Chapter 12



Right on cue, Chaeyoung's phone pierced through the air, interrupting their conversation.

"I, uh..." Chaeyoung stammered, feeling flustered. Jennie's words had been so convincing, and the intensity in her eyes...

It was a stark contrast from the confusing Jennie before that Chaeyoung couldn't ignore it so-so.

The memory of the summer diary felt belonged to another lifetime.

"Summer diary, if I'm not mistaken, was a year ago now..." 

Jennie has been threading around her for that long? 

This is too...

"I'll just...take this," Chaeyoung murmured, while Jennie sighed but nodded in understanding.

Internally, she cursed whoever was calling Chaeyoung at that moment.

"If that's Lisa or Jisoo, I swear I'm going to kill them."

"W-what, you're here already?!"

Jennie jumped in surprise at Chaeyoung's sudden outburst.

"Well...I thought you were coming much later, and it's already..." Chaeyoung glanced at the clock, dropping open when she realized it was already evening.

"What the...heck?"

She could have sworn the sun was still high in the sky when they arrived at her dorm.

"Okay, okay, I'll come and get you. Just wait there."

Jennie narrowed her eyes slightly before asking, "Rosie...who was that?"

Chaeyoung gulped, and just as the doorbell rang, saving her from answering Jennie's question, she knew it wouldn't matter anyway.

Jennie followed Chaeyoung, her curiosity piqued as to who was visiting the younger girl at her dorm so soon after they had moved in.

"Could it be Hyeri?"

Hyeri had recently become friends with Chaeyoung, and there had been no issues at all, especially since Hyeri had a boyfriend.

If only Jennie knew who was on the other side of the door...

Chaeyoung pursed her lips and sighed inwardly, thinking, "Might as well get this over with."

She opened the door and was immediately tackled by a certain doe-eyed leader of Red Velvet, causing Jennie's eyes to widen before narrowing into a glare as she seethed.

"Rosie!" Joohyun exclaimed happily, tightening their hug. "God, I missed you..."

Chaeyoung giggled, "We just saw each other a week ago."

"It was still a week too long," Joohyun replied, pulling away and pouting slightly, melting Chaeyoung's heart with her cuteness.

"You're too cute, you know that, right?"

Chaeyoung couldn't stop the words from escaping , causing Joohyun to blush and Jennie to clench her fist.

Joohyun's eyes crinkled with happiness before a wave of discomfort washed over her. That's when she noticed another figure standing just behind Chaeyoung, glaring at her intensely. A pang of jealousy hit Joohyun, but she forced a smile onto her face as she greeted Jennie.

"Oh, hello Jennie! I didn't notice you were there."

"Hi, unnie."

Chaeyoung gulped, feeling the icy tension, and prayed silently

"Dear Lord, help me survive this night."

"What are you doing here, unnie?" Jennie asked.

"Oh, Chaeyoung didn't tell you?" Irene smiled. "I'm sleeping over for the night. How about you?"

Jennie raised an eyebrow and looked at Chaeyoung, who still seemed to be praying fervently.

"Just watched a movie with Rosie after our practice."

"I see...will you be going, then?"




Irene and Chaeyoung exclaimed simultaneously. Jennie frowned and gave Chaeyoung her best puppy-dog look, resembling one of her dogs.

"I can sleep here...right, Rosie?"

Rosanne Park was speechless.

Because first of all, how the heck could she even sleep with these two?

"One girl I can take, but two..."

God, now was the perfect time for a miracle.



Chaeyoung blinked and glanced at Irene, who was wearing a stoic expression, before returning her gaze to Jennie, who looked even more vulnerable with those teary eyes.

"But, Jennie, you didn't tell me you were sleeping over..." Chaeyoung tried to reason.

Jennie's teary eyes seemed to intensify, and Chaeyoung's heart sank.

"I-I mean, yes, you can sleep here as well..." Chaeyoung could feel Irene's icy stare, and Jennie gave her a wide, gummy smile, prompting her to quickly add, "After all, it's late. I can't exactly make you go home at this time."

Jennie giggled and squeezed Chaeyoung's cheek, ignoring her protest as she said, "Thanks, Rosie! And also...can I borrow some of your clothes?"

Now, what had Roseanne Park Chaeyoung done in her past life to deserve this?


"Rosie, can you feed me?"


"Rose, that's unfair! Feed me too!"

Just this...

"Ugh, my back hurts."



