Chapter 5




Chaeyoung swallowed when, Irene closed the door with force and faced her with that deadly stare of hers. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest so hard, she was afraid that her unnie can see that it wants to escape from her body and go somewhere far away



Maybe towards the hands of a certain cat-eyed girl?



"So uhm...7 minutes of heaven huh" Chaeyoung laughed with a hint of nervousness, taking a step back when Irene started stalking towards her "You sure have some wild dares in there unnie"


Irene kept quiet and kept on stalking towards Chaeyoung who is also taking a step backward until her knees hit the edge of the bed, the bed of her precious Joohyun-unnie. Chaeyoung gulped, not knowing where this is going to end especially since this is her first time entering her unnie's room; it smells and even feels so much like her...




If Chaeyoung wasn't so into her Jennie-unnie, she would have probably fallen to Bae Joohyun; With the way her heart is pounding right now, her palms getting sweaty, and...


Is that a tingle of anticipation racing inside of her?



When you have a Bae Joohyun looking at you like you're the water across a desert



Who wouldn't?



Chaeyoung stared at Irene's eyes and her breathing stopped; the longer she stared at the eyes of her unnie, the faster her heart starts beating. Is this what Wendy said that if you stare at her too long, you'll fall?






Irene raised an eyebrow






"Weird...:" Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows seeing the serious look on her unnie's face "That usually...softens her up."



"What's wrong Joohyun-unnie?" Chaeyoung whispered in concern



"You were supposed to hang out with me..." Joohyun whispered back "You were supposed to be with me..."



Chaeyoung took this chance to grab both of Joohyun's shoulders and say in a soothing voice "I am here Joohyun, who do you think I came here for?"



"Wrong answer"



Joohyun growled, remembering how Jennie caught Chaeyoung's attention the moment she arrived. Grabbing Chaeyoung's shoulders and forcing her to sit on her bed, Joohyun knew she has to take charge. She took this moment to wrap her arms around Chaeyoung and sit on her lap; faces so close, Chaeyoung knew that one more push would bring them together in a kiss. Does she admit that the very close proximity is making her tense, but is it from nervousness or anticipation?


"Is Joohyun really...going to do the dare? Is this for the plan?"


Remembering her unnie's odd behavior earlier, Joohyun herself stopped Chaeyoung from saying to Wendy about Jennie so Chaeyoung knew she needs to get to the bottom of this because it was making her worry about what is wrong with her unnie.


"Joohyun-unnie..." Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "What is wrong with you today? You were okay when I arrived until you entered the living room after washing the dishes..."


"Rosie..." Joohyun whispered seductively instead "Aren't we suppose to play 7 minutes of heaven?" She smirked and bit her lip ily, heart and mind in their jealous state after what happened earlier.


Chaeyoung (gay)panicked and turned them around rather strongly making Joohyun yelp and fall on her bed with Chaeyoung sitting on top of her


"Joohyun stop!" Chaeyoung hissed


This made Joohyun angrier than before as she snarled "Why are you stopping me?! Isn't this part of the plan?!"


Chaeyoung scoffed and crossed her arms "The plan you're also not following at all!"


Joohyun started sitting up while glaring "What do you mean by that? Aren't we suppose to make those two jealous? Why are you stopping me from kissing you!" Joohyun whispered harshly as she can't let the others hear this "You know this is inevitable if we want the plan to succeed!"


"Then why were you stopping me from telling Wendy-unnie about my feelings to Jennie?"


Joohyun gritted her teeth, heart flinching in pain hearing what Chaeyoung answered her "Y-You..." Joohyun cannot say anymore as Chaeyoung continued pressuring her


"I already confirmed that Wendy-unnie does have strong feelings for you" Chaeyoung's eyes softened remembering Wendy's confession to her earlier while Joohyun's eyes widened at the confirmation "I was just giving her the push she needed to pursue you yet you stopped me..."


"I..." Joohyun was speechless, any anger and jealousy she felt was put on hold as she started to remember how this all started anyways

Joohyun was in front of Blackpink's dorm and she was nervous about entering because she was here for an entirely different reason that is not hanging out with her best friend Jennie.

"Why am I here again?" Joohyun murmured to herself then she looked at the neat paper bag in her right hand and inside it was a beige coat that was neatly folded and newly cleaned (courtesy of her hobby of laundry)

"Oh return this."

Joohyun took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, it would be better if it was Jennie who would open it but for some reason...she wants the chipmunk-like girl to open it instead.


It's as if she wants to contact her when they barely even talked except that time at the restroom where Joohyun herself doesn’t know how she let all of her guards down around her. She smiled softly at the warmth that she felt and how relaxed she is around her presence.




Joohyun’s heart stopped when she was met with shocked almond eyes staring right at her; the girl was dressed in a simple crop top and jogging pants as if she was just planning to lounge around the dorm all day.

"Rosie" Joohyun smiled "I'm sorry for coming with no notice but...we didn't exchange numbers so"

Chaeyoung smiled shyly "It's okay; I'm the only one in the dorm right now anyways. What are you doing here by the way?" She asked before her eyes widen "Oh no, are you and Jennie-unnie going to hang out?"

Joohyun shook her head "No, I was just planning to return this"

Chaeyoung looked at the paper bag and smiled when she saw her beige coat "You didn't have to return this" Chaeyoung giggled

"Well, I spent time and effort to give it back to you" Joohyun smirked before frowning "And you didn't even give me your am I supposed to contact and hang out with you?"

Chaeyoung feels shocked and whispered with some kind of amazement and a bit of excitement "You...want to hang out with me?"

"Of course," Joohyun smiled "I would really love to get to know you more Rosie."

"Well, how about we start by watching a movie?" Chaeyoung opened the door of the dorm wider and gestured for the older girl to come in "You don't have any schedule today, do you?"

Joohyun shook her head and could feel her heart beat in excitement


"No, I don't..."


"Let's go and laze together then"


Joohyun laughed before proceeding inside Blackpink's dorm, talking and even listening to Chaeyoung ramble and even share some things about herself.

In return, Joohyun also shared more private things about herself that cannot be seen on the Internet and she loves how attentive Chaeyoung is to her and quipped some comments here and there.


"What would be your deepest secret then Rosie?"


They were now in a deeper part of their conversation; the movie only served as background noise for both of them while they talked about almost everything in their life. Both women don't know why it was so easy to be at ease around each other to the point where they can talk about everything around one another.


Chaeyoung looked down and smiled sadly "It would probably be having feelings for one of my members..."

Joohyun can feel herself get attacked by that as she said "Me too..."

Chaeyoung snapped her head at her with shocked eyes "W-what? You too unnie?"

Joohyun nodded and said wistfully "Yeah...I'm in love with one of my members too"

"Who is it then?"

Joohyun smiled softly "It's Seungwan...Son Seungwan"

"Wendy-unnie huh..." Chaeyoung smiled "Wendy-unnie sure is lucky then, are you two together now then?"

Joohyun shook her head "No..."

"But why unnie?"

Joohyun looked at the younger girl "Probably the same reason as yours" She said, "Let me it, Lisa?"

Chaeyoung laughed and said "'s Jennie-unnie."

Joohyun could feel her eyebrows shoot up "Huh...I assumed it was Lisa since most videos on the Internet are shipping you two"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes playfully "It's just Lisa's way of being my best friend; she's just clingy like that almost to the point of being girlfriends." She shared "Jennie-unnie has caught my eyes since we were trainees but..."

Chaeyoung pulled her knees to her chest and continued "I never always got her full attention...there were times that I was jealous of Jisoo-unnie and even Lisa for having a much closer relationship with her. At first, I and Jennie-unnie were not shown closer to each other on camera and that bothered me already."

"I was thinking if something changed between me and Jennie-unnie since we debuted but I let it slide because it's our first year of being a girl group and maybe the pressure is getting to her especially since haters are always around the corner." Chaeyoung frowned " I kept my feelings in check of course; it's alright to have girl crushes especially since I'm surrounded with beautiful you unnie" She winked at the older girl making her blush

"Shut up..." Joohyun rolled her eyes and pinch Chaeyoung's arm

Chaeyoung laughed lightly and continued speaking "But in our 3rd comeback...I started to look at Jennie-unnie in another light; I started focusing on her more than the other two, I listened to her more, heck we even go on small dates. It was at that point that I realized that this is no ordinary crush anymore..."

Chaeyoung looked straight at Joohyun's eyes as she said "I was starting to fall for her"

Joohyun hugged Chaeyoung tightly and could now feel the tears that the younger girl is hiding "Then...many things happened but what hurts the most for me is the scandal about Jennie and...EXO Kai dating."

Chaeyoung grabbed her chest as if remembering the time when she discovered the news and she couldn't contact Jennie at all

"Because of that scandal, I recorded a song called 'Gone' and at that song, I mourned about the loss of my loved one." Chaeyoung sniffed "But I knew I couldn't bring myself to really separate from I held off my feelings and started focusing on other things like our music, modeling career, and sponsoring brands. It kept me busy especially since we're becoming one of the most well-known girl groups."

Joohyun hugged Chaeyoung tighter, the fight inside of her made Joohyun feel awe at how strong the other girl is...and to think she just told her an unreleased song made her feel really special considering they just started talking

"And now?" Joohyun asked in a soft tone

"Now..." Chaeyoung closed her eyes "It's still there, strong as ever' Chaeyoung smiled sadly

"Jennie-unnie didn't make it easy for me...especially since she's starting to get really clingy to me and focusing more attention on me now," Chaeyoung said "But I don't want to get my hopes up and can just think that maybe fans are noticing me and Jennie are not close in camera so Jennie decided to change that"

"It will be okay Rosie..."

Chaeyoung giggled and let go of the hug now to look appreciatively at Joohyun, heart skipping a beat when Joohyun gave her a loving smile

"You know, Jennie-unnie would throw a tantrum when she hears you calling me Rosie," Chaeyoung said jokingly

Joohyun's eyes light up as an absurd idea entered her head


"I got it!"


Chaeyoung recoiled at the sudden shout of her unnie "What is it unnie?"


"We're both not sure if Jennie and Wendy truly have feelings for us..." Joohyun said and decided to share quickly about Wendy "We're in the same boat Rosie, as I also don't know what Wendy truly feels about me especially since she attracts so many people around her."

"I'm sorry unnie, I didn't mean to make you sad too" Chaeyoung frowned and Joohyun shook her head "It's fine Rosie, I'm just glad you're not judging me"

"I would never judge you!" Chaeyoung said fiercely

"Hence why let's have a plan" Joohyun grinned "A plan to make the two the two of us hanging out and being clingy to each other"




Chaeyoung's mouth dropped open at the absurd plan of her unnie "L-like a fake relationship?"


Joohyun hummed "Let's make them think that it's a relationship" She grinned


"B-but Joohyun! I'm not sure if we can make that happen!"


"We will," Joohyun said with a determined voice that almost got Chaeyoung to agree however...


"Joohyun-unnie, we have a chemistry of pigs that flies"


"What do you mean by that?"


"It means it doesn't happen in real life"


Joohyun looked at Chaeyoung with a bit of hurt and whispered "You mean we can't be close in real life?"


Chaeyoung wanted to slap her own head for its stupidity and immediately hugged Joohyun "You know I don't mean it like that..." She said in a soft voice "Anyone would be lucky to be close to you unnie...I'm already considering you as one of my closest friends despite us being close not too long ago."


Joohyun calmed down and hugged Chaeyoung back, loving the warmth and softness that the younger girl is providing "I'm's just, I want to see both of us happy especially after knowing we're in the same situation..."


