Chapter 13 - The Labs

Project IZ*ONE

Two days ago...

"YURI! NO!" Those were the last words Yuri heard before being taken away by Jurina. The next few hours were a blur, but she at least registered they were moving her some place. She couldn't be too sure how far they'd traveled though because she'd lost consciousness at some point while being dragged through the dark.

When she woke up the first time, she was at the back of a van, tied and gagged, for obvious reasons. Jurina was gone, and she had two Korean guards with her. The hell? What are they doing with her?" She asked herself. Yuri struggled against her bonds, but the guards noticed. They looked at each other and laughed.

"What's so special about this girl anyway?" One asked his colleague. He looked at her with such contempt and hate, as if she were less than a human. Yuri shook around some more, managing to land a kick in the man's groin, causing him to grunt in pain.

"Why you little !" He motioned towards her, but was held back by the second guard.

"Are you an idiot? You heard what the Japanese chick said, 'This girl is important'." Oh, I guess I'm special now. Yuri thinks while rolling her eyes.

"Aish, she never specified what shape she had to be in when she arrived." He moves closer and shoves Yuri towards the van windows, tinted black to hide from onlookers. "Not scared? It's no fun if you don't scream." The guard says menacingly. Just as he's about to take off the cloth covering , his partner grabs his arm and pulls him back. Yuri sighs disapprovingly. That idiot almost fell for it.

"I guess you are an idiot. Don't you also remember what her power is? We are under no circumstances, supposed to ungag her ourselves." The guard simply shrugs him off and settles back into his seat. While this happens, the other man takes out a set of syringes from a pack next to him and approaches Yuri.

"This won't hurt a bit..." He says, sarcasm evident in his tone. He plunges the needle into Yuri's neck, a sharp pain emanating from it, and she becomes woozy. Her eyelids begin to turn heavy, and as much as she tries to fight off the drowsiness induced by whatever drug that was, it gets the best of her, causing her to pass out once again.

When Yuri awakens, she finds herself in a cubic room with a concrete wall behind her, a glass barrier in front of her and metal bars on her left and right. She isn't bound and gagged anymore and was laying on an old rickety bed that didn't feel comfortable at all, so she got up and stretched. Where the hell am I? She thought.

Suddenly, she hears footsteps echoing towards her. Yuri makes sure to quiet down and wait to see what she's dealing with. Eventually, a Korean woman in a lab coat appears on the other side of the cell flanked by two Japanese soldiers. The woman looked familiar to Yuri, and she realizes it was the woman they'd met in the other base.

"You and your friends caused us a lot of trouble at the last base." The woman chides. "We're lucky we managed to compensate for our losses with you at least." She adds in a demeaning tone.

"Yah, you let me go this instant!" Yuri says, trying to muster up as much bravado and courage as possible. The woman just chuckles, clearly unaffected. She points to her ear and Yuri notices a fancy looking ear piece on both of them.

"I can't hear anything you say right now, but I'm sure you can hear me. Since your group destroyed what we were working on in the original base, we're going to have to recreate things, and you'll be very helpful with that." She punches in a code into what Yuri presumes is the lock, and the cell begins to open. Yuri takes this chance to shout more orders, but they all seemed unaffected. The two guards walk in and tie and bound her up again as she's escorted away. The sleek silver hall seems to go on forever, passing by many other cells, some empty, some containing more prisoners. More mutants. She presumes. They all looked very drained and tired, laying on their beds not really knowing what to do. She hoped that her stay here wouldn't be as long.

Yuri's eventually led into a clinic-like room. Its walls were a bright white, and there were tables with some pretty scary tools scattered on them. As if reading her thoughts, the Korean woman responded for her. "If you think we're dissecting you, you're wrong. We need you in one piece." Yuri's yelling all sorts of curses at them right now, but they were unfazed. The two guards then grab and bind her to a table in the center covered with stains of what Yuri hoped was just water.

"We're just gonna need a little bit of this." The doctor says as she grabs a needle and inserts it into Yuri's left shoulder. She's really starting to dislike those things. Yuri stifles a yelp as she sees her blood being sapped into the tube. She really felt like a guinea pig to these people, and she wasn't happy about it at all. If only she could let her voice out...

Before she passes out a third time, she manages to get a good look at one of the monitors in the room. It was open on a file labeled 'weaponry'. That can't be good.


