Chapter 5 - Never Let Your Guard Down

Project IZ*ONE

"Okay, girls. It's show time! We've made it this far, might as well get to the finals while we're at it." Eunbi was leading the cheer for her team as they were getting ready to take the 'field'.

"I wonder what it'll be this time!" Yena says excitedly. They'd gone through a swamp and a subway thus far. Just how many more simulations were programmed into this room?

"Just stay sharp girls. This team got as far as us because they're good too. Don't let your guards down." Eunbi lectures. They were one step closer to the finals, so she was really hoping they could win it.

"Oh, here comes the other team now!" Yuri observes. They're led by a slim girl with blonde hair and a pointed chin, Park Seoyoung. She was intimidating to say the least. So, she's the girl who's been dominating mental power class. It's pretty unfair, she shouldn't be relegated to our class just because they had a hard time classifying her. Yuri thinks. Whenever there were mock battles or trainings the girl, Seoyoung, always stole the show due to her excess powers on top of her ability to 'borrow' someone else's. She gives Yuri a once-over and tilts her head up, as if not acknowledging her. Oh, I'll show you...

As the teams spread out to face each other, Yena seems to be delighted catching up with one of them. "Guys, this is Sihyeon! She came here with me and another friend." As she was about to greet back, another person butts in and blocks the way. Chaejeong was the name on her uniform. "No time for catching up, Sihyeon, save it for after we beat them." She says confidently with Sihyeon's face looking crestfallen, as if she really didn't want to be on that team.

Now that Eunbi's gotten a good look at them, the opponent team didn't seem too formidable. Aside from the girl Yuri and Minjoo had warned them about, these other girl's powers didn't spark fear into her. Then again, that Seoyoung girl might have been their key to success the whole time.

"Teams A and D! Get ready to take your sides of the field! We are about to start the match!" The loud voice of Seunggi booming from the speakers. This was sure to be a highly contested match.


"Hey, Yena, how do you think Minjoo and Chaewon are doing over there?" Yuri asks her partner. So far, their pair strategy had been working wonders for their team, having a good balance on all parts of the area. The room had revealed itself to be a dark cave of sorts. They knew it was simulated, but it certainly felt real. The sounds of footsteps echo through the cavern, forking paths leading to different areas. You could also hear the sounds of water dripping from the ceiling as well as the squeaking of bats. The government had definitely done their job creating this place.

"They've been doing fine so far, but maybe we should focus on doing our job too." Yena said calmly. That was something that really surprised Yuri about Yena. Whenever there was a mission, it's as if there's a switch inside her that flips and she gets super serious. It was really intriguing to her.

"Say, want to finish the game we were playing the other day? The story-telling one?" Yuri quietly asked. Yena turns to her with a questioning look. It was so different from the nonchalant goofy expression she always had.

"Maybe later." She curtly responds.

"Hmm? What's your deal? The first time we played, you were just dying to know more about me." Yuri's pout is enough to get a grin from Yena, which she takes pride in.

"Now really isn't the time, Yuri. We have to focus on-." Yena suddenly tenses up, gesturing Yuri to quiet down.

"What's wrong? Did you hear something?" Yuri turns only to find Yena gone. Huh, where'd she run off to this time? There's silence for a few agonizingly long moments.

"Yena, if this is a prank, this is so not funny." Yuri was antsy, waiting for a response. As she walks around the dark cave, she flinches as she hears a rock crumble. Aish, are the opposing team somewhere around here? She asks herself anxiously.

"Yah, if anyone's hiding over there, come out now!" Her voice echoes through the cave with no response coming. Eventually, out of the blue, a ball of light appears in the distance, appearing to be made from electricity.

"Oh, thank god, Yena. Be careful, I think the other team is somewhere near us." As the light got closer though, Yuri began to perspire. Why wasn't Yena responding? A dread of realization comes upon her too late as she's come face to face with...Seoyoung.


A high-pitched scream echoes loudly throughout the cave. "Yuri?" Eunbi said worriedly. There weren't many with a voice like that, she was certain it was her.

"Hyewon, I think our territory's been breached. We gotta get ready!" Hyewon nods and looks around trying to stay in between the entrance and the flag. They were situated in a large open room with three entrances. It wasn't dark enough to be totally blind, but the lack of light was certainly a hindrance at this time. Eunbi wanted to go help Yuri, but they'd barricaded themselves in their room. She had ordered Hyewon to freeze off the entrances so the opponents would have to break their way in, but Eunbi was starting to regret it now. Her train of thought was interrupted when a burning light appeared at the other end the entrances as if they were all being lit up.

