Ch 03

When Flowers Bloom
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03 | Liars




Upon hearing his name being called, Chanyoung hastily runs out of the room, not forgetting on closing the door and meet with his cousins. They play hide and seek once again for the next two hours until they got tired and went downstairs to drink some water.


"We're going home after that." Auntie Shin told her kids.


"Whaaaat?" Both boys cried out in complaints.


"It's getting late!" Auntie Shin scolded. "And you guys are going to school early tomorrow."


Chanyoung giggles. "Let's play again tomorrow, Taemo hyung, Taesul hyung." he said and hug them briefly.


"Okay, see you again, Chanyoungie." The twins smiled and wave their hands to their cousin as they leave with their mother.


Once they have left, Yoona closes the door gently and was about to talk to his son when the latter runs upstairs. He just doesn't mind as he headed to the kitchen. But just as he thought he could start washing the dishes, he was greeted by his wife, chopping carrots.


"Hon, aren't we done with dinner?" He got confused.


"I'm making dumplings again. I think my son didn't like the saltiness of it." Seohyun reasoned as tiny pieces of carrots to the wrapper then spread some pepper. 


"What?" Yoona chuckled in disbelief. "It's almost ten in the evening. Just do it tomorrow."


"No, I need to make another one."


"I understand that you want our son to love whatever you cook but let's take a rest, shall we? We missed going to the Agency earlier. We have to sleep early, you know."


"No." Seohyun looked at the doe-eyed seriously. "I need to perfect this. Just go sleep first." she firmly stated before she returned to her dumplings.


Yoona is agape and stunned. He could only watch in awe. 'She has never been this determined to something. She looks like she will compete in a cooking contest or whatsoever.' He goosebumps because he can see the fire in his wife's eyes. 'She's probably hurt that our son doesn't like her cooking. Awww, my heart is fluttering.' he smiled quietly, admiring his wife. "Good luck then. But make sure you don't sleep at dawn." He says softly as he casually kissed the side of her forehead.


"No worries." Seohyun briefly smiled.


Yoona smiled back and turned his body to leave. But he stops and gives his wife one last look. "Don't get too stress."


"I know." 


With that said, he continued his way upstairs and realized the next room of the master bedroom is open. "Ah yeah, he likes to sleep in his room now." he remembers and headed to his son's room. He found him playing with his superman toys with its villains. "Isn't it time to go for a shower, Chanie?" he asks softly.


Chanyoung turned his head and was reminded of the secret room. "Appa, what was on that storage room?" 


"Storage room?" Yoona raised his eyebrows as he took his seat on the floor next to his son. 


"I saw something. There was some... " Chanyoung paused and look at his superman toy. 'Superman hides his secret from his family. Should Chanyoung also hide it?' He asks himself. 'Appa might scold me if he knows I learned about it.' 


"Is there something in the storage room?" Yoona asked when he noticed his son seems to be pondering. 'Did he... saw the secret room?' And it worries him. 'Oh God, I hope he didn't.'


Upon hearing his father's thoughts, Chanyoung immediately looked back at him. "A-appa... " his heart beats nervously. 




After another couple of seconds of pause, Chanyoung smiled and shakes his head. "I'm going to shower now." He gets up and quickly runs to the bathroom.


Yoona followed but the door closes in front of his face. "Don't need any help?"


"It's me and superman only." Chanyoung answered as he the faucet in the bathtub.


"Be careful on the tub."


"Chanyoung is a big boy, I know how to do this."


Yoona is surprised upon hearing it. "O-okay." He scoffed and walk to the closet so he could prepare his pajamas. He places them on his bed and he began to pick up his toys in a basket. But he noticed a polaroid monochrome among the toys, which made his heart skip a beat and he picked it up. "So he was really in the storage room." he smiled, looking at the ultrasound photo of Chanyoung when he was like 2 weeks. But the photo reminds him of how his life changed. 




During a spy mission in Thailand, Seohyun and Yoona did not only come to the country for work but also to have fun. They pretended to be investors so that they can able to get close to the chairman while having fun with everything he was offering them. It was like they were celebrities for the chairman, they were treated so well. But they're betraying him by gathering evidence of their human trafficking activities in the country. 


But one night, three months since their mission started, Seohyun felt so sick. She got suspicious especially since they made love a couple of times without using protection every after stressful day. And so she decided to take on a pregnancy test secretly while her boyfriend Yoona is apparently talking with the head of their agency on a video conference.


"Let this be negative. Let this be negatiiiveee." Her voice weakened when the test turns positive. She dropped her shoulders and sighed heavily and started trembling. 'What will he think of this?' She's anxious if she's going to tell Yoona or not. They haven't thought about making a family since they started dating 3 years ago. And now, she's pregnant, it might change everything they have planned for their future. 


An hour later, she shakes her head and stands on her feet. She faces herself in the mirror and thought of her parents that had actually mentioned marriage a few months ago. It made her smile somehow, imagining their reaction. 


"Here goes nothing." She let out a huge exhale before he stepped out of the bathroom, just on time Yoona has ended his talk with their director.


"Want to have some coffee, baby?" Yoona stood up and meet her halfway as he hugs her.


Seohyun smiled nervously. "I-I... don't think I could drink coffee tonight."


"Wae? I thought you feel fine now?"


"Um, Yoongie." She pauses while looking at those confused doe eyes nervously.


"Wae?" Yoona held her head and kissed her forehead affectionately.


Seohyun brace herself before she speaks, "I'm pregnant." And she took the pregnancy test from her pocket to hand it to him. "This is the reason I'm... I'm feeling sick lately."


"No way." Yoona is stunned, looking at the kit with his eyes widened. "You're kidding me, aren't you?"


Seohyun shakes her head. "I would never do this to you, Yoona."


"B-But..." Yoona paused and hold his head as he processes the information. Then his heart is dropping tears as he also drops to his knees. "I'm sorry, this is my fault." 


"What?! It's not." Seohyun got confused.


"I mean, If-if I have used protection, this wouldn't happen. I mean, we're on a mission. How am I so irresponsible about this? We've only been 3 years and-"


"Shouldn't you ask me for marriage instead of crying over this?" She finds it ridiculous. She also lowered herself and hold her boyfriend's hand. "We both did this. It wasn't our plan but let's accept this immediately, shall we? There's an angel that's going to come soon. I'm sure you're going to be the best Dad." she emotionally said as her tears are also leaving her eyes. "Let's not be sorry to our baby, please." 


Yoona nodded and pulled her for a hug. "But still, I want to apologize to you, not to our baby. And I will be a good dad, of course."


"I want to think about our plans now for our baby."


"I know. I know. But let me process first. I'm going to be a father you know, and you're going to be a mother." He whimpers as he continues to hug Seohyun. The latter snickers and return his tight hug.  


After a while, they pulled back and Yoona carried her to the bed, so he can cuddle with her. 


"What should we name our baby?" ask Seohyun softly as she wipes the remaining tears on her cheek.


"Whatever you like, I don't mind. And let's get married after this mission." Yoona smiled sweetly as he pecked on her lips. 


Seohyun blushes. She was speechless so she just nodded and kissed him on the lips as well as they cuddle silently.


"Wait." However, the doe-eyed suddenly thought of something and he jumped off of the bed, running to the bathroom right away. When he returned, he dropped to his knees while holding the can's tab ring. "Marry me, Seo Joohyun."


Seohyun chuckled. "That's not a ring."


"But it shapes like a ring and your finger will fit in. But it's just temporary." He assured her.


"Fine." She snickers and stretch her hand out.


Yoona goofily smiles as she put it on her finger. "From now on, you're mine forever, Seo Joohyun. And I am yours."


Seohyun got up and pulled him up so she can kiss him. "Thanks for loving me, Mr. Im." She said before crashing their lips, again and again, the entire night.


End of Flashback...


At first, he thought he and her will end up their jobs but the Agency refuse to let go of them. But the sequence has for them to leave their son to his Auntie. But now they give them time to make up the years they left their son. 


"Appa." Chanyoung suddenly called him and at the same time climb to his back, causing him to chuckle and bend over as he turn his head behind.


"Yah, you're done?" Yoona smiled at his son.


Chanyoung nodded. "Oh that." But he saw the monochrome photo. "I pick that up inside the storage room. But I don't know what is that." he got off and raise his eyebrows.


"It's you."


"Me? Chanyoung is that small back then?" He pointed at his own, innocently.


Yoona snickers and places the photo in his son's small hands. "This is you when you are just weeks old inside Omma's tummy. As days and months passes, Chanyoung grows up and you're this big now." he giggles as he pinches his son's cheeks. 


Chanyoung giggled back. "So Chanyoung is this small like a peanut."


"Yeah, you're." Yoona get up and took his seat on the bed. "Are you fine here, alone?"


Chanyoung smiled and nodded as he climbs to the bed and tuck himself inside the comforter.


"But we miss you, honey. Shouldn't we sleep in one bed again?" Yoona cutely pouted. 


"Appa is cute." Chanyoung chuckled. 


"And Omma too you know."




Yoona nodded gently. "Let's stay in one bed, hmm? You miss us too, I'm sure of that."


"But... " Chanyoung ponders as his heart beats nervously. He's afraid he might disappoint them if he sleeps with them. Auntie Shin told him that if he snores and moves a lot, he might kick them.


"Don't be shy, hmm? It'll be fine. You will be comfortable in time if you sleep with us."


"But I move a lot."




"Chanyoung moves a lot if I sleep."