The next time Yuri comes around, she's back in her cell. As she gets up, she feels a dull pain around her shoulder. Yuri sighs, seeing a bandage wrapped around it. So, it wasn't just a dream. She really had been abducted and tested on. When she turns to her right, she sees a boy curled up on his bed in the cell next to her. He looks as drained as she does and quite young judging by his face and messy brown curly hair. It looked like he'd been here a while.

Yuri makes her way to the wall and tries to get the kid's attention. "Pstt! Hey you, over here!" She whisper shouts.

The boy grumbles once he hears the disturbance. He gets up and rubs his eyes to get a better look at who's calling him over. "Oh, are you the new girl?" He asks.

Yuri simply skips over the question. "Where the hell are we?"

"Hmm, interesting, I guess you were taken from another city." He says quietly. "We're in underground Myeong-dong right now. It's some kind of test lab for a group of Japanese and Koreans."

"What? So they had more bases?" She wonders aloud. This piques the boy's interest.

"What do you mean, 'more bases'?" He asks gingerly.

"I was on a team that just destroyed one yesterday, but they managed to take me at the last second." She responds.

"No...this can't be right." The boy mumbles to himself. "There's already so many of us here. You're telling me that there's more bases just like this one?" The kid's age is showing because he's starting to sound a little scared and anxious.

"Unfortunately, yes." Yuri assumes. "What exactly do they do here anyway?"

The boy points to her shoulder as if that's the obvious answer. "They took your blood sample to test it. They want to create weapons based on our powers. It's crazy." He says while shaking his head.

"Wait, so how long have you been here...uhm, sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm Yuri." Yuri stumbles slightly embarrassed for not getting that out of the way first.

"I assume you didn't catch it because you never asked." The boy says with a chuckle. "But, my name's Hyeongjun, and I've been locked up here for maybe...two weeks? It's hard to tell when you've been underground so long."

"I value being alive and all, but if they just needed a blood sample, why'd they still keep you around?"

"Simple, so they can test the toys they invent on us." He says with a resentful tone. At that moment, footsteps could be heard approaching the cells. Hyeongjun immediately shushes Yuri and pretends to still be asleep.

"Song Hyeongjun, it's time for the daily experiments." The Korean lady from before said with a smirk. Once again, her guards step into the cell and yank Hyeongjun out of bed. He resisted, but was quickly overpowered.

"Yah! You sons of es, you're gonna regret this!" He yelled defiantly, but it was no use.

"Remember, boy, your powers are very important to our research here, so you are still useful to us." What power could that kid possibly have? Yuri thinks to herself. Her train of thought is interrupted though, when the scientist calls her attention as well.

"Don't think we forgot about you, young lady. You just got here, so we'll need to run more tests." With that, two more guards are sent in to restrain Yuri and take her away.


It goes without saying that the day was horrible. The tests Yuri was subjected to were way harder to deal with than the simple blood sample taken the day prior. She was first brought into a new room filled with machinery and computers where guards strapped her down and put her through an x-ray. These people really wanted to know what made mutants tick. While looking around, Yuri saw a mix of Japanese and Korean scientists and guards. It really ticked her off to be honest. To think, the one thing that could bring together Koreans and Japanese was their mutual hate for mutants, it was just sickening.

At this point, she's already lost track of time. Yuri was sure she'd been in the place for at least 24 hours, but she couldn't tell if it was night or day. Hyeongjun was still nowhere to be seen since being taken earlier either, so she was all alone between two empty cells.

Okay, Yuri. Calm down. She thinks to herself. Yuri may have been captured, but she was smart enough to at least try to put the pieces together on what exactly was going on. She had confidence that the others would come and save her eventually, and she wanted to make sure she had information to offer in return.

So, there is a group of Koreans who agreed to work with the Japanese to create weapons to destroy mutants. This appears to be the main base since it's significantly larger than the other one, and they not only use data on us to develop counter-weapons, but they use live mutants to test on. The more Yuri thinks about it, the more nervous she gets. "We can't let these things see the light of day..." She whispers under her breath.

Suddenly, she hears a loud explosion further away in the base. What was that...? The lights start flickering on and off as a row of soldiers runs down the hall past her.

