotel room that morning and he never heard from her again.


Even after three and a half years, Joohyun was still on his mind. Memories of her were why things didn't work out with his last girlfriend, who he briefly dated for a few months. 

God, he still found himself looking twice everytime he saw a brunette around her height with similar feature. Seungwan knew Joohyun was somewhere in Seoul and part of him wouldn't give up hope of running into her again someday. 


Seungwan really needed to get over it already, and move on with his life. She's probably moved on too by now, and he's likely just a tiny blip for her. But Seungwan could never.

"I was leaving the office too when I heard Seungwan yelling in here," Mark said, pulling Seungwan from his thoughts. "That's why I stuck around."


"Yeah, you seemed pretty wound up coming in here," Hyunbin added, still bugging Seungwan. "What's got your pants all twisted, Son?"


Seungwan's earlier irritation came flaming back. He shot angry looks around the room at the other three. 


"Let me tell you exactly what's got my pants in a twist," Seungwan mocked sarcastically.


"Ever since that stupid article in the local magazine came out, I haven't had a minute of peace day or night. Hell, I even went to grab my regular coffee this morning near the job site and the barista wrote her number on the cup." 

"Geez man, most guys would be loving all the attention," Hyunbin drawled facetiously. 

But that wasn't Seungwan. "These women are stalking me, and it's straight up creepy."


"I'm sure it can't be that bad," Yejin said, trying to calm her brother down.  

Seungwan's phone beeped with yet another voicemail, adding to all the unwanted calls, messages and inappropriate invites from strange women.


Seungwan wanted to prove to his sis, Hyunbin and Mark just how shameless these women were being.


"Since y'all find this so funny, listen to this last voicemail. Then you'll hear exactly what I've been dealing with." Seungwan played the voicemail that just came in, watching their expressions change.


"Hi Seungwan," a soft female voice said, less excited than his other recent callers.

"This is Bae Joohyun. I'm not sure you'll remember me, but we spent the night together like three and a half years ago during the flood that stopped all the KTX in Busan. I saw the article in the Seoul magazine and looked you up, wondering if maybe we could grab a drink? You can call me at..." 


Joohyun rattled off a number but Seungwan's heart was pounding so loud he didn't catch it. Bae...Joohyun. Finally a full name after all this time. And she wanted to meet up. Mind. Blown.  

Three pairs of eyes stared at him with different expressions - surprise from his sister, interest from Mark, and pure amusement from Hyunbin.  

"Holy crap, Son!" his brother-in-law said excitedly. "Did you hook up in Busan after that legal conference over three years back?"


Seungwan gritted his teeth, not confirming or denying. He'd never told anyone about Busan. For one, he wasn't one to kiss and tell. And two, he never thought he'd see Joohyun again.


Hyunbin howled with laughter. "Oh man, you totally did you dog!"


Yejin ignored her husband's crude behavior. "I think it's kind of romantic she reached out after all this time. You must have really made an impression."


Seungwan had no idea what kind of impression he'd left, considering how abruptly Joohyun took off that morning. His mind was still spinning that she contacted him.

Now that Joohyun was a call away, excitement mixed with unusual nerves and anticipation.  

"You gonna call her back?" Mark asked curiously.


"I think you should," Yejin encouraged supportively.


Surprisingly Hyunbin didn't have a smart remark. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna call her," Seungwan said. "But not in front of you all." Whatever Joohyun wanted, and whatever he had to say, he didn't need an audience.  

With that he left Hyunbin's office, shutting the door to the conference room behind him. Then he dialed Joohyun's number, waiting for her to pick up.









HAPPY WENRENE DAY!!!! It's passed 12 am in Seoul, so technically it's 15/10

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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 12: Aaaaa good
Bltrx82 #2
Chapter 15: I need more story like this. Author-nim, thank you so much for this best story.
Bltrx82 #3
Chapter 14: give me another story like this author-nim 🥺
Chapter 10: It must be very difficult for Joohyun, because she is still not brave enough to take risks with Seungwan
Chapter 7: joohyun jealous is my favorite hahaha
Chapter 5: this is very sweet
Chapter 3: I just found this story and it's really interesting, I will read it until the end. Luckily, it's already finished (hopefully).
I always enjoy time traveling story and esp when it's about my two favorite people. Anyway, I or She POV are both lovely so it doesn't really matter for me
Chapter 14: omygod this story is so good!! it's been a while since the last time I read a wr family au and i love it so much! thank you for writing this i'm so glad they had a happy ending huhu
Chapter 12: Perfect ending! 🥰