Chaeyoung looked to her right as Joohyun stretched; she was simply wearing a tank top and sweatpants, but God have mercy on Chaeyoung's innocent eyes as the way she stretched her body gave Chaeyoung a chance to glimpse at the small, taut stomach beneath.

"Hey, Rosie, do I look okay?"

Roseanne looked to the other side and her jaw dropped upon seeing Jennie wearing her oversized hoodie and...

Could that even be called shorts?! Where the heck did Jennie get those?!

"Do I wear that kind of shorts?!"


Damn, Jennie might be small, but call an ambulance because Chaeyoung is certainly (not subtle) almost ready to pass out upon seeing the smooth, milky skin of her bandmate, and the fact that she's wearing her clothes.

Yup, it's time to die.


Joohyun frowned and angrily pinched Chaeyoung's side, causing her to yelp and just stutter, "Y-yeah, much better!"

Jennie gave a gummy grin while Joohyun subtly rolled her eyes and looked away, brooding.

"So, um..." Chaeyoung shook her head. "Get yourself together, Roseanne Park Chaeyoung! Channel Rosé, channel Rosé of Blackpink."


Silence once again.

Even Rosé feels pity for her current situation.

"Any movie recommendations?" She finally had the guts to ask after panicking internally.

"Anything you want, Rosie," both simultaneously answered her, and they looked (glared) at each other after that.

Chaeyoung inwardly sighed and looked at the movie recommendations.

"Okay then... let's just watch Pitch Perfect then."

Jennie squealed, "I love those movies! Let's finish all three!"

Chaeyoung and even Joohyun couldn't help but smile at the kid-like reaction of the usually grumpy cat.

"Yeah, let's finish all three movies. I'm sure we all don't have schedules tomorrow anyways," Joohyun said in a calm manner, effectively lowering the tension between them.

Chibi-Chaeyoung let out a small cheer at this miracle of a development, but on the outside, she gave them both a grateful smile for trying to get along. She dimmed the lights, readied the popcorn on her lap as well as their blanket (since Joohyun is sensitive to the cold), and finally played the movie.

Joohyun watched as Jennie casually sat next to Rosie's other side and snuggled, as if she has been doing this for years. Well, not just Jennie, but Chaeyoung even seemed to be used to the main rapper's presence that she didn't even mind it.

Joohyun badly wanted to search 'How to snag your *lover* without your rival noticing it?'

It made her upset, to be honest.

This was not what she had envisioned for her first sleepover here in Chaeyoung's dorm.

They were supposed to be together and alone.

They were supposed to have deep talks and play music.

They were supposed to cook midnight snacks and watch movies.

Joohyun had so many plans, but Jennie managed to ruin it all.

A warm hand grasped her own, and she looked at the owner, who was staring at her questioningly as if sensing her brooding moment.

'What's wrong?' She read from Chaeyoung's eyes.

Joohyun just gave a small smile and a look that said, 'We'll talk later... when we're alone.'

Chaeyoung gave a thoughtful frown before surprising Joohyun by pulling her closer and squeezing her hand, as if saying she's not escaping this. The warmth in her heart grew when Chaeyoung didn't let go of her hand, and she loved how the younger girl didn't let go of it as the movie continued.

"Psst, hey Rosie, do you think Anna Kendrick is gay?"

Chaeyoung almost spat out the popcorn she was eating.

"What, I'm just asking," Jennie giggled.

"I-I don't know," Chaeyoung flushed.

"But she really does look good with Brittany Snow, don't you think?" Jennie said.

Joohyun hummed, "Now that you mention it, their characters are really close in all three movies, and they have that chemistry too, especially in the second movie."

Chaeyoung could feel herself finally start to relax as she listened to the two casually talking to each other.

"Maybe this sleepover could go well after all."

No, she's gonna take it back

It is not going well at all

At least...not for Park effing Chaeyoung

A comfortable silence enveloped them as they watched Anna Kendrick's character get ready for a shower.

Call her gay or what, but Chaeyoung knows when to appreciate a woman's beauty, and Anna Kendrick is definitely one of those beauty that Chaeyoung might be secretly crushing. 

So seeing her that shower scene...

Her previous and very sudden make-out session with Jennier earlier...

Now she's in the middle of two women who might as well get away with murder considering she's squeeshed between them and she could just feel...


Her breath hitched when she felt Joohyun, if it was even possible, snuggled closer to her, almost to the point of her face touching her neck; their hands still conjoined tightly, if Chaeyoung may add, and the warmth is making her dizzy.

She could feel Joohyun's breath warming up her neck and goosebumps literally happened all over Chaeyoung's being.

"Joohyun if you could read my thoughts, please let me breath or you may be the cause of my death"

Well, that's not actually a bad reason for a cause of death...

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale

Okay, she could still breath, that's what matters so they continued watching.

She wanted to really badly chuckle at Anna's reaction when Brittany suddenly opened her shower and said that she can sing. But with her current situation right now well...

It gets even worse

The moment the two sang, Chaeyoung inwardly shivered at how their voices blended so well...

At the same time Jennie put her hand on her thigh.





That simple touch immediately shot Chaeyoung with desire and she could already feel herself burning up as she remembered their make-out session at the kitchen. 

One woman's breathing on her neck like she's about to devour her, and one woman's hand on her thigh like it's creeping upward is making Chaeyoung light-headed.


"You okay Rosie?"

It was Jennie whom asked.

Chaeyoung just gave a shaky smile "Y-yeah I'm fine Jen don't worry"

Joohyun furrowed her eyebrows in concern, leaning away for a bit (which finally gave Chaeyoung a room to breath and a moment to get herself together) 

"Yeah, you look kind of red, are you okay?"

Jennie tilted her head at Chaeyoung's current predicament before testing something.

She caressed her as soft as she could

Jennie watched in satisfaction seeing Chaeyoung suddenly coughing which causes Joohyun to worry even more. Jennie wanna thank the Gods above for the blanket covering them as she was able to do what she wants to do.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Joohyun asked, eyes flickering to Jennie whom she caught having a small smirk.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure" Chaeyoung swallowed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath "Let's continue watching, they're getting to the best part" Chaeyoung gave Joohyun a reassuring smile but her other hand is slightly slapping Jennie's hand on her thigh for making that move.

Joohyun narrowed her eyes and caught that small movement of the blanket when Chaeyoung slapped Jennie's hand lightly. 

"Don't tell she's...?"

Jennie smirked and just continued caressing Chaeyoung's thigh and she could actually hear the younger girl panting shakily. 

Meanwhile, Joohyun has a slight inkling that Jennie is what's making Chaeyoung so hot right now and she scowled angrily at this. As much as she wants to be civil with Jennie...

She just can't 

Chaeyoung could feel her soul leaving her when Joohyun boldly slid her hand on her other thigh, her body tensing and she's sure that both girls felt it.

"G-guys" Chaeyoung, who was already turning red and sweating a bit, "Could you please...give me space?"

"What's wrong Rosie?" Jennie smirked and crept closer "Wanting to continue our session earlier?"

"Session?" Irene narrowed her eyes and her touch on Chaeyoung just got tighter.

"Nothing! It's nothing" Chaeyoung took a deep breath to try and calm the fire inside her. "D-don't mind what I've said please"

Jennie just hummed and let it be, and Irene is not liking how relaxed Jennie is. She's getting kind of used on how Jennie was always agitated when she sees her but now...

Something's different.

Irene couldn't take it anymore.

The possessiveness that she's been trying to hold off ever since then.

It's letting loose.

Chaeyoung could barely choke out a moan when Irene grazed her core as subtle as she can and the growing arousal just made it more prominent.

Oh it!


Chaeyoung abruptly stood up and thank the heavens she wore sweatpants because she swore it would be so obvious if she were wearing her thin shorts. Not only that, whoever was calling her phone at the moment is God's way of helping her keep sane.

"I-I got to get that be right back"

All of a sudden, Chaeyoung is a rapper and ran away as if there were dogs chasing her, leaving the two best friends looking at her, one in amusement and one in a stoic face.

Chaeyoung entered her room and closed the door, heart thudding violently on her chest. She looked at her ringing phone and could almost cry seeing that it was her best friend, Lisa.

She immediately answered it and Lisa's voice was like a balm to her current predicament.

"Chipmunk! I called to ask if Jennie-unnie was with you? I'm with Jisoo right now and we're kind of worried that she hasn't texted us if she's home or not."

"Lisa, you don't know how much you just saved me right now" Chaeyoung thought before answering

"She' with me."

"Oh! Sleeping over then?" 

"Yeah...kind of"

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows "You're dazing out, I know you" She accused "What's wrong?"

'Uhm...I didn't know Jennie was sleeping over here and..." Chaeyoung trailed off

"And then what?"

"Joohyun is here, we kind of set a sleepover tonight so here I am having a sleepover with both Joohyun and Jennie"


Chaeyoung could imagine Lisa's pity look at her right now as the maknae continued

"Oh you are so screwed man"

"You were touching her, weren't you?"

Jennie couldn't stop the small smile. "Maybe?" she answered.

"Look, Jennie," Irene's eyes hardened. "Your chance with Chaeyoung is over. You had years to resolve your feelings for her, and now, it's done."

Jennie finally stopped smiling as she started to glare at Joohyun. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" she asked icily. "Aren't you the one rushing things? Suddenly confessing to Rosie just because you were spending time with her for your unfruitful plan."

"You may have impressed the people around us about your conviction to Rosie, but I'm not giving up, unnie," Jennie spat. "We were just finally having the talk we needed earlier until you interrupted."

Irene scoffed. "How should I know that you were here? Should I have called first and asked for your permission?" she said sarcastically.

"We were fine, Irene!" Jennie angrily retorted. "Yes, I have made some mistakes, but you don't get to define my actions based on the number of years I have tried to even understand my own feelings." Tears were now gathering in her eyes due to frustration.

"Yes, I did feel threatened when you and Rosie were getting close. Yes, I have been doing actions that are toxic, but only because I'm scared to lose Chaeyoung when I just realized that I'm in love with her and might just lose her all because of you."

Irene's eyes widened before her heart softened hearing Jennie sob.

"I-I was scared... I could see how Chaeyoung was changing..." Then her voice turned distasteful. "And it's all because of you."

Irene closed her eyes and could just sadly say, "How did we ever come to this, Jennie? We're best friends."

Jennie laughed bitterly. "Best friends whom what? Fell in love with the girl who was supposed to be mine?"

Irene gritted her teeth. "Park Chaeyoung is not yours!"

"And she sure as hell is not yours either."

This was turning south very fast, and if Chaeyoung isn't done with her call, someone might get really hurt.


Speaking of the angel

They looked at Chaeyoung, who seemed to have calmed down, but there was still a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Everything alright?" Chaeyoung asked, a bit worried since she seemed to have sensed the thick atmosphere.

Joohyun stood up and looked at the clock. "Come with me."

Chaeyoung looked confused when Joohyun held her hand and walked her towards the kitchen. The leader of Red Velvet sent a pointed look at Jennie, who just narrowed her eyes at her but for some reason, let them be.

"Joohyun, what's wrong?"

Joohyun took a deep breath and faced Chaeyoung with fire in her eyes.

"Why is she here, Chaeyoung? I thought this was supposed to be our night?"

"I... I promise, unnie, I didn't know that Jennie-unnie was even supposed to sleep here!"

"But you just let her be?" Joohyun chuckled humorlessly. "It was supposed to be our night."

Chaeyoung seemed to be getting frustrated as well.

"Joohyun, I can't just kick out Jennie just because it's our sleepover. It's already midnight, and I don't want to risk her safety."

"You should have known to say no! Heck, you should have even been reminded that it's our sleepover tonight!" Irene was almost shouting at this point, eyes getting frustrated at the situation.

"... Unnie, what's wrong with you?" Chaeyoung whispered, a bit of hurt could be heard, and that made Joohyun feel guilty now.


"And she sure as hell is not yours either."

Joohyun closed her eyes and clenched her fists; she felt ashamed of how she was acting right now. She was supposed to be the mature one; she reassured the woman in front of her that she would always be waiting and understanding her.

What was she doing right now?

Soft arms wrapped around her form, and she visibly relaxed.

"I'm sorry..."

Joohyun could feel tears burning her eyes. "Why are you saying sorry?" She whispered vulnerably

Chaeyoung's warm voice soothed her fears.

"For some reason, I know that this is my fault. You were right, and..." Chaeyoung tightened her hug. "You're jealous, aren't you?"


Her silence was all the answer that Chaeyoung needed.

"I know I'm asking for too much," Chaeyoung whispered. "But please, give me time. I'm confused as well, unnie. I can't understand my own feelings, and now that both of you are here, it's making me crazy, trust me."

Joohyun laughed. "I did, um, accidentally touch you down there."


Chaeyoung pulled away from their hug as quick as lightning and said, "S-stop teasing me." She pouted.

Joohyun laughed and patted Chaeyoung's cheek affectionately. "You're too cute. Now let's get back to Jennie before she thinks that we're having a continuation of 7 minutes in heaven." She winked, seemingly trying to be back to her usual self.

Chaeyoung sighed and could just shake her head.

"Thank God for Lisa keeping me sane in this time."

She thinks she managed to escape the hard part... hopefully.