Yoona smiled in amusement. "I know but it's fine." He remembers the previous night, he literally woke up a couple of times because he got kicked on his abdomen but it didn't stop him from staying on the bed. "So... let's sleep in bed, okay?"


"Okay." Chanyoung finally shot up as he smiled brightly.


Yoona casually offered his back and his son climbs. He hold him on his back as he got up and walked out of the room.


"Piggy Back Appa. I love it." Chanyoung giggles feeling so happy that he got it for the first time. He only imagined it back then and now he's doing it to him. 


"Chincha? Does Auntie Shine do this all the time?"


"Nope. Only Uncle."


Yoona chuckles. "I see. But from now on, Appa is doing this to youuuu..." he suddenly runs causing Chanyoung to laugh until they reach the bedroom, and instead of preparing the bed, they played chasing game around the room until Seohyun came, they tuck their selves inside the comforter.


Seohyun let out a sigh as she headed straight to the bathroom instead with a grumpy face. 


'Is she finished with the dumpling?' Yoona wonders as he sits up and tried to see his wife from the bathroom.


"Wae?" Chanyoung didn't notice it was from his father's mind and he look at his father curiously.


"Hmm? What is it?"


"You mention about dumpling, Appa."


Yoona's eyes widened. "Did I say it out loud?" 


"Oh, hehe. I think you did." Chanyoung finally realizes and he grins goofily.


"Tsk. It's nothing. Let's get you to sleep now." Yoona laid back next to his son and pulled the comforter to his chest. Chanyoung closes his eyes as he cuddles with his teddy bear. "Want me to sing a song?"


"No." Chanyoung instantly replied. "I like it quiet, Appa." he softly said without opening his eyes. 


"Okay." Yoona understands. He smiles as he watches his son sleeps before his eyes also closed unconsciously. After a couple of minutes, he nearly fell asleep when he heard footsteps. He opened his eyes and find Seohyun walking to the vanity. She looks better now that earlier she entered the room. He checks their son and he hears soft snores already. 


"He's asleep?" Ask Seohyun while applying some cream on her face.


"Yes. And you look like you feel better now?"


"The shower is good, that's why."


Yoona snickers. "No wonder. You didn't overcook did you?"


"Nope. But... I don't think my son will ever like that. I think I need to meet the mother of Woojin." Seohyun casually shares.


"What? There's no need for that."


"I just want to taste her dumpling. If there's any difference I will ask for her help." She explained further as she smiled briefly at the doe-eyed.


Yoona shot up and scoff. "Don't compete with Mrs. Kwon, I'm telling you." 


"Ugh, I'm not competing. I'm just going to learn from her." Seohyun got offended and she shot a glare at her husband. 


"But shouldn't you make your own dumpling rather than making the same like Mrs. Kwon's?"


"I'm not going to copy hers as well. I just feel like I am making it wrong so I want to learn and see where was I wrong that my own son doesn't like my cook." 


Yoona scoffed but it amused him. "The dumpling is fine for me though."


"Exactly but our son has a different taste bud. I'm going to learn how Mrs. Kwon got our son's taste and I want to make my own." 


"Fine, I understand now. Come here and forget about it." He opened his arms and offers her a hug.


Seohyun rolled her eyes. She finishes the cream first before she joins them on the bed. But instead of hugging her husband, she throws an extra pillow to his head before she cuddles with their son. 


Yoona wanted to get his revenge but the latter immediately stuck her tongue out and close her eyes. He might hit Chanyoung if he continues to hit her with the pillow, so he sighs in defeat and just turned off the night lamps before joining them in their dreamlands.




The next day comes, Yoona and Seohyun drive their son once again to the school. But didn't expect to see a lot of men in black, standing around a kindergarten school. As if there's an important person that will be arriving. The parents and kids are confused yet feel scared at the same time. But Chanyoung who loves to watch actions just like his favorite superhero felt excited, smiling brightly while he checks every guy that they will pass. 


"There's a lot of bodyguards, Appa. Omma." He said as he looked up at them.


"Yeah, aren't you scared?" Ask Seohyun in concern.


Chanyoung shakes his head. "It's like in a movie, so many men in black. Will, there be some movie filming today in our school?"  he can't stop smiling even when they have entered the front yard of the school, there are still bodyguards around.


"What? I-I don't think so." Yoona answered. "I think they're like dropping someone to school??"


"Who?" Chanyoung instantly replied. 


"Who knows." Seohyun shrugs her shoulders. "Forget about them and let's get you inside." she reminded as they stopped in front of the teacher. 


Yoona crouch down so he could untie his son's shoes and place them on a shelf together with other shoes. Chanyoung wears his slippers casually before he hugs them briefly.


"See you later, honey." Seohyun waves her hand while smiling at his son. 



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1120 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1120 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku