Cold War 1.0 to Yokohama Sleeping Story

that WenRene Story
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A/N : because a lot of you are requesting, here's my own version of what happened during the biggest cold war of WenRene 😁

but I won't enumerate the dates like on baobao-nim's YT video, I was bad at it, so I'll mentioned some parts and events that really happened. 







"What?! Irene broke the lens?! " the MC was in shocked since he promised to buy all the idols with chicken if Irene can shot the camera. 

Everyone was surprised but nevertheless celebrating for the free food while the other MCs are teasing Jun Hyun Moo about it. 



Irene who felt quite nonchalant that she really did it since she doesn't even eat chicken was now surrounded by her members jumping around her, praising and celebrating. She can feel Seung Wan's head on her nape while half hugging her. She felt warm because of it and that's more rewarding for her. 



When she thought that the younger one was already done with all her praises for her, she was surprised when Seung Wan was suddenly in front of her, cupping her cheeks and leaning to kiss her. Her mind went haywire at that split second knowing there's a lot of people watching them, they shouldn't get any ideas on what kind of relationship she has with their main vocalist so as a reflex she avoided it even though Seung Wan was just giving her an air kiss. 

Seeing the sudden change in Joohyun's expression after her silly act, Seung Wan just acted that it didn't happen and hoping that Joohyun wasn't mad at her, but that hope was immediately shattered when Joohyun nags at her as soon as they reached the comfort of their dorm. All the members heared and saw how Joohyun scolded Seung Wan about that while the latter just remained silent, looking down at her feet. 



"Are you really out of your mind?! why did you do that?!, you know what kind of position where we are, you know how this will affect us right? "




"I know... I-I'm sorry, I-I just got excited, and I wasn't really intending to kiss you, I was just-"




"still! don't do that again... " Joohyun angrily said and stormed to her room. 




Seung Wan who remained standing at the living room just deeply sighed while Sooyoung just patted her shoulder. 




"Just let her be for now unnie, she was just probably stressed out... " Seung Wan stared at Sooyoung and smiled a little but obviously pained about the turns of event. 




Seung Wan thought that Joohyun will be fine after few days but the older woman started giving her cold shoulders. Everytime she would try to talk to her she would always close the door in front of her face, not just that even during their official schedules, Joohyun seems like she doesn't want her near her like she has some kind of sickness that she wanted to avoid. 

Seung Wan was hurt but moreover pissed at Joohyun's sudden actions, instead of patching things up between them, she was straight up avoiding her. 

And one day Joohyun was left alone with Seung Wan in their dorm, knowing the situation, the older woman suddenly decided to go out too even though she just wanted to rest after their long schedule. 

Seung Wan knew it and stops her in leaving. 



"Stay, I know how tired you are... I'm the one leaving, besides I really have somewhere to go.. " Seung Wan said and just left. 






It's already night time, all the members are already in the dorm except with Seung Wan that made them all wonder. 


"Have you guys seen Wendy unnie? " Joy asked quite surprised not seeing their homebody member in their dorm. Yeri shook her head. 


"She didn't say anything, there's no message too in the group chat... "




"Probably she's still at the know her she sometimes stay there to practice... " Seulgi supplied. 




"Without manager oppa?.. " Joy asked knowing that their managers just dropped them this afternoon in their dorm and since then Seung Wan wasn't around. 

The three now looks at Joohyun who was just silently listening to them.




"She said she has somewhere to go this morning... "




"Where?.. " Joy asked. 




"I-I don't know... "




"And you didn't ask her unnie?"




"She's not a kid Sooyoung, she can be anywhere she wanted, why would I have to know?.. "




"because this is not so her, unnie always say wherever she goes, even updating on the group chat, but there's not even a single chat now... "




"Oh, unnie just sent a message... " Yeri said after checking her phone seeing the notification. 



"She said she will be late... "




"See, you're worrying for nothing Sooyoung... I gotta sleep now.. " Joohyun said nonchalantly. 




It's passed 3AM, Joy just couldn't sleep so she went to the kitchen to get some snacks when the door beeps open, it was Seung Wan who just got back. 




"Yah unnie, where did you went? it's passed 3am already... "



"Huh? ah yeah didn't notice the time, I was just out with some friends.. " she walks to the refrigerator to get some drink when Joy smelled her. 




