Chapter 1


Hi guys! So, I just wanted to release this supposed-to-be oneshot but the story was longer than I thought so I decided to split it to maybe 2 or 3 chapters. This is just for fun so please enjoy reading!

“Another win for us!”

Jennie covered her ears but with a happy grin on her face as someone gave the award to Rosé who inwardly panicked since she has been unfortunately chosen by the K-Pop Gods to give a short speech of their victory for the day.

After the burst of (ing loud in Jennie’s inside voice) confetti, the familiar voice of the girl she’s been crushing on hard since the days of AIIYL era are heard around them;

Yes, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim has a mega-watt crush on one of her members since that era. Where it all started?


Knock knock knock

Jennie sighed and willed herself to get up from bed, which has been her best friend for months now, as she walked towards the door of her room to open it.

She expected Jisoo because surely, she has noticed something is wrong with her for weeks now or maybe even Lisa to annoy her to death (though Lisa herself knows that her antics brings a smile to Jennie’s face hence the ‘annoying’ aspect)

But she certainly wasn’t expecting Blackpink’s very own main vocalist to check up on her with her soft smile and almond eyes looking up to Jennie with such warmth that Jennie couldn’t help but return her smile.

“Hey Rosie” She said “What brings you here?”

Rosé or better yet in her Korean name, Chaeyoung fiddled with the sleeves of her oversized long-sleeved shirt and said in a soft voice

“Hey Jennie-unnie…I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight?”

Blood started going towards Jennie’s cheeks at the sudden thoughts entering her mind so she quickly turned around to hide it from the maknae but hearing Chaeyoung’s dejected sigh quickly made her reply


“Oh yes of course Rosie come in”


‘Whipped’ her inner voice whispered to her but she quickly buried that voice deep inside her head.


This is not the time to feel confuse of thinking things like that


A small smile appeared on her face hearing Rosie’s little dance as she eagerly entered Jennie’s room and immediately cooed at Kuma who barked happily seeing the younger girl.

Chaeyoung bent down to ruffle Kuma’s fur and played with him for a good while giving Jennie’s ear a pleasant experience in hearing Chaeyoung’s giggles.

“And here I thought you came to my room for my company” Jennie can’t help but quipped an amused joke

Chaeyoung chuckled and finally stood up and sat on Jennie’s bed, her white toned legs did not escape Jennie’s eyes as she gulped involuntarily.

‘Why the heck am I acting like this?!’ Jennie panicked; I mean, she has seen Chaeyoung in her shorts and skirts but somehow…

Her home shorts seem to have much more effect to her, maybe because it’s been a while since she has seen her members as she has been locking herself up in her room lately.


‘Or maybe because you have no screaming fans to focus on and that you finally noticed just how much good-looking your Rosie is’



Jennie wants to bash this head voice so much and thankfully her Rosie started speaking.


Jennie did a double-take


Wait…Her Rosie?


What the actual fuc-


“I am” Chaeyoung grinned, the one with her eyes smiling as well before the smile turned melancholy “And I have been worried about you, you know?”

Jennie’s heart slightly leaped at that “Oh…why are you worried?”

Chaeyoung frowned and scrunched her nose, the action makes Jennie want to smile but something inside her tells that Chaeyoung won’t appreciate it if she didn’t take this seriously.


But still…a small amused smile twitched on her lips




Yup definitely not a good sign


Jennie sighed “Okay, okay I’ll admit that I have been a bit cut off lately…”


Chaeyoung blanched and immediately invaded Jennie’s personal space to glare at her “What do you mean by a bit?!” Jennie wasn’t able to breathe at the close proximity cause Jesus Christ her heart is not cooperating with her mind right now “You refused to reply on our messages, you dodged our concerns, and you don’t talk to us! You don’t even come and eat with us in the dining table or hang out with us in the living room during our weekly movie marathon!” She poked Jennie’s cheek for emphasis

“Don’t even get me started that you just broke that weekly tradition” Chaeyoung huffed

All Jennie could do was drop in shock at the sudden onslaught the usually kind and calm maknae. Heck she expected this from Jisoo or maybe even Lisa but definitely not her sweet sweet Rosie.

Jennie gulped; the (cute) glare from Rosie and even the suddenness of the situation is enough to render her speechless.

Though Jennie can’t help but sniff at the scent of roses and strawberry, which she enjoyed so thank you very much.

Chaeyoung, in Jennie’s inner dismay, leaned back to cross her arms stubbornly at the speechless unnie still with that glare of hers


‘Damn Rosie can be intimidating when she wants to be.’


She has to admit that she catches glimpses of her other persona which is Rosé, so yeah, her Rosie is kind of hot right now


‘More like definitely’


“I uhm…” Jennie stammered which happened once a year and too bad it happened in front of her possible crush


Damn, where is Jennie Kim of Blackpink when you need her


Chaeyoung seems to take notice of Jennie’s shock at her outburst and sighed, her glare withering into furrowed eyebrows laced in concern

“I’m sorry unnie” Chaeyoung reached out to gently touched Jennie’s hand, which does not help with Jennie’s current predicament but hell she enjoys the contact very much “I have been very worried you know? We all are…”

Chaeyoung scooted closed and once again Jennie caught whiff of her scent “Can you tell me what’s wrong? I’m here for you unnie, I just need you to let me”

Jennie’s eyes softened and the (gay) panic in her finally decided to stand aside…for now

“I just…” Jennie looked down but Chaeyoung’s encouraging squeeze on her hand gave her the courage to finally speak the root of her current problem

“I just…it’s been months Rosie. Months since our last interaction with the world and then poof” Jennie’s sarcastic voice emphasized the poof “We just disappeared from the face of the earth. Heck we don’t even have our own official account on social medias!”

Jennie doesn’t realize tears are starting to gather in her eyes as she continues to ramble “What if the people forgot about us? What if they don’t know Blackpink anymore? I worked for years just so we could debut and live out our dreams!”

Jennie didn’t realize that she intertwined her hand to Chaeyoung’s and started squeezing it as if getting strength from the hold as she looked directly to Chaeyoung’s understanding eyes

“I…worked hard to be with you guys” The ramble now turned to whispers of sorrows as Jennie continued

“The dreams that the four of us had…the sweat and tears in our trainee days just to satisfy every single ing person in the company so we could release our own songs and make our fans happy and inspired”

Jennie looked at Chaeyoung with vulnerability

“Will all of those go to waste now? We haven’t been in the industry for long and yet being hiatus for months is making me crazy! We don’t have much else to do and we just stayed in this dormitory for so long.”

