Ch 19

When Flowers Bloom
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19 | He's Back




It's Friday morning and usually, Chanyoung will always see her parents being bright, giving him kisses, smiling brightly at him, and telling him they love him, but for the first time, they look gloomy, not even giving him a look. He had breakfast with them but it was all quiet. Even their minds are. He feels like he's living alone in a place of three people.


He's confused and curious about what's going on but he can't ask them. He feels like they will scold him if he does.


"Do you want to see Jaehyun later, Chanyoung-ah?" Seohyun finally decided to break her silence as she smiled a little at her son.


"Can I?" Chanyoung is not sure of it. 


"Of course. You guys can play today." Yoona assuredly smiles. He gets up and takes their plates to the sink.


"Come on, let's change." Seohyun ushered him as she get up too and waited for Chanyoung as he climbed down his chair. She was about to hold his hand when he runs upstairs. She followed him but just only by the stairs when she returned to the kitchen and finds her husband just ended the call. "Is it clear?" she immediately asked.


"Yes, they have left the commercial building." Yoona informed her after getting a call from the NIS. "Go after Chanyoung before he returns." and he immediately reminded.


Nodding lightly, Seohyun hastily went upstairs while the doe-eyed returned to the dishes on the sink. 




Jessica and Jaehyun are playing the jenga when they heard the doorbell.


"I got it, Omma." Jaehyun smiled as he immediately runs to the door. "Chanyoung-ah!" He instantly jumps in joy and hugs Chanyoung. They keep jumping up and down as they turn in circles.


"Aigoo, it was just a day without seeing each other." Jessica giggles as she headed to the door to open it wide for the Im Family. "Hey there, Mr. and Mrs. Im, how is the thing doing?" she playfully greeted them as she briefly hug Seohyun and did a fist bump with Yoona.


"Everything's fine... as of now, of course." Seohyun replied as she follows the older girl inside with Yoona.


"What do you think of bringing the kids to the pool? I mean, Jaehyun wanted to go swimming."


"I'd love that, Noona!" Chanyoung excitedly raised his hand.


"Oh, you too, Chanyoungie?" Jaehyun giggled.


Yoona chuckled softly. "Is that because you know you can swim with a floater now?" He is amused with his son's confidence. 


"Yes, Appa." Chanyoung bobs his head enthusiastically while grinning innocently.


"Then let's prepare some swimming outfits now." Jessica announced, taking her's son's hand and heading inside the room.


"Be right back, Chanyoungie." Jaehyun waves his hand as he hops playfully to the room.


"Omma did you bring me my rash guards?" ask Chanyoung as Seohyun takes her seat on the sofa.


"I did, don't worry. Let's change when they are finished, okay?" 


"Yes." He giggles, hugging his mother in the process.


Seohyun smiled sweetly, giving her son a kiss on the cheek. But she noticed Yoona is near the wall, checking her phone. 


"Omma, you swim too, please?" Chanyoung pouted cutely. "I want to play with Omma and Appa." he added.


"I think it's your Omma this time." Yoona heard it and returns to his family. "We already had it all yesterday, remember?" he smiled sweetly.




"Okay, I'll play with Chanyoung too. Unfortunately, I don't have my swimming attire." Seohyun shared disappointingly.


"Oh right." Chanyoung let out a sigh as he sadly pouted. "Jaehyun and I are playing then." 


Yoona can't help and pull his son closer to him. "Remember what did I tell you?" He raised his eyebrows.


"What is it?" But Chanyoung doesn't remember.


"When you swim, you spread your legs and arms."


Seohyun quietly smiled watching her son pondering. 


"Right." Then he flashed a cute grin. "I remember now. Thanks for teaching me, Appa." 


"You're welcome, buddy." said Yoona as he briefly hugs him and pinch his nose playfully. Chanyoung giggles cutely.


Just then, Jessica and Jaehyun came out in their swimming outfits. Jessica with her rash guard while Jaehyun wears swimming shorts.


"Can we change inside first, Unnie?" ask Seohyun as she stood up.


"I was about to tell you, Hyun. It's your turn now." said Jessica, flashing a brief smile.


Chanyoung and Seohyun casually walked into the room, leaving Yoona with Jaehyun and Jessica who took their seats on the sofa.


"Let's order some food." said Yoona as he took his phone back from his pocket and smile at Jaehyun who resumed playing the Jenga. 


"Chanyoung doesn't know yet, right?" asked Jessica softly. Last night she received their call and ask for advice. She did tell them if she was in their position but it's still their decision and she had no idea about it yet. 


"Nope. As much as possible we don't want him to know." 


"What if you tell the NIS?"


"I can't. Minho might end up hurting him." 


She sighs heavily. "This is absolutely a hard decision for you guys. It's like a decision between life and death." 


"I can't agree more." Yoona muttered before he finally placed the order in the hotel's restaurant through their app. 


"Hyung, you want to play jenga?" Jaehyun offered as he flashed a cute smile.


"Sure." The doe-eyed didn't think twice and played the Jenga with him.


'What are they hiding?' Chanyoung heard everything and it him more confused and curious. 'What did Minho do?'


"Tada!" Seohyun stepped out of the bathroom wearing a floral long dress fit for the summer. "What do you think, honey?" she asked as she holds her dress and wiggle her body.


"Omma is pretty and cute." Chanyoung pulled up two thumbs up.


"Chincha? Prettier than..." She approaches him and whispers, "Jessica Noona?" she playfully asked.


Chanyoung giggles. "Yes."


"You're indeed my son." Seohyun pulled him for a hug and kisses. "Let's go." And finally, they walked out of the room, joining the others with their Jenga game.




While everyone's having fun in the pool, Yoona is in like a bodyguard that was walking calmly around, making sure no one's going to ruin the fun. There are other families that were enjoying the pool so it was a bit crowded and he can't put his guard down, especially in a public place. It's where bad things happen.


Upon feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket, he stopped walking and hold it against his ear.


"Any update?"


[The NIS has indeed found an envelope in the lab and it was about the antidote. According to one of our agents, they created the antidote like a dozen of them before the building exploded. Also, I sent a video to you, which was captured at the airport hours after the mission.]


He pulled his hand down and check the video that was sent by Sunny. "Wait, so Taeyeon left with a scientist?"


[Yes and that's Dr. Shin. The friendly scientist Chanyoung has mentioned. They left the country holding two cases. The NIS believes one of them is the sample for the cloning and the other is the antidote.]


"Tsk, these bastards." He cursed unconsciously. "Has he found yet?"


[Nah, but it seems he's in the U.S.]


"So we have an image of him there?"


[Yes, coming from the CIA's recent report. However, they couldn't confirm it was him yet. NIS have to go there to help them confirm it.]


"That's good progress. Little by little, we'll capture him too." He positively replied.


[Anyway, be careful too.]


"Thanks. Send my condolences to the family of Agent Lim."


[Noted. See you later.]


Yoona ended the call and immediately turned his head to his right, where he can see his family and Jessica and Jaehyun, having a race around the pool. He smiled and continue his mission as the bodyguard for the family and feels like the other families as well.




Not using their old car, Yoona and his family drove a black family car that has been used by the NIS agents on every mission. Seohyun is in the backseat, holding their sleepy son in her arms as the sun is setting before their eyes that are giving them warmth and hope as they take on the road peacefully. 


Instead of their home, Yoona drives them to their villa, where he and Seohyun only knows. And it's where Sunny and most of the agents also live. It's more safe neighborhood than in their house. 


Placing Chanyoung down onto the bed carefully, Seohyun let out a huge exhale as she drops onto the bed next to her son exhaustedly. Her body is worn out with all the swimming and games that she felt like sleeping already.


"I'll prepare dinner. Just rest." Yoona told her before she can even get up.


"Thanks." She smiled and close her eyes.


"You did a good job, honey." Said Yoona as he leaned down to kiss her forehead and a kiss also to Chanyoung's forehead. He didn't wait for an answer as he head out casually. The villa was used years ago but it's still clean thanks to his Auntie that visits the place once a week. 


He opened the curtains in the living room and smile eventually when the red roses in their front yard greeted him. He felt good to be back where he and Seohyun started their relationship. It's the very neighborhood where they meet and developed a romantic relationships after being friends for months.


Walking to the kitchen, he didn't waste his time and prepared everything before he began to cook their first dinner together as a family.




After an hour of sleep only, Seohyun woke up feeling hungry. She checked Chanyoung but the latter is still sleeping. He understands since he was more exhausted than her.


Getting out of bed, she grabs her tie from the nightstand and ties her hair while making her way out of the villa. The house has 2 bedrooms only unlike their home which has 4 bedrooms but it's almost like the same style that she had no problem with familiarizing herself. When she reached the living room, her lips immediately curved into a small when her eyes landed on the picture frames of her and Yoona. She remembers all of them including their first prom night during college. The sweet memory somehow brought little tears because she missed those times. They were young and carefree, with less stressed unlike now they were adults. It's like a never ending problems but she believes they'll get through it. They weren't the best spy agents for nothing either way. 


Pulling herself together, she turned her head to the right and heard faint noises from someone cooking. She casually heads there and finds her husband, frying dumplings and wearing an apron.


"Hey there, handsome. What's up?" ask her as she takes her seat in their dining area where there are other foods now being placed. She's speechless. It's like there's someone having a birthday.


"Have Chanyoung woken up yet?" Yoona asked while flipping the dumplings.


"Nope. You saw how exhausted he was, right? That will take him 5 hours or even longer to wake up. Hon, we're not having a party are we?" She chuckled softly. "I swear it's like you have more than one son." 


"It's our first dinner in this villa as a family. It's special." He explained proudly smiling at her.




"Seriously." He chuckled afterward. When he finished with the dumplings, he joined his wife at the dining table and placed the dumplings next to Chanyoung's bowl of rice. "Let's wake him up instead. He shouldn't be missing this opportunity." He gets up but Seohyun suddenly got up too and gently pushed him back to his seat. "What?"


"Later. Let's talk first. I mean, we need to come up with a decision now. We can't be just always hiding and running from Minho. It's I think time to think for a plan or a decision about this current situation."


"Wae? Have you decided it?"


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1120 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1120 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku