Too much adrenaline

Reflection of Life
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Yujin loved extreme sports. No matter if it was bungee jumping, paragliding, car racing, or any kind of water sport. 
Wonyoung fell in love with her when she was a volunteer at a track game where Yujin was one of the participants. The moment Wonyoung gave the older girl her water and their hands touched it sparked. Wonyoung admired how brave and determined the girl was. How she is always trying her best and not caring if she got first or last place. 

The two girls went out on a date a few days later when they accidentally met again and it just clicked. It wasn't long until they got into a relationship. Wonyoung was always supporting her girlfriend and watched her no matter what she wanted to try out. She tagged along, admiring how cool the older girl was. 
She thought it was incredible how brave her girlfriend was until she saw how dangerous it could also be. 

They were at the beach, and Yujin was waterskiing with some of their friends. Everything seemed pretty normal, and everyone was having a blast. But then it happened. 
Wonyoung was just reading a book when she heard screams from people around her. She quickly looked up and saw the boat, where Yujin and her friends were supposed to be. Her friends were standing frozen while one of the workers jumped in the water. 

Wonyoung tried to follow where the guy was swimming to. Her eyes turned back to the boat to find Yujin but the older girl was nowhere to be found. However, her eyes widened when the boat got to the beach with the guy and someone else in his arms being dragged along. 

Wonyoung fearing the worst moved to them only to gasp when she saw Yujin with a bleedy head, the girl unconscious. Seems like Yujin made a little too many flips and didn't see a jetski coming close, so she bumped her head and fell in the water. Luckily it wasn't too bad but after seeing Yujin there in the hospital, Wonyoung wanted her to stop doing so many risky sports stuff. 

She thought that the older girl would quickly agree after experiencing something like this but her girlfriend wanted to do even more extreme stuff. Wonyoung couldn't go with her but also couldn't leave her alone because she was so afraid of what would happen and what she would do if something happened to Yujin. 

Yujin thought her girlfriend was overreacting, saying she would be fine and that nothing could go wrong. Wonyoung knew that the older girl wouldn't listen to her and that they would only argue if she ever tried to stop Yujin from doing what she loved. 
Wonyoung tried to talk to Yujin's friends and family about it but they only confirmed that Yujin was always like this. Ever since she nearly died from a sickness and was hospitalized for a year when she was just 10 years old, Yujin didn't want to waste her life by being scared of things and did everything extreme to feel alive. 

It started with rides at the amusement park to Yujin doing material arts and boxing. When she became a teenager, one who liked going out and going to parties, there was a time when she was out of control. There weren't a lot of things she was allowed to do, so she got a little creative. With alcohol in her system, she got even crazier. 

One time, she jumped from the roof into a pool, another time a friend of hers was driving the car while Yujin was on top of it, holding onto it without falling off. And then there was this time Yujin and some other kids tried to build a rocket in the garden of a friend but in the end, there was a huge firework, and the garage caught fire. Yujin got house arrest for a month where she wasn't allowed to go out after school. 

It calmed her a little down and she was more careful. However, when she turned into an adult, she saw new opportunities to feel alive and got right into learning how to do car racing, while doing all kinds of sports. 

When Wonyoung found out about her girlfriend's past, she could understand her a little better but she was still concerned and tried to find a compromise with her girlfriend. 
At first, Yujin didn't even want to listen to her girlfriend, but when Wonyoung started to pour out her feelings and cried at how scared she was of losing her, Yujin eventually started to listen to her girlfriend and they tried to find some activities they could do together which wouldn't be too dangerous. Wonyoung had to let go of her fears a few times but she was happy to see Yujin enjoying herself. 

She also thought it was quite cute how Yujin yelled I'm alive, every time they finished having together. The more things they did together, the closer they became. When their second anniversary came close, Yujin wanted to go on vacation with Wonyoung which the younger girl agreed right away to. Yujin even promised that they wouldn't do activities every day, which made Wonyoung even more excited for the trip. 

They planned some things ahead since they needed to reserve for some of the activities they wanted to do. Wonyoung wasn't so sure about the whole diving with sharks thing but if Yujin was sure that it was safe, she would be okay with it. 
The trip was something Wonyoung really needed. Just being with her girlfriend was making her the happiest girl alive. The activities they chose to do were fun and not too much to handle, however, Wonyoung got a little s

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Chapter 9: wow that was srsly hot
Nirvi90 #2
Chapter 3: More annyeongz pls TT this was so cute
Chapter 3: annyeongz TT
brokeness #4
Chapter 2: my gadd!!! so cute!!!!!! some flufff finalyyyyyy