"Yena." She says to herself. It had to be her. That must mean the others are here too. To be honest, she was surprised at how fast her friends got here because it couldn't have been more than a couple days since she was abducted. Yuri felt useless though because there was no way for her to get out of her cell and help. They were here to save her, and all she could do was sit and wait.

After a couple agonizingly long minutes, the hall quiets down and the lights go back to normal. Whatever fight was going on is done. Yuri was confused. Normally, the play would be to use the big fight as a distraction to find her and the other prisoners, but no one came. When she hears the sound of footsteps, she runs up to the gate, expecting to see her friends, but she is left in shock. The woman from earlier was leading a row of soldiers to the cell next to hers, and in their arms was...Yena.

"I'll be honest, I expected a much more coordinated attack." The scientist says amused, and with that, she walks away.

They must've used Yena as a distraction, that must be it. Yeah... Yuri tries to rationalize what she was seeing. Yena was wrapped with rubber padding and thrown into a cell, unconscious. While she was circling her room, worrying about Yena, one thought was nagging her at the back of her head. Where are the others.


Now that Yuri had time to think about it, she felt really guilty of how she got angry at Yena the night before. The only positive she could see was that at least their friends were now more likely to speed up the planning to save both of them. Even so, that could backfire greatly if the scientists actually did finish the anti-mutant weapons.

"Who's the new girl?" A voice interrupts Yuri's train of thought. She turns and sees Hyeongjun back in his cell.

"Oh, you're back. Are you okay?" She asks.

"Well, it could've been worse. At least I'm still alive." It's only then that she notices new poorly-bandaged bruises on him. They really didn't show any compassion here, even towards children. "Anyway, you haven't answered my question. Who's that new girl?"

Yuri sighs. "It's a long story, but she's with me." The sound of chatter eventually causes Yena to stir. Yuri, quick to notice, rushes over to the opposite side of her cell and calls over to her.

"Yena, you feeling better?" She asks.

Yena groans as she tries to gather her bearings. She reaches for her head to scratch an itch when she realizes her arm wasn't moving. What the...oh...that's right. She turns and sees a very worried Yuri staring at her with puppy eyes.

"Yena, can you hear me? I asked if you feel better now." She asks again.

Yena, still groggy, lazily responds. "Yeah, of course. Now that I can hear your voice." Yuri's face reddens at that. "That's not what I meant, you idiot."

Hyeongjun snickers from his cell. "Smooth..." Yuri, hearing this, turns and chides the younger boy.

"Aaanyway...Hyeongjun, this is Yena. She's from the same place I came from, and helped out blowing up the other base." Yuri then turns to Yena who had just managed to get herself awake and introduces Hyeongjun to her. The three then begin to relay the information they know with each other, from the weapons being tested in the lab rooms, to Eunbi and the others' plan to break them all out.

"It sounds to me that it's gonna be very tough, but I'm confident the others can break in if they go together." Yena says.

"I agree, but if they all get hit by the nullifier smoke bomb they used on you, it's over." Hyeongjun warns. "Are your powers back though?" He asks after.

Yena can't do anything with the rubber insulating her, but she can definitely feel the electricity flowing through her again. "Yes, I just need to get out of this wrap. Wait, how come?"

Hyeongjun's expression becomes more relieved. "Good, that means they haven't perfected it yet. That weapon is meant to suppress your powers for longer than a few hours. I should know because it's my D.N.A being used to make it." The two girls are shocked at that piece of information.

"So, you're saying your ability is suppressing mutant powers?" Yuri asks to which he nods.

"I can normally blend in with normal people, but they managed to catch me when I was with my friends. They were mutants, so they assumed I was too. Lucky guess..." He says resentfully before continuing.

"Your friends better arrive soon before they can really perfect that weapon." After that ominous warning, the trio continue to talk and discuss before the guards come by for the daily testing again.


Chaewon and Hitomi had been sneaking from the west corridor for a few minutes now. They'd been following Yena's trail of destruction-smashed lights, scorched walls, some blood stains here and there. The guards certainly hadn't had the time to clean everything up completely yet. Hitomi walks up and touches one of the marks on the wall. Cold. Must've been a couple hours at the least. She thinks to herself.

"Damn, I swear if Yena didn't take Yuri out of this place already." Chaewon huffs.

"Don't be too sure. We don't know what could be in here waiting for us." Hitomi warns.