Jennie started chuckling “Is it pathetic that I created a fake account in social media just to check if people still know the YG girl group called Blackpink?”


Tears finally streamed down her face and soon…


Warm and soft hands cupped her cheeks while wiping away the tears with the pads of the thumb “No, it’s not pathetic. In fact, I find it really charming and sweet” Chaeyoung spoke in such a soothing tone that quells the sadness in Jennie’s heart

“Our fans would never forget us, and you know why?” Chaeyoung started to smile goofily “I also have a fake social media account…and I’m proud to say we already have a steady and great fan base. Kudos to our blinks” She winked before smiling thoughtfully

“You have always been the strong Jennie-unnie who became my role model the moment I stepped foot in the YG dungeon”

Jennie couldn’t help but giggle at that

“You helped me with my moves, gave advice on how to handle the peer pressure, and even defended me from other trainees when I was immediately chosen to sing a part in GD’s song.”

Chaeyoung looked at Jennie earnestly and it made Jennie’s heart beat crazily

“You inspire me; you make me want to be like you. You’re the epitome of perfection unnie” Chaeyoung blushed at the term she used but continued anyways

“I’m totally sure that without a doubt, that all of our hard work and this waiting will pay off. Blinks are there for us now unnie and they are waiting patiently for us to come back.”

The tears finally stopped as Jennie finally saw the light for weeks

“And when we do?” Chaeyoung gave an eager grin “We’ll blow their minds off with our music, and they will see that Blackpink has come back…”

Chaeyoung hugged Jennie tightly

“Deadlier than ever…more beautiful than ever…and most of all, stronger together”

Jennie hugged back and finally a serene smile is on her face after all these days. The words Chaeyoung said to her is enough for an applause and it clearly made an impact on her. She has to admit that her visit to her bedroom is unexpected but it certainly turned out to be one heck of an awesome surprise.

“Thank you Rosie…I mean it”

Chaeyoung let go of the hug and only smiled as she leaned in and kissed Jennie’s forehead affectionately.


And that did it


Jennie’s heart did indeed stop at the action and she froze…finally realizing what is now going on.


“Let’s sleep?” Chaeyoung said happily, probably elated that she got Jennie out of that dark cave. She crawled towards the other side of the bed, preferably on the right side of bed. “I know you prefer the left side so…”


Is it bad that Jennie wants to squeal at the small action?




“Ah yeah, let’s sleep” Jennie smiled softly at the yawn that Chaeyoung let out before making herself comfortable at the bed and turned off the lights; Chaeyoung’s oozing warmth made her want to reach out in a cuddle but suddenly she was too shy to cuddle.

She’s putting Jisoo’s nickname to her in shame

Before Jennie could contemplate it further, two long arms hugged her and pulled her towards Chaeyoung’s front.

Jennie bit her lip to stop the squeak and thank heavens she turned off the lights so Chaeyoung wouldn’t see the rising blush on her cheeks.

“Good night unnie” She heard Chaeyoung whisper to her in which she replied (in which she hoped it’s not in a husky tone)

“Good night Rosie…”

Good night indeed, as Jennie finally went out of her dark cave but the legs that tangled with her own ones and the breath now hitting her neck because she decided to turn around to hopefully sleep peacefully because having her chest pressed with Chaeyoung’s and her face being so close to the main vocalist is not helping her really have a good sleep.

Though right now, she didn’t know which position was worse because if it was even possible, Chaeyoung sleepily pulled her closer and a sigh of contentment could be felt from her neck making Jennie shiver at the sensation.

‘You developed a mad crush’

And for once in the night, she agreed to her head voice

Since then, that mad crush grew and grew in which cases made her panic more times than she could count in her head. Heck she even made a really bad decision that affected her career as it was a dating scandal.

Thankfully they were allowed to ‘break up’ after a month and since then, it’s been buried beneath the ground and Jennie would gladly not dig it up again.

Back on the speech that her Rosie is now telling, she had this pretty cute idea on quickly drawing small hearts using her fingers for support which was followed up by an eager Lisa and the childish grin on Jisoo’s face as the three fellow members of Blackpink draw hearts while Rosé speak.

Rosé finally noticed what was happening and laughed for a short while making Jennie smile her usual gummy grin before Rosé finished the speech

“Thank you everyone we love you!” in her Aussie accent that we all love

“Why o why does Rosie has to speak in English too” She started waving at the camera so that it won’t see that Rosé’s English is her guilty pleasure though it can still be seen the sudden neutral face that she is wearing right now after blowing a kiss to the camera.

The starting music of their latest song has started and idols around Blackpink started bowing at them and leaving the stage. Jennie started to clap in tune with the beat and turned slightly to see Seulgi’s happy bear face and Irene’s serene smile at them as Irene squeezed her hand in congratulations while she began to sing her part.


Jennie’s sharp cat eyes didn’t miss the way Irene exchanged a quick soft smile to the other maknae of Blackpink before quickly turning away as if their interaction never happened. That’s normal, Irene is always like that to her members anyways; she talks and smiles at them like that but something about Rosé’s wide but also weirdly shy grin afterwards bothered her.

Jennie quickly walked around the stage to gather her thoughts

“No that’s not possible. Irene-unnie and Rosie barely have any interactions together. If Joy was here, that’s a different story”

Jennie inwardly rolled her eyes remembering the tallest Red Velvet’s member admiration to her girl crush

“I’m probably just imagining things”

A week after the release of their new song “Ice Cream”, the Blackpink members are now in their dance practice room to rehearse their dance for Ice Cream before they have another meeting regarding their first ever full album (after years)

“Here unnie, you look like you need it”

Jennie glanced up and could only give a thankful gummy smile to her Rosie “Thanks Rosie!”

Jisoo snickered at her, eyes wiggling suggestively making Jennie roll her eyes

“Why did I even tell her everything?”

“Alright Jendeukie what is up?” Jisoo raised an eyebrow seeing Jennie at the screen with so much distaste that Jisoo could probably imagine that the TV the four of them are watching right now is now melting from the dark heat of Jennie’s glare

“What do you mean what is up?” Jennie snarked back

Jisoo pursued her lips and gestured towards the cuddling and sleeping Chaelisa laying on the floor with pillows around them. Jisoo sweat-dropped seeing Jennie growling like her dog whenever he doesn’t get any food from said owner.