Chaeyoung let go of the hug, cupping Joohyun's cheek gently making Joohyun blush at the action, almost not hearing what Chaeyoung said afterward


"Let's do it then"


"R-really?" Joohyun stuttered "We won't be pigs that fly?"


Chaeyoung laughed out loud "No, we won't" Her eyes shined in amusement but with determination as well "I believe in you unnie, I believe in us. It's not just about me, it's about you too unnie"


Chaeyoung smiled warmly at the other girl "You deserve to be happy unnie..."


Joohyun ignored the butterflies in her stomach and the warm blush on her face” Let’s lay down the foundation first" Joohyun gave Chaeyoung her phone and spoke


"Give me your number"

That's when they started laying the foundations which are texting and calling each other. At first, they did it for the plan but as time gradually passes by...



They started talking to each other of their own free will, just wanting to talk with the other



Time passed by and some are not yet noticing what is going on between the two until...



The article



And because of Chaeyoung's bold move to talk to Joy after snatching Joohyun's phone, it all went accordingly to plan as Chaeyoung is now starting to see Jennie being a jelly bean and even being closer to her than ever. Joohyun can also see the change in Wendy when she discovered that she(Joohyun) and Chaeyoung are truly talking and hanging out months ago.


Keeping it a secret for months helped them create the suspicion that something is going on between them


"Joohyun..." Chaeyoung called out to her and cupped Joohyun's cheek gently "The plan is almost finished...we both confirmed their feelings and now we just need to confess."


Joohyun could feel fear gripping her heart in contrast to the determination in Chaeyoung's face "It is almost finished...if Chaeyoung did confirm that Wendy does have feelings for me I...I should..."



She should confess but...



Memories of her and Chaeyoung hanging out in their dorms flashed in her mind;



The little dates outside which happened rarely yet a highlight from their moments as they get to see each other in such a casual manner



The tickles and laughs so loud that Chaeyoung has to and cover to not let the public know who they are



The smiles and gentle caresses that made her shiver and warm



The delicious foods and reactions that always made Irene feel so full



The look in her eyes makes her feel so weak yet strong at the same time



The magical voice that always made her sleep so peacefully every night no matter how tired she is from her schedules



And most of all...



The warmth in her heart grew as she started remembering every bit of their moments since they met



"I...I can't lose Rosie...I can't lose you Park Chaeyoung"



"I was actually planning to confess soon..." Chaeyoung smiled with a shy blush on her face "Thanks to you Joohyun-unnie...I can finally be brave enough to confess and be with Jen-"






Eyes wide in shock...



Body stiff and frozen...



And lips sealed in a passionate kiss



Chaeyoung could feel sudden butterflies in her stomach going out of control at how Joohyun moved her soft and inviting lips against hers; she shivered in pleasure when Joohyun touched a sensitive part on her neck, caressing it gently as if saying to stop talking and just...



Do it



"But this is wrong!" A part of Chaeyoung's mind is screaming at her yet her body is shaking from the intense passion that Joohyun is pushing into their kiss...



Their first kiss!



"My first kiss...stolen by dare and from none other than one of the most beautiful visuals in the world"



Chaeyoung closed her eyes and gasped when Joohyun boldly bit her lip; the moment Chaeyoung gasped, an invasive tongue caresses hers and she could feel hands roaming her body and neck.



What is this addictive feeling?



It's like when she's eating her favorite food after a long day of being hungry...



It's what she feels when someone massages her aching body



It's what she feels...right now



Oh yeah







That was all she could feel until...









Chaeyoung felt her control snap


She kissed back Joohyun with an equal amount of passion as well, surprising the older girl with how responsive Chaeyoung is. Their tongues clash in a battle of dedication, dedication to make the other feel good. Joohyun moaned, Chaeyoung's tongue with such pleasure until the air is needed so she pulled away, panting and eyes narrowed ily as a string of saliva connected their lips and she whispered in a low excited voice




They didn't know who leaned in first, for all they both knew is that their lips connected again in a ferocious kiss and Joohyun's hand grabbed Chaeyoung's hair desperately and if possible, pulled her even closer making their bodies touch most intensely. The image of her Rosie being so whipped to Jennie burning in her mind and her body and heart want to feel the younger girl much closer than this.


Chaeyoung could feel her body getting hot, and it's not easy to chase it away especially when Joohyun, one of the most beautiful and caring souls she knows, is touching and kissing her with such intense emotions that it's making Chaeyoung quiver. Joohyun can't describe what she's feeling right now, it's like she was in a haze and drugged in pleasure on how much she's feeling so good right now. It can be said that it's her most exhilarating feeling ever and...


"I don't want to stop"


Joohyun pulled away, eyeing Chaeyoung's reddening lips and cheeks. The other girl's eyes are also narrowed to the point it's as if she's concentrating on breathing regularly. Joohyun's eyes glinted in delight and smirked, leaning forward and moving her lips to Chaeyoung's neck who unconsciously gave her room to move making Joohyun feel so much pleasure at knowing that

Feeling bolder, Joohyun bit the sensitive skin on Chaeyoung's neck and smiled satisfactorily hearing Chaeyoung gasp in pleasure and whine. She slowly the spot she just bit and started .

A few seconds later, she felt hands weakly pushing her away

"J-Joohyun stop" Chaeyoung whispered while panting "You're going to leave a mark" She could hear Joohyun chuckle darkly and soon...a puff of warm breath is hitting her sensitive ears

"We should never stop Chaeyoung" Joohyun whispered sultry, hands touching Chaeyoung's neck before going down and grazing them to the younger girl's s


"Why should we stop when it feels so good?"


"Joohyun..." Chaeyoung's eyes seem to be drowning in Joohyun's voice and touch


They were in their own little world at Joohyun's bed; when Joohyun leaned back to stare at Chaeyoung with her hypnotizing eyes, the older woman knows that another round of passionate kissing is bound to happen...


If it weren't for the fact that loud knocks are hitting Joohyun's door and soon, it slammed open. The two women didn't even have enough time to compose themselves as they just flinched in surprise, eyes looking at the intruder who was glaring and snarling at them angrily


"Your 7 minutes of heaven is up a while ago"


Chaeyoung was still in a daze about what just happened, her mind and body not processing and she could just grip Joohyun's shoulder tightly which she was actually holding the entire time as she was weakly pushing her away to not leave a mark. Joohyun just stared with narrowed eyes at the intruder and spoke


"We know, Jennie"


Jennie's eyes traveled at their form, not liking how Chaeyoung was sitting on Joohyun's lap and in a daze so she decided to take it upon herself to forcibly grabbed Chaeyoung's shoulder and grip it tightly.


That seemed to snap Chaeyoung out of her trance and she slowly got up and away from Joohyun before looking at Jennie who was fuming angrily at them, especially at Joohyun.




Jennie's eyes flashed hurt seeing Chaeyoung still in a daze and Irene smirking victoriously at her


"You..." Jennie snarled at Irene, fists clenching so hard as if wanting to slap the smirk out of Irene's face "Did you two really..."


Chaeyoung, ignoring the tension between the two best friends, touched her lips and she shivered remembering what just happened.


From then on, she knew she has to talk to Joohyun about this as Chaeyoung feels something is starting to change.


"Rosie, we're going home"


Chaeyoung snapped her attention back to Jennie and couldn't reply at all; she was still filled with the aftermath of the hot make-out session earlier. Her almond eyes locked with Joohyun's doe eyes and in those eyes...


Chaeyoung could feel her heart racing and a blush returning to her face as Joohyun smiled at her knowingly. As of this moment, Chaeyoung didn't know that a simple smile from her Joohyun-unnie can be so alluring.

"Uh yeah, but aren't we playing with the other girls?" Chaeyoung answered meekly

"Yeah Jennie, come stay with us for a while" Joohyun offered, standing up from her bed "Rosie was supposed to stay here until dinner anyways."

Jennie grabbed Chaeyoung's hand rather tightly to the point that the younger flinched at the force

"No, we're going home right now" Jennie snarled, turning around and feeling a force stop her.

Chaeyoung looked at her other hand and saw Joohyun grabbing it firmly and looked at the back of Jennie's head as she said

"Don't make decisions for Rosie, Jennie." Joohyun narrowed her eyes " She's an adult; she'll say if she wants to go or not."


Jennie turned back to Joohyun with blazing eyes




The shout was enough for Joohyun to look at her with wide eyes and stepped back, letting go of Chaeyoung's hand while Chaeyoung felt a bit of fear seeing Jennie's temper.


Jennie fumed "You..." Her finger pointed at Joohyun "Stay away from my girl!"


Chaeyoung's eyes widened "Jennie..." she whispered and looked back at Joohyun and knew something was wrong when the eldest was looking at her best friend with narrowed eyes instead of being happy that the plan worked after all.

Joohyun glared but could not reply ferociously when Chaeyoung gave her a look that they'll talk later.


"Jennie-unnie...let's go home," Chaeyoung said to calm Jennie down. She desperately hoped that the other Red Velvet members didn't hear what is happening right now as she didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward around them.


Jennie still glared at Joohyun as she finally gets to leave this dorm with Rosie by her side.


Joohyun watched the other two leave and a few moments later, heard her members say their goodbyes and that they come back soon.


Joohyun clenched her fist and one hand came up to touch her lips as she whispered to herself


"I...I can't follow through with this plan"

So...I was supposed to post this er, a week ago but things got hectic so ta-da? >_< Thank you for waiting patiently and it seems like the story is going to be a bit longer than I thought. I hope that won't be a problem though. 

What do you think of this chapter? Let me know your thoughts and who are you currently shipping right now. Stay safe everyone! 














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Chapter 13: OMG you back authornim!!! 🎉🎉

I am glad Chaeyoung survived the gay panic she had in this chapter. I mean we can't blame her when there's two beautiful women showing their want on her 🤭 😂 But really though, even with all the gay panic and messed up situation they are in, its obvious that Joohyun was the one who handled it well even if one might think she's on the losing end. Chaeyoung is still confused and we can't really blame her for that. Coz if not for Jennie finally taking action of her feelings when Joohyun happened, Chaeyoung could easily move on knowing she already caught feelings with Irene. And this situation is the perfect example of who is really the one who is in tune with Chaeyoung's feelings. Joohyun may not have known Rosé for that long but her understanding of Chaeyoung is deeper than just feelings of love. She knew she loves Chaeyoung. But she doesn't force her feelings on her, she just let her know. And she stays understanding of Chaeyoung's predicament and be the bigger person in their messed up situation by being patient and attentive towards Chaeyoung without putting pressure on their relationship. On the other side, Jennie has the same feelings of love for Chaeyoung. But her expectations are different from Joohyun's. The way she approaches Chae is more on getting her feelings compensated for the sacrifice she did because she got afraid of ruining things between her and Chaeyoung. She's banking on the fact that Chae had feelings for her and to choose her because she's the one Chae has feelings first. But she didn't acknowledge until now that she has hurt Chaeyoung in the process when she kept her distance from her. And that she only panicked and made her move when she noticed Rosé having feelings for Joohyun. Coz if that didn't happen in the first place, there's a possibility that Jennie will keep suppressing her feelings until Chaeyoung gets tired in the end.

Anyways, still Team Renesé endgame here 😊 Looking forward for your next update!

P.S. solo Renesé moment pls 🙏*ehem ehem*
LillyMay1100 #2
Chapter 13: Maybe a throuple ending is a option, love that we are seeing development between both sides...

I'm still going to ship RosiexIrene ❤️
Crazy_Reader #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhh..... this is just so confusing for Rosé but I'm still firmly on team Irene *shrugs* but I really hope that you don't make two endings which, just in my opinion - not to say you are doing it but- to me it feels too much like a cop out, I hope you make one ending, be it with Rosé and Irene or Jennie but a finality that I hope will cement to us the decision that Rosé makes.

And you are so correct about lesser and lesser new RV or BP fics on AFF anymore. It's the reality but it still hurts that this is really reality.
Chapter 11: I'm curious to know who's Rosie going to choose
Chapter 11: Hello honorable author, thank you for this new chapter.
I will try to be short and direct in my comment...
It's great that Jennie and Rosé finally talked, now we know Jennie's side... but I really disliked that Rosé started playing a double game, it seems to me that her character in this story would not react like that. It only seems that Jennie can get Rosé's attention through seduction and seduction or ual desire is not everything in a relationship. I love chaennie with all my heart, but it seems to me that Jennie in this story was very selfish and inconsiderate towards Rosé, Jennie made Rosé suffer for years.

It seems unfair to me that now that Rosé found Irene and they both connect on many levels... Jennie wants to enter the scene. In my opinion Irene really knew everything about Rosé, her defects and virtues and the same Rosé with Irene. The love between Irene and Rosé developed and grew, please, I need Jennie to get out of the way and understand that Irene is the best for Rosé. Jennie had her opportunity for many years and she didn't know how to take advantage of it, it's time for Jennie to let Rosé be happy.
loving is also learning to let go

Thank you author, I will be looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!!
LillyMay1100 #6
Chapter 11: I AGREE WITH THE COMMENT BELOW, I'm all for Rosie and Irene.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Finally real new update 😂 There's quite some things to unpack here but first, even though I am leaning towards Renesé now, I am glad for this Chaennie chapter coz we finally got to know more of Jennie's feelings for Chaeyoung. From the first time she started to have feelings for Chae up until the point that she finally admitted to have fallen in love with her. But tbh, even if Chaeyoung is still conflicted with her feelings towards Jennie, I kinda feel like after that conversation, Chae can finally make her decision between Joohyun and Jennie. And I am still for Renesé. Jennie might have deserved the chance to chase Chaeyoung after her confession, but does it feel like its kinda too late? That for Jennie to finally act on her feelings towards Chae was because she was triggered by Joohyun catching up feelings on Chaeyoung. And its unfair for Chae to be pressured to choose when it was not her fault in the first place that she also caught feelings for Joohyun because Jennie pushed her away just like how Wendy kept Joohyun at arms length and also didn't affirm the latter's feelings why Irene fell out of love with Wendy. And the way that Renesé was spending more time alone, it was inevitable that they would start to catch up feelings with the way their emotional intimacy grew beyond their relationship with their group members like going out of the way to cater what the other needed despite having different schedules, etc. They may have started as a plan to make their supposed significant others jealous, but there's no denying that Renesé's relationship grew intimate without them knowing either. And the fact that they are also affected with how complicated their situation has become since all four of their feelings are already out means that they already have deep feelings for each other. Otherwise, Chae wouldn't be this torn of her feelings and Joohyun to finally realize that she had already fallen out of love. Despite that, I like how Joohyun is patient with Chaeyoung and not pressuring her to immediately sort out her feelings and let Chae figure it out on her own. I also like how confident she is with her feelings towards Chaeyoung and that she isn't scared of the complications if she really get to pursue her, that she's brave enough to fight for Chaeyoung if needed. And that is worth choosing for a partner.

P.S. Hoping for Renesé moment in the next chapter 🙏 (pls see suggestion from nishichan's chapter 10 comment 🤭)
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
Crazy_Reader #9
Chapter 11: Waaaaaahhhhhh!!! It's been so long!! Welcome back Author-nim and a happy new year!!
I have read and reread this story so many times you have no idea I've even finished my first year of Uni now and this is just an amazing time for the update just as we go on a few days off.
I love Rosie but she's just so confused and honestly I feel like right now she still has Jennie in her heart even though she's gotten close to Joohyun it feels like she only sees her as a friend or maybe had a crush but now, now it seems like she's never going to be able to let go of Jennie and I just don't see Rosie choosing Joohyun 💔😥😢