"Eunbi-unnie, when they break through the doors, go off and find Yuri and Yena. I'll handle it here." Hyewon's sudden proposition surprised the older. Hyewon rarely if ever spoke longer than five-word sentences. When she spoke, it was important. She then whispers something to her which shocks Eunbi.

"Are you sure?" Eunbi asked. Hyewon only nodded, expression impossible to read. They were left with little time to think though as all three entrance ice blocks were melted away by an inferno. They're here.

As soon as the fire died down, Eunbi ran out one end, leaving Hyewon to fend for herself. A voice echoed throughout the room, mocking her, but it was empty thus far.

"You told your leader to run off when you're up against fire? Have you gone mental? I knew you were quiet, but dense too? Such a shame..."

She felt the blow before she could see her combatant. Hyewon was now sprawled on the ground trying to recover from the cheap shot she just took from behind. She then felt an invisible force holding her down whispering in her ear. "Too slow, Hyewonnie~". Chaejeong. While being held down, a big-eyed girl enters the room, Choyeon, she remembers. This girl's gaze was as fiery as her projectiles. She was probably the one who burned through Hyewon's ice walls. "C'mon Chaejeong, no time for games. We have to get the flag. Seoyoung's taking care of the others." She had said. The others...Yuri and Yena. Hyewon realized.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it. It's right over...there." She turns to look at where the flag should've been planted only to find it missing. A realization dawns on her face. "You sneaky ." And with that Hyewon faces Chaejeong, and all hell breaks loose in the cavern.


"Chaewon?" A quiet voice asked out.

"Yes, Minjoo?" She responded.

"It's a bit darker than I thought it'd be, I'm getting kind of nervous." It had become quickly apparent to many trainees that though Minjoo was pretty, had a cool power, and looked to have her life together, she was easily shaken. There was just something inside her that kept her from believing in herself. She always looked so unsure and hesitant with her actions. If it weren't for Chaewon guiding and reassuring her, they might have lost in the earlier rounds.

"Aish, don't worry about it Minjoo. We're getting close to the flag area already. Think about it this way, because your power is invisibility, it'll be almost impossible for them to even notice you." Ever since that incident with her, Chaewon had gotten more protective for Minjoo. She was the group's most wholesome member to be honest. Minjoo always worked so hard, but just gets easily discouraged. Chaewon liked it better when Minjoo is out there confident and ready to face anything. She's taken it upon herself to help her through it all, and now is no different.

"Listen, I'll split myself up to cover more ground, and I'll tell you when I have visual on the flag, got it?" When she sees Minjoo nod, she clones herself into four extra copies and heads out.

After a few minutes, Minjoo hears someone scuffling towards her direction and she instinctively hides herself. "Minjoo?" Chaewon's voice calls out, and with that, Minjoo finally relaxes. "I'm over here." She whispers.

"Okay, so I found it. Problem is that there's three guards. We're gonna have to play this one safe." They then slowly sneak over to the cavern entrance. Same with their base, it's wide and spacious with a little monument at the very center where a bright red flag is planted.

"You know what to do, Minjoo." Before she can respond, a high-pitched scream echoes throughout the cavern. Minjoo and Chaewon both look at each other worriedly. Yuri. Chaewon mouths to her.

They hear one of the guards chuckle in a foreign language, Japanese. "Looks like she's met Seoyoung. I'm glad we ended up on her team Noe. This'll be an easy win." The Korean guard who they recognized as Yena's acquaintance, Sihyeon, winces like she actually feels bad. A wave of confusion passes her face as the two Japanese guards converse.

"Okay, Minjoo change of plans. I'm going to try to get to Yuri or look for Yena while also distracting some of these guys. I'm gonna have to expend more energy with this one." Chaewon says it nonchalantly as if this was just a bump in the road she had to circumvent. Minjoo was honestly enamored by it. At such a pressure-packed moment like this, how could she keep her cool while she's there shaking in her boots.

Chaewon splits herself into eight this time and makes her move, creating noise distraction with a couple while the rest go off looking for their friends. The distraction works like a charm, sounding like multiple people had gone to attack.

"Huh, what was that?" The guards take notice and one of them makes an order. She had intimidating eyes, like a jaguar stalking its prey, ready to pounce. "Noe, go check up on that ruckus, it sounds like they sent everyone else on their team to get this flag."

Minjoo then makes her move, subtly weaving her way around ducking behind rocks. She's about fifteen feet away from the flag when she makes a misstep, causing a few rocks to crunch under her foot. Sihyeon takes note of it first. "Yah, Miru. We're not alone, get ready." And with that, she takes a deep breath and lets out a screech that bounces around the room. A look of satisfaction comes across her face as she says. "Over there, behind that rock." Minjoo is petrified now, stuck in place. Oh my god, how'd they find me. I'm screwed. The cat-eyed girl, Miru, stalks around the rock, claws extending from her nails. Minjoo makes a run for the flag, but is grabbed from behind. She yelps in pain, claws digging into her shoulder. 

"Looks like I found the mouse scurrying around. Nice try, girl. But you're done." Minjoo closes her eyes, waiting for the worst, but it never comes. A loud noise echoed throughout the cavern, like a thunder bolt. "Sorry, Sihyeon, but I'll have to take that." She hears a voice say. She feels herself getting picked up by multiple people as her consciousness drifts away.


Ugh, my head. The hell happened? Yena thinks to herself, feeling weak. One second, she left Yuri to scout around for enemies, the next, blackness. Her head was aching trying to recall what had happened. A hand on my shoulder. She recalls. Suddenly, she remembers where she is and her mission. Oh , the flag. Wait, Yuri. Where's Yuri. While she's racking her brain, a familiar face runs into her, Chaewon.

"Yah, unnie. I heard screaming, and one of the guards said that power-stealing girl was here. I came to check for Yuri, but I'm glad I found you." Chaewon looked a bit exasperated as if she had just run a marathon.

"Chaewon, what's wrong? How many people did you split yourself into?"

"Don't tell Minjoo, but there's around twelve of me running around."

"Yah, isn't that too much? You should be taking care of yourself." Yena chides. As she gets her bearings though, she realizes she missed something Chaewon had said.

"Wait, screaming? Yuri? Is she okay? Oh my god, I just left her there, we gotta go find her!" Yena starts to get up running back to her post, but Chaewon stops her.

"Unnie, we're closer to the flag right now. One of the guards is chasing me, but there are two with Minjoo. The sooner we grab the flag, the sooner we finish." Yena reluctantly nods just as the ground begins to tremble.

"Oh, . She's here. Time to move, unnie!" The girl from earlier, Yamada Noe appears from the fissure, balls of hard stone in each hand.

"Konichiwa, friends! It's time to lose!" She says as she tosses them.

Yena's instincts kick in as she dodges it, Chaewon doing the same. "Chaewon, I got to get in close. You have to distract her!"

"Gee, I wonder what I've been doing this whole time?" She remarks sarcastically, but splits herself into two extra copies and maneuvers around the spire Noe is standing on.

Yena then sneaks to her blind spot while she's distracted, climbing up the tower.

"I don't know how they play dodgeball in Japan, but you're supposed to be hitting me!" Chaewon continues to nimbly dodge all the projectiles, Noe getting increasingly upset at her insults. "Too slow, my friend! I'm right here" One copy says. "No, I'm over here!" Says another. "Maybe you need glasses because I'm clearly over here!" Says the third.

"Aish, just stand still, so I can hit you then!" She screams. Just then, a hand taps on her shoulder, Yena's voice whispering to her. "You're out." With that she shocks Noe with her grasp and she falls over unconscious.

"Nice job, Yena." She says, giving her a hi-five. "Now let's go get that-ugh." Chaewon staggers and falls over coughing grabbing at her ribs. She's hurt, but Yena doesn't see a scratch on her.

"Chaewon! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Chaewon gets up on a knee shaking a bit.

"Looks like my clones found Seoyoung." She says with a cough. "I think I failed to mention, since I never really had a reason to, that when I split myself into too many copies, the pain one feels becomes more noticeable to the others. If it's just one, I can treat the other as a separate entity, but if I'm hurt too bad when spread too thin, well..." She doesn't finish the thought. "Look, I think Eunbi's with my other copies right now, for some reason. Something must've gone wrong on defense. In any case, I think she can handle it. I'll get my copies back first."

"Are you sure she can do it?" Yena asks curiously.

"Trust her. She's our leader. Besides, you haven't really seen her in action like I have." True, Eunbi was the one who brought Chaewon in. She'd come with her to Produce, so Chaewon must know what she's talking about. "Besides, if we want to help Minjoo, and get that flag, we're gonna need me at full strength." Yena can only nod again, surprised by the younger's tactical planning. Eunbi has taught her well. She thinks to herself.


Eunbi's been running for so long looking around that she didn't even know how much time had passed. She'd been looking for Yuri everywhere since she heard her scream with no luck. Eventually, she finds the clearing where she'd originally posted Yuri and Yena and what she finds, shocks her. Yuri is limp on the ground with dark figure looming over her.

"Yah, Seoyoung-ah. Pick on someone your own size, why don't you?" She challenges.

Seoyoung looks up, smirking at her. "Sure, her power's useless to me anyway. Let's see what you have to offer." With that she dashes towards her, lightning imbued into her fist.

Eunbi avoids her, managing to trip her as she runs by. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a familiar figure, and motions her to grab Yuri. Once Seoyoung regains her balance, she stands at a distance, channeling balls off fire and throwing them at her. Eunbi barely dodges her, the attack singing the sleeves of her blouse. I need some help, big time. She looks over and sees Yuri's body away from harm, and an idea comes to her. "Why're you playing so rough? It's play to win, not play to kill." Eunbi says to buy time.

"This isn't just some game." Seoyoung responds. "This is about being able to choose my future. I have to win no matter the cost."

"As if you'll have complete freedom as part of the team. You'd still have to carry out orders."

"Enough. The power that comes along with it can change all our futures. I won't let your aspirations overpower mine!" At this, she dashes again, this time her arm taking the shape of a metal blade.

"Now!" Eunbi yells, hoping she'd gotten the message. And it's apparent she did as multiple Chaewons jump out and hold down the attacker.

"Nice thinking, unnie! I found Yena too, by the way, and hid Yuri somewhere safe."

"Good job, Chae. Now time to win this, if we hold her down for long enough, the match is ours."

"Don't think for a second that you've beaten me yet." Seoyoung snarls. She then starts to change form, slowly turning into a liquid state, squirming out of the Chaewons hold. They try to hold on, but Seoyoung had managed to get out, and rematerialize behind one of them, hitting Chaewon with an iron fist. All the Chaewons felt that one and fell, clutching the same side. "You got complacent, and now you're going to pay the price." She raises her morphed hand, about to press it on Chaewon's neck, but out of nowhere, Eunbi kicks Seoyoung in the side and pushes her off her friend.

"Chaewon! You said you found Yena, right? Get yourself back together and get that flag. I'll handle it here!" Eunbi yells as she's now grappling with Seoyoung. Chaewon nods and her copies follow her towards the enemy territory.

"Alright, then." Seoyoung says between grunting and struggling with Eunbi. "It looks like your powers will be mine instead. You shouldn't have let your guard down" She grips onto Eunbi's hands tighter, her own hands darkening as they try to extract Eunbi's abilities into herself. After a few moments though, she feels no different. "What? Where's your power?" Why can't I feel it?" She says confused.

Eunbi smirks as that and chuckles. "Maybe you're the one who let your guard down." She says as she twists Seoyoung's arms around so that she has a choke hold on her. "Yield." She says while gripping onto Seoyoung harder and harder.

She then hears the sound of footsteps. It's Chaewon and her clones carrying an injured Minjoo and a banged-up Yuri, followed by Yena with the flag. They make a break for it as Seoyoung can only watch, still trapped in Eunbi's hold. "Enough!" She channels fire in her hands which forces Eunbi to let go with a yelp. She turns, hand in the form of that metal blade and stabs Eunbi through the shoulder just as Yena gets the flag across, signaling a win for their team. The lights come on and the simulation fades away.

Chaewon is checking up on Minjoo while Yena checks on Yuri. Hyewon appears and approaches her teammates as well, looking tired and drained. That had to be the most stressful match so far. 

Seoyoung looks around and sees her teammates all on the ground tired and heaving and gives a resentful sneer at the opposing team celebrating as she walks towards the exit, Chaejeong, looking visibly chilly as if she'd been through a blizzard, standing up and following. Hyewon saw it first.

"Eunbi-unnie!" She yells. The others in well-enough shape take notice as well and rush over to her, a deep puncture wound in her left shoulder. Hyewon quickly calls the facility's infirmary which was on its way. The group had gathered around their wounded leader and Eunbi could only laugh. "It's nothing guys! I'll be back to normal in no time. Trainer Hongki has healing powers remember?" True, the facility healer was good at mending wounds, but the group was still worried nonetheless.

At this point, what was left of the opposing team had come to congratulate them. Choyeon walks up to Hyewon cheerfully. "That was pretty cool, Hyewon. Your ice was strong enough to beat my fire. Who would've known?" She compliments. "I really need to get stronger. I should ask Soyou-sunbaenim for help since she shares my power."

Hyewon only nods with a satisfied smile on her face. It had taken all her power to push back the flames. "I must know though, where'd the flag end up? You got us stumped there." Choyeon asks. Hyewon nods in the direction of Eunbi, who smiles, pointing at a base of rocks starting to fade from the simulation only to reveal the blue flag right at the border of their territory.

"No way! That was a pretty bold move, never would've thought to look back there. Well, I guess you beat us for a reason." Eunbi laughs as she remembers what Hyewon whispered to her before the enemy rushed in. Take the flag and hide it, they won't expect it. She had said. Hyewon, you crazy genius.

Elsewhere, Miru and Sihyeon approach the others. Before Miru can say anything, Chaewon blocks her path. "No way am I letting you close to Minjoo!" She says protectively.

Miru only chuckles and gives an eye-smile. "Oh, I just wanted to apologize if I hurt her too bad. Unlike the other two, we were trying to play it fairly, but they threatened us to go further. I really didn't mean to hurt your girlfriend." She bows sincerely.

"Wait, she is not my girlfriend! You got the wrong idea!" Chaewon says, hiding her blush. At the same moment, Minjoo starts to wake up only hearing a semblance of Chaewon's voice.

"Who's got the wrong idea?" Minjoo says groggily.

"Oh, no. It's nothing, Minjoo. Just rest up. We won!" Chaewon says quickly.

"Really?! Yay! We're going to the finals!" Chaewon only sighs in relief while Miru snickers.

"I'm sorry if my team caused you any trouble, Yena."

"Don't worry about it, Sihyeon. What's done is done...but that Seoyoung girl is gonna have to apologize for what she did to Eunbi-unnie, Chaewon and Yuri as well."

"I don't think it'll be that simple, Yena. My word of advice is to stay away from her as much as possible. She has no remorse. She even borrowed Choyeon's powers before the match, maybe that explains why her fire lost to your teammate's ice."

"I guess so. Good match though. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to attend to my friend who she hurt."

"Oh, is that the girl from the opening ceremony that caught your eye? The one you fell for right away? She is pretty cute closer up." Sihyeon teases.

"Aish, unnie, I know she is, but don't say stuff like that out loud! Be quiet, she might hear!" Unlike Chaewon though, Yena was unlucky as Yuri had woken up in the middle of their exchange, but pretended not to hear. She thinks I'm cute? Yuri giggles to herself. Her heart skipped a beat at that, and even more now that Yena was now checking up on her.


"Aish, that Seoyoung girl is in big trouble because of this. I may be able to heal it, but you got to tone down the activity for at least a couple of days." Hongki says while Eunbi is sitting on the bench getting checked up on.

"Yes, ssaem." She responds.

"Also, I'm not sure if your team caught notice of it, but I did. You should have a chat with Seunggi before word spreads that secret of yours." Eunbi stills at this like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Ssaem, I can explain-."

"No need. I understand, but you must speak to Seunggi about it. Let him know your motives because what you're doing can be taken the wrong way very easily." She could only nod.


While one team celebrates their victory. Another match is about to begin. The two teams face each other in a simulated tundra forest, ready to battle.

"Good luck, Sakura-chan. May the best team win." Sakura can only sneer at Jurina's act of sportsmanship. Oh, I'll show you who the best team is.


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1752 streak #1
Need to get back to reading this!! So many chapters to catch up on!!!!
new subscriber here!
will read this
1752 streak #4
Chapter 13: wow!!!
1752 streak #5
Chapter 11: wow yena's backstory gave me the feel!!
1752 streak #6
Chapter 10: the battle scenes are really drawing me in!!
1752 streak #7
Chapter 9: getting good!!!!
Hey! I really like your story! I would like to translate it into Russian, if you don't mind. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
1752 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like the battle scenes! nice to see how their powers come into play!
1752 streak #10
Chapter 4: nice! i really like reading this super power perspective!