“A little more glare and I think one of them is going to disappear from Earth soon Jendeukie. I prefer not to have that as I love our group”

Jennie grumbled and focused her glare on the TV again and the growl turned even louder seeing Chaeyoung shout ‘I love you’ to Lisa while parasailing. She hates having motion sickness and now she gets to watch this 'sweet' message of her Rosie saying to another girl, not just another girl but one of their members as well who is also apparently the closest member to her Rosie.


"Stupid motion sickness, why don't you just move yourself to another person.'"


Preferably the dancer of their group


This made Jennie scowl angrily


Jisoo cannot take it anymore; she can’t focus enjoying the show of their own group and cooing at the cute maknae line with her fellow unnie line ready to buy another TV as she is ready to destroy it.

Jisoo turned off the TV and firmly grabbed Jennie’s shoulders and asked again

“What is up with you?”

Jennie snapped out of her growling state and huffed

“It’s nothing…”

“Don’t think I didn’t notice you being suddenly okay from your dark cave moment months ago.” Jisoo crossed her arms “As much as I feel relief that you got out of there, something changed Jennie.”

“Oh yeah?” Jennie asked, falsely feeling brave even though Jisoo has the eye of a detective

“You being clingy to one of our maknae here” Jisoo said and specifically pointed at Chaeyoung “During Blackpink house and”

Jisoo began twiddling an accessory ring on her finger

“Calling each other hubby and wifey? Really?”

Jennie’s bravery slowly started to crumble and gay panic is now slowly overcoming her

“I-I mean I do realize that Rosie and I aren’t shown as close since our debut so I decided to you know, take the initiative like YG did to Lisa and I back then when there were rumors we’re not close” Jennie stuttered an explanation

Jisoo looked at her for a good moment and spoke


“So, you’re not crushing on Chaeyoung?”




Jennie’s reply was too quick


Jisoo crossed her arms before looking intently once again


Jennie was starting to sweat, who could blame her? This crush of hers is really starting to get out of hand especially since she’s been secretly pairing herself to Chaeyoung in Blackpink house (except the time where they have to choose rooms but hey, she panicked at her overthinking gay thoughts) and the happiness she felt when they were in Jeju and the room arrangement in Thailand was a dream come true but also one of her usual gay panics as well, especially since they were sharing a room with just one bed.

Though she secretly cursed the producers for making the unnie and maknae line room together at one of the hotels they’re staying.

Her thoughts were interrupted with Jisoo saying

“Well, that’s good then. Wouldn’t want a love triangle to happen in this group. That would be awkward for me”

Jisoo cringed slightly seeing Jennie snap her head at her so fast she swore she might have broke something

“What do you mean?!”

Jisoo didn’t miss the panic and fire in Jennie’s eyes and she somehow knows what’s running in her head right now

Jennie watch Jisoo glance at the cuddling maknae line with a soft smile

“Well…” Jisoo chuckled lightly but Jennie was feeling the exact opposite “I wasn’t supposed to tell you this but…”

Jisoo leaned in to whisper quietly after making sure the kids are sleeping well

“Lisa, our dearest maknae, is actually in love with Chaeyoung here”


Jennie’s shout made Jisoo hold her ears and even jolted the maknae line awake

Jennie’s brain is now calculating the ways to make Lalisa Manoban back off because Rosie is hers, no one but her gets to make that gorgeous specimen her hubby!

She’s the wife in the relationship for God’s sake!

“Wifey is there something wrong?”

Jennie’s lips couldn’t help but pursue in a smug smile, directing it at Lisa not noticing the laugh Jisoo is desperately trying to cover.

“Yah Jisoo-unnie what’s so funny?! Did I drool or something?” Lisa didn’t notice the smug smile from Jennie and started touching her face and turned to Chaeyoung

“Hey chipmunk, do I have something on my face?”

“You look as unbearable as ever”

“What does that even mean?!”

Chaeyoung laughed and tried to escape from Lisa’s grasp

“Yah! Don’t you dare put those lips of yours from my cheeks! I have to wash it daily because of that stupid habit of yours”

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it” Lisa teased and started making mocking kisses to the laughing Chaeyoung

Jennie’s smile turned into a scowl and that was when Jisoo finally laughed out loud

Everyone turned to the eldest who just waved back, eyes twinkling in mischievousness as she stared at Jennie with a knowing smile

“Nothing, just discovered a blackmail material in the future”

That’s when Jennie knew she has played right unto her unnie’s trap

Jisoo’s role as an actress is soon to make a debut she supposed

After that fiasco, Jennie told Jisoo everything while the maknaes were away and to her own happiness, Jisoo accepted Jennie as she is and even tried to be a matchmaker sometimes.

She also asked Jisoo if what she said about Lisa was true but Jisoo just laughed and winked

“You’ll know soon enough. For now, let’s focus on your life first.”

“Oh my God chipmunk!!!”

Everyone turned to Lisa who was laughing out loud and squealing like she has seen the best couple online

"What is it this time?" Chaeyoung crossed her arms, looking at Lisa with a suspicious look “This better not be a jump scare Lalisa or I swea-“

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she walked closer to Lisa and saw what made the youngest shout like that.

“What is it?” Jisoo went to Lisa’s other side and even dropped in surprise before laughing along with Lisa

“Geez Chaeyoungie” Jisoo wheezed and soon Chaeyoung started blushing “I didn’t know you have a thing for Baes”

Jennie started to frown, not getting what they are saying and the uncomfortable feeling she felt back on one of their encores came back once again seeing the news on Lisa’s phone

‘BLACKPINK Rosé Is Dating Red Velvet Irene?’

Lisa whistled “Wow chipmunk, first Bae Suzy who is Korea’s sweetheart and now Bae Irene, the untouchable leader of Red Velvet” Lisa mockingly kneels before Chaeyoung and shouted


“Teach me your ways master”


Jisoo laughed even harder seeing Chaeyoung smacking Lisa with her ridiculousness


“Stop it you guys!” Chaeyoung pouted


“Is this true Chaeyoung?”


Everyone stopped being silly (Lisoo) at the sudden cold tone of their main rapper. Chaeyoung felt a bit confused and even a bit hurt at the tone and usage of her name

“Uh… you should really read the article first unnie” Lisa said meekly before hiding behind Jisoo for protection when Jennie directed her cat eyes at her

“I-I mean…” Chaeyoung looked away and stuttered “It seems impossible you know? Me and Irene-un-, I mean Irene-sunbaenim don’t even interact as close as you two unnie.”

“Chill Jendeukie” Jisoo chuckled to dispel the tension “It’s just some fans making theories for their entertainment, just look at the comments.”

Jennie snatched Lisa’s phone from Jisoo’s hand and quickly scanned through the comments. A small relief entered her when she saw some light jokes about the article though her inner voice growled at the ones mentioning they look good together

‘‘Chaennie is infinitely hotter than that’’

“They are trending though…” Lisa whispered and let out a small ‘ouch’ from Jisoo’s nudge at her

Jennie scowled and turned around “I’m going to the bathroom”

Jisoo sighed inwardly seeing Chaeyoung’s confused expression and Jennie’s scowl

“These two…it’s been years already and yet one is too scared to confess and the other one is just too plain oblivious!”

Maybe Matchmaker Jisoo is not going to be one of her nicknames in the future

Before Jennie really left the room, she saw Chaeyoung’s phone which is charging just near her ping with a text message and a nickname not familiar with her


“Who the hell is that?” Jennie mumbled before finally leaving the room

Chaeyoung went home that day exhausted but feeling happy at the list of activities for her group. Her group is finally getting some action each month and she is totally loving their songs!

“Something bout me’s taking you higher, and you ain’t ever gonna come down” Chaeyoung sang softly as she did her nightly routine of skin care and putting on comfortable clothes to sleep on.

Chaeyoung’s phone rang and she looked at the caller’s name


Chaeyoung chuckled at the creative nickname that she thought of and answered the call

“Hey unnie, so you’ve seen the news too?”

A chuckle laced with amusement met Chaeyoung’s ear

“Yeah, Joy has been pestering and glaring at me for the whole day” The voice laughed “She was all like ‘When the hell did you two get so close?! I don’t even see you interact with her!’ and another one like ‘How the hell unnie?!’ The girl even cursed at me! I swear she is not my daughter I’m telling you”

Chaeyoung laughed at her unnie’s exasperated voice “What did you tell them then?”

The other line was quiet and a softer voice spoke this time

“How about you?”

Chaeyoung was mummed for a while and said “Honestly, I haven’t told them yet. I don’t know how or if they will even believe me”

“Well,” Another chuckle “The words Irene and Rosé does seem to not click together don’t you think?”

A laugh escaped from Chaeyoung’s mouth as she remembered the first time she truly met Bae Irene or better yet as Bae Joohyun

Chaeyoung was walking in the bathroom after finishing a shooting for another one of her model gigs. She sighed and looked at the mirror


“That was tiring…”


She was in another magazine shooting and well, she’s been getting dejected lately.


Who could blame her?


She’s the main vocalist of Blackpink for goodness sake! She loves making music!


Don’t get her wrong, she also loves modeling for more exposure and to interact more with fans but…


“I really missed singing for the crowd…”


The door slamming open startled Chaeyoung out of her thoughts and there entered one of the most unexpected people she will ever meet




Irene, who was wearing a sleeveless top and sleek pants, was also startled to see one of the members of Blackpink…


One she wasn’t even that close to. They barely interact and just greet each other formally but that’s it


Though Irene knows to herself that she somehow felt this need to let her guard down around the younger girl unlike her usual resting face and formal smile. Rosé of Blackpink just has that kind of aura…


‘Same as hers’ Irene thought


Chaeyoung bowed down “Good afternoon Irene-sunbaenim, are you going to use the bathroom?”


Irene started to get shy at the high amount of respect in Rosé and waved it off “No need to bow Rosé-ssi, though it is good to see a familiar face” She smiled softly

Chaeyoung blushed at the beautiful girl "Goodness, she really is perfectly beautiful up close. How did Jennie-unnie managed to befriend someone like her?"

Being with Irene in this space right now made Chaeyoung feel as if she was just a mere fan of Red Velvet and couldn’t help but squeal inwardly even though they had dinner before. She mostly focused on exchanging stories with Joy at that time so…

Irene sneezed making Chaeyoung look at her and noticed that the older girl is shivering slightly and her face a bit red

“Are you okay Irene-sunbaenim?” Chaeyoung asked worriedly, hesitantly walking closer to the older girl

Irene shook her head, she couldn’t burden anyone especially the girl in front of her “Y-Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry about me”


Chaeyoung is a respectful person but she knows when someone is sick in one look


And that’s how Irene is looking right now


“Forgive me for this Irene-sunbaenim”


Irene looks confused for a moment before her eyes widened slightly when Chaeyoung invaded her personal space and placed a hand on her forehead gently. The younger girl scrunched her nose and it made Irene smile at the sight

"She really is cute up close"

“You’re sick Irene-sunbaenim” Chaeyoung lightly scolded “What are you doing in the bathroom? Shouldn’t you be going home?”

Irene was about to answer but she quickly turned her head to the side and sneezed

“Bless you” Chaeyoung piped in

Irene couldn’t help but laugh at that and Chaeyoung joined at laughing with her

"Who would have thought I made the Irene of Red Velvet laugh" Chaeyoung thought giddily, eyes lighting up at the prospect

“You’re quite sweet Rosé-ssi” Irene said and didn’t notice she was leaning closer to the younger girl’s warmth “And also, I’m in a photoshoot. I can’t go home yet”

Chaeyoung giggled and looked at her with amusement “You’re not getting off the hook sunbaenim, you need to get to the infirmary first”

“Come on,” Chaeyoung beckoned at the door and was about to lead the way but her heart stopped when Irene suddenly held her hand. Chaeyoung looked at the older girl with a bit of a wide eye, a small blush burning on her face as she stuttered


Irene blushed at her sudden action but quietly said (with a hint of aegyo which made Chaeyoung melt at the cuteness)

“Can…we stay here for a bit? It’s kind of cold out there and…I need to have some warmth first”

Chaeyoung somehow remembered that the older girl is sensitive to the cold and quickly took action

“Can…Can I hug you if you’re comfortable with it?” Chaeyoung asked shyly “A human’s warmth is faster than staying in the bathroom.”

Chaeyoung can’t help but notice Jennie in the way Irene’s face lit up with delight and relief

“Yes please…”

At this point, Irene is almost willing to aegyo her way out of this cold she’s having and throw her usually stubborn pride away

Chaeyoung opened her arms and Irene quickly accepted the hug, sighing in relief and contentment at the warmth of the younger girl is surprisingly really comfortable despite the fact this is the most conversation they had with each other.

They stood like that in comfortable silence for a few minutes, heck they don’t even keep track of the time. They were hugging each other long enough that Irene stopped shivering from the cold; they didn’t even notice that they closed their eyes as Irene, without noticing herself, opened her own arms and hugged Chaeyoung’s waist to pull her closer. A scent of roses whiffed through her nose and thought to herself

"I didn’t know…she smells and feels so good. No wonder her other members are clinging to her"

“Are you doing fine now sunbaenim?” Chaeyoung’s soothing voice reminded Irene of a certain someone as she giggled

“We’re hugging right now and yet you’re still calling me sunbaenim?” Irene could feel Chaeyoung suppressing a smile and felt a bit of warmth from her face. “Aren’t we way past that now?”

Chaeyoung noticed the light tone of the older girl and decided to joke around “Hmmm…should I call you my love then? How about honeybunch?”

Chaeyoung once again made Irene laugh loudly that echoed in the bathroom and Chaeyoung started laughing lightly along wither as she said

“Too much?”

Irene giggled “I swear, you have quite some similarities with Seungwan…”

“Oh, Wendy-unnie? She’s such a sweetheart” Chaeyoung gushed remembering the hamster-like member of Red Velvet

Irene hummed and a soft smile is on her face while saying “Yeah…she is”


“So…how about Irene-unnie?”


“Hmmm much closer please”


Chaeyoung stilled for a moment "Is she…?" her heart beating a bit faster and quietly whispered but enough for Irene to hear




Irene smiled and hugged Chaeyoung tighter, signaling her approval


The door suddenly opened and there stand Red Velvet’s manager, looking at the hugging duo in a confused way

“Irene? You were taking too long so I have to get you to finish the shooting.”

Irene quickly let go of the hug and Chaeyoung turned around making the manager dropped her jaw in shock seeing the main vocalist of one of the biggest girl groups in the industry


Chaeyoung bowed with a hint of an embarrassed blush “Good afternoon manager-nim, I’m sorry for holding Irene-sunbaenim for so long. She has a slight cold and I decided to help her in her predicament. Please don’t scold her, it’s my fault”

Irene watched in awe seeing Chaeyoung selflessly spoke to her manager who wasn’t actually processing what the hell is happening.

“I-It’s fine Rosé-ssi, I’ll bring her to the infirmary.” The manager stuttered and was about to grab Irene but Irene put up a hand to stop her

“No need unnie, I think I’ll return to the set. I’m feeling quite good now and we’re almost done with the photoshoot anyway.”

Chaeyoung gently touched Irene’s arm with furrowed eyebrows “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

The manager looked back between the two in a weird way but who wouldn’t?

Would someone believe her if Irene of Red Velvet and Rosé of Blackpink are talking and hugging each other like close friends?

“Okay then…don’t take too long”

The managed looked at the two who were now quietly talking to each other before hastily making an exit

She needs a whole truck of coffee because of this predicament

“Don’t mind Rosé-ssi, I can handle myself now” Irene smiled warmly at the younger girl

Chaeyoung was relentless though but not before piping in “If I can call you Joohyun-unnie, you can call me Chaeyoung. It’s much easier than Rosé don’t you think?” She joked

“Hmm don’t you think ‘Rosie’ is much easier?” Irene winked

Chaeyoung blushed and remembered Jennie at that action and nickname. She was quiet for a while and noticed Irene staring at her with a soft smile that she didn’t notice until now.

“W-whatever you’re comfortable with unnie.” Chaeyoung stuttered


Chaeyoung can’t help but compare Jennie and Irene’s way of saying that nickname. Jennie’s like a cute being that makes Chaeyoung’s day much brighter with just her presence.

Irene’s way makes Chaeyoung feel the calmness after a stormy day. Not to mention that Irene doesn’t speak much English so the s in the nickname sounds more like a j.


Which was still cute by the way


“Do you think we gave my manager a heart attack?”


Chaeyoung giggled “I think we did. You better get back before she comes back” She smiled. Irene nodded and before she is about to thank the younger girl, Chaeyoung took off the beige coat she’s wearing and put it on Irene’s shoulders to warm her up.

“Here, take this. I can handle the cold pretty well anyways.” Chaeyoung said “Not to mention it looks good on your outfit”

Irene could really see Seungwan in Chaeyoung; the sweet way they take care of a person, the soothing tone of their voices, and not to mention their well fit body, so she whispered gratefully

“Thank you Rosie…for today”

“Always Joohyun-unnie”


Chaeyoung looked around at the source and strangely, she got too used with Jennie calling her that her own consciousness is looking at the cat-eyed girl.

“It was Joohyun-unnie who called her that”

“A-ah yes, I didn’t…told them yet” Chaeyoung looked down slightly ashamed “I’m sorry unnie…”

“Hey, no need to apologize. I haven’t even told them myself too” Joohyun said softly

“We’re not getting this plan of our relationship out if we’re not even telling them” Chaeyoung emphasized the word ‘plan’ to Joohyun

“Yeah…” Joohyun sighed before shaking her head, her eyes lighting up with a competitive fire we know all too well

“But hey, the article helped us you know?” Joohyun said, cheering the both of them up

Chaeyoung laughed “Yeah, who knew we wore so many similar clothes?”

“Yah! It’s not similar, it’s clearly the exact same clothes!”

They both laughed and Chaeyoung decided to unnie even more

“I also didn’t know you always stare at me like that whenever we have award shows” Chaeyoung said smugly “I never knew you have a crush on me unnie!”

“Yah!” Irene shouted defensively “I can’t help if you look so much like a baby!”

“My is a baby now?”

“I swear Park Rosie” Irene playfully growled “I’m the older one here”

“There goes the age attack…”

Chaeyoung put her phone away hearing Irene shout(nag) at her

“Yah unnie! Stop being so loud, who are you talking to anyway?”

Chaeyoung heard Joy’s voice on the other side and could only see Irene panicking right now

“N-No one!” She heard Irene shout back and a door opened and Joy’s voice is much clearer now

“Clearly you’re talking to someone and you’re having way too much fun”

Chaeyoung quietly giggled until the same panic hit her when she heard Joohyun shout

“Yah Sooyoung! That’s my phone you snatcher!”

Chaeyoung could clearly hear Joy pushing Irene and Joy’s voice entered her ears


“Who’s this and what have you done to my sweet mother?! She’s attacking me like I stole her life!”


“Hey Joy” Chaeyoung cheerfully greeted the girl


Just like that


It was all silence now and Irene finally managed to grab her phone out of the fish-face Sooyoung since she stopped pushing her away


“So…” Irene spoke


“So?” Chaeyoung said in amusement


“…You just gave me a hell of a headache for this you know?” Irene scrunched her nose but the smile on her face is exasperated “I have approximately a minute before Sooyoung destroys the dorm with her voice which will alert the other members and soon, I’ll be in the hot seat.”


“Isn’t that good? The plan is progressing now” Chaeyoung grinned


“I’ll get back to you on this.” Irene glanced at Sooyoung who has light coming back to her eyes now “I’ll talk to you soon, Sooyoung is almost back at it no-“




Chaeyoung laughed hearing Joohyun grumble about taking care of kids and that she’s getting too old for this.

“I’ll talk to you soon Joohyun-unnie and don’t worry…” Chaeyoung spoke gently “We’ll make it through the plan”

“I trust you Rosie…I trust us.”

That was Joohyun’s last words before hanging up as Chaeyoung whispered to herself

“I hope this works unnie…”

A few minutes earlier

Jennie was staring at the ceiling of her room, the article still on her mind much frequent than she wants.

“What am I thinking?” Jennie mumbled to herself “Rosie herself said that it was not true yet why is it bothering me?”

“Because they look good together”

Jennie scoffed at her head voice “We are much a better pair”

“And yet your interactions are not enough to beat ‘their’ interactions” The head voice mocked her

Jennie growled and stood up “I can very well march on Rosie’s room and she would let me in no matter what. After all, I am her wifey”

Jennie started walking towards Chaeyoung’s room but then stopped before she could knock when she heard her laugh out loud

“Yeah, who knew wore so many similar clothes”

She heard Chaeyoung say to someone who is apparently calling her

“I also didn’t know you always stare at me like that whenever we have award shows unnie” Chaeyoung said smugly “I never knew you have a crush on me unnie!”

“What the actual ?” Jennie thought, who the heck was Chaeyoung talking to?

Is this right though? Eavesdropping to Chaeyoung’s conversation when she is clearly busy talking to someone…who has a crush on her?

She didn’t hear the next part of the conversation when her ear picks up something

“…soon Joohyun-unnie and don’t worry”

Jennie took a step back “What?” She whispered in shock

Joohyun? Like is it the Bae Joohyun of Red Velvet? The one Chaeyoung has a dating scandal with right now? (Even though it quickly died down at the end of the day)

“I must be imagining things” Jennie shook her head, there was no way the two are close friends without any other members knowing.


Though she can’t shake the feeling that there is something going on


And she’s going to find out from the other side


After all,


Irene is not the only she’s close with in Red Velvet

“What’s up unnie?


Jennie sighed watching Kim Yeri of Red Velvet enjoying the free smoothie that Jennie has to afford for the younger girl to go with her (with disguise of course)


“I have a question to ask”


Yeri hummed “So that’s why this smoothie is free” She grinned with the all-familiar devious glint in her eyes


“Let me guess, is it about one of my fellow SM idols? Or one of my members?”

Jennie’s heart skipped a beat, it is sometimes scary how good at observation this maknae of Red Velvet is, no matter how jokingly she said that

“Actually…yeah it is”

Yeri raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting that “Oh? Which one is it?” She slurped through the straw and decided to take a guess

“Are you going back together with Jongin-oppa?”


Jennie exclaimed in disbelief making Yeri laugh obnoxiously

“You’re too easy unnie” She teased before snickering some more “Then who is it?”

Jennie took a deep breath and mumbled


Yeri leaned closed “What? I’m right here unnie, can you please speak louder?”

“I said it was Irene-unnie”

Jennie modulated her voice a bit louder and Yeri scrunched her face in confusion “Irene-unnie? Like Grandma Irene-unnie? My leader?”

Jennie nodded in affirmation

“…no offense Jennie-unnie but,” Yeri held out two hands and bought them closer “Aren’t you close with Irene-unnie than well” Yeri gestured the both of them


Jennie sagged “I-I know we’re close but…”

“I can’t possibly face her with just assumptions, I might look stupid. Heck this very meeting with Yeri is already too much of a stalkerish move”

The things love does to her

“But what?” Yeri asked when Jennie didn’t finish her sentence “Are you two fighting or something?”

Jennie shook her head “No, no it’s just that” Jennie bit her lip

“Oh to hell with it!”

“I heard Chaeyoung talking to someone last night…”

Jennie then finally saw Yeri’s eye lit up in recognition

“Oh my God I can’t believe it’s true!”

Jennie’s eyes widened slightly when Yeri started to gush

“Unnie was totally flustered last night when we started to drill her on how the hell did she get so close with Chaeyoung-ah” Yeri laughed

“And?” Jennie’s leg started bouncing up and down in anticipation “What did she say?”

Yeri shook her head in amusement “She said that it just happened and well, they’re close.”

“How close?”

Yeri raised an eyebrow at the sudden interrogation “Uhm… we don’t know? But I have never seen unnie speaking so softly to someone, and that’s saying something because she’s usually not the kind of person to be so…”

“So what?”

“So loving”

Jennie’s heart sank down “And she’s only like that to Chaeyoung?”

“Well, from the way she spoke of her last night…” Yeri thought deeply about it before nodding “Yeah, she’s only like that to Chaeyoung-ah. Heck Irene-unnie doesn’t even show that side of hers to us too much” Yeri snickered

Jennie leaned back to her chair, exhaling with her face troubled at the thought

“You have got to be kidding me…”

“Still, I’m not surprised that the two will get close sooner or later” Yeri shrugged “From the way Irene-unnie looks at Chaeyoung-ah in the past, it was bound to happen.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I may have stumbled upon a few YouTube videos…” Yeri winked before taking on a curious look “Why are you so intent on knowing about the two so much?”

“N-nothing” Jennie shook her head

Yeri observed Jennie before a small fleeting smirk appeared “Do you like one of them?” She asked innocently

“No!” Jennie suddenly stood up “Rosie can’t like anyone, she’s I-I mean we’re too busy preparing for an album” She protested


“I-I got to go. Thanks for today Yeri, let’s hang out more next time.” Jennie waved and hastily left Yeri on her own.

Yeri laughed out loud gaining some weird looks around her

“So, it’s Chaeyoung-ah…I should have known” Yeri sipped her drink and smiled knowingly “Looks like she was right. Jennie left right on time too…”

Jennie quickly arrived on Blackpink’s dorm, she’s going to need to cherish every moment here in this dorm as soon, each of the members will now be getting their own living space.

Though, they decided to still keep this dorm for sleepovers, bonding, or just some place to lounge. She quickly saw Jisoo and Lisa about to open the door and called them out

“Jisoo-unnie, Lisa wait up”

The two girls were surprised to see Jennie “Jennie? I didn’t know you went out. I thought you stayed with Chaeyoungie in the dorm” Jisoo said

“I…had to take care of something” Jennie told them a little white lie and so smoothly too because the two seems to accept the lie.

“I also wasn’t expecting to be home so early” Lisa grinned “Looks like my hot is enough to finish the photoshoot earlier.”

Jisoo rolled her eyes “Oh shut it. I want to snuggle with my Dalgom and play, the meeting about my upcoming drama tired me out.”

Jennie chuckled and her eyes smiled along with her lips, she’s going to miss these weirdos when they have their own dorm now.

They entered the dorm quietly and immediately saw an unfamiliar black coat hanging near the door and a pair of obviously luxurious shoes. Then they heard voices in the kitchen


“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”


That’s Jennie’s Rosie alright but who is she talking to?


“I have you know that I cooked in our latest show right after our comeback.” A familiar piped in “I’m more worried about you”


“That voice seems familiar…” Jisoo mumbled


“And I’ll have you know that I’m Jennie-unnie’s sous chef and Lisa can testify that I can cook well.”


“Now I’m hungry” Lisa whined remembering Chaeyoung’s cooking


“Yeah, sure Rosie, just don’t burn anything.”


That immediately set Jennie off, scowling


“Only I and Rosie’s sister can call her Rosie!”


She stomped over the kitchen with Jisoo and Lisa quickly following after her and their jaw dropped seeing the scene in front of her


“You have got to be ting me” Jennie thought, enraged and utter shocked at what she’s seeing


“Here Joohyun-unnie,” Chaeyoung gave the older girl a bowl, said older girl was wearing a casual outfit consisting of a black crop top and high waist pants.

The three members of Blackpink watched Joohyun smile softly at their main vocalist before she shivered

“Is this dorm always this cold?” Joohyun pouted “You better make sure your own dorm is in the right temperature Park Rosie”

Chaeyoung laughed and rubbed Joohyun’s arm while pulling her closer “It’s your fault for being so sensitive to the cold”

“Excuse me? Is it my fault Daegu doesn’t have much cold temperatures or at least, snow?”

Chaeyoung giggled at Joohyun’s exasperated glare and poked the older girl’s cheek

“You’re too cute unnie”


Jennie was about to explode but Lisa went first




That shout made Joohyun and Chaeyoung literally jump apart and finally realized they have an audience. Chaeyoung blushed while Joohyun coughed and waved, though a small blush is on her face as well.

“Um…hey?” Joohyun said awkwardly with Jisoo still looking at them in shock, Lisa seems to be hyperventilating, while Jennie looks like she was about to kill someone.

“Hey,” Chaeyoung chuckled nervously “I uhm…didn’t know you guys would be home early.” She then looked at Joohyun who was now back to cooking their food but Chaeyoung can see the tips of her ears reddening and a small amused smile on her face.

“Do we have enough for everyone?”

Joohyun hummed and said “I think we do…if you keep your stomach under control” She teased

Chaeyoung lightly pinched her waist making the older girl yelped and glare at her. Chaeyoung chuckled and looked at her members, eyes lingering on one specifically.

“So, want to eat?”

An awkward silence consumed the whole table as they ate, three pair of eyes looking at the two unusual pair but who doesn’t?

If you were in a restaurant and saw Bae Irene and Park Rosé eating together, your eyes will probably be glued to this unexpected pair.

Jisoo coughed to finally disperse the awkward silence “So…how?” She raised an eyebrow

“What do you mean by how unnie?” Chaeyoung asked innocently

Jisoo pointed to her and then to the amused Joohyun

“How this happened? And without us knowing?”

“Yeah unnie,” Jennie fake-smiled at Joohyun but her eyes are like eagles instead of a cat “How did you and Rosie became friends” She emphasized the italicized words, because she along the others are sure that there is something brewing earlier had they not arrived.

Chaeyoung bit her lip, a bit conflicted but then a warm hand grasped hers in a comforting manner. She glanced up and saw Joohyun stare at her, warmly and encouragingly

“We got close…last May” Chaeyoung answered them which made the other members of Blackpink bulge their eyes in shock.

“It’s been just a few months and yet they’re…” Jisoo thought, her eyes glancing suspiciously at them.

“Yah Chong-ah, I’m your best-est friend” Lisa frowned, childish jealousy brewing in her mind for her best friend not telling her this “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

Chaeyoung laughed nervously “I guess…it never came up to my mind?”

Jennie wasn’t feeling really good right now, Chaeyoung denied the rumors of her and Irene dating and yet what she saw earlier…

Jennie stood up and mumbled “I don’t feel too good…I’m going to rest up in my room.” She then looked at Joohyun and said “It was good to see you again unnie. I’m sorry if I have to cut this short.”

Joohyun waved it off and said in a concerned voice “No it’s fine. You should go and rest now. I have Chaeyoung to keep me company, don’t worry.”

Jennie clenched her jaw and nodded before going towards her room.

They all looked at each other with Joohyun looking at Chaeyoung knowingly and the girl nodded before looking at Jisoo and Lisa as they started to talk.


Jennie heard Lisa shout before sighing, petting Kuma

“Oh Kuma…was I already too late?” Jennie bit her lip in thought, years have passed and she’s still not planning to confess to the younger girl even though she knows that this is no longer a crush, it’s no longer just admiration or infatuation.



Jennie looked up and saw Chaeyoung peeking her head in cutely

“Can I come in?”

The guilt and shy tone of her voice made Jennie soften herself up

“Sure Rosie…come in”

Chaeyoung smiled and entered the room while closing the door softly. She walked towards Jennie and sat next to her on her bed, gently placing her hand over Jennie’s which was petting Kuma.

“Kuma is kind of a stress reliever huh” Chaeyoung giggled, mesmerized on how soft Kuma’s fur and Jennie’s hand is.

“That he is” Jennie finally cracked a smile, heart beating quite loud on her ears upon the contact “So…what brings you here?”

Chaeyoung looked down and bit her lip “I wanted to…apologize.”

“For what?” Jennie still asked even though she knew what she was apologizing for

“For hiding my relationship with Joohyun-unnie”

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Chapter 13: OMG you back authornim!!! 🎉🎉

I am glad Chaeyoung survived the gay panic she had in this chapter. I mean we can't blame her when there's two beautiful women showing their want on her 🤭 😂 But really though, even with all the gay panic and messed up situation they are in, its obvious that Joohyun was the one who handled it well even if one might think she's on the losing end. Chaeyoung is still confused and we can't really blame her for that. Coz if not for Jennie finally taking action of her feelings when Joohyun happened, Chaeyoung could easily move on knowing she already caught feelings with Irene. And this situation is the perfect example of who is really the one who is in tune with Chaeyoung's feelings. Joohyun may not have known Rosé for that long but her understanding of Chaeyoung is deeper than just feelings of love. She knew she loves Chaeyoung. But she doesn't force her feelings on her, she just let her know. And she stays understanding of Chaeyoung's predicament and be the bigger person in their messed up situation by being patient and attentive towards Chaeyoung without putting pressure on their relationship. On the other side, Jennie has the same feelings of love for Chaeyoung. But her expectations are different from Joohyun's. The way she approaches Chae is more on getting her feelings compensated for the sacrifice she did because she got afraid of ruining things between her and Chaeyoung. She's banking on the fact that Chae had feelings for her and to choose her because she's the one Chae has feelings first. But she didn't acknowledge until now that she has hurt Chaeyoung in the process when she kept her distance from her. And that she only panicked and made her move when she noticed Rosé having feelings for Joohyun. Coz if that didn't happen in the first place, there's a possibility that Jennie will keep suppressing her feelings until Chaeyoung gets tired in the end.

Anyways, still Team Renesé endgame here 😊 Looking forward for your next update!

P.S. solo Renesé moment pls 🙏*ehem ehem*
LillyMay1100 #2
Chapter 13: Maybe a throuple ending is a option, love that we are seeing development between both sides...

I'm still going to ship RosiexIrene ❤️
Crazy_Reader #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhh..... this is just so confusing for Rosé but I'm still firmly on team Irene *shrugs* but I really hope that you don't make two endings which, just in my opinion - not to say you are doing it but- to me it feels too much like a cop out, I hope you make one ending, be it with Rosé and Irene or Jennie but a finality that I hope will cement to us the decision that Rosé makes.

And you are so correct about lesser and lesser new RV or BP fics on AFF anymore. It's the reality but it still hurts that this is really reality.
Chapter 11: I'm curious to know who's Rosie going to choose
Chapter 11: Hello honorable author, thank you for this new chapter.
I will try to be short and direct in my comment...
It's great that Jennie and Rosé finally talked, now we know Jennie's side... but I really disliked that Rosé started playing a double game, it seems to me that her character in this story would not react like that. It only seems that Jennie can get Rosé's attention through seduction and seduction or ual desire is not everything in a relationship. I love chaennie with all my heart, but it seems to me that Jennie in this story was very selfish and inconsiderate towards Rosé, Jennie made Rosé suffer for years.

It seems unfair to me that now that Rosé found Irene and they both connect on many levels... Jennie wants to enter the scene. In my opinion Irene really knew everything about Rosé, her defects and virtues and the same Rosé with Irene. The love between Irene and Rosé developed and grew, please, I need Jennie to get out of the way and understand that Irene is the best for Rosé. Jennie had her opportunity for many years and she didn't know how to take advantage of it, it's time for Jennie to let Rosé be happy.
loving is also learning to let go

Thank you author, I will be looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!!
LillyMay1100 #6
Chapter 11: I AGREE WITH THE COMMENT BELOW, I'm all for Rosie and Irene.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Finally real new update 😂 There's quite some things to unpack here but first, even though I am leaning towards Renesé now, I am glad for this Chaennie chapter coz we finally got to know more of Jennie's feelings for Chaeyoung. From the first time she started to have feelings for Chae up until the point that she finally admitted to have fallen in love with her. But tbh, even if Chaeyoung is still conflicted with her feelings towards Jennie, I kinda feel like after that conversation, Chae can finally make her decision between Joohyun and Jennie. And I am still for Renesé. Jennie might have deserved the chance to chase Chaeyoung after her confession, but does it feel like its kinda too late? That for Jennie to finally act on her feelings towards Chae was because she was triggered by Joohyun catching up feelings on Chaeyoung. And its unfair for Chae to be pressured to choose when it was not her fault in the first place that she also caught feelings for Joohyun because Jennie pushed her away just like how Wendy kept Joohyun at arms length and also didn't affirm the latter's feelings why Irene fell out of love with Wendy. And the way that Renesé was spending more time alone, it was inevitable that they would start to catch up feelings with the way their emotional intimacy grew beyond their relationship with their group members like going out of the way to cater what the other needed despite having different schedules, etc. They may have started as a plan to make their supposed significant others jealous, but there's no denying that Renesé's relationship grew intimate without them knowing either. And the fact that they are also affected with how complicated their situation has become since all four of their feelings are already out means that they already have deep feelings for each other. Otherwise, Chae wouldn't be this torn of her feelings and Joohyun to finally realize that she had already fallen out of love. Despite that, I like how Joohyun is patient with Chaeyoung and not pressuring her to immediately sort out her feelings and let Chae figure it out on her own. I also like how confident she is with her feelings towards Chaeyoung and that she isn't scared of the complications if she really get to pursue her, that she's brave enough to fight for Chaeyoung if needed. And that is worth choosing for a partner.

P.S. Hoping for Renesé moment in the next chapter 🙏 (pls see suggestion from nishichan's chapter 10 comment 🤭)
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
Crazy_Reader #9
Chapter 11: Waaaaaahhhhhh!!! It's been so long!! Welcome back Author-nim and a happy new year!!
I have read and reread this story so many times you have no idea I've even finished my first year of Uni now and this is just an amazing time for the update just as we go on a few days off.
I love Rosie but she's just so confused and honestly I feel like right now she still has Jennie in her heart even though she's gotten close to Joohyun it feels like she only sees her as a friend or maybe had a crush but now, now it seems like she's never going to be able to let go of Jennie and I just don't see Rosie choosing Joohyun 💔😥😢