Chaeyoung had to stop herself from breathing too hard; Jennie was not making sleep easier for her.

They all decided to sleep in Chaeyoung's room since the bed was large enough to fit the three of them. As usual, Chaeyoung was in the middle with Jennie on her right and Joohyun on her left.

They finished the three movies with no more sensual touching from the two girls, thus Chaeyoung finally had the breathing room that she needed.

Until now, actually.

Chaeyoung was looking at Jennie's serene face; her bandmate immediately falling asleep as soon as she hugged Chaeyoung close, and the fatigue from their practice had finally claimed her body, and she was out like a light.

Jennie was in love with her...

With her, for almost a year now.

What would happen if... Jennie had made the move before she met Joohyun?

Would they be together now?

Would they be happy?

Why was she hesitating so much?

This was all she ever wanted for years!

Here it was in front of her; it would be so easy to just say yes, kiss her, cuddle with her, plan dates, and the future together.

A soft breath at the back of her neck made its presence known.

"You're thinking of something," a soft voice whispered; the voice that made her shiver in her dreams and in real life.

"Look at me, Rosie."

Chaeyoung turned around and was met with the soft doe eyes of Joohyun.


"What happened, Rosie?"

They were whispering to each other like it was a forbidden affair, like no person should hear about it.

"Jennie... confessed to me and explained everything."

A moment of silence while they continued looking into each other's eyes; the windows to their souls. For Chaeyoung, she could see how Joohyun's eyes wavered; the doubt and fear in them made Chaeyoung want to kiss it all away, yet the warmth in them stayed, trying to be strong.

For Joohyun, she could see the storm in Chaeyoung's eyes; the fear of hurting the people she loves, the pressure between the two of them because of their respective groups, and the lost look like a child looking around for a place to find solace.

"I love you, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung shivered at how warmly Joohyun whispered it.

"No matter what, I love you."


Joohyun leaned in and softly pressed her lips to Chaeyoung's, who slowly kissed her back, relaying to Joohyun her heart and secretly hoping...

That they would find a way through this mess of feelings.

And with that, all of them slept soundly in Chaeyoung's room; Jennie back-hugging Chaeyoung, whose forehead was against Joohyun's as they slept. Meanwhile, Joohyun placed her hand on Chaeyoung's, intertwining them before she really fell into dreamland.

I'm alive and not dead :DDD I hope people are still reading here in Asianfics though; I have saw that there are now fewer fanfictions may it be in Blackpink or Red Velvet; it's just sad to see it but alas, it's reality.

Still though, I don't want to leave any stories to be not complete; I may be creating 2 different endings for this fic or leave it as a one pair ending only. It depends on what I think is best for this story.

Once again, thank you for everyone's support! Expect updates from me until the end of this story! (not quick updates though huhu so please bear with me).

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Chapter 13: OMG you back authornim!!! 🎉🎉

I am glad Chaeyoung survived the gay panic she had in this chapter. I mean we can't blame her when there's two beautiful women showing their want on her 🤭 😂 But really though, even with all the gay panic and messed up situation they are in, its obvious that Joohyun was the one who handled it well even if one might think she's on the losing end. Chaeyoung is still confused and we can't really blame her for that. Coz if not for Jennie finally taking action of her feelings when Joohyun happened, Chaeyoung could easily move on knowing she already caught feelings with Irene. And this situation is the perfect example of who is really the one who is in tune with Chaeyoung's feelings. Joohyun may not have known Rosé for that long but her understanding of Chaeyoung is deeper than just feelings of love. She knew she loves Chaeyoung. But she doesn't force her feelings on her, she just let her know. And she stays understanding of Chaeyoung's predicament and be the bigger person in their messed up situation by being patient and attentive towards Chaeyoung without putting pressure on their relationship. On the other side, Jennie has the same feelings of love for Chaeyoung. But her expectations are different from Joohyun's. The way she approaches Chae is more on getting her feelings compensated for the sacrifice she did because she got afraid of ruining things between her and Chaeyoung. She's banking on the fact that Chae had feelings for her and to choose her because she's the one Chae has feelings first. But she didn't acknowledge until now that she has hurt Chaeyoung in the process when she kept her distance from her. And that she only panicked and made her move when she noticed Rosé having feelings for Joohyun. Coz if that didn't happen in the first place, there's a possibility that Jennie will keep suppressing her feelings until Chaeyoung gets tired in the end.

Anyways, still Team Renesé endgame here 😊 Looking forward for your next update!

P.S. solo Renesé moment pls 🙏*ehem ehem*
LillyMay1100 #2
Chapter 13: Maybe a throuple ending is a option, love that we are seeing development between both sides...

I'm still going to ship RosiexIrene ❤️
Crazy_Reader #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhh..... this is just so confusing for Rosé but I'm still firmly on team Irene *shrugs* but I really hope that you don't make two endings which, just in my opinion - not to say you are doing it but- to me it feels too much like a cop out, I hope you make one ending, be it with Rosé and Irene or Jennie but a finality that I hope will cement to us the decision that Rosé makes.

And you are so correct about lesser and lesser new RV or BP fics on AFF anymore. It's the reality but it still hurts that this is really reality.
Chapter 11: I'm curious to know who's Rosie going to choose
Chapter 11: Hello honorable author, thank you for this new chapter.
I will try to be short and direct in my comment...
It's great that Jennie and Rosé finally talked, now we know Jennie's side... but I really disliked that Rosé started playing a double game, it seems to me that her character in this story would not react like that. It only seems that Jennie can get Rosé's attention through seduction and seduction or ual desire is not everything in a relationship. I love chaennie with all my heart, but it seems to me that Jennie in this story was very selfish and inconsiderate towards Rosé, Jennie made Rosé suffer for years.

It seems unfair to me that now that Rosé found Irene and they both connect on many levels... Jennie wants to enter the scene. In my opinion Irene really knew everything about Rosé, her defects and virtues and the same Rosé with Irene. The love between Irene and Rosé developed and grew, please, I need Jennie to get out of the way and understand that Irene is the best for Rosé. Jennie had her opportunity for many years and she didn't know how to take advantage of it, it's time for Jennie to let Rosé be happy.
loving is also learning to let go

Thank you author, I will be looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!!
LillyMay1100 #6
Chapter 11: I AGREE WITH THE COMMENT BELOW, I'm all for Rosie and Irene.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Finally real new update 😂 There's quite some things to unpack here but first, even though I am leaning towards Renesé now, I am glad for this Chaennie chapter coz we finally got to know more of Jennie's feelings for Chaeyoung. From the first time she started to have feelings for Chae up until the point that she finally admitted to have fallen in love with her. But tbh, even if Chaeyoung is still conflicted with her feelings towards Jennie, I kinda feel like after that conversation, Chae can finally make her decision between Joohyun and Jennie. And I am still for Renesé. Jennie might have deserved the chance to chase Chaeyoung after her confession, but does it feel like its kinda too late? That for Jennie to finally act on her feelings towards Chae was because she was triggered by Joohyun catching up feelings on Chaeyoung. And its unfair for Chae to be pressured to choose when it was not her fault in the first place that she also caught feelings for Joohyun because Jennie pushed her away just like how Wendy kept Joohyun at arms length and also didn't affirm the latter's feelings why Irene fell out of love with Wendy. And the way that Renesé was spending more time alone, it was inevitable that they would start to catch up feelings with the way their emotional intimacy grew beyond their relationship with their group members like going out of the way to cater what the other needed despite having different schedules, etc. They may have started as a plan to make their supposed significant others jealous, but there's no denying that Renesé's relationship grew intimate without them knowing either. And the fact that they are also affected with how complicated their situation has become since all four of their feelings are already out means that they already have deep feelings for each other. Otherwise, Chae wouldn't be this torn of her feelings and Joohyun to finally realize that she had already fallen out of love. Despite that, I like how Joohyun is patient with Chaeyoung and not pressuring her to immediately sort out her feelings and let Chae figure it out on her own. I also like how confident she is with her feelings towards Chaeyoung and that she isn't scared of the complications if she really get to pursue her, that she's brave enough to fight for Chaeyoung if needed. And that is worth choosing for a partner.

P.S. Hoping for Renesé moment in the next chapter 🙏 (pls see suggestion from nishichan's chapter 10 comment 🤭)
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
Crazy_Reader #9
Chapter 11: Waaaaaahhhhhh!!! It's been so long!! Welcome back Author-nim and a happy new year!!
I have read and reread this story so many times you have no idea I've even finished my first year of Uni now and this is just an amazing time for the update just as we go on a few days off.
I love Rosie but she's just so confused and honestly I feel like right now she still has Jennie in her heart even though she's gotten close to Joohyun it feels like she only sees her as a friend or maybe had a crush but now, now it seems like she's never going to be able to let go of Jennie and I just don't see Rosie choosing Joohyun 💔😥😢