
Reflection of Life
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"Wonyoung-ah, aren't you picking Yujin up from the airport? I thought she would be back today from her shoot"

Wonyoung looked up to her member with a frown



"Why would I? She didn't even have the tendency to reply to my texts"




"She didn't reply to mine either. Maybe she was busy"

Wonyoung sighed and put her phone away



"No offense Rei but I'm her girlfriend. It's a little different when she doesn't reply to me"

The shorter girl rolled her eyes and smiled at Wonyoung, putting a hand on her shoulder



"I know it's different, I'm just saying that her not replying to you doesn't

mean that something is going on. I know how often you blame yourself if something is different"

Wonyoung sighed, knowing it was useless to argue with the older girl about it.



Probably because Rei was right. Every time something is not going the way Wonyoung imagined it to be, she thinks she did something wrong and fears Yujin breaking up with her.

It was never the case in the end and her girlfriend promised to talk to her if something was wrong, but Wonyoung was still scared. After many toxic relationships in the past two years, Wonyoung was scarred.



She was still young when she had her first relationship, which made her from the beginning anxious. At that time Yujin was just a friend but she was a reliable friend who always lent her shoulder for Wonyoung to cry on.

However, after her last relationship ended because she found out she was being cheated on and the guy blamed it on her since she wasn't ready to sleep with him, Yujin had enough and opened up to Wonyoung. She confessed her feelings to the younger girl and told her all these sweet things that Wonyoung gave her a chance.



At first, she wasn't sure about her feelings. She loved Yujin but she couldn't quite say if it was just platonic love or more. Going on dates with Yujin made Wonyoung happy.

She was surprised at how good a date could be. She wasn't stressed, anxious, or worried. Yujin let her be herself and was so sweet to her throughout the date.


At one point, Wonyoung stopped thinking and followed her heart, realizing that Yujin was the right one for her. She was over the moon when she exchanged her first kiss with the older girl. Her lips were soft and careful,  making Wonyoung see that Yujin was different.


Every time they got to a new point in their relationship, Wonyoung could see how different Yujin was from all the people she dated before.

Weeks and months went by with Wonyoung feeling like the happiest girl alive, however, something changed when the girls got busy with their next comeback.


Of course, each of them was busy preparing for the song whether it was dancing or singing but spending less time with Yujin made Wonyoung anxious. Like she couldn't properly breathe and needed to stay near her girlfriend. Yujin still acted the same and used late nights in their dorm to talk with Wonyoung since they weren't able to throughout the day.


Nothing changed, but Wonyoung's mind played tricks on her. If Yujin was scheduled for a variety show somewhere alone, Wonyoung imagined her girlfriend meeting someone more interesting than her, and Yujin dumping her after.

If Yuji

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Chapter 9: wow that was srsly hot
Nirvi90 #2
Chapter 3: More annyeongz pls TT this was so cute
Chapter 3: annyeongz TT
brokeness #4
Chapter 2: my gadd!!! so cute!!!!!! some flufff finalyyyyyy