First Impression

Reflection of Life
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Wonyoung was pissed.

More than pissed.


How could Yujin be late?


Her parents were already not the biggest fans of her because of her reputation but they trusted their daughter's taste and still gave Yujin the chance to show them she is worth dating Wonyoung.


The tall girl was so happy they could finally stop hiding their relationship.


Four months of sneaking around were more than enough.

Sure it was thrilling but Wonyoung liked showing off that Yujin is her girlfriend, so she stopped being a coward and told her parents.


Being the control freaks they can be, they got pieces of information on Yujin and wanted to get to know her in person.

Wonyoung only said good things about her, wanting her parents to love her girlfriend.



However, right now she could kill the older girl.

Wonyoung was already sitting with her parents in the restaurant waiting for Yujin.


The older girl texted her just now that she will be ten minutes late and that Wonyoung should choose her food.


Since she didn't know the reason, she tried to stay calm but after hearing how disappointed her parents looked, she wanted to rip off Yujin's head.




"Hi, my apology for being late"

Wonyoung stood up and greeted her girlfriend with a kiss on her cheek



"I hope you have a good excuse"

she whispered only for Yujin to hear.



The older girl gave her an apologetic smile and turned to Wonyoung's parents



"Yujin, glad that you could make it"

Wonyoung cursed inside how sarcastic her father sounded




"I apologize again. My father suddenly had another meeting so I had to pick up my sisters from soccer practice"

she explained.



Wonyoung loved how caring Yujin was with her siblings.

She hoped that her girlfriend could score with stories about her younger twin sisters because it would make her seem responsible.



Her parents then started to ask her about her life, like what jobs her parents have and what Yujin would like to pursue in the future.


Wonyoung can't count how many times she rolled her eyes after hearing their questions.


Luckily Yujin took them like a champ, answering without making any sarcastic comments. Wonyoung could tell that her girlfriend alre

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Chapter 9: wow that was srsly hot
Nirvi90 #2
Chapter 3: More annyeongz pls TT this was so cute
Chapter 3: annyeongz TT
brokeness #4
Chapter 2: my gadd!!! so cute!!!!!! some flufff finalyyyyyy