"Yeah, I know, I know. Let's just see where the trail leads."

Eventually, the marks seem to stop showing up, and the two are left to wonder what happened. It's as if Yena had just disappeared, leaving them to make a decision when they reach a fork in the hall. a fork in the hall.

"I think we should check the cell area." Hitomi says. Before they split up, Sakura had done a read of the place, rigging the security cameras, and acquiring the layout of the facility. From what she recalls, there was a group of rooms labeled as cells down the hall from where the tracks end. Hitomi is suddenly shaken from her thoughts when Chaewon calls over to her frantically.

"Yah, Hii-chan! Someone's coming from the right!!" She whisper-shouts as she takes Hitomi's hand and hides themselves behind some crates. They manage to catch a snippet of the guards' conversation, but it didn't exactly relieve them.

"I still can't believe that idiot tried to take this whole place down by herself." One man jokes to his colleagues.

"In fairness, she might've pulled it off if that new weapon wasn't ready." Another responds.

"I guess you're right. Good thing we got her locked up now. I wonder how long she'll last."

"Doesn't matter. She's gonna die like all the other mutants once we get this show on the road." And with that, the voices start to trail off. Chaewon is sitting behind those crates trying to process everything. At least we know for sure now where they are. Hitomi nudges her, pointing forwards down the hall.

"They're that way." She says.

As the two continue to make their way to Yuri and Yena, Chaewon's interaction with Minjoo before splitting off kept popping up in her head. She wanted to focus, but she was really confused about the younger girl's reaction.

"Hey, Hii-chan?" Hitomi nods in response, urging her to go on. "What do you think is up with Minjoo? She seemed pretty upset with me." She just sighs.

"Really? Unnie, no offense, but how dense are you exactly." Chaewon ponders to herself suddenly recalling her small chit-chats with Minjoo, the way Minjoo broke her gaze away when they were left staring at each other. When she finally puts the pieces together, she is both relieved and amused at the same time.

"No she jealous of you?" She asked to the younger. Hitomi only returns a knowing smile. Chaewon just giggles in response. "Oh, now that is just so cute!" It was a wonder how no guard managed to sneak up on them while they were waltzing down that hall with Chaewon laughing the whole way.

"I don't get it though, she knows I like her too, right?" Hitomi's blank expression speaks volumes. "...right?" Suddenly, Chaewon starts to doubt herself.

"I'll let you ponder that on your own because we've made it." She points at a locked door with a sign labeled, 'Mutant Cells'. The only problem was the guard next to it. "We need a way in..." Hitomi reaches into a pouch she'd brought and sprinkles some soil and a couple seeds on the ground. A small vine begins to sprout and snakes closer towards the guard, and with a quick hand movement, it envelops the man, restraining him. Chaewon sends a clone out of the hiding spot to keep watch as she skips her way over to the guard, picking his pocket for the card key. "Thank you, good sir." He would've had some choice words for her if his mouth hadn't been covered by the vines.


Yuri, Yena and Hyeongjun were still in deep discussion on what was going on when they heard a click, meaning someone had entered the cell hall.

"Oh great, looks like it's testing time. They must've finished cleaning up the mess you made last night." Hyeongjun says to Yena. It felt like they'd finally cut them some slack seeing how it's been a couple hours since the day had begun, or well, at least he thought it was past noon already.

"What can I say? I try my best to leave a mark." She jokes.

"If you weren't tied up, and I wasn't stuck in this cell, I'd..." Yuri begins to say but is cut off.

"'d come over and give me a hug because you missed me, right?" At this point Yuri has run out of words. Hyeongjun is just in his cell chuckling at the display.

"Anyway...what's taking them so long?" Yuri wonders out loud. It was then that a familiar face turns the corner and comes face to face with them.


"Yuri?! Yena?! Oh my god, we finally found you guys! Hii-chan! Over here!" She calls over to her partner.

"I guess I really underestimated your friends, didn't I?" Hyeongjun says.

"And who are you supposed to be, kid?" Chaewon barks back.

"Chill, Chaewon." Yuri jokes to her. "He's important, we gotta get all these people out of here." She points to the row of rooms past her. Chaewon nods and uses the card they'd stolen to open up the cells one by one, starting at the end at Yuri's request. She gives Chaewon and Hitomi a big hug when she's finally let out, but when they open Yena's cell and unwrap her from her rubber restraints, the first thing Yuri does is give her a big smack on the shoulder.

"Aish, you don't have to be so-" Yena is cut off by the younger girl now giving her a tight embrace as well.

"You dumb duck...I really thought it would be the end for me down here, and once I saw you got caught too...I almost lost it. You worried me so much!" Yuri says, quietly sobbing into the older's shoulder, the emotion finally released. Yena could only pat her shoulder, hugging her back.

"I hate to be the one to ruin this moment, but we gotta go." Chaewon advises despite having a longing feeling for a certain someone seeing these two finally reunited with each other.

"She's right. No telling how quick they'll be to find out what's going on." Hyeongjun says. As fate may have it, that was not the case as red alarms begun to blare throughout the facility.

"Let's get a move on guys!" Hitomi leads the other prisoners towards the exits, trying to keep everyone calm and organized. When it looks like everyone had cleared out, Yuri finally let's go of Yena.

"Aww, letting go already? I thought you never would," Yena jokes. Yuri looks at Chaewon saying, "You sure we can't just tie her up again?" Chaewon laughs, grabbing both their arms and pulling them along. "We can't let another one of us get captured, now can we?" And with that, the three begin running down the hall after Hitomi and the others.


"Unnie, what exactly are we looking for?" Wonyoung asks to their leader. They'd been sneaking around the east corridor for a while now with no clear goal. Eunbi simply told the group to follow her lead.

"We're almost there. Just be a bit more patient." She responds. Wonyoung looks to Minjoo for an explanation, but she's as much in the dark as her.

Eventually, after a few twists and turns, they come across a couple white rooms with large windows. Inside, there were many vials of chemicals, random trinkets and equipment. Eunbi turns to the others and mouths something to them. The Testing Rooms.

Looking closer into them, Chaeyeon sees men and women in white lab coats studying some dangerous looking weapons. Are these the things they're trying to use on us? She asks to herself.

When they're sure the coast was somewhat clear, Eunbi motions Minjoo to cause a distraction. She nods and wills herself to turn invisible as she walks up to the door and opens it. The scientists inside are surprised by it, looking around in confusion. The Koreans mumble to each other as Minjoo knocks over a few stands and picks up a few pieces of equipment. Now they were getting scared, believing it was something supernatural. Wonyoung joins in the fun, picking stuff up with her mind and waving them around as well. Most of the scientists rush out as a random grenade begins to fly around.

Just when they think they scared everyone off, Chaeyeon catches a guard speaking into his walkie-talkie in Japanese. It wasn't a call for help, she was fairly sure she heard the word 'invisible'. Oh no... The guard picks up a pair of goggles from a table and puts them on, aiming at empty space. "NO!" Chaeyeon speeds in right towards the man as he began to shoot. She managed to knock him out, but Minjoo only barely managed to evade the shots. She falls to the ground, clutching her shoulder which appears to have been grazed by a bullet. Eunbi leads Wonyoung into the labs to tend to Minjoo's wounds.

"Oh my god, Minjoo, I am so sorry!" Eunbi's motherly side comes out as she looks all over her for extra injuries. Minjoo only chuckles. "At least I managed to do something."

"Guys, I think you might want to have a look at these..." Wonyoung says as she looks over some of the weapons left on the tables. Some look like fairly simple smoke bombs, while others looked like heavy artillery.

"We need to take some of these things with us to study." Eunbi orders. "These things are made to kill us, so we have to learn what makes them work." At that, the alarm starts ringing from the halls as well. The group grabs as much as they can before running off towards the exit. They didn't get very far though. Just as they were crossing an intersection, a group of soldiers cut them off. Wonyoung and Minjoo are ahead while Chaeyeon and Eunbi are on the wrong side.

"Minjoo! Wonyoung! Keep running! We can handle them!" Eunbi yelled out. Wonyoung has this look of defiance on her, but she concedes seeing as Minjoo is still hurt. "Unnie! You better make it back!" And with that, the two run off ahead.

Before the soldiers can turn and shoot, Eunbi lands a big uppercut to one of them, knocking him down. Chaeyeon speeds around the others, beating them up before they had a chance to blink. The two end up splitting, taking on the soldiers separately.

Suddenly, a projectile is thrown towards them by one of the remaining soldiers. Out of habit, Chaeyeon catches it, expecting to be fast enough to throw it away before it can blow up. She was shocked though when the grenade started to release gas into the halls.

"What is this? A smoke bomb isn't stopping us from kicking your asses!" Chaeyeon taunts as she gets ready to finish them off, but she pauses when she realize she can't speed up. "What the..." She's cut short by being hit with the of a soldier's gun. Chaeyeon is on the ground, suddenly not having the energy to get up. The soldiers laugh, thinking they'd won until Eunbi came out of the smoke with a roundhouse kick. She takes a deep breath, inadvertently inhaling the 'smoke', but is seemingly unaffected. Eunbi cracks her knuckles and gets to work, knocking out the rest of them before going to Chaeyeon's side to aid her.

"What was that?" She asks groggily.

"Some kind of power-nullifier probably?" Eunbi guesses.

"Then why are you fine?" Chaeyeon slowly asks as the answer slowly dawns on her. "Wait, don't tell me..." Eunbi only nods, knowing what she'd just realized.

"C'mon, we can't let them use those things on the others." Chaeyeon was still confused, but agreed, running right behind Eunbi as they continued to make their way to the elevator.


Hyewon was unsure what Sakura had found, but it couldn't have been good given her grim expression. "You got everything you needed?" She asks.

Sakura nods and turns towards the rows of servers before saying. "We have to make sure they can't rerun this data." The alarms were still ringing in their ears, but Hyewon got the message. She takes up a power stance and fires of rays of ice covering the whole room. She gives a signal to Nako who then goes to the closest server and punches right through it, causes a chain reaction of shattering ice.

"Yeah, they're not gonna be able to recover this." Yujin says with a chuckle as the group runs off.

By some of luck, they run into a group of soldiers escorting a group of scientists out. Sakura turns to her friends saying, "We gotta get one of them to question!"

Yujin then focuses her energy, feeling for the liquid in the area, from the pipes to the water dispensers, and releases it towards the fleeing group. The guards slip and fall down leaving the scientists to run on their own. Like they did before though, Hyewon chains her ice with Yujin's water and freezes their feet in place. Nako then makes a quick grab for the closest scientist and knocks her out. Before the guards can regain their balance, Hyewon freezes off the hall they were in, blocking them out.

Nako looks at the scientist they captured and recognizes her from the first lab. "Bingo."


"Single file everyone!" Chaewon orders to the escaped prisoners. She'd split herself into three to be able to handle everyone better. There was only one elevator they knew of, and they were running out of time. So far, it looked like the guards were distracted by their other friends, but they didn't even know how they were faring.

Suddenly from the north hall they manage to see Sakura's group running towards them. They each take turns hugging Yuri and giving Yena a smack on the shoulder, but it still wasn't the time to have their guards down.

"Sakura, is there anyway you can boost this thing? It's too slow." Yuri asks.

"I mean, if these guys don't have a full stomach, and don't get easily nauseous, then sure." She says while looking at the group of people in front of her. A pang of guilt was nagging her in the back of her head. Those missions they made you go through...some of them ended up in places like this. She tries to shake her thoughts away, and walks over to the elevator, feeling around it.

"Hii-chan, you should accompany everyone up top to guide them. The plants will be much closer that way too." Chaewon says. Hitomi only nods, understanding the situation. "Aw, thanks! I know we can count on you!"

"I'll accompany her up top as well just in case something wrong happens!" Nako says out of nowhere. The group didn't see why not; it's good to not be alone. Hitomi smiles, appreciating the company.

After the two Japanese girls head up with another group, Chaewon starts to get worried. Where are you Minjoo? Standing next to her, Sakura also worried about Chaeyeon. Eunbi's group still hadn't returned.

The rest of the group was left to fend off any more guards that showed up which they did fairly well. As long as they had a clear line of sight, which these long corridors provided, they couldn't be surprised. This didn't last for long though as all of a sudden, things turned quiet for a second too long. Yena instinctively turns and fires a lightning bolt towards empty air.

"Yena? What's wrong?" Yuri asks

"Get behind me!" She beckons her over in response. "She's here!" As if on cue, one of the Chaewons is swept off her feet as if an invisible force had blown past her. A quiet whisper revolves around the group as the darkness begins to grow.

"Give me the scientist and I'll let you all get out..." Hyewon focuses and fires her ice blast into empty air as well.

"We know you're here Jurina!" Sakura says, staying focused in her task of speeding up the elevator.

"Oh...and here I was thinking I could pull a fast one on you all..." At this, she pops out of the shadows, landing a quick punch on Yena, sending her to the ground.

"YENA!" Yuri yells, rushing over to her friend.

Jurina then surgically takes on everyone else one by one. Even Hyewon couldn't do much against an almost invisible target. Soon, only Sakura and Yuri are left standing on both feet. Jurina materializes again in front of them, a smug smile on her face.

"I'll be taking the scientist now, please." She says, walking towards the unconscious body they were defending. In hindsight, they should've told Nako to take her up top with the first group.

"NO!" Yuri yells defiantly. Jurina suddenly finds herself frozen in place. She tries to push forward, but nothing happens. It's as if her body refused to do what her mind wanted.

"You will not hurt my friends more than you already have! Go away!" Yuri lets out all her emotion, the pain she's felt from only being in the labs a couple days. She can only imagine how much torture Hyeongjun and the others went through. Jurina's body slowly began to walk away against her own will. Eventually, with an annoyed look on her face, she disappears and doesn't leave a trace.

"Yuri, that was great!" Yena says hugging on to Yuri tightly. As the group tries to regain their bearings, Sakura announces that the last group of prisoners is heading on board the elevator. Hyeongjun walks up to Yuri as well, nodding before whispering to her and handing something off. He steps into the elevator and heads up. Now, all they had to do was wait for Eunbi's team.

Eventually, Chaewon catches a glimpse of a pair of girls running from the east corridor, and she begins sprinting to meet them half way. It's Wonyoung running with Minjoo leaning on her shoulder, a bit of blood seeping through her right sleeve.

"Oh my god! Min, are you alright?" All the Chaewons surround her, checking on her injuries and asking her if she was okay. On the other hand, Wonyoung looks expectantly at Yujin who's still dusting herself off from their encounter with Jurina.

"What's with the look?" She asks confused. "Where are Eunbi and Chaeyeon?" Wonyoung simply sighs.

"They told us they could handle it and told me to help Minjoo get over here." She eventually replies.

"Thank goodness! We're gonna take the elevator out the second they arrive!" Yujin cheers.

"Aren't you gonna check on me?" Wonyoung mumbles.

"Did you say something?"

"Oh, it was nothing." On the inside, Wonyoung is feeling jealous staring fondly at Chaewon babying Minjoo and Yena and Yuri not letting go of each other.

When Chaeyeon and Eunbi finally caught up, they were signaling everyone to get into the elevator already, and rightfully so because they were being tailed by several guards. Wonyoung notices that Chaeyeon was walking with a weird limp, as if she couldn't run that fast. Instead of going into the elevator, the youngest raises her hands and pushes forward, blowing away all the security giving chase to them. That gives the two enough time to slide into the elevator before it closed. Sakura holds onto the control panel and wills the cart to move upwards while Yena prepares to shut down the rest of the facility, rubbing her hands together to make a charge.

"Thanks for the help, Wonyoungie!" Eunbi says when things finally settle down. The group sighs collectively, the mission a complete success. They got the data, destroyed the rest of it, captured a scientist to help interpret said data and most importantly, they saved Yuri. A wave of relief settled down on the eldest specifically as the group had finally completely accomplished a mission. She couldn't be more proud. Eunbi takes a good look at the captured scientist again, and wonders about the events of the day, especially with that grenade they threw at them. I'm gonna have to tell the girls the truth eventually.... From there, the elevator simply moves up in silence, as everyone rests.


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1752 streak #1
Need to get back to reading this!! So many chapters to catch up on!!!!
new subscriber here!
will read this
1752 streak #4
Chapter 13: wow!!!
1752 streak #5
Chapter 11: wow yena's backstory gave me the feel!!
1752 streak #6
Chapter 10: the battle scenes are really drawing me in!!
1752 streak #7
Chapter 9: getting good!!!!
Hey! I really like your story! I would like to translate it into Russian, if you don't mind. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
1752 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like the battle scenes! nice to see how their powers come into play!
1752 streak #10
Chapter 4: nice! i really like reading this super power perspective!