"Yah unnie, did you get drunk?... "




"No, I'm not drunk, just a little, we're actually just partying today.. "




"With who? "




"My foreign line friends... "




"foreign line friends? yah unnie I didn't know you have these friends huh... " Joy teases. 




"I don't normally hang out with them since it's always boy's night out, but I suddenly felt like being one of the boys tonight... "




"so.. they are all males? " Seung Wan just nodded. 




"Yah unnie, are they trustworthy? or are you already dating one of them? "




" I wish I could just date one of them since they are all fine men, but that won't happen since I swing the other way and they all know about it... "




"What do you mean by that unnie? "




"I'm just saying, you don't have to worry about anything, and I won't date anyone of them, since we have a rule in our group...brothers forever...anyways it's late, you should sleep already, why are you even awake at this hour? " Seung Wan just shook her head and headed to her shared room with Seulgi. 

Unknown to them that Joohyun was been listening the entire time since she couldn't sleep too knowing that Seung Wan was still out. 








But those nights became a habit every time Seung Wan is not busy or if they don't have any schedule, she would always go out with her foreign line friends until Joohyun had enough and confronted Seung Wan about it. 




"Where are you going? " she coldly asked seeing Seung Wan is getting ready to go out. 




"Going out... " Seung Wan answered nonchalantly. 




"To drink with your male friends again? "




"Oh how do you know? I thought you won't even care..."




"Yah! Son Seung Wan, are you really out of your mind?! what if a paparazzi spotted you drinking with your friends? do you really think they won't stir up something about you? are you really asking to have a scandal while we're in the middle of preparing for our tour and album? " Seung Wan just chuckled as an answer. 




"scandal? you're the only one afraid of it unnie, that's why we're like this... and besides why would I be afraid if there's nothing really going on?, they're all just my friends..."




"You really still don't know how the media works? Seung Wan can you listen to yourself now?... "




"I'am listening to myself now! and it's telling me to get the hell out of here! to get away from you and to my stupid feelings for you! " Seung Wan said obviously angered while staring directly at Joohyun who suddenly became speechless. 




"You wanted this, and now you're stopping me...really Bae Joohyun?.. "




"You know that I didn't want this..."




"So you just feel like avoiding me huh?.. "




"I did that because I wanted us to become more discreet, because I wanted to protect our relationship... "




"What relationship? is there even a camera here in our dorm? in the practice room? in everywhere that it just us? are you that afraid that people would know about us, about you being gay?.. "




"Yes, because it wasn't just me that will be hurt, it's you too, I'm afraid of what they can do to how I'am afraid that you're always going out seeing these friends of yours that I'm not even assured if they are really trustworthy.. "




"If you're that afraid then maybe we shouldn't have this kind of relationship in the first place...I'm sorry, I probably just stressed you out more, maybe just continue avoiding me from now on, let's just be professionals as Wendy and Irene... " Seung Wan said seriously and left Joohyun who remained lost about Wendy's words. 




"W-what do you mean by that Seung Wan?.. "






Seung Wan stops going out with her friends, but she became more reserve, and it's like everything went reversed because now she's the one avoiding Joohyun, even worse than the time she's still running away about her feelings for the latter. She treats Joohyun like she didn't exist, even though they were just beside each other. During their

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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 6: Want more
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ohoooo
Adele101 #3
Chapter 6: Thank you...thank you. I really enjoying your story
Riscark #4
Chapter 6: Everyone wondered does the member tasted Wendy's triple berry jam, but irene just casually dropped that she helps making it, is my roman empire hehe
Chapter 6: Aww 🥰 As sweet as the title itself.
112 streak #6
Chapter 6: cutiesssss 😭😭😭
1700 streak #7
Chapter 6: Cute! Both of them making jams together in dorm all night, chating and catching up time together.
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Lol this reminds me of when seekers were having a bet if joohyun went to see Rebecca. And them saying that we will never see the light of it because she's not like the other three who is very active on social media so there's really no evidence lol
Riscark #9
Chapter 5: Joohyun who rarely shows it when she's crying or let alone admitted that she cried, said on national radio that she cried during Rebecca, honestly Joohyun is so emotional for Seungwan
1700 streak #10
Chapter 5: The ahjussis playing Maxim look like father figure Instead lover in Rebecca. I just see someone made fanarts exactly this scenario omg