Musical and Bubble Stickers

that WenRene Story
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The members were just informed that the Madrid leg for Primavera Sound was cancelled because of bad weather and flooding. They were allowed to stay and roam around before going back to Korea especially Wendy and Yeri who has upcoming schedules that they needed to do right after. While Irene will stay for long vacation with her family, Seulgi who has prior commitments too has a different flight with the other two members. So the remaining two days of being all together was filled with more memories by the four members, it's just regrettable that Joy wasn't with them. 

They roam around Madrid, and just stayed in their hotel rooms to do karaoke bonding with alcoholic drinks in their table. They were obviously drunk already at how hyper they are singing, laughing and dancing to the music. Yeri and Seulgi are busy fighting in which song they're gonna do next, while Joohyun and Seungwan was just cuddling on the side, talking about their long separation once Wendy will go back to Korea to continue her radio until the end of her contract with them. 



"Why you didn't tell me? that you're stepping down, I just found out about it on the news.. " Joohyun asked with a pout. 




"Isn't it something I must do sooner or later, you even once told me the unfair treatment of PD-nim towards me for not taking account of my suggestions on the segments.. "




"Yeah, they're just wasting your hard work and skills, but you love DJing right? even though they're being incompetent you told me that you wanted to stay longer... "




Seung Wan rubs Joohyun's arm with her thumb while the latter was side hugging her, as she gulped hard her nervousness of finally telling Joohyun her future plans on why she's stepping down. The news of her joining musical is something she haven't tell to Joohyun because before when she was only invited to audition and her girlfriend finding out about the storyline, the latter immediately disagreed, she doesn't want Seung Wan to do it for so many reasons. One because of it's toxic storyline, two, Seungwan will going to do so much skinship with a male actor, and worst she have to do multiple kissing scenes, only thinking about it already makes her stomach churn, even though it was only acting, Joohyun doesn't like the thought of it at all, and so Seung Wan is having a hard time confessing. 



"Hyun~ah...the truth is I'm stepping down because I'll be very busy the coming months... "




"Oh yes, you have to do a lot of things for your solo comeback.. " Joohyun smiled understandingly. Seung Wan bit her lip while looking straight at her girlfriend. 




"Not just that, I'm - I'm going to be part of Rebecca, the musical play I mentioned to you before... " Seung Wan confessed waiting for her girlfriend's worst reaction, but the woman only untangled herself from her and left to go to her own room. 


The two other members who are still busy choosing songs also noticed the sudden coldness when the older woman closes the door with a loud bang. 



The two stares at their main vocalist in question but Seung Wan can only hang her head low. 




"Unnie you must talk to her now or you're gonna leave with you guys having misunderstanding again.. " Yeri suggested. 




"What can I do? I can't back out now in doing the Musical, it's something I wanted to try for a long time, now that I got the role, I just wish she could understand that.. "




"then make her understand unnie, don't just sit here and waste another chance to talk to her... "




"Yerimie is right Seung Wan~ah, you must talk to her before it's too late... " Seulgi added, Seung Wan listened to their words as she took a deep breath before standing up and followed Joohyun. 




Wendy keeps knocking on Irene's door but no avail, luckily the latter forgot to luck it or she just let it be, so Seung Wan will coax her. 



Seung Wan entered the room with gentle footsteps as she saw Joohyun sitting on the couch crossed legs with a bottle of beer in hand. 



"Joohyun ~" she softly called before sitting down beside her. 



"That's enough... " she tried to snatch away her drink from her but Joohyun is being stubborn. 



"Hyun please listen to me first... " 



"What's there to listen? you already made a decision without even fcking telling me?.. " Joohyun said with so much anger in her voice. 



"this is why I didn't tell you, because I know you're going to get mad at me... "




"and yet you still did, you still accepted the role... "



"Hyun, I thought you wanted me to grow, that you wanted me to be confident in trying new things and not to stick at the same thing the company just keeps throwing at me, you even told me to go against the rules and just be myself..."




"But this is different Seung Wan!, you're going to act romantic with someone else.. "




"You said it yourself, it's just an ACT, it's not real, I'm just going to act, it shouldn't be anything serious but you're acting like I'm gonna cheat on you..."




"Because you already did, without telling me this plan of yours!... "




"Okay.. I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry, it's my fault for not telling you first, but please understand why, when I mentioned about this to you months ago, you were so against it, it made me feel like you were doubting me that I can do it, but I made in to audition and passed, isn't it something I should be proud of, something that you should be proud of me too?" 

Joohyun's grip to the bottle tightens as she shakes with her impending tears. 



"Because you didn't even put my own feelings into consideration, you didn't even think about what would I feel?, you doesn't even realize what would I feel seeing you kissing another person, even working with someone who shows so much interest on you?, do you think I'm that numb Seung Wan~ah? "




"It's not easy for me too Joohyun, but I know I have to do this to find myself, to be on my own without our group name always being attach to me, co'z all this time I only treat myself just Wendy from Red Velvet, I wanted to be me, you know it well... you're even the first one who encourages me to be someone bigger than just being part of our team.. "




"I know everything that I've told you, but god Seung Wan this is different, you will be working with someone who has so much interest on you, doesn't it even cross your mind that she's gonna grab this opportunity to be more closer to you?.. "




"No, because you're the only one thinking that she has some hidden agenda towards me, Joohyun why are you always so doubtful with the friends I made? do you think I already forgot how you scares Miyeon and Sana thinking that there's something more about the flowers they given me after the concert?"




"I-I didn't scared them, I just told them you can't personally accept the flowers since you were busy attending with the other guests..."




"And you know that's not true, I even thought that I don't have other friends who came to see the concert, I only found out about it when they messaged me, even though they were teasing in finding you scary, I know in their head that was their impression about you, and I really tried to change that by telling them that you're just a tsundere and all... "




"I didn't tell you to do that, I don't fcking care what they even think about me... "




"But I do Joohyun, because you're my girlfriend, and I love you, I don't want them to think bad about you because it hurts me too, now if you're doubtful of Ock Juhyun unnie, then I'm telling you she's nothing but a kind and nice unnie to me, an unnie who always believes in me, an unnie who told me that I can be bigger than just being Wendy from Red you now get what I'm saying?.. "




"I get it Seung Wan, but how can I stop myself from getting jealous? how can I stop loving you this much that I can't bear to see you enjoying someone else company, how can I even watch you kissing someone else? I'm mad co'z you don't even put my feelings into consideration before you accepted the project, why it was so hard for you to realize that?! " Joohyun is now tearing up as she said those. 

Seungwan finally succeeded in taking away the bottle of beer in her hands as she places it on the table before holding back the latter's hands with both hands. 




"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry that I made you feel like I don't even care about what would you feel, but Joohyun believe me, you're the reason why I had second thoughts about this, why I almost just let it go, but I realized if I didn't accept this then how will I fulfill my promise to you that I will become someone you will always be proud of, so Hyun please it was just an acting, you should be the one who understands it more since you already experienced acting before... "




"But I never done romance, I never get intimate with someone else and you know why? because I'm always thinking of you, I always think about what would you feel? because I've seen how you felt so insecure about yourself during the time I was paired with Park Bogum as MCs before. Seung Wan you have no idea how many romance drama projects I already declined just to avoid getting kissing scenes with someone else because there's no one I wanted to kiss other than you.. " Joohyun cried with the secret she kept to herself. 




"So it's not the company? I thought the company wasn't giving you those oppurtunity to act again... " Seung Wan is out of words finding out how much Joohyun loses by always thinking about her feelings. 




"Because all they offer to me are romance drama, even wanting to pair me with someone older... "




"But Hyun, you should have told me in the first place, do you really think I'm going to be mad if you choose to accept those? Joohyun my trust in you is bigger than what you can think of....while you're acting like you can't trust me at all... " disappointment is evident in Seung Wan's voice. 



"N-no, I trust you Seung Wan, i-it's not just you... " Joohyun frantically explained. 




"But you make it seem like I'm the one who's stopping you to grow on your own... " Seung Wan's voice now sounded a bit defeated, sad and serious, that finally struck a realization in Joohyun's mind. 



Seung Wan was right, what's there to be jealous about when it was all just an act, a part of their job, and she even use it to try making Seung Wan feel guilty about her own sacrifices just to stop her from letting herself grow when in the first place it was her who dec

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Favebolous 13 streak #1
Chapter 6: Want more
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ohoooo
Adele101 #3
Chapter 6: Thank you...thank you. I really enjoying your story
Riscark #4
Chapter 6: Everyone wondered does the member tasted Wendy's triple berry jam, but irene just casually dropped that she helps making it, is my roman empire hehe
Chapter 6: Aww 🥰 As sweet as the title itself.
112 streak #6
Chapter 6: cutiesssss 😭😭😭
1699 streak #7
Chapter 6: Cute! Both of them making jams together in dorm all night, chating and catching up time together.
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Lol this reminds me of when seekers were having a bet if joohyun went to see Rebecca. And them saying that we will never see the light of it because she's not like the other three who is very active on social media so there's really no evidence lol
Riscark #9
Chapter 5: Joohyun who rarely shows it when she's crying or let alone admitted that she cried, said on national radio that she cried during Rebecca, honestly Joohyun is so emotional for Seungwan
1699 streak #10
Chapter 5: The ahjussis playing Maxim look like father figure Instead lover in Rebecca. I just see someone made fanarts exactly this scenario omg