
She Calls Me Darling

"Jisoo!" Rose was horrified out of her mind when the latter fell splat to the floor like a dummy physics doll. SHe wasn't expecting that her target would faint on her like this, and now she would probalby have to call the medics or something.

But then Rose remembered her CPR training from university and proceeded to attempt to rouse her. "We might have to do mouth to mouth," she mumbled and leaned in closer, her eyes trained on Jisoo's lips.

As soon as their mouths touched, Jisoo jolted and crashed her forehead into Rose's, causing her to fall back down adn Rose to curl on the floor away from her. "OW WHAT THE !" rose snapped. 

"WHAT THE TO YOU TOO!" Jisoo retorted and scrabbled to her feet. "You can't just kiss me and show your s to the whole world like that!"

Rose suddenly acted as if nothing happened and hopped to her feet. "You like em?" she purred.

"No. what the...just let me go, ok? I don't even know you." Jisoo didn't even turn back when she exited the room.

The other girl pouted while staring at the door slammed shut, but then giggled to herself. "You won't get away from me that easily, baby J! heheheheheh!"


"M-marry you?" Wendy stammered her cheeks flushing red.

Irene laughed. "I just want to see you flustered. It's very cute."

Wendy's jaw dropped to the floor and she had half a mind to slam the door in Irene's face for playing her like that. Well, two could play at that game, she thought and simply did not respond to her.

The latter's face fell and she got back up on her feet, still holding the box  which she held out to Wendy. "It's a gift for you." She opened it and presented the contents inside. "Couple's rings." She held up her hand to show the matching ring.

Isn't it too soon? Wendy wanted to say. Despite their kissing and the few dates they went on, she felt like things were moving faster. Or maybe it's cuz she hadn't been in a relationship before so this was all so new.

"Um...t-thank you." 

Irene took the liberty of taking Wendy's left hand and slipping one of the rings onto her fourth finger. DID IRENE EVEN KNOW? 

"Do you like it?" Irene asked.

"I've never had one of these."

Irene seemed pleased. "We're officially a couple now."

Wendy wanted to laugh because it sounded like Irene thought that these rings were confirmation. But, then she realized that now Irene really had confirmed their relationship.

Omg. we're dating for real....


"HAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!" Joy was practically rolling on the floor once Wendy relayed what just happened. "OH MY GOD! THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME!"

Wendy frowned but held her hand out to inspect the ring Irene put on for her. She hadn't taken it off yet. The feeling of Irene's gentle warm hands handling her own...it was unforgettable and so unreal. 

"So what happened after that?" Joy asked and gave her hungry eyes for the tea.

"We're going for a date tomorrow," Wendy replied.

"Another dinner date? Cuz it sems like you always do those."

"No, actually. She said it's a surprise so...yeah."


Irene was so used to all work and no 'play', remaining serious and cold to protect her reputation. It was easier then to have no obligations, not even to care if someone didn't like her or her leadership.  She knew she was scary to others around her. That's why no one dared to say anything malicious to her face. 

Anyway, what mattered was that she was raking income and getting paychecks to her employees. And that was a lot of dollar signs. 

But now that she met Wendy..hehe. well. nothing changed. not really.

Nothign changed at work. She was still the same cold workaholic CEO Bae.

With Wendy, she was reduced to confusion because she didn't know how to act as a "normal" girlfriend. After years of putting up a stone cold face, she didn't really know how to be..well, anything other than that as she had been single up until now. Sure, she'd had a dinner or two with some other businessmen, but that was strictly bsuiness. 

Most people would have assumed Irene would be in the market for some other successful business people. It could have been true if Irene stooped that low - the irony.

There really wasn't anyone like Wendy, though. 

actually,she had been aware of Wendy way before the convention. Teh convention was their first time interacting with each other. Teh time before that, Irene could only observe, and she could learn lots of things just by watching.

Wendy was busy, running around at Sehun's requests, all while having the pateince to help people outside of her duties. 

If it were anyone under Irene, they would have done only the tasks she requested to be on time, not late. 

Yes, Wendy would sometimes be under schedule because of extra things she did. Like the one time she helped an old lady with her groceries. Or helped a kid find a lost cat.

How did she know that? Well, Irene just happened to be on the other side of the street enjoying a hot coffee. 

Perfect wife material.

Irene was looking forward to her first real date as a confirmed girlfriend with Wendy. She reallly wanted ti to be special. They were going to Irene's private vacation home for a date where they would be unbothered by anyone. Since it was the weekend, Irene figured they would check out the nearby area - basically Irene wanted to show Wendy all the cool things.

They could take nice relaxing walks at the parkside trails, they could go out for a coffee at a very special coffee house, eat out if they wanted, and rest at the vacation home far away from work.


Wendy was a bit nervous for the dinner date. Irene was goin to pick her up right after owkr so she wouldn't have tiem to change into something more suitable for a date with Bae. However, Irene did tell her not to worry about being formal.

"Just be comfortable," Irene told her on a phone call. "We're not doing anything fancy. It's going to be a nice relalxing three day weekend."

Well, Wendy thought nothing of the last part. That is, until Irene came knocking on her door dressed in business casual because she is Irene Bae after all. Wendy had opted to go with jeans and a nice shirt, and she felt like a teenager compared to Irene.

"Um hi." Wendy felt heat rising to her cheeks when Irene leaned in to kiss her.

The older woman paused and gently brushed back WEndy's locks behind her ear. "Hi," she murmured. "Can I kiss you?"


"On your lips," Irene replied.

"Um...yes." Wendy felt her heart racing when Irene pressed her lips to hers. But she pulled away before it got too deep. She didn't want someone to catch her kissing at work, even though her shift was over.

Right, Wendy was finished earlier today as requested by Irene actually. She normally finished at 7 or 8p, but she took off at 4:30. It sounded like IRene had some big plans.


Turns out Wendy's suspicions were right. Irene drove them out to the middle of nowhere - just kdiding, they went to the Han River for a picnic. Wow, Wendy hadn't gone on one since seh was a kid. Not too many people were there yet whne they got there so it was pretty quiet as they enjoyed some food that Irene asked her mom to make.

"She's a better cook than me," Irene admitted. "But I thought homecooked meals would be better than eating out all the time."

"It's really delicious."

Irene's eyes glowed. "I'm glad. I'll ask her to make more for you."

"Oh - oh no, it's alright!" Wendy felt bad. "I don't need to eat it all the time, Irene. Thanks...thank you for doing this."

"Want some water?"

Wendy nodded. Anything ot keep her hands and mind occupied because she was still fidgety and nervous around this woman. Irene was warm and kind to her, but they ahdn't gone any deeper than that - maybe because I'm so jumpy all the time. Also by deep, meaning really getting ot know each other. But she supposed everyone had been so busy, they didn't have time to really talk.

Still, Irene made many advancements towards her. As Joy said, it must be clear signs that Irene was romantically intersted. And she literally asked her out before leaivng on the trip.

Why am I having doubts?

"Um...about marriage..."

"Another joke?" Wendy said. 

"Er...would you want - want to marry me" Irene asked. "not a joke this time," she added.

Oh Irene and her surprises. 

Wendy chose her next words carefully because she didn't want to sound eman. "Isn't it too soon to be thnking about that?" Wendy asked.

"Is it?" Irene looked a little confused.

"W-well, we barely even started dating."

"Then how long should we wait?"

"I dunno....maybe a couple years...?"

Irene frowned. "But..that's too long."

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind. You're probably right." Irene turned away from her while sipping some water. 


After their little picnic, they walked along the Han River where the cherry blossoms were blooooming beautifully and getting cuaght in their hair. It was like a cherry blossom flurry.

"It's a little windy," Wendy said while spitting cherry blossoms out of .

"You're right. Let's go somewhere else. I dn't want you to get a chill." Irene wrapped an arm around her shoulders to keep warm. "Coffee?"

"Yes please."


Jennie couldn't believe her eyes. Irene Bae and Wendy Son really were together!

It made her blood boil.

What did Wendy have that she didn't? Jennie went to a prestigious university, had prestigious scholarship and high marks in all her eyars there. She was livid.

Irene doesn't even NOTICE ME!!! 

Also she was super pissed at Jisoo because Jisoo was suposed to be stalking Irene and came back empty handed. Apparently her friend claimed she had been kidnapped by some girl named after a wine.

She stalked Irene and WEndy at the Han River and then followed closely when they drove off to a coffee shop. Jennie put on some shades and covered her face with a scarf. She watched the couple satnd in line and order some drinks. 

They sat in a corner and chatted about something. Jennie couldn't hear anything over the chit chat to her left and the radio on her right. 

She coudln't believe it when Irene had teh audacity to lean over and hold WEndy's hand across the table.

The woman stood up abruptly simultaneously knocking her drink off the table, and catching everyone's attnetion accept Irene and Wendy. 

"Uughm sorry," she grunted and left the coffee shop much to the barista's annoyance because Jennie left the mess out of embarrassment.


"Thanks for tonight," Wendy said when Irene took her home.

"I had fun," Irene told her. "Did you?"

Wendy nodded and started to pull her hand away to unlcok her unit. BUt Irene didn't let go. 

"Can I kiss you?" Irene said, which made Wendy very amused. Irene never asked before until now, but Wendy wasn't going to not let Irene kiss her.

It was very soft and warm, and Irene gently cupped Wendy's cheek as their kiss prolonged.

"See you tomorrow?" IRene breathed whne they pulled away.


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I'm keeping the video game and will not buy any other game until May when I'm done. unless steam has a huge sale for like 80% off hahahahaha. jk.


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Chapter 10: Could it be because of Irene pulling some strings? Or Eunbi is someone she knows or she's a competitor?
2072 streak #2
1692 streak #3
Chapter 1: I'm bookmarked this to read later~
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 10: Oooh somethings brewing... Eunbi being her new boss... feels like a jealous bunny would come out
Riscark #5
Chapter 10: I ain't gonna lie, I kinda forgot what's happening since it's been too long, but I get the gist of it. I wonder, could it be Irene pulled some string to help wendy get her new job?
blanketlove 93 streak #6
Chapter 10: yay thanks for updating!! im still here
Leo0209 #7
Chapter 10: Is irene jealous? Is something else happening? When is wendy gonna find out? I’m curious!
2072 streak #8
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update!
luisainer #9
Chapter 9: I really like this fic looking forward to new updates so you awesome
Junariya #10
Chapter 9: Author nim